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Longevitiy of Honey Bees

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In 1967 a study was done to determine the effect of stabilized chlorine dioxide

(i.e. sodium chlorite) on honey bees.

The result was that concentrations of 10 and 100 PPM did increase the longevity

of the bees, with the 10 PPM concentration being slightly better than the 100

PPM concentration.

Here is the study information.


This test was done using unactivated sodium chlorite. To make a 10 PPM

concentration using MMS you would put 0.075 ml of MMS into 1 liter of water.

That is about 1.28 drops.

To make a 100 PPM concentration you would put 0.74 ml of MMS into 1 liter of

water. That is about 12.6 drops.


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" Chlorine dioxide kills pathogens by oxidation, a completely different

chemical reaction than that of chlorine (chlorination) and oxidation

results in no harmful chemicals. A 10-ppm drink of chlorine in juice will

cause a healthy person several hours of nausea, while a 10-ppm drink of

chlorine dioxide causes no nausea at all for a healthy person, and yet it is

more efficient in killing pathogens than chlorine.

None of the functions or elements of the human body including friendly

aerobic bacteria are affected by chlorine dioxide in diluted solutions of

50-ppm or less. On the other hand, solutions of 0.1 to 1-ppm seem to

induce a spectacular immune response reaction attacking anaerobic

bacterium, viruses, parasites, fungus, harmful molds, yeasts and other

pathogens. Without realizing it, hundreds of thousands of Americans

have been drinking diluted solutions of chlorine dioxide for more than

100 years in various health waters sold to the public. Diluted solutions

of salt treated with electricity have been sold as " health water " under

various names such as " Willard Water " which is still being sold. Most

of these waters contain low levels of chlorine dioxide as a result of the

electrolytic treatment. The chlorine dioxide concentration in such water

was very low and thus was never strong enough to do a thorough job of

killing pathogens in the body, however the benefits claimed for these

health waters were more than likely caused by the chlorine dioxide as

there is no other element in the water that would seem beneficial. Other

health drinks have been sold that contain various chlorine derivatives.

Stabilized Oxygen which is a diluted solution of sodium chlorite when

diluted further with water very slowly gives off chlorine dioxide. The

MMS is just a stronger solution to which a food grade acid has been

added. The acid such as vinegar or citric acid often used in soft drinks

reduces the solution to an acid condition but still within a food range

which releases up to 1 ppm chlorine dioxide, a level of concentration that

is sometimes found in processed food but is 100's of times that which is

produced in Stabilized Oxygen.

The natural pH of the human body is approximately 7. At pH 7 chlorine

dioxide, in the absence of light, is fairly stable for a few minutes.

However, disease pathogens are essentially all anaerobic and have a

different fingerprint than that of friendly aerobic bacteria as do malaria

parasites. As mentioned above, the red blood cells readily absorb the

chlorine dioxide and once in the cell they attack the malaria parasite

because the surface of the parasite has a lower pH than the blood.

Normal levels of oxygen in the blood cannot destroy all of the pathogens

present under disease conditions, however, when chlorine dioxide is

adsorbed with the oxygen it is a different story. When a chlorine dioxide

ion contacts a harmful pathogen it instantly accepts five electrons from

the pathogen, or it might be more descriptive to say that it instantly tears

off five electrons. An extremely fast chemical reaction is in essence an

explosion, and this is exactly what happens on a microscopic level. The

damage to the pathogen is a result of losing electrons to the chlorine

dioxide ion and the release of energy. The pathogen, basically, is

oxidized by chlorine ions and as a part of the action the chlorine

becomes a harmless chloride (table salt). Two atoms of oxygen are

released as ions from the chlorine dioxide ion but the oxygen has little

effect other than to attach to hydrogen ions making water or attach to a

carbon ion to make carbon dioxide.

It is the process of the chlorine dioxide ion oxidizing pathogens or other

harmful chemicals that is beneficial to the body. Although the two

oxygen ions of the chlorine dioxide ion are released, their charge level

does not result in oxidation. The same process continues throughout the

body where chlorine dioxide ions contact pathogens. It does not attack

beneficial bacteria or healthy body parts, as their pH is not below 7.

It will also oxidize diseased cells, such as infections or cancer. In the event

that the chlorine dioxide does not contact a pathogen or other poison, it

deteriorates into table salt and hypochlorous acid that is useable by the

body. Chlorine dioxide is the weakest oxidizer of them all. However it has the

greatest oxidation capacity of all the oxidizers with the ability to accept 5


Ozone as a comparison is the strongest oxidizer of them all and oxidizes

everything in its path that is capable of being oxidized, but it can accept

only 3 electrons. Chlorine dioxide being a very weak oxidizer oxidizes

only microorganisms, heavy metals, and diseased body cells that are

easily oxidized. It does not have the oxidation strength (electron

potential) strong enough to oxidize healthy body cells, or aerobic

beneficial bacteria. However, when contacting items within its oxidation

potential range, it has the ability to accept more electrons that any of the

other oxidizers, and thus it is extremely effective. A minute amount of

naturally produced chlorine dioxide is found in the human body and one of the

chemicals that chlorine dioxide helps to create as it deteriorates is

myeloperoxidase a chemical that the immune system needs. The immune system uses

this chemical, myeloperoxidase, to generate hypochlorous acid. The body uses

hypochlorous acid extensively to kill parasites, bacteria, fungi, viruses, tumor

cells, natural killer cells, and to destroy some waste products under normal


However, diseases and body conditions can result in a deficiency in the

hypochlorous acid needed to destroy the pathogens that are present. This

is due to a medical condition known as myeloperoxidase deficiency. In

the case of many other diseases there are other immune system reactions

that can overcome the diseases " .



> Hello Dee,


> That is a good question for Jim Humble...


> As I understand it, he started with simply adding sodium chlorite to water.

He claimed to have 70 - 80% success in relieving the symptoms of malaria this

way, but wanted to have 100% success. He claims that through his extensive

testing program, which he talks about but is very reluctant to share any details

of, he moved to a higher concentration of sodium chlorite along with activation.


> He goes on to claim that after increasing the concentration of sodium chlorite

and activating it, he was able to have 100% success relieving the symptoms of



> I have been after Jim Humble to run some tests for quite some time now. Every

time I bring it up, he goes on about how expensive testing is, and since he

claims to have results, he doesn't need to do any testing. He points out that

double blind clinical trial testing that is needed to get FDA approval for a new

drug costs millions of dollars and takes years to do.


> When I point out tests like this, he simply points out that he has sold a lot

of books and a lot of people are purchasing MMS.


> There are expenses associated with testing, however, I am sure the bee test

cost much less than " millions of dollars " and was conducted over a period of 12

weeks. It would be very interesting to see a variation of this test done with

activated sodium chlorite to see if the number of bees alive after 11 weeks

would increase.


> Tests like this will not get Jim Humble FDA approval, and I don't think that

is what he is after, but it would demonstrate a small part of how these

chemicals work. Bees are not people, so I am not sure that a steady diet of 10

PPM sodium chlorite will increase your life span, but it is encouraging that it

doesn't shorten it.


> By the way, a 1000 PPM concentration killed the bees after 2 weeks. This is

like putting 16 drops of MMS in half a glass of water...


> Tom



> --- In , Dorothy Fitzpatrick <dee@>


> >

> > I read your posts with interest Tom as I realise that you know what you are

talking about. Can you tell me why the protocol has been to activate sodium

chlorite with citric acid? It seems from this post that this is unnecessary.

Is this so? dee

> >


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