Guest guest Posted August 14, 2010 Report Share Posted August 14, 2010 Email: Password: Not registered? Forgot Password? Home | Give Feedback | Donate | Register Folk Remedies and Holistic Cures - EARTHCLINIC.COM SEARCH Highlight search terms Powered by Google Web Earth Clinic HOME REMEDIES AILMENTS SUPPLEMENTS PETS MIND & BODY LATEST POSTS Table of Contents QUESTIONS & ANSWERS LEUKEMIA LOW IMMUNITY LYME DISEASE MALARIA MMS SIDE EFFECTS MONO MULTIPLE CURES 123 MMS Cures Updated: 07/26/2010 DISCLAIMER Our readers offer information and opinions on Earth Clinic, not as a substitute for professional medical prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your physician, pharmacist, or health care provider before taking any home remedies or supplements or following any treatment suggested by anyone on this site. Only your health care provider, personal physician, or pharmacist can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for your unique needs or diagnose your particular medical history. LEUKEMIA 1 YEA[YEA] 06/29/2009: from Dallas, Texas writes: "My grandmother on my dads side, was informed by a doctor, in front of several of our family members, that she had leukemia, and was going to die within two month time. My father found MMS about a month after the doctors horrible news. She was weak, not able to walk, and was having to get one to two pints of blood every week at the time she started on MMS. On the first week her blood count stabilized and she did not have to get any more blood by the second week her blood count was normal. The doctor says that she is a medical phenomenon. He told her that she was suppose to be dead. It has three months now and she completely normal, she even danced at my wedding last week. Last week my grandfather on my moms side came to my wedding as well, but he was very pale. He came to me and told me that he thought he was on his way out. He has been suffering with prostate cancer, and has been in and out of the hospital over the last 4 months. I told him about MMS and my mom gave him some to take. I checked on him today and he has all of his color back in his face and says that he has been feel allot better." LOW IMMUNITY 1 YEA[YEA] 12/07/2009: Pam from Burley, Idaho, Usa writes: "I am amazed. I was very sick for 9 months. I had pneumonia 3 times. Tests were ran and I was diagnosed with mycoplasma pneumonia. With all the drugs to control my asthma and the powerful antibiotics I was wiped out. My immune system tests were way down and I was anemic. I have been taking MMS I am at 10 drops. Last week I had more tests run and guess what? No mycoplasma and my immune system tests are up. They were even considering giving my gammaglobulin shots and now I dont have to take them.Im not only thankful to the friend who told me to try this but to the inventor.I had my doubts but felt I had nothing to lose and I had spent way more on medical costs than $20.I saw a negative post on one of the groups on that this was a pyramid thype thing. At $20 a bottle than can last a year i highly doubt hes making tons of money but doing a service for humanity. Our drug companies have held us hostage for way too long and they make billions. Im thankful for MMS and my health." LYME DISEASE 1 YEA[YEA] 08/08/2008: from Rockville, MD writes: "Many people, including myself, have found relief from lyme by using MMS. I use it in conjunction with the salt/c protocol. You typically start with 1 drop of MMS mixed with vinegar, citric acid or lemon/lime juice. Let sit for 3 minutes and drink with water or any juice with no vit. c. You can go to for a detailed explanation and instructions." MALARIA 1 YEA[YEA] 11/18/2008: from London, UK writes: "I have discovered a product that cures many problems in the body it clears out so many problems, too many to mention it is called MMS, by Jim Humble, I have been taking it as reccommended for over 6 months now and feel great the Breakthrough Book tells the story and the cures, I had malaria in 1977 and after taking MMS for one week I had a malaria attack as the parasites left my body and after 3 days felt amazing, they have cured thousands of Malaria victims with this, and it supercharges the imune system too. Worth reading about" MMS SIDE EFFECTS 5 WARNINGS! 