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Dowsers: WHY the Focus on EMFs: Aug 24 [Somewhat OFF Topic]

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MMS list: While the subject of this topic is not specifically MMS, it

deals with the same awareness, educational and political problems as

does MMS. I run a dowsing group in Toronto, wrote and sent this msg to

our group this weekend, am getting a lot of favorable feedback, and

thought it could be useful for readers on this list. I also include a

LOT about MMS in our monthly newsletters.

Also, as I was reading the feedback this morning, and MMS msgs,

I realized many of the problems people on this list face with illness

are also exacerbated by geopathic stress AND! the effects of EMFs, etc.

Especially MS and diabetes.

This msg was catalyzed by an upcoming appearance Aug. 24 in

Toronto by Barry Trower. Info re his talk can be found towards the end

of this msg. I do hope this proves useful to some. Thank you!

= = = = = = = = =

Dear Toronto Dowsers and our many friends,

From Magda Havas: Tues., Aug 24, Barry Trower is speaking in Toronto.

Why Barry Trower? Who is Barry Trower?

Why is this the 3rd email in one week on EMFs?

Most of the time, when I make decisions and take actions for and

on behalf of the TD, I ask myself if this is the right thing to do as I

endeavor to be respectful of your time and other resources. It's my

impression, and I hope yours, that the track record on this is a

favorable one. Which brings me to the EMF question.

There are occasions I get a " hit " of something to the depths of

my being. It is a knowingness about something -- one that I know is

very powerful and very important, needs lots of attention and many are

yet unaware of. Some people are inherently skilled with regard to

music. Or sports. This is one of my talents. And so we shall go from

me to thee.


I can still remember that deep BOOM that I felt, 7 years ago,

when I happened to pick up the Feb 6-12, 2003 !!! issue of Toronto's NOW

Magazine and find an article by a woman named Magda Havas called

SHOCKWAVE! (that article does not seem to be on the NOW Magazine web

site, but it is in the TD June 2003 newsletter and members online

archive.) The article was/is on: Electro Magnetic field levels for

power lines and the impact on health.

Her name stayed with me. 2 years later, I " happened " (again!)

to hear that this Magda Havas person was going to give a talk to breast

cancer survivors about EMFs in Port Dalhousie [Ontario].

After her excellent and informative talk, we went to dinner and

I immediately invited Magda to speak to us, which she did October 2005.

It was of our most educational meetings and the CD for that

presentation is still in demand.

Dr. Magda Havas teaches at Trent University on the Biological

Effects of Electropollution. The only course on the planet on this topic.

For the last 5+ years, as you know, I have been sharing info

with you about EMFs. Then this WiFi business. Then dumb meters. And

more. And how being around them IS harmful to all living beings. And

it ain't over yet.

I get phone calls from people who are looking for a dowser. At

first, it used to be about 3 times a year looking for someone to dowse a

well for them. Then about 6 years ago, about every other month someone

is looking for a dowser to help locate and get rid of geopathic stress.

Because they have heard about it or know its a problem. Within the

last year, every month someone calls for help to get rid of some sort of

EMF pollution because they definitely are being affected by it. And

suffering greatly.


EMFs, etc., have become such a huge problem because --- yes

--- there are more of them and more are being put online every day. That

is the obvious answer.

What is less obvious is the accumulation of all sorts of

different pollutants, our bodies become overloaded and can not handle it

all. Water, air, processed food, all tax our immune systems. Then we

add another layer, one which is more constant and more difficult to

avoid, and the acronyms " MCS " (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities) and

" EHS " (Electrical Hypersensitivity) are unfortunately becoming better


As Sudi Scull, from San Francisco, who experiences intense

migraines in the presence of electromagnetic field said this week, " It's

hard to believe, if you don't have it and don't feel it, ... I have a

house that I love, I've lived here 20 years and I don't want to move.

.... We have absolutely no freedom on this. " (re her fight with PG & E as

they force the dumb meters on her http://tinyurl.com/375yt6j )


As Dowsers, we have been used to [usually] ask a question; a

question that would have " yes " or " no " for the answer. We use and

hold a simple tool for this. When we ask the question the tool, such

as a pendulum or a rod, indicates the answer by movement. With the

understanding that our world is currently one of polarity, we have

trained ourselves to recognize a " no " or a " yes " response. This is a

neuromuscular response as the tool is interpreting the response which

comes from our neurological system, through and via our muscular system.

It comes from our neurological system which in turn comes from

another sensing system. This sensing system is one involving subtle

energies. Most of so called modern science pooh poohs it.

" Modern " (?!) science pooh poohs it because their systems are

too primitive to notice and handle it. If they can not see it, they say

it does not exist. It reminds me of the many times people told me I did

not live in Vermont. Yes, I heard this in Canada, too! They said this

because they had never heard of Vermont! It's the same mentality.

