Guest guest Posted August 6, 2010 Report Share Posted August 6, 2010 hi, qiuck question for palulukon? what can i do about stomach flu and or just stomach viruses? From: palulukon <palulukon@...> Sent: Thu, August 5, 2010 9:03:45 PMSubject: [ ] Gall stones @ Viagero Evening Viagero,My hubby works part time at a supplement store. Customers tell him whatthey find works. For gall stones they say chanca piedra, which dissolvesstones, combined with hulga clark liver flush. Start with chanca piedrafirst for a couple of weeks followed by hulga's liver flush. Customers are saying it works.Xxxrose & safe=active & & sa=X & ei=tYdbTN2ILcH98Aazs-2OAg & ved=0CCIQvwUoAQ & q=chanca+piedra & spell=1 Chanca Piedra is a composite name, "chanca" meaning "to break" in Quechuaand "piedra" meaning "stone" in Spanish. It is the popular name given toseveral small shrub-like plants in the Phyllanthus genus (botanical familyEuphorbiaceae), including Phyllanthus niruri, and Phyllanthus stipulatis.These two species have the same medicinal effects and look identical, exceptfor their seeds, by which the botanist can tell them apart. A third species,Phyllanthus amarus, has been considered identical (perhaps not a differentspecies at all) to Phyllanthus niruri. These species of Phyllanthus havebeen proven in scientific research to have antihepatotoxic, antispasmodic,antiviral, bactericidal, febrifugal, and hypoglycemic activity.Traditional Uses Chanca Piedra got its name because one of the outstanding qualities of thisherb, according to the therapeutic herbal tradition of Peru, where knowledgeof rainforest remedies spread to Andean civilizations, including the Incas,is to break up and expel both kidney stones, and gall stones. It is believedto help stimulate the production of bile and to promote healthy liver andgall bladder function. The plant is shredded and boiled and then lemon juiceis added as a tonic for the liver (taken in small amounts four times daily).It is also traditionally used to clear obstructions throughout the variousinternal organs of the body by promoting the elimination of mucous andstones. In different areas of South America , Chanca Piedra is used to treat a widevariety of conditions. It is used to treat edema and excess uric acid, aswell as to treat stones of the gall bladder, kidney, and bladder. In someareas, it is used to treat malaria, typhoid fever, flu, colds, constipation,dysentery, or stomachache. It is also used there, for inflammation of thebowels (IBS), pimples, diabetes, and ulcers.Chanca Piedra has also traditionally been used for diabetes, prostatedisorders, asthma, fever, tumors, bladder infections, as a diuretic, toremove excess uric acid (as in gout), for painful joints, jaundice,indigestion, constipation, vaginitis, viruses of the reproductive tract,proctitis, poor circulation, excessive phlegm, bronchitis, and coughs. It isalso considered an anti-spasmodic and muscle relaxant, specific to theurinary tract system.Traditionally it is also used as an anodyne (pain reliever), apertif(appetite stimulator), a digestive, carminative (helps gas to be expelledfrom stomach and intestines), and vermifuge (expels worms and otherparasites from the intestinal tract), diuretic, and emmenagogue (stimulatesmenstrual flow).Doctors' Experiences Maxwell, the author of the groundbreaking Witch Doctor's Apprentice,first published in 1961, and based on research done in the 1950's in thePeruvian rainforest, considers chanca piedra one of the most importanthealing herbs, which she encountered in the rainforest through herinteractions with shamans and Amazonian Indians. She later met a Germandoctor who had been using chanca piedra in his medical practice in Germanywho told her that 94% of all the cases he encountered among his patients ofgallstones and kidney stones were "completely eliminated" within one or twoweeks. For several hours during the actual process of elimination of thestones, some patients experienced stomach cramps. Another physician whomMaxwell interviewed about his use of chanca piedra for his patients saidthat the plant worked 100% of the time and without any side effects.In France, Chanca Piedra has been used for some time to treat gall andkidney stones. It is part of a pharmaceutical product called Pilosuryl,which is sold as a diuretic. Liver Detoxification Modern life has stressed the liver of the average person. Chanca Piedra canbe used, cycling on and off throughout the year, to assist the liver inperforming its normal function of detoxification of the body. Liverstressors include eating excessive dairy, meat, and sugar, fried fast foods,processed foods with preservatives, antibiotics, pesticides, drinking water"decontaminated" by chlorine, drinking water containing parasites, the useof hormones in young women as contraception and in menopausal