12 SIDE EFFECTS[sIDE EFFECTS] 11/29/2009: Ct from Los Angeles, Ca writes: "I decided to give MMS a try and pretty much knocked me out of commission with only 1 drop. An entire weekend laying in bed with severe diarrhea, vomitting, nausea, and couldn't eat or hold anything down for an entire day. Threw my system completely out of whack. Have been taking vitamin C just trying to clear out that 1 drop. I was healthy before, so really had no reason to take it. I think I'll leave it on the shelf until I'm actually sick and desperate, swine flu, malaria, ebola..." 05/14/2010: Mel from City, Tn replies: "my mom says the reason it makes you sick like that is because it's fighting to push out the illness or problem you are trying to cure. It makes you sick for a reason. That's really a good thing. When you are not nauseous anymore you are probably cured of your illness" [WARNING!] 11/20/2009: Sheleejim from Lares, Puerto Rico writes: "I started drinking MMS slowly once a day gradually increasing the dose. When I reached 8 drops I got nausa, gas, severe stomach cramping, and diarrhea. I drop down the dose to once a day for 1 or two days the pain was so unbearable that I quit taking it and read that vitamin c took away the cramping so I tried it and it made me feel better for a day then I went to the hospital because the pain was back and I couldn't hold anything down and I was dehydrated. I was diagnosed with Gastritis I felt relief for a day then was right back were I started. Because I breastfeed my child I dont take any pills that will affect my milk. So I decided to go to my homeopathic doctor and he said that I messed up my PH of my body which can be very dangerous. I am now doing acupunture treatments and taking some homeopathic pills to regulate my stomach. Which made me feel a little better for a couple of days but then I started getting pains again but yesturday I found on the internet after many hours of searching that Manuka Honey was really good for gastritis and ulcers. I have been eating manuka honey before every meal and I feel so much better I don't get any pain, its natural and I can breastfeed my son like I usually do. My homeopathic doctor told me that MMS was bad for me! but it can be good for someone else I'm not trying to trash MMS but I do urge people to be careful and do lots of research. Ask yourself before you take MMS - Do I really need this? Am I really prepared for the consequences? Is there something else I can take or do? I still have the MMS but I havn't been taking it afraid of what might happen to me." [sIDE EFFECTS] 08/22/2009: Maxx from Tucson, Az writes: "My wife was taken MMS for about three weeks 7 drops three times a day because of high eosinophils. She stopped taking MMS because of cramping two weeks ago and still is having severe cramping with spasms and nausea most of day and night. Can anyone give us advice on what to do now? Thanks" [sIDE EFFECTS] 09/15/2009: from Ec, Pennsylvania replies: "I tried my MMS around the first of the year. Got up to 9 drops twice per day -- no problems. Work schedule changed and got away from taking it. Decided to restart this past week. I did 2 drops/10 citric acid... no problems. Then took 3 drops/15 citric acid. Within one hour and by the second I was having intense double over cramping.. thought I was going to pass out. No diarrhea, no headache, no nausea.. just crippling intestinal cramps. I popped three 500mg vitamin C tablets and about 1 hour or so later the cramping stopped. However, I stopped MMS. Tried again 3 days later.. same problem. Yesterday, restarted BUT this time made a fresh batch of citric acid (1/2 tsp citric acid nine 1/2 tsp measurements of filtered water) When I retarted a week ago, I used the citric acid mix I had from the first of the year. With the fresh batch of citric acid, I am not having any difficulties now. I am sure that the citric acid went bad or neutralized itself or something... I do remember thinking I could not smell the MMS gas hardly at all when activated. Now I smell the gas of MMS when activated with fresh citric acid during the three minute wait. I use about 3/4 cup of filtered bottled water to drink this down. The citric acid gives the water a slight lemon flavor. I will only make this small batch of citric acid, renewing every week. Of note: I did not keep my originally mixed citric acid in the refrigerator, but kept it in a dark cool place. Questions: How long does a large batch of citric acid last in effectiveness to activate the MMS? What type of water are you using? Where do you keep yours stored? Over time, can the citric acid become weak and not properly activate and release the gas from the MMS? I hope this helps..... fresh citric acid made the difference for me. Take care." 09/15/2009: Merryanne from Orange City, Florida, USA replies: "; Thanks for sharing that insident with all of us,,I have been using mine for about 4 months,,I will start making a fresh mix of citric acid ever 4 months and keep in the fridge." [WARNING!] 