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ORMUS and Twilight Products

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Dear Friends,

ORMUS is what we call a group of materials that appear to be intermediary

between matter and spirit. These materials are a non-metal form of the

precious metal elements like gold, silver and platinum. In this form they

do not register as metallic in any way and they cannot be identified using

ordinary assay methods.

There is considerable evidence that ancient peoples knew of the ORMUS

elements and valued them highly. Some of the ancient substances, which we

think are related to ORMUS, are the Philosopher's Stone, manna, shewbread,

chi, prana and shemana. The ancient alchemists were clearly working with

these materials.

The ORMUS elements appear to be a communication medium where information

can move instantaneously and accurately between the cells in the body and

the spiritual template of the body. You can see my slide show on this at:


" Water is H2O, hydrogen two parts, oxygen one part, but there's a third

thing which makes it water and nobody knows what that is. "

-- D.H. Lawrence quote in a new National Geographic book by marine

biologist, Sylvia Earle, entitled " Atlas of the Ocean " .

When I spoke briefly with Jim (the originator of the Twilight Prills

and other products) on June 9th 2002 he said that double distilled water

weighs more than water which is made by burning hydrogen in oxygen though

science has not explained this discrepancy.

We believe that all natural water is more than just two atoms of hydrogen

and one of oxygen. There is something else, which enables water to change

its structure. We have evidence that this " something else " is ORMUS. There

is good evidence that the ORMUS elements are particularly abundant in all

of the Twilight products.

The ORMUS elements appear to have the ability to initiate coherence in

water and in biological systems, which contain water. This means that

changes to one water molecule in a glass of water can be instantly applied

to all of the water molecules in that glass of water. (The same is true of

changes in any biological system.)

It might help to think of ORMUS as a communication medium like the air that

carries sounds from a source to our ears. Where the air is denser the sound

travels faster. If you have something as dense as steel, sound will travel

faster than in the thickest air. This is why you can hear an oncoming train

by putting your ear to the track long before you can hear it through the air.

Suppose there was a substance that was infinitely dense. Such a substance

would carry information instantaneously. Physicists have been " playing "

with such materials but the versions that they are " playing " with require

that they get a bunch of atoms to a temperature near absolute zero

(absolute zero is the temperature at which all movement in an atom ceases).

What happens is that they get the bunch of atoms to " condense " into a

single atomic state so that the entire bunch of atoms behaves as a single

atom. They call this state of matter a " Bose-Einstein Condensate " (BEC).

One property of BECs would be that information would travel instantaneously

throughout the entire BEC system. There is strong evidence that BECs occur

in nature and that they are a part of biological systems. The phenomenon,

which suggests that BECs are present in living organisms, is called

" quantum coherence " . I have written an article on quantum coherence in

living systems that references some of the science on this. It is at:


It occurs to me that quantum coherence might be a scientific term for love

if love is the energy and knowledge that connects all things.

Jim claims that the Twilight products carry the resonance from the

large " laminar crystal " structure at Twilight headquarters.

Here is what I postulate is happening: The " laminar crystal " structure is

providing a resonance that the Prills are transferring into the water. This

resonance makes the water molecules smaller so that they hydrate the cells

in the body better. The Prills transfer the resonance information into the

water through their coherence with the ORMUS in the water.

Obviously, in this model, the whole transfer of information will become

more effective if the density of the transfer medium (ORMUS) becomes greater.

There is one other factor here. With air and railroad tracks we are talking

about materials that transfer information (sound) at a definite rate. We

can measure the speed of sound in the air or in steel. The ORMUS elements,

on the other hand, appear to transfer information instantaneously. They are

not limited to the speed of sound. (You can read a more technical

explanation of this on my web site in my article on ORMUS and Consciousness at:

http://members.aol.com/yggdras/paraphysics/B.htm )

There appear to be other factors at work here too. I like to think of the

ORMUS elements as having three legs. Two of these legs are in the physical

world and one is not. When we concentrate the ORMUS it looks like we

establish a better connection between the physical world and the

non-physical (we can call it love or spirit).

I think that, at some point, ORMUS can reach a concentration where it

attracts itself and perpetuates itself. On the slope leading up to this

point we are hearing incredible healing and spiritual effect reports from


It looks like the ORMUS materials must reach a certain concentration in

order to bring each cell of the body under their umbrella of instant,

coherent communication. As this happens every system in the body seems to

work better.

The Prills, if they make the water denser, will increase the concentration

of ORMUS in the water. In conjunction with outside supplementation of ORMUS

from trap water, precipitate or other sources the concentration benefits

can be hastened and increased.