women as ameans of preventing osteoporosis and heart disease, the use of steroidhormones to combat chronic inflammatory diseases, and the use of toxicchemotherapies to combat cancer.Research Findings Research done in Brazil at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in 1984on Chanca Piedra revealed an alkaloid (phyllanthoside) in the leaves andstem with strong antispasmodic activity. It served as a relaxing agent forsmooth muscles and they concluded that its spasmolytic action probablyaccounted for the efficacy of chanca piedra in expelling stones.Brazilian researchers have also discovered powerful, long-lastingpain-blocking activity in the roots, stems and leaves of several differentspecies of Phyllanthus, including Phyllanthus niruri. In a book called Cat'sClaw: Healing Vine of Peru, the author states in a section ofthe book devoted to chanca piedra: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 6, 2010 Report Share Posted August 6, 2010 The Amazon is full of healing herbs. It is worth trying. Here's some more information. From: palulukon <palulukon@...> Sent: Fri, August 6, 2010 7:03:45 AMSubject: [ ] Gall stones @ Viagero Evening Viagero,My hubby works part time at a supplement store. Customers tell him whatthey find works. For gall stones they say chanca piedra, which dissolvesstones, combined with hulga clark liver flush. Start with chanca piedrafirst for a couple of weeks followed by hulga's liver flush. Customers are saying it works.Xxxrose & safe=active & & sa=X & ei=tYdbTN2ILcH98Aazs-2OAg & ved=0CCIQvwUoAQ & q=chanca+piedra & spell=1 Chanca Piedra is a composite name, "chanca" meaning "to break" in Quechuaand "piedra" meaning "stone" in Spanish. It is the popular name given toseveral small shrub-like plants in the Phyllanthus genus (botanical familyEuphorbiaceae), including Phyllanthus niruri, and Phyllanthus stipulatis.These two species have the same medicinal effects and look identical, exceptfor their seeds, by which the botanist can tell them apart. A third species,Phyllanthus amarus, has been considered identical (perhaps not a differentspecies at all) to Phyllanthus niruri. These species of Phyllanthus havebeen proven in scientific research to have antihepatotoxic, antispasmodic,antiviral, bactericidal, febrifugal, and hypoglycemic activity.Traditional Uses Chanca Piedra got its name because one of the outstanding qualities of thisherb, according to the therapeutic herbal tradition of Peru, where knowledgeof rainforest remedies spread to Andean civilizations, including the Incas,is to break up and expel both kidney stones, and gall stones. It is believedto help stimulate the production of bile and to promote healthy liver andgall bladder function. The plant is shredded and boiled and then lemon juiceis added as a tonic for the liver (taken in small amounts four times daily).It is also traditionally used to clear obstructions throughout the variousinternal organs of the body by promoting the elimination of mucous andstones. In different areas of South America , Chanca Piedra is used to treat a widevariety of conditions. It is used to treat edema and excess uric acid, aswell as to treat stones of the gall bladder, kidney, and bladder. In someareas, it is used to treat malaria, typhoid fever, flu, colds, constipation,dysentery, or stomachache. It is also used there, for inflammation of thebowels (IBS), pimples, diabetes, and ulcers.Chanca Piedra has also traditionally been used for diabetes, prostatedisorders, asthma, fever, tumors, bladder infections, as a diuretic, toremove excess uric acid (as in gout), for painful joints, jaundice,indigestion, constipation, vaginitis, viruses of the reproductive tract,proctitis, poor circulation, excessive phlegm, bronchitis, and coughs. It isalso considered an anti-spasmodic and muscle relaxant, specific to theurinary tract system.Traditionally it is also used as an anodyne (pain reliever), apertif(appetite stimulator), a digestive, carminative (helps gas to be expelledfrom stomach and intestines), and vermifuge (expels worms and otherparasites from the intestinal tract), diuretic, and emmenagogue (stimulatesmenstrual flow).Doctors' Experiences Maxwell, the author of the groundbreaking Witch Doctor's Apprentice,first published in 1961, and based on research done in the 1950's in thePeruvian rainforest, considers chanca piedra one of the most importanthealing herbs, which she encountered in the rainforest through herinteractions with shamans and Amazonian Indians. She later met a Germandoctor who had been using chanca piedra in his medical practice in Germanywho told her that 94% of all the cases he encountered among his patients ofgallstones and kidney stones were "completely eliminated" within one or twoweeks. For several hours during the actual process of elimination of