08/11/2009: Malaikagoingaround from Efate, Vanuatu writes: "MMS Death: I have used MMS for 2 weeks, and found a dramatic improvement to toenail fungi. 6 drops daily. I have given MMS to 9 other people who had flu symptoms, with great success. 6 drops, with a 1 hour wait, and a further 6 drops. So a total of 12drops each. Silvie a 52year old healthy woman, who's only concern was that she ate meat and therefore thought she had parasites, took 2 drops at 9am, within 10mins had a violent reaction, vomiting, diarreha, up until her death at 10pm. Obviously this is of great concern." 08/13/2009: Pr from Houston, Texas replies: "WOW, this is too bad. Antidote for MMS is vitamin C. First I ever heard of hope the last. Wonder if it set some latent disease the MMS triggered, of course this is speculation. Are they going to do an autopsy? For future user of MMS which I think is a good remedy don't forget to have vitamin C on hand." 12/09/2009: Nat from Huntsville, Al replies: "Malaika, I agree that your report is of "great concern." Having read a bit about MMS, I am very skeptical about the safety of such a remedy. Chlorine is, quite simply, a poisonous chemical and is not typically thought to be safe for human consumption. I am open to the idea of natural remedies and use the Apple Cider Vinegar and several other things myself. However, at some point, a healthy skepticism is in order. There is no evidence that the promoter of MMS is qualified to assure anyone that it is safe. I think people would be well-advised to think twice before ingesting chlorine-based products of any kind. While some people may report positive results, we should always remember that anecdotal evidence has its limitations, and risks should be taken into consideration." 01/05/2010: Tina from South Elgin, Il replies: "I have read several pieces of info. on different websites that state MMS is completely different compound than chlorine that is used in bleach" 05/11/2010: Concerned from Seattle, Wa replies: "Did anyone ever determined what happened to Silvie from using MMS?" [sIDE EFFECTS] 07/08/2009: Kathy from ville, NC writes: "I have started the MMS, perfectly following the directions. Increasing one drop at a time with the citric acid solution (using lime juice). I was tired the first few days, not feeling real well, but not nauseated. By the 7th drop, I began to vomit as I never had before. I felt as if pieces of my throat and esophagus would be coming out! I literally felt like I was going to die. I did not know about the chlorine dioxide poisoning possibility. For several hours, I felt like death. Today I have rashes. I don't know if it is related. But I will NEVER take another drop of this stuff. I obviously do my own research a lot, as medical doctors have virtually never helped me. But something with these kinds of side effects, not proven, is not worth the risk, I say!" 07/08/2009: Joyce from ton, Tn. replies: "Hello Kathy, Google "Herximer reaction" and see if that fits the reaction you had to the MMS. This is what Humble said happens when you have a massive infection and so many pathogens are killed off that it overwhelms the immune system and the body goes into high gear to rid itself of the dead pathogens and toxins their demise caused. You feel like a sudden onset of the flu with horrible nausea and vomiting and usually also diarrhea is involved. Fortunately it is usually over with 3 - 4 hours later, but during those few hours you really feel like you'd have to get better to die." 07/25/2010: Tomstyn from Adelaide, Australia replies: "People need to realize that mms taken the first time will do a cleanse. Also the bee keepers in the USA with colony collapse should give some mms to their bees to boost their immune system. Tomstyn" [WARNING!] 