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Hey Jen, my ped and derm said absolutly NO BABY OIL, can break skin out even more! And she also said that Cetaphil is too harsh, since it is designed for acne prone skin, not for babies. What is aquaohor? I have never heard of that before. What does it do, or where can I get it? We had 2.5 % hydro, but it was so greasy, and I didn't think that it helped at all. I found that the best lotion is Vanicream. Works great and not greasy. Thank you so much for posting what your doctor said, I know that it really helps all of us out. Heidi, mom to Jeffry, Local helmet, MN eczema I took Harley to derm today. Wanted to pass on recommendations.1. Wash her with Cetaphil or Aquanil. Aquanil is less harsh of the two, is over the counter, but has to be ordered by pharmacist, unlike Cetaphil which is easily available.2. He recommended using a wet washcloth after bath. Put baby oil on it and rub it all over, then pat dry.3. He recommended putting aquaphor on her after every bath, after baby oil.4. He prescribed a stronger Hydrocortisone OINTMENT (she had 2.5% cream before) this will apply med and moisturize4. He put her on another ointment all over body. Just thought I would pass on the hints. If you have recurrent eczema, seek derm advice.'Try website, AAD.org/pamphletslook under atopic dermatitisJen For more plagio info

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  • 4 weeks later...
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When we began the protocol 2 yrs ago, I also posted this question. My son

got strange, raised, itchy, patches all over his body after starting

Valtrex. He had been on diflucan off and on for many years (one of the

problems with local docs, in that they were afraid to keep him on it long,

so he had lots of rebound episodes). Dr. Goldberg didn't think it was due

to valtrex, but couldn't be sure. I searched all the dermatology sites and

books and it looked like " tineus corpus " , which is a fungus. This was my

diagnosis, so take it for what it's worth. It was on his neck, trunk and

inner thighs, armpits and wrists. From what I remember Dr. Goldberg saying

and some other listmates is that we are " stirring things up " at first when

adding the antiviral and antifungals. When we added

nizoral, it slowly dried up. Over the years, we had many bouts of strange

rashes and ecxzema . Ever since this last one 2 yrs ago, his skin has been

beautiful and clear. Hang in there, it might be a good sign.


btw, we are on diflucan now. It is my antifungal of choice. There have

been discussions that it not only acts as an antifungal, but also might help

break down some sort of proteins. Perhaps someone out there can put more

science to this. Cheryl?


> Hello, list,


> My son has been on Diflucan for the last ten days. For the last two days

he's had a rash that looks like eczema around his mouth. Could this be

related in any way to die-off? He's never had it before. I know that

eczema can be caused by a food, but I can't for the life of me imagine what

that would be -- we've eliminated SO many things from his diet, and the

timing certainly seems suspicious. I'm going to try to get him in today to

see his ped. and will also put a call in to Dr. G's office when they open

today, but I was just wondering if anyone else had something like this

happen on an antifungal. Thanks in advance,


> Donna



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I noticed what looked like eczema after my son had been on Nizoral

for a few days...no diet changes. But it was in the classic place,

on his cheeks, and it went away within a week.

> Hello, list,


> My son has been on Diflucan for the last ten days. For the last

two days he's had a rash that looks like eczema around his mouth.

Could this be related in any way to die-off? He's never had it

before. I know that eczema can be caused by a food, but I can't for

the life of me imagine what that would be -- we've eliminated SO many

things from his diet, and the timing certainly seems suspicious. I'm

going to try to get him in today to see his ped. and will also put a

call in to Dr. G's office when they open today, but I was just

wondering if anyone else had something like this happen on an

antifungal. Thanks in advance,


> Donna



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Thanks so much for everyone's response. The rash is still there, but it hasn't

spread. It will be interesting to see if it goes away on it's own.


Re: Eczema


I noticed what looked like eczema after my son had been on Nizoral

for a few days...no diet changes. But it was in the classic place,

on his cheeks, and it went away within a week.