thestones, some patients experienced stomach cramps. Another physician whomMaxwell interviewed about his use of chanca piedra for his patients saidthat the plant worked 100% of the time and without any side effects.In France, Chanca Piedra has been used for some time to treat gall andkidney stones. It is part of a pharmaceutical product called Pilosuryl,which is sold as a diuretic. Liver Detoxification Modern life has stressed the liver of the average person. Chanca Piedra canbe used, cycling on and off throughout the year, to assist the liver inperforming its normal function of detoxification of the body. Liverstressors include eating excessive dairy, meat, and sugar, fried fast foods,processed foods with preservatives, antibiotics, pesticides, drinking water"decontaminated" by chlorine, drinking water containing parasites, the useof hormones in young women as contraception and in menopausal women as ameans of preventing osteoporosis and heart disease, the use of steroidhormones to combat chronic inflammatory diseases, and the use of toxicchemotherapies to combat cancer.Research Findings Research done in Brazil at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in 1984on Chanca Piedra revealed an alkaloid (phyllanthoside) in the leaves andstem with strong antispasmodic activity. It served as a relaxing agent forsmooth muscles and they concluded that its spasmolytic action probablyaccounted for the efficacy of chanca piedra in expelling stones.Brazilian researchers have also discovered powerful, long-lastingpain-blocking activity in the roots, stems and leaves of several differentspecies of Phyllanthus, including Phyllanthus niruri. In a book called Cat'sClaw: Healing Vine of Peru, the author states in a section ofthe book devoted to chanca piedra: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 6, 2010 Report Share Posted August 6, 2010 I want to thank everyone who has replied to my post and offered suggestions, especially palulukon and Arie Alon. I will be trying these suggestions in time. You made me glad that i posted my experience as i did. i do not want to have my gall bladder removed and will do all that i can to save it. My physician keeps telling me that gallstones will eventually lead to cancer of the gallbladder, of which the prognosis is poor. I am not convinced of that, though it may be true. I hate making decisions out of fear. My physician also prescribed iodoquinol (yodoxin) to help me get rid of my blastocystis hominis. I had to do 20 days on, then 20 days off taking a probiotic (which is where i am now) and then 20 days more of this drug. i am against taking pharmaceuticals and i am sorry that i have embarked on this mode of therapy. i feel worse in some ways than before i began it and i am concerned about what the short and long term implications that it is having with my thyroid function. From what i have read this drug is not always effective against this parasite and i am sure there are herbs to treat this parasite, although my physician assured me that there wasn't. I will do the second 20 days in the hope that maybe it will actually rid me of this parasite. I am afraid to put any more mms in my body at this point, as i feel that it was involved in my physical meltdown, resulting dysbiosis, the wiping out of all my beneficial bacteria, the formation of these two gigantic gallstones, and that parasite running wild. i am afraid that it compromised my immune system somehow over time and allowed this to happen. It is all conjecture on my part, so i cannot say this for sure. I have no proof and I still think it is a wonderful supplement if used correctly and wisely. it did help me greatly in the beginning. So thank you again to everyone that has responded to my post. --- In , " palulukon " <palulukon@...> wrote: > > Evening Viagero, > > My hubby works part time at a supplement store. Customers tell him what > they find works. For gall stones they say chanca piedra, which dissolves > stones, combined with hulga clark liver flush. Start with chanca piedra > first for a couple of weeks followed by hulga's liver flush. > > > > > Customers are saying it works. > > Xxx > > rose > > & safe=active & & sa=X & ei=tYdbTN2ILcH98Aazs-2O > Ag & ved=0CCIQvwUoAQ & q=chanca+piedra & spell=1 > > > > Chanca Piedra is a composite name, " chanca " meaning " to break " in Quechua > and " piedra " meaning " stone " in Spanish. It is the popular name given to > several small shrub-like plants in the Phyllanthus genus (botanical family > Euphorbiaceae), including Phyllanthus niruri, and Phyllanthus stipulatis. > These two species have the same medicinal effects and look identical, except > for their seeds, by which the botanist can tell them apart. A third species, > Phyllanthus amarus, has been considered identical (perhaps not a different > species