07/05/2009: Ginny from El Paso, Texas writes: "I have had Candida for many years and it has mainly affected my teeth and gums. Otherwise I thought I was healthy. I started MMS about a year ago and also brushed my teeth with it. After about two weeks my teeth turned black and it took about two months of brushing with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to get them back to normal. After about 8 weeks on MMS I got to 2 times a day 12 drops plus 60 drops of citric acid and experienced diarrhea for several days. I then cut down to 2 x 10 drops and got vomiting, diarrhea, heart racing and sweats like I never experienced before. I really thought I was dying and had to stop the MMS. Months later I started again thinking that maybe I was very sick and did not know about it, since we all have pathogens in our body. Again, I felt very tired. I had to sit and rest when I walked my dog the usual 15 minutes in the morning. My urine and saliva pH dropped to below 4. They were so acid that it was not even on the chart anymore. My eyes turned red and my kidneys started hurting. So I had to stop again. Recently I gave it another try with twice a day 1 and then 2 drops. No nausea but my eyesight turned blurry and my kidneys hurt so bad I could hardly sit or stand. Unfortunately, my eyesight seems to be getting worse and not better even after I stopped the product about 2 months ago. I really don't know whether MMS is clearing something very serious in my body or if it is a harmful poison. I thought I was healthy before I started taking it." [sIDE EFFECTS] 06/24/2009: Bonnie from Sacramento, CA writes: "I'm on MMS for long-standing Candida and Lyme's Disease. I think the Candida must be so embedded in my since I've had it for so long and did not take care of myself by continuing to eat junk. This stuff is making me soooo sick, I think. I wake up in the morning feeling weird -- like I'm literally going to die. Don't know if it's low blood pressure or what but it's like the life force is leaving me. Very scary. Also, anxiety and depression have risen to monumental levels. Had to go back on small dose of anti-depressant just to function. I have to go to work after all. I am only up to two drops of this stuff and that's after a couple of months of one drop. Maybe it's too much? How do you know when you're better?" 06/25/2009: Nobey from Arkansas, U.S. replies: "dear Bonnie,I am sorry for your suffering. I recognize alot of your symptoms. What helped me the most when my body was so broken down from similar issues was when I started taking a small dosage of q10 (30 mg) but mainly when I started taking magnesium. Give this a try , both candida and lymes severely deplete the body of magnesium... I mean severely and most do better by taking it. Like I wrote in another post there are a few good froms of magnesium that can help with anxiety and they are magnesium taurate, magnesium glycinate and magnesium oil. From my experience and from reading lots of other peoples testimonies these are the ones that work the best. Infact some magnesium made me feel worse so if i were you I would start with one of the above ( but ya everyone is different). when you get your magnesium supply up perhaps you can start taking a multivitamin to not throw off your calcium levels. Give it a try with the magnesium, for me I was able to tell very fast.One other thing you could do is see how you handle your essential fatty acids like omega three and omega 6 ( borage oil or primrose) when I take fish oil my anxiety gets alot worse. I now take flaxseed oil ( omega three)and when I add in omega 6 I feel even better. Just a thought. You could try one or the other for a few days and see how you feel. Perhaps you can start eating a bowel of cut oats or oatmeal in the morning to keep your blood sugar stable..that will also hep your moods. Low blood sugar attacks can really bring on major anxiety.Oddly enough i can not take apple cider vinagar since my blood pressure gets lower and i get more hypoglycemia symptoms.Last but least take a probiotic it does not cure anything but i really notice that it lessens the toxic burden on the body. Sorry I have not taken mms so I can't advise you on that. But I really feel for you since I have been there and done that! Good luck and my thoughts are with you." [sIDE EFFECTS] 06/03/2009: Onenessgirll from Toronto, Ontario Canada writes: "After my very first one drop of MMS I have experienced for 3 days twinging pain in my pancreas or spleen and terrible debilitating pain in my lower abdomen just above the incision where I had a hysterecomy years ago. There is tremendous is difficult to walk and stand up properly. Does anyone know why this would happen with such a small and one time only so far dose?" [sIDE EFFECTS] 06/02/2009: Jaz from Sacramento, California writes: "dizziness with mms: iam on mms with 9 drops right now and i noticed that on the second day after taking mms i didnt feel anything except dizziness all the time . mostly when i work. can someone tell me why is this happening.? and also my stool is