> Hello, list,


> My son has been on Diflucan for the last ten days. For the last

two days he's had a rash that looks like eczema around his mouth.

Could this be related in any way to die-off? He's never had it

before. I know that eczema can be caused by a food, but I can't for

the life of me imagine what that would be -- we've eliminated SO many

things from his diet, and the timing certainly seems suspicious. I'm

going to try to get him in today to see his ped. and will also put a

call in to Dr. G's office when they open today, but I was just

wondering if anyone else had something like this happen on an

antifungal. Thanks in advance,


> Donna



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One symptom of the yeast die off reaction caused by an antifungal medicine

can be an eczema like rash.

Re: Eczema


I noticed what looked like eczema after my son had been on Nizoral

for a few days...no diet changes. But it was in the classic place,

on his cheeks, and it went away within a week.

> Hello, list,


> My son has been on Diflucan for the last ten days. For the last

two days he's had a rash that looks like eczema around his mouth.

Could this be related in any way to die-off? He's never had it

before. I know that eczema can be caused by a food, but I can't for

the life of me imagine what that would be -- we've eliminated SO many

things from his diet, and the timing certainly seems suspicious. I'm

going to try to get him in today to see his ped. and will also put a

call in to Dr. G's office when they open today, but I was just

wondering if anyone else had something like this happen on an

antifungal. Thanks in advance,


> Donna



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In a message dated 4/3/03 11:13:48 AM Central Standard Time,

rmwilson@... writes:

<< One symptom of the yeast die off reaction caused by an antifungal medicine

can be an eczema like rash. >>

Has anyone seen this last more than three weeks with a yeast die-off? My

poor little guy's ears are really painful and bleeding where he has an

erupting rash where the lobes connect to the head. He's had this rash mildly

for about a year but it really flared horribly when starting Nizoral.


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In a message dated 4/3/03 9:57:18 PM Central Standard Time,

donnaaron@... writes:

<< Have you notified Dr. G's office about this? Especially if the rash

is bleeding and it's lasted so long. >>

Yes, but all I keep getting is a robotic " keep taking the medicine and submit

another report in 7-10 days. " I really haven't found them to be the least

bit helpful with most of the questions I've asked and one time when I pitched

a fit and insisted they present my concern and question to the doc, I got a

different answer back then when I actually was able to talk to the doc in a

later phone consult. Sorry, I hate to sound negative, but I've been so

frustrated with the attitude and general unhelpfulness of the staff that I've

pretty much given up on them. I'm glad Dr. G does the weekly online chats

since we do have direct access to him sometimes.


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>Googahly@... wrote:In a message dated 4/3/03 11:13:48 AM

>rmwilson@... writes:

<< One symptom of the yeast die off reaction caused by an antifungal medicine

can be an eczema like rash. >>

Has anyone seen this last more than three weeks with a yeast die-off? My

poor little guy's ears are really painful and bleeding where he has an

erupting rash where the lobes connect to the head. He's had this rash mildly

for about a year but it really flared horribly when starting Nizoral.



Hi Im not sure of what nids is even though i joined my son haas pdd can u fill

me in Annette


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> Has anyone seen this last more than three weeks with a yeast die-

off? My

> poor little guy's ears are really painful and bleeding where he has


> erupting rash where the lobes connect to the head. He's had this

rash mildly

> for about a year but it really flared horribly when starting


Have you notified Dr. G's office about this? Especially if the rash

is bleeding and it's lasted so long. I remember getting that rash

all the time when I was little; if I remember correctly, I do think

it's a type of fungus rash, if so, it definitely sounds like die-



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Of all the meds my son has taken, the antifungals have had the most obvious