at all) to Phyllanthus niruri. These species of Phyllanthus have > been proven in scientific research to have antihepatotoxic, antispasmodic, > antiviral, bactericidal, febrifugal, and hypoglycemic activity. > > Traditional Uses > > Chanca Piedra got its name because one of the outstanding qualities of this > herb, according to the therapeutic herbal tradition of Peru, where knowledge > of rainforest remedies spread to Andean civilizations, including the Incas, > is to break up and expel both kidney stones, and gall stones. It is believed > to help stimulate the production of bile and to promote healthy liver and > gall bladder function. The plant is shredded and boiled and then lemon juice > is added as a tonic for the liver (taken in small amounts four times daily). > It is also traditionally used to clear obstructions throughout the various > internal organs of the body by promoting the elimination of mucous and > stones. > > In different areas of South America , Chanca Piedra is used to treat a wide > variety of conditions. It is used to treat edema and excess uric acid, as > well as to treat stones of the gall bladder, kidney, and bladder. In some > areas, it is used to treat malaria, typhoid fever, flu, colds, constipation, > dysentery, or stomachache. It is also used there, for inflammation of the > bowels (IBS), pimples, diabetes, and ulcers. > > Chanca Piedra has also traditionally been used for diabetes, prostate > disorders, asthma, fever, tumors, bladder infections, as a diuretic, to > remove excess uric acid (as in gout), for painful joints, jaundice, > indigestion, constipation, vaginitis, viruses of the reproductive tract, > proctitis, poor circulation, excessive phlegm, bronchitis, and coughs. It is > also considered an anti-spasmodic and muscle relaxant, specific to the > urinary tract system. > > Traditionally it is also used as an anodyne (pain reliever), apertif > (appetite stimulator), a digestive, carminative (helps gas to be expelled > from stomach and intestines), and vermifuge (expels worms and other > parasites from the intestinal tract), diuretic, and emmenagogue (stimulates > menstrual flow). > > Doctors' Experiences > > Maxwell, the author of the groundbreaking Witch Doctor's Apprentice, > first published in 1961, and based on research done in the 1950's in the > Peruvian rainforest, considers chanca piedra one of the most important > healing herbs, which she encountered in the rainforest through her > interactions with shamans and Amazonian Indians. She later met a German > doctor who had been using chanca piedra in his medical practice in Germany > who told her that 94% of all the cases he encountered among his patients of > gallstones and kidney stones were " completely eliminated " within one or two > weeks. For several hours during the actual process of elimination of the > stones, some patients experienced stomach cramps. Another physician whom > Maxwell interviewed about his use of chanca piedra for his patients said > that the plant worked 100% of the time and without any side effects. > > In France, Chanca Piedra has been used for some time to treat gall and > kidney stones. It is part of a pharmaceutical product called Pilosuryl, > which is sold as a diuretic. > > Liver Detoxification > > Modern life has stressed the liver of the average person. Chanca Piedra can > be used, cycling on and off throughout the year, to assist the liver in > performing its normal function of detoxification of the body. Liver > stressors include eating excessive dairy, meat, and sugar, fried fast foods, > processed foods with preservatives, antibiotics, pesticides, drinking water > " decontaminated " by chlorine, drinking water containing parasites, the use > of hormones in young women as contraception and in menopausal women as a > means of preventing osteoporosis and heart disease, the use of steroid > hormones to combat chronic inflammatory diseases, and the use of toxic > chemotherapies to combat cancer. > > Research Findings > > Research done in Brazil at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in 1984 > on Chanca Piedra revealed an alkaloid (phyllanthoside) in the leaves and > stem with strong antispasmodic activity. It served as a relaxing agent for > smooth muscles and they concluded that its spasmolytic action probably > accounted for the efficacy of chanca piedra in expelling stones. > > Brazilian researchers have also discovered powerful, long-lasting > pain-blocking activity in the roots, stems and leaves of several different > species of Phyllanthus, including Phyllanthus niruri. In a book called Cat's > Claw: Healing Vine of Peru, the author states in a section of > the book devoted to chanca piedra: > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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