dark coloured at times. any cooments please?" [sIDE EFFECTS] 03/26/2009: Liam from Adeliade, SA writes: "Hi i think there is something wrong with MMS. we tried it but one side effect is dizziness. Nausea another. Jim H may have made Bush medicine for a Bush situation. I believe it also does subtle harm. I can feel it in my brain after a 6 drop dose. His science is also just too basic. It must kill some good bacteria too. Liam" 03/27/2009: PR from Houston, Texas replies: "Hi, I know several people who are using this with great results. And they also stated they could feel it in the brain. I did read that this one of the few things that could pass the brain barrier. I think that is why you do feel it in the brain as it is dealing with critters or whatever is in the brain - which would be a good thing. I do know that you have to start very slow and work up over a period of time or you will feel nausea and other things. If you go very slow this can be avoided. This is not one of the easier remedies to take. But it does go very deep if you can stand the dealing with the die off from all the stored stuff in the body. I have seen this help people with chronic conditions that nothing else has helped. I also know a couple of people who has taken the the 45 drops for several days and are fine and doing better. Anyway this is just what I think and have observed." [sIDE EFFECTS] 02/16/2009: from Amsterdam, Netherlands writes: "MMS results in tremendous headache: I have been taking MMS now for 4 weeks, starting very low on 3 drops and slowly going higher. One day I went with a big leap to 13 drops, but that gave the well known strong!! nausea with diarrhea. The reason for taking it is that I have Lyme Disease in third stage. When you have that you are willing to take anything that comes allong. I read on Lyme Patients websides that MMS had helped a little for some.After my to big a jump I went more slowly again and am now on 9 drops 3 times a day.Today however I woke up with a tremendous headache, raally nausiating, painfull, paralizing headache. Never felt something like this in my life. So I take it it is a side-effect of the MMS, maybe from detoxifying, but maybe from the toxicity of the substance and the accumulation of Chloride in the last 4 weeks in the body.Really don't have a clue, but am quite shocked and will stop for a few days probably.ThanksPs Good initiative "earthclinic", compliments" 02/16/2009: Joyce from ton, Tn replies: "Hello , Sorry you are having the problems, and I agree that these darned tick borne infections will almost make you take anything. I started taking MMS when my hands got so bad I couldn't open a jar. I have been taking it now for about 4-6 months. My hands have improved enough that I can now open a jar again. So far I have had 2 Herkiemer's reactions (feels like sudden onset of flu with all the nausea, vomiting and diarrhea) that the body goes into when overkill causes a lot of toxins and debris. Thank God the reaction is usually gone 2-4 hours after it hits. The first time was the same problem you had, I decided to take it twice a day instead of once. After that third dose every l2 hours, the reaction hit and laid me low for about 3-4 hours. I quickly returned to once a day and as long as I hold it down to the 2 drops/25 lbs. of body weight, no problems except for the yucky taste, which got so bad that I left it off for a week or twoand started taking it again without problems, except for the foul taste. Jim Humble, in his book says that Lyme's disease is one of the hardest to kill and may take up to a year to do it. Like you a round of expensive antibiotics changed nothing except I had less money after paying for it.. I may have to pause every few months to get over the taste, but I still have hopes that it will kill it, so I will hang in there." 06/29/2009: Ralph from Boston, MA replies: "Apple juice (organic) bought from supermarket here has "0%" Vitamin-C so it is good solution to mix with MMS to flush down. No bad taste." [WARNING!] 02/03/2009: from Wellington, New Zealand writes: "MMS: be cautiousI started using MMS about a week ago, with small dosages 1-2 drops a day. I had a sense of well-being and clarity that was unlike other treatments i have used. I followed the prescribed building up to 10 drops of MMS, offset with 50 drops of citric acid and had a bout of vomiting, hot and cold sweats, and eventually diarrhea. I managed to hold down some food and liquid when i was able to crawl of out bed, but i felt like i had been poisoned. I would like to thank everyone for reporting their experiences and the information present on this site. Its given me a chance to see that I need to be cautious with this product. Is it true that Chlorine Dioxide was used as a weapon in the World Wars? If this is so, then it would appear that even in smaller doses we are poisoning ourselves? Well if today is anything to go by, I will be extremely cautious and continue to research this product EXTENSIVELY!" 