Ignorance fostered by arrogance. A deadly combination.

1989 began my awareness and education of vibrational energies

when I took a healing course. We learned that there are 5 stages of

disease formation. Stages 1 and 2 are energetic. It is as if an

energetic hologram has been put into place. If nothing changes this

hologram, as time goes by, the vibrations become denser and matter

accretes around and on it. Stage 3 is almost physical. In Stages

4 and 5 its definitely physical and therefore harder to undo. Stages

1 and 2 are as if an artist makes a [wire] frame and then starts

slapping paper mache strips onto it. It is MUCH easier to change it

in Stages 1 and 2.

" Modern " science does not have a clue about Stages 1, 2, 3.

Their very very primitive instruments can only detect the physical.

Stages 1, 2, 3 can be detected through dowsing and muscle testing, with

the help of mudras. And the situation can much more easily be dealt with.

What we do when we dowse is we enter into a communication and

detect subtle energies. A lot of the time we are resonating with

energies that we are similar to and with, hopefully, in harmony with

them. That's why water is the easiest energy for us to detect, as we

are 70% water, we resonate, like with like. Water resonates at a

frequency that is harmonious with living beings. Its about:

Energies. Energetics. Frequencies. Vibrations. All the

same " stuff " .

We are energetic beings and dowsers work with energies.

We use dowsing " rods " but in actuality WE are the dowsing rods.

The EMFs, WiFis, Femtos, Antennas, Cell Phones, (some) Cordless

Phones, Dumb Meters, Microwave ovens, et al --- vibrate at frequencies

that are disharmonious to, and injurious to --- all living beings ---

including: humans, dogs, horses, whales, day lilies, wheat grass and so on.

A living cell in a live human being vibrates. The vibration

of a disharmonious vibration comes into its energy field. Like the

screech of chalk held at the wrong angle when writing on a board that

can sometimes hurt your teeth, the disharmonious vibration causes the

structure of a cell, and/or its DNA, to begin to break down.

In the short run, this may cause symptoms such as headaches,

dizziness, etc., Sometimes symptoms are not felt. Sometimes a part of

the body just starts to break down, or, the energetic hologram of a

tumor is created and if nothing stops it it becomes physical.

Dowsing (and kinesiology, too) --- is --- [all] about ---

recognizing and interpreting these subtle energies. And then,

hopefully, doing something about it, if need be.

Dowsers have become sensitized to sensing, knowing about,

feeling and detecting these so far not visible and subtle energetic

frequencies. Frequencies that " modern " (!) science is clued out about,

can not detect, does not know about and remains ignorant about, for the

most part. It's like medicine before Leeuwenhoek discovered the

microscope (early 18th century).

It was only in 1847 that Semmelweis " discovered " its a good idea

for obstetricians to wash their hands before delivering a baby,

especially if they did an autopsy beforehand. It was not until years

after he died (1865) that people caught on this could be a good thing.

He was ridiculed and criticized a lot more belligerently than today's

WiFi nuts are! " Science " refused to accept his discoveries, despite

the proof he offered. This, too, is about vibrations...

[semmelweis had a breakdown, was incarcerated in a mental

institution, severely beaten by guards, secured in a straitjacket and

confined to a darkened cell. Apart from the straitjacket, treatments

at the mental institution included dousing with cold water and

administering castor oil, a laxative. He died after two weeks.]

Understood by dowsers but somewhat esoteric for non dowsers:

Not only are our bodies affected, but so is the body of planet Earth.

Dowsers know about lines of energy around the earth. The earth is

affected just as humans are affected. The earth energy lines are used

for communication. They, too become polluted.

Hard to imagine, isn't it? We have such a history of denying

what we do not want to see because it makes us uncomfortable, upsets our

beliefs or takes away our toys that eventually the proof becomes so

overpowering it must be realized, such as the connection between

cigarette smoking and cancer and folks STILL try to deny it! YES! Nixon

WAS Innocent! It is a mentality we are pushing against. Its the

mentality that brought and kept the US in Viet Nam and Iraq, fluoridates

water --- while suppressing MMS! (SUCH a contradiction!), forces the flu

vaccine, calls H1N1 a pandemic, forbids real milk and more. Its a


Like the French Impressionists around the end of the 19th

century, vilified miscreants of that time, who horrified the church and

decent citizenry because these artistic revolutionaries scandalized the

church and decent society by the disgraceful and offensive amount of

light they allowed into their paintings, miscreants such as Toulouse

Lautrec, Degas, Monet, Manet, etc., we are ahead of our time.


What we need to do is:

Educate: First, ourselves. Understand what the issues are, then

educate others.

Communicate: to media, schools, health people, government, etc.

Hold the energy.

The hardest thing for a human being to do is to change a habit.

We move towards pleasure and away from pain.

Folks often say: " You'll take away my comforts and conveniences

over my dead body. " Let's hope that does not come to pass.