Jim 's products are made from the same source materials as many of

the ORMUS products. One main difference is that Jim seems to have

developed a way to imprint his products with a certain beneficial

resonance. Another difference is that Jim 's products, with the

exception of the Prill water are generally not taken internally. Most of

the ORMUS products are for internal use.

Understanding the science of ORMUS is key to understanding Jim 's

products, in my opinion.

In his book " Holy Water, Sacred Oil " Norman Shealy wrote that Jim

obtained a stone which came to be the basis of all of his products. I think

that Jim 's stone is a resonator for the ORMUS in various products.

The Star Chamber sounds like it might be some sort of amplifier for the

original stone that Jim found in the mountains.

When we make the Wet Method ORMUS precipitate from ocean water we get a

substance which has been analyzed as primarily ORMUS rhodium, iridium and

gold. This is one way of extracting the ORMUS from ocean water. In " Holy

Water, Sacred Oil " Norman Shealy suggests that there is another way of

extracting ORMUS from ocean water:

" Soon it became clear that he was actually duplicating an aspect of sea

water. If you removed the salt, sodium chloride, from sea water, it was

very similar to what Jim was compounding. "

This process takes place when ocean water is evaporated to extract the

sodium chloride (salt) crystals. As you evaporate water from a salt-water

solution the salt in the water eventually drops out when enough evaporation

has taken place.

The salt falls out as solid crystals but there is still brine left as a

liquid above the salt. I think that much of the ORMUS in ocean water is

contained in this brine.

You can do a little experiment. Take some 180 proof grain alcohol and mix

it with the damp Celtic sea salt that you can purchase at some health food

stores. The salt will not dissolve in the alcohol but remnants of the brine

will. Pour the alcohol off of the salt solids and put it into a flat pan or

a plate. Let this evaporate away for a week or so and you will get an oil

which feels and tastes just like the Magic Oil.

I am not saying that it is the same as the Magic Oil. The Magic Oil still

is significantly different in that it has the resonance from Jim 's

stone and the oil from the experiment does not.

The ORMUS in the oil would be the carrier of the resonance but much of the

benefit from the Magic Oil comes from the resonance that has been imparted

into it by the stone.

If the stone is a superconductor, like I suspect, then we might expect that

strange gravitational anomalies would generate weather changes above it as

Shealy described in his book.

Often people who use ORMUS products experience " healing crisis " like

effects as toxins are eliminated from their bodies. The theory of the

healing crisis is fairly well described and documented in alternative

health literature. You can read the diary of a woman who drank magnetic

trap water and experienced a myriad of healing crisis effects over a period

of six months at:

Trap Water Diary


The benefits she experienced from going through this process included an

end to certain skin problems and the re-growth of a broken segment of a tooth.

I have been using magnetic trap water/Prill water on my houseplants for

about a year. They do not seem to require as much water as they used to and

they seem to bloom more than before.

A lady in Michigan has been using trap water alone on some of her plants

and she has noticed that lights seem to shoot from the tips of the leaves

of her orchid cactus. You can read about this (and see pictures of the

lights) at:


I have been drinking Prill water since May of 2001. I have tried the Prills

in tap water, filtered tap water, filtered magnetic levitation trap water

and filtered magnetic levitation trap water that has been ozonated after

exposure to the Prills.

The procedure which works best for me in terms of taste and feel is to run

carbon filtered water thorough a magnetic levitation trap into a five

gallon HDPE jug which has one bag of Prills in it. I let this sit overnight

to let any residual chlorine evaporate off and then I ozonate it for a

couple of minutes. I keep this jug in storage with magnets over the inlet

so that the ORMUS in the jug does not escape as a gas.

When I am ready to use this water I pour it into a glass gallon jug, which

I set on top of one of the mandalas made and sold by DaEl . It is

probably best to not refrigerate this water as the cold may drive off the


The water produced by this method tastes better and seems to have a better

effect on me than any of the other methods using Prills. The water tastes

" sweeter " and " fuller " than water using any of these techniques alone.

If it is okay to just use tap water and most of our tap water has already

been extensively treated then I do not see how anyone could possibly make

the claim that using the Prills with other after-tap water treatment

processes would diminish the Prill water.


With kindest regards,


2319 Balm

Baker City, Oregon 97814


Web Pages:

Forest - http://www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/bmnfa/index.htm

ORMUS - http://www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/whatisit.htm

" The heart always brings new life to any situation and opens up

possibilities that would have been impossible without it. Sometimes a 1

percent change is enough to make all the difference, because that's all it

takes to reposition a situation which seems to be absolute and to

demonstrate that it actually is a relativity. Only God is absolute. All

else is relative. That's why a man who judges becomes imprisoned within the

deadlocks of his mind. "

--From " Love Without End - Jesus Speaks " by Glenda Green

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