09/28/2009: Maya from Brooklyn, Ny replies: "Everyone will experience cramping, diarrhea, and perhaps fatigue as you increase the dosage of MMS. I went through the same pain for a week and DID NOT STOP MMS because after intensive research I learned that the side effect were cleaning process in your body. Oh yes I know how painful the cramping part but it does go away after 12 hours or 2 hours after eating an apple. The pain in the stomach follows Diarrhea as a result of breaking out years of feces on the walls of your stomach...the toxic removed causes gas, cramps, nausea and you'll feel better as you release it by going to the bathroom....I will never forget what i went through even vomiting all week...but guess what? No more HPV! I wasn't only curing my body but was also cleaning my body from years of toxic. Be patient. Yesterday I started with a very bad sore infection and by the night my throats were swollen. So last night I took 6 drops, in the morning i took 7 drops 8 drops afternoon. The infection is gone at least 95%, this is remarkable. Did i feel nauseous, yes. Did i feel cramps? Yes. Diarrhea? Yes. I bear with it. And eat less.I hope this was helpful" 09/30/2009: Merryanne from Orange City, Florida, USA replies: "To Maya in NY,,, Great work for hanging with it,, do not stay on such a strong prgram if you feel like you have accomplished what you needed to. Give your system abreak for 2 or 3 weeks at a time and take Vitamins and mineral suplements and good fruits and veges and whole wheat bread. Merryanne" [sIDE EFFECTS] 02/02/2009: Veronique from Zoetermeer, The Netherlands writes: "I started 4 days ago with 2 drups MMS x 3 and I am now at 4 drups x2. I am feeling a bit "foggy"but for the rest it is ok. I gave also my daughter of 9 years old 2 drups x 2 a day for 3 days because she has herpes on her lip very frequently. Everything was alright until today she started to have pimples in her face and on her arms. Some of them are very painful she said. The question is: what is this reaction and should I keep giving her MMS? I am a bit worried about it. Thanks for the answer"EC: As you might have imagined, "drups" is Dutch for "drops"! [sIDE EFFECTS] 08/05/2008: from Edmonton, Canada writes: "Chlorine dioxide (MMS) info: it but don't breathe it or touch it. Although it cleared up my sinuses, it has caused me some terrible stomache problems." 11/21/2009: Rare1walking from Vernonia, Oregon, Usa replies: "I'm wondering if the stomach problems could be more detailed here. I know when parasites let go, they can leave bloody painful places where they were attached, sucking out nutrients. I've read that marshmallow tea helps to coat the stomach and eliminate pain. Someone wrote about problems with old citric acid solution. I also wonder about the purity of manufacturing, and how secure the facilities are." [WARNING!] 04/18/2008: Ahmet from Mersin, Turkey writes: "i have began to use MMS 26 days ago. i have raised drops so rapidly. i used 30 drops after first week end. then i wanted to use 45 drops day. i took 23 drops once. after this dose it has been very very bad herx. my fatigue, anxiety depression increased so bad. i discontinued it for 8 days.i have began it again with small dose after 10 days with bad herx. i am on 20 drops a day at this moment. my brain fog have lifted per cent 20-30.but it is so early to say something. herx subsided partially.MMS users says it take 2-4 month to partially improvement regards.ahmet" 10/18/2009: Musician from Auckland, New Zealand replies: "If you take crazy high doses like that, expect to get some sort of negative reaction. You are one of many people who have gone off the rails with dosage using MMS. You should always start on 2 drops, and gradually use it to kill pathogens. This is powerful stuff, not bloody drinking water mate. Use it in moderation and carefully." 