effects. Maybe because he was on and off them so many times since he was

4yo (now 12), I have a clear pattern to report from. Btw, it was not my

choice to take him off the anti-fungals, it was doctors pre-Dr. Goldberg

that were afraid to keep him on them, or because he was better, took him


I think some of what yall are describing could be a rebound of yeast,

perhaps because the anti-fungal you have changed to isn't effective enough

or the dosage isn't high enough. When my son went off diflucan, he would

get a red ring around his mouth where he licked them incessently, and would

get cracks and bleeding in the corners. He even would have urinary

incontinence and where it ran down his legs, it would look burned and later

would get a rash. After many of these episodes, I tried monistat on it and

it would clear it up. Now, I talked with the doctors about suspecting it was

the yeast, but they pooh-poohed it. Said he didn't have thrush, so it

wasn't a yeast problem. They don't believe " the yeast thing " , you know.

They saw the changes with their own eyes, though. Still wouldn't go there.

Too " on the fringes " .

His behavior would go to a drunken, wild, state. Time and time again, this

would resolve after I could finally get a doctor to prescribe diflucan


Even when we change to nizoral or lamisil, his behavior would get bad again.

So, diflucan is what does best for us.

I know it is hard to know whether it is die-off, rebound, or a drug

reaction. Just wanted to share my experience that might be helpful in

helping you distinguish what is happening with your child. ----- Original

Message -----

From: " Annette Ciallella " <oliveyes63@...>

< >

Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 8:08 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Eczema

> >Oliveyes63@...

> >Googahly@... wrote:In a message dated 4/3/03 11:13:48 AM

> >rmwilson@... writes:


> << One symptom of the yeast die off reaction caused by an antifungal


> can be an eczema like rash. >>


> Has anyone seen this last more than three weeks with a yeast die-off? My

> poor little guy's ears are really painful and bleeding where he has an

> erupting rash where the lobes connect to the head. He's had this rash


> for about a year but it really flared horribly when starting Nizoral.

> Gaylen

> ------------

> Hi Im not sure of what nids is even though i joined my son haas pdd can u

fill me in Annette


> ``````````````````````````````````````````

> Responsibility for the content of this message lies strictly with

> the original author, and is not necessarily endorsed by or the

> opinion of the Research Institute.



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My boys had a similar rash and Neosporin got rid of it... just an idea.


> On 4/3/03 3:05 PM, " Googahly@... " <Googahly@...> wrote:

> He's had this rash mildly

> for about a year but it really flared horribly when starting Nizoral.

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In a message dated 4/4/03 11:29:55 AM Central Standard Time, sfglover@...


<< My boys had a similar rash and Neosporin got rid of it... just an idea. >>

Thanks for sharing but we've tried neosporin several times and it helps a

little but doesn't get rid of it. This is the most frustrating rash we've

dealt with that just lingers and lingers. We've tried a multitude of things

to get rid of it with no long-term luck. Right now, I'm using lotrimin

thinking that if it is due to a yeast die-off maybe that in combo with the

nizoral might do the trick. At least it has stopped bleeding and does seem a

little better so we'll see. I'm giving things until Monday to get better.

If they don't I guess I'll have to push for a change. Not sure what the doc

would change it to though since Curt had a horrible reaction to diflucan

years ago -- maybe lamisil.


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  • 4 weeks later...
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I used to get that rash all the time when I was a child, usually in the summer.

It was quite painful, and sometimes it bled. I believe it's fungal in nature

and related to perspiring and/or not drying thoroughly enough behind and under

my ears after bathing or washing my hair. I can't remember what my mom used to

put on it, but perhaps putting a bit of Micatin or Monostat on it might help?



There were some posts about eczema a few weeks ago and I remember someone

(was it Gaylen?) said her son had split earlobes (where the ear is

connected). My NT son has the exact same thing - it comes and goes, but has

been bad for awhile lately. He's not on any meds. Neosporin helps, but I'd

like to get to the root of the problem.

Did you ever figure out what was causing it?