Billions of dollars are at stake here. So is power and control.

Greed often blinds people to what is good or not for their own health,

even the health of those they profess to love.

It will happen. The damage that can be caused by this technology

will become known and accepted. Too much evidence is mounting up too

quickly and by to many to be ignored and suppressed much longer.

A statement from Barry Trower, who is speaking in Toronto this Tuesday:

" The radiation used in cellphone/wifi technology is identical

in every respect to the radiation that was used as a weapon: the same

pulsed frequencies, the same intensities, the same carrier waves. He

has particularly highlighted depression and suicide in young people as

one of the first symptoms of exposure to microwave radiation from cell

phones/cell masts/wifi. "

Dr. Ibrahim Karim who has known this for some time as he works

directly with subtle energies, tells us that EMF pollution is, or is

about to be, the worst pollution. Ever. A planetwide plague.

Dr. Weil is now, finally, also admitting that EMFs are the

worst sort of pollution.

Dr. ph Mercola speaks more and more about the dangers of EMFs

and Dec. 2008 established a special web site regarding EMFs:


Dowsing, like candlemaking, herbalism, midwifery, farming, used to

be a valued skill. Today we are unknown, and pioneers.


From: Magda Havas: " This is a must see for school boards, teachers,

parents, media, Health Canada, etc. "

Barry Trower will be speaking in Toronto:

Tuesday August 24, 7:30 PM

U of T: Health Sciences Bldg - 155 College Street

Auditorium, Room 610

Cost: FREE

On:: " History of Microwaves-from Weapons to WiFi "

Barry Trower was in the British Secret Service and debriefed

spies who used stealth microwave weapons. He believes WiFi in schools

is dangerous and he will tell us why. This is one event you do not want

to miss especially if you care about your health and the health of children.

" The radiation used in cellphone/wifi technology is identical

in every respect to the radiation that was used as a weapon: the same

pulsed frequencies, the same intensities, the same carrier waves. He

has particularly highlighted depression and suicide in young people as

one of the first symptoms of exposure to microwave radiation from cell

phones/cell masts/wifi. "

WHO? is Barry Trower:


WiFi in Schools Causes Cancer (1:19 min):

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyEUwlKzwZQ & NR=1

WiFi is not Safe for Kids (1:53 min)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SS_ivzKaEME & feature=related

Wireless Networks - Genetic Mutations (1:25 min)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ao4Z5-RYTQ & feature=related

I hope the above proves helpful to you. It is a statement of my

perspective & experience I wrote over the weekend and not a research(ed)

report. If there are areas that you can or will correct or clarify,

please do so and send it to me so I can learn and perhaps share it with

others. I have a feeling more on this subject will be needed.

Do visit: http://www.magdahavas.com

Visit and sign up for the newsletter:


Thank you for your willingness, caring, patience and attention.

Harmonious Blessings to you.

- Marilyn -

Marilyn Gang --------- mgang@...

Head Honcho, Toronto Dowsers


Catalysts For Spiritual Change,

We strive towards Conscious Awareness

" Once you open your consciousness and your open your heart, you start

vibrating to a faster frequency. " - Icke


Get ready for our next meeting:



September 21st, 2010

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Marilyn,

Just back from holiday and catching up, saw this first thing.

Two suggestions from a UK dowser/healer/shaman based on the premise that the

problem always comes with its solution :-

Try communicating with the perceived source of your problem.

Check out the differences between those that have the problem and those that

live with the same source, but do not have the problem.

I have had some interesting experiences with EMFs and geopathic stress

situations over here, love to swap info. and hear your progress on same.

Contact me by email if interested.

Cheers .

--- In , Marilyn Gang <mgang@...>



> MMS list: While the subject of this topic is not specifically MMS, it

> deals with the same awareness, educational and political problems as

> does MMS. I run a dowsing group in Toronto, wrote and sent this msg to

> our group this weekend, am getting a lot of favorable feedback, and

> thought it could be useful for readers on this list. I also include a

> LOT about MMS in our monthly newsletters.

> Also, as I was reading the feedback this morning, and MMS msgs,

> I realized many of the problems people on this list face with illness

> are also exacerbated by geopathic stress AND! the effects of EMFs, etc.

I have a feeling more on this subject will be needed.


> Do visit: http://www.magdahavas.com

> Visit and sign up for the newsletter:

> http://www.weepnews.blogspot.com/


> Thank you for your willingness, caring, patience and attention.

> Harmonious Blessings to you.


> - Marilyn -

> Marilyn Gang --------- mgang@...

> Head Honcho, Toronto Dowsers

> www.TorontoDowsers.com

> Catalysts For Spiritual Change,

> We strive towards Conscious Awareness

> " Once you open your consciousness and your open your heart, you start

> vibrating to a faster frequency. " - Icke


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