12/02/2009: Muddyleopard from Bodrum, Turkey replies: "ahmet, how do i find mms in turkey? contact me eldnepal at hotmail please, urgent, imdaat..." [sIDE EFFECTS] 02/06/2008: from Salina, Kansas writes: "My mother, age 61, has been taking MMS, morning and evening, for one week. She had started with one drop, and had worked up to six drops per dosage, when she developed severe chest pain, the worst she ever had. The pain lasted one day, but she did not seek medical help. It got better after she took baby aspirin. She doesn't know if it was the MMS, or just coincidence. She stopped the MMS for now, but will continue on a lower dosage (3 drops twice a day)." 10/30/2008: from Closter, NJ replies: " your mother must be seeing the effect of MMS cleaning or stripping her arteries in her heart. Make sure see takes Vit. C. Because when the plaque gets striped there is no resilience in the arteries. So keep them flexible and going keep taking vit. C. And tell her not to give up on mms go slowly but keep on going. My wife did it and her reports are wonderful.. She did this after the procedure of angioplasty." MONO 1 YEA[YEA] 12/11/2008: Gean from Salina, KS writes: "A friend (in her 40's) was very ill for a couple of weeks, and was even hospitalized for a few days. Dr.didn't know what she had. They sent her home, but after another week, was not getting any better, but could only sit in the chair for 15 min., otherwise lie in bed. Then results came back for Mono. She took MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution, 1-2 drops every hour the first day for a few hours. By the next morning she was feeling better. After a couple of days she dropped down to twice a day. A week later she is in town shopping. Doesn't have to lie down at all during the day, just sit and rest occasionally. She is up to 8 drops twice a day and plans to increase to 15 three times a day for one week. She is also taking Acidophilus, 8 billion a couple times a day." MULTIPLE CURES 3 YEA 3 BETTER BUT WITH SIDE EFFECTS[bETTER BUT WITH SIDE EFFECTS] 03/03/2010: Alta from Richmond, Va, Usa writes: "My daughter and I started MMS 10 days ago. We started with 2 drops 2 x day. My daughter (grown) had a severe reaction to the citric acid so we switched to vinegar. Slowly increasing the dosage. On the 3rd day, I had diarrhea. On the 5th and 6th day I had diarrhea with a small amount of nausea. I cut back for a day, untill I was feeling better. After 1 day of feeling better, I had diarrhea with nausea again. Is it normal to have 4 days of nausea so close together. We are going by the directions but we are putting it into capcules because of the taste. We are up to 10 drops 2 times a day. I've always had a problem with swollen ankles but dr ran tests and could not find anything. My ankles seem to have gone down some, and I find I am not craving. I am overweight and hope to lose. My daughter, I expected to have more problems because she has epilepsy but she has had less problems so far. Has anyone had success with epilepsy? We want to get her off all meds (she was off meds for 4 years with less seizures than when she was on meds) but a couple of years ago seizures came back severe and we put her back on them. Thanks for any help." 03/03/2010: Jack from Toledo, Ohio replies: "Dear Alta; The founder or creator of the "MMS" protocol states the nausea is the result of your body getting rid of the disease's in your body so its normal to have the nausea dear.. and as for the taste mix the MMS, and let it set in a covered cup for 3 1/2 minutes then mix with white or natural grape juice as long as it has no added vitamin C in it. this is how I take and I can't even taste it Alta....GB.....jack" 03/14/2010: Codysmom from andria, Va replies: "To Jack and Alta, I suggest you take the solution with apple juice. If you take the solution with juice that contains vitamin C, the effects of the MMS will be canceled out. I know this from reading either Jim's booklet or from this website. Please check if grape juice contains vitamin C. If it does, then switch to apple juice. Good luck." 01/06/2010: Chaz from Hanover, Pa writes: "MMS Good morning everyone. I have read many many posts on this site and I have studied alternative medicine for decades in an effort to "beat the system" with regards to the high price of health care. I have tried many remedies for many things over the years in my attempt to find what really works and what is simply hype and overexageration. Within the last 12 months I have discovered a compound that is absolutely fascinating although not very pleasant to the taste. I had a tumor on my vocal chords and this resulted in a cancer scare. I was on the alternative cancer cure studies day and night and happened