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Still no resulution to this. However, I really think it is something that

occurs when his immune system is on hyper-alert since it seems to coincide

with stirring up stuff (treating virus or yeast) or allergies. Dr. G saw it

and said it looked like eczema. So far, vitamin E seems to keep it from

flaring too much but the only thing that makes it go away is Cortaid -- but

then we get a nasty week or two of immune flare-ups and worsening overall

because the steriod in the cortaid is bad for folks with viral problems. Dr.

G says do not use the steriodal creams and after some past backlashes after a

round of them, I completely understand why. Right now, we're using a combo

antifungal cream and vitamin E though I think we could probably just use the

E and have the same effect.

One mom told me that her child had this and the doc found a bad yeast

infestation inside his ear. Clearing it up by cleaning out the ear and then

using ear drops cleared up the problem. In checking, the inside of my son's

ears are fine but I'm thinking of asking the doc about using some antifungal

ear drops for a week or so just to see if it would help.


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  • 2 months later...
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> Just curious if anyone has seen an eczema flare-up on Valtrex. We

> are just starting week 3 of the Valtrex and my son's ezcema (behind

> his knees) has flared up in the last few days. It had cleared up a

> month or two ago when I took away eggs, orange juice and peanut

> butter (which he still doesn't get). He really hasn't had much

> reaction to the Valtrex otherwise...


> Thanks,

> Timary

My 4 year old son is ending week 2 of Valtrex. He developed eczema

10 days prior to starting the Valtrex. This is his first time ever

having eczema and it is on his chin. We have been GFCF as well as

free of other foods for over a year. We can't link it to anything

and can't get rid of it. Does anyone know if non-food items can

cause eczema?


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Hi -

I'm not sure what can trigger other kid's eczema, or

what initially caused my son's, for that matter. But

when we had a 10-day prescription of Diflucan for the

first time, his eczema cleared for the first time in a

year and a half and stayed gone for several months.

Now he has only the tiniest little patch, and I know

that his antifungal that he is on right now has not

been working. I think there is definitely a link for

us between eczema and fungal overgrowths. I do think

other foods also triggered it, especially red food

coloring and whole wheat, but I know you're not on

those now.

Hope it helps.

--- susanq2004 <susanq2004@...> wrote:


> > Just curious if anyone has seen an eczema flare-up

> on Valtrex. We

> > are just starting week 3 of the Valtrex and my

> son's ezcema (behind

> > his knees) has flared up in the last few days. It

> had cleared up a

> > month or two ago when I took away eggs, orange

> juice and peanut

> > butter (which he still doesn't get). He really

> hasn't had much

> > reaction to the Valtrex otherwise...

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Timary


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Last fall, my son developed a rash on his face (mostly around his mouth). He had

it for a long time so I finally took him to the family doctor, who prescribed

cortisone cream but it didn't do much. We were on the waiting list for Dr. G at

the time, so meds wasn't an issue. I tried to think of any new foods he might

have encountered but came up blank. He had no allergies or sensitivities that I

knew of so I was stumped.

Then I realized that his rash seemed to be better (pretty much disappear) when

my husband was away on business, and worse when he was back. Again, I tried to

think of what was different when my husband was at home. I realized that he did

bath duty with the two little ones (since they were only 2 and 3 years old at

the time, we bathed them together). I had always used Baby Dove on both of them

for hair and body, and assumed he did too. I asked my husband if he was still

using Baby Dove on both of them, and it turned out that he had started using our

older son's L'Oreal Shampoo on my daughter's hair. When we stopped using L'Oreal

on her hair, my younger son's rash disappeared.

He has never been sensitive to anything else, but it just goes to show that

anything can be a trigger.

Good luck with the detective work,


Re: eczema

> Just curious if anyone has seen an eczema flare-up on Valtrex. We

> are just starting week 3 of the Valtrex and my son's ezcema (behind

> his knees) has flared up in the last few days. It had cleared up a

> month or two ago when I took away eggs, orange juice and peanut

> butter (which he still doesn't get). He really hasn't had much

> reaction to the Valtrex otherwise...