across a compound that consisted of Chlorine Dioxide. I studied the compound for 5 weeks night and day and studied it both inside and outside of alternative medicine. I ingested all of the data that I could find on the subject and ended up making a purchase of the product. I have tested the compound and found it to erradicate any type of harmful microbe that may be living in the human system. I have seen this compound eradicate swine flu, herpes, and chlamydia just to name a few microbes. I have run lots of field tests on it to verify its effectiveness and have not seen it fail once. I believe this compound should be in everyones pantry who wants to have an alternative anti-microbial agent. I've seen this stuff erradicate MRSA in one day. It's estimated that it is roughly 100 times stronger than any antibiotic that we have now. It's no joke though and should be taken after being studied with due diligence." 01/27/2010: Loloma from Perth, Australia replies: "Good morning ChazI don't know if you or anyone else can help me with some information. I have been taking MMS for just over a week, now on 8 drops twice a day and am feeling better for it. Currently taking medication for Diabetes 2 (insulin 4 times a day). Under active thyroid, high blood pressure, Angina, high cholestrol etc. Blood sugar level mornings still at 15.9 english reading. Should I still take this medication whilst taking MMS. Any info would be appreciated." 01/28/2010: Merryanne from Orange City, Florida, Usa replies: "Hello Loloma..I am a diabetic since 1992, I take insulin shots twice a day,,and I prefer this rather than taking any tablets,,,I also use MMS at times and it does not affect the medication,,if you are taking tablets, do that an hour after you use MMS, then it will be OK" [YEA] 12/08/2009: Tomstyn from Adelaide, Australia writes: "mms did all the usual things you read about for me as well and i am now on some maintanance drops and it has made some small moles in the V of my neck lighten and then disapear. also it must have gotten rid of a bug in my gut that that was sucking the moisture out of what was going thru my intestines. previously no matter how much i drank there was always that dryness on its way out, now all is well. also less urge for sugars and carbs" [YEA] 11/05/2009: Aresem from Saudi Arabia, Alkhobar writes: "MMS with Pneumonia & Parasites Infection I came to know about MMS more than two years ago, I tried it my self first following very carefully the protocol as written in the book of Jim Humble. After my successful trial I started to use it with my family including my grand children with 100% success rate for various health conditions.In one case one of my house maid expelled total of sixteen worms (Ascaris) using MMS. I started her from a drop per day increasing a drop on each succeeding day backing off a drop every time the stomach discomfort is felt. By the time she is up to ten drops the worms drop out dead with the feces. She notice that her belly where she had those hard lump are all gone and where not hard as it use to be before taking MMS.In another another case my daughter came home from school with high fever and I told my wife to give her 4 drops of MMS after a few hours she is back to normal health.My son who got pneumonia and his doctor wanted to have him admitted for confinement in the hospital but because of financial constrained he refused instead opted to take MMS after I told him about it. I gave him a bottle and started taking it as directed. Starting from a drop increasing a drop each day. When he started having diarrhea and feels nauseous he back off by a drop staying at that dosage until the body is comfortable again. After a day of taking MMS the symptoms of the disease start to subside and after a week he is back to normal. Before he started on MMS he was already taking antibiotics which his Doctor prescribed and taking already for a more than two weeks but failed to help him.MMS works and is safe as long as the direction for its use is followed carefully. Probably safer than pharmaceutical drugs which kills people by the thousand a year. Many people who are in the medical profession may not like it for some financial reason and it is for that reason that some of the posts here are meant to discourage people from using it." 123 | Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | About Us | Contact Us | Search Web Portal by Brite Global Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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