> Thanks,

> Timary

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My son gets eczema when his skin is too dry (which it is always if we

don't apply cream daily). I think chlorine in pools also flares it up

(dries out the skin more). It usually gets worse in summertime when his skin

is drier and not covered up as much. If he scratches an area for a long

time for any reason, he'll end up with a rash and even hives where he

irritated it. Lotions with too many herbal and " extra " products in them also

irritate his skin and bring on eczema (or what looks like it, anyway) We use

a dry skin cream, the primary ingredients are mineral oil and petrolatum, or

just plain vaseline if we're out if the cream. of course, dairy products and

probably orange juice bring on major nasty eczema too.


Re: eczema


> > Just curious if anyone has seen an eczema flare-up on Valtrex. We

> > are just starting week 3 of the Valtrex and my son's ezcema (behind

> > his knees) has flared up in the last few days. It had cleared up a

> > month or two ago when I took away eggs, orange juice and peanut

> > butter (which he still doesn't get). He really hasn't had much

> > reaction to the Valtrex otherwise...

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Timary


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  • 1 month later...

My pediatrician said that Eczema can be triggered by a lot more than just

food. Dust mites are a major trigger and also my pediatrician said heat and

cold will aggravate it. I am sure there are many other things that will

irritate it also. I was told I could apply a cortisone ointment to help keep

it under control and to help with the itching. She also gave him a

prescription for Bactraban (not sure of spelling)Ointment to use if needed

or if eczema became really irritated especially on his face. Of course my

grandson's eczema has never been as bad as I have heard others talk of. I

have also noticed his eczema getting worse sometimes with his bad temper but

that usually is temporary like a day or two then it calms back down.

--- Original Message -----

From: " dbtwp " <timaryp@...>

< >

Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 10:21 PM

Subject: eczema

> What does Dr. G want us to use on eczema while we are trying to get

> it under control? My son's eczema behind his knees is getting

> WORSE! In fact, now he is getting a red rash on the backs of his

> legs as well as the eczema behind the knees. It looks horrible. In

> the meantime, I can't seem to figure out the food trigger. He won't

> stop scratching...Does anyone have suggestions?

> Thanks,

> Timary



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I don't know about Dr. G , but our dermatologist neighbor recommends

Eucerin cream over the counter. Kristy

On Monday, August 25, 2003, at 09:21 PM, dbtwp wrote:

> What does Dr. G want us to use on eczema while we are trying to get

> it under control? >>>>>

==== message truncated ====



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We've used Elidel lotion on occasion, and it seems to work well. It

is a prescription non-steroidal lotion.

> What does Dr. G want us to use on eczema while we are trying to


> it under control? My son's eczema behind his knees is getting

> WORSE! In fact, now he is getting a red rash on the backs of his

> legs as well as the eczema behind the knees. It looks horrible.


> the meantime, I can't seem to figure out the food trigger. He


> stop scratching...Does anyone have suggestions?


> Thanks,

> Timary

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In a message dated 8/25/03 11:06:16 PM Central Daylight Time,

samm0079@... writes:

> > What does Dr. G want us to use on eczema while we are trying to get

> > it under control?

He is very adamant about not using steriodal creams like cortizone. Instead,

he suggested that we use A & D ointment or some sort of zinc cream (sorry don't

recall the name). We didn't have any luck with those but straight vitamin E

oil worked great for both my son and husband. We've recently narrowed down

some things that were causing my son's eczema with his acidophilus supplement

being the worst offender.


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Thank you everyone for all the eczema suggestions. Now I don't feel

quite so helpless - there are some new things I can try.


> What does Dr. G want us to use on eczema while we are trying to get

> it under control? My son's eczema behind his knees is getting

> WORSE! In fact, now he is getting a red rash on the backs of his

> legs as well as the eczema behind the knees. It looks horrible.


> the meantime, I can't seem to figure out the food trigger. He


> stop scratching...Does anyone have suggestions?


> Thanks,

> Timary

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