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Same problem with the medical schools. As reported in their own New England

Journal of Medicine, the pharmaceutical companies pour so much money into

the medical schools, new doctors are trained with bias in schools that can't

refuse the money.



> U.S. FDA advisers said tied to industry


> WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than half of the experts hired to advise the


> government on the safety and effectiveness of medicine have financial ties


> the drug companies that will be helped or hurt by their decisions, USA


> reported on Monday.


> The experts are hired to advise the U.S. Food and Drug Administration


> on which medicines should be approved for sale, what the warning labels

> should say and how studies of drugs should be designed.


> They are supposed to be independent, but USA Today said it found that in


> percent of the cases, the advisers had a direct financial interest in the

> drug or topic they are asked to evaluate.


> These conflicts include helping a pharmaceutical company develop a


> then serving on an FDA advisory committee that judges the drug; holding


> in the company; consulting fees or research grants.


> Federal law generally prohibits the FDA from using experts with financial

> conflicts of interest, but the paper said the agency had waived the

> restriction over 800 times since 1998.


> The pharmaceutical experts, about 300 on 18 advisory committees, make

> decisions that affect the health of millions of Americans and billions of

> dollars in drugs sales. With few exceptions, the FDA follows the


> advice.


> The FDA reveals when financial conflicts exist, but it has kept details

> secret since 1992, so it is not possible to determine the amount of money


> the drug company involved.


> USA Today said its own analysis of financial conflicts at 159 FDA advisory

> committee meetings from Jan. 1, 1998, through June 30, 2000 found that at


> percent of the meetings, at least one member had a

> financial conflict of interest.


> At 55 percent of meetings, half or more of the FDA advisers had conflicts


> interest, the paper said.


> 01:11 09-25-00





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In my view that makes the FDA a private business, unlikely to be able to

ever operate outside of a conflict-of-interest. They are making a mockery

of the legal system.What they're doing is illegal, illegitimate, invalid,

and government-sanctioned.

This begs the attention of the highest power of the land. Someone had

better clean up after them and dissolve that whole branch of the government.

As an alternative, the right thing to do would be to dissolve the federal

government on the grounds that it is a perversion itself and/or incapable of

doing the right thing.

Fact is, the corruption is almost complete now and very difficult to

reverse. Their job is almost done already. May be too late for a wake-up


Better review EVERYTHING that's been done for the last 75 years and make

appropriate amends.



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In a message dated 9/29/00 9:13:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

amber@... writes:

<< , new doctors are trained with bias in schools that can't

refuse the money. >>

That's true. If you have a lot of time to read the Leading Edge Research

Group website, you will see many references to that statement. Click on the

website below and scroll down to where it says " Chronology " on the right side

and read all the headings in that category. General Chronology of Events - a

historical analysis assembled as a chronological chart.

http://search.freefind.com/servlet/freefind?id=9591762 & map=0 & page=1

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  • 1 year later...

Looks to me that the FDA does not have our best interest in mind, they need

to be abolished.

We are not naive in knowing that a time may or will come when

citizens of North America (at least) will not be able to purchase

these technologies. That is what the FDA wants. Now, if you all were

to contact your local congressman or congresswoman about access to

alternative health protocols, that would be a GOOD thing

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest


We've have members email the FDA and the FDA wrote letters for them

stating that the DOCband is FDA approved. I'm sure they'll chime in.

> I was on the FDA's website and I couldnt find anything on the DOC

Band on

> there! I need a letter written saying that the band is FDA

approved. By the

> way do you think I could say anything to BCBS about the law suit


> them in ILL? I wonder if that would change their mind if they

decide not to

> cover Bryce.


> Rhiannon

> Bryce 10.5 mon ~ Almost banded


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if you search the archives, there is an lady's name and email address. She will send you a letter stating it is FDA approved. I will try to find it if I get a chance. I posted the info within the last few months. I have 3 kids trying to tell me something at the same time.



I was on the FDA's website and I couldnt find anything on the DOC Band on there! I need a letter written saying that the band is FDA approved. By the way do you think I could say anything to BCBS about the law suit againts them in ILL? I wonder if that would change their mind if they decide not to cover Bryce.RhiannonBryce 10.5 mon ~ Almost banded_________________________________________________________________Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8. http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmailFor more plagio info

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Rhiannon, did you find the name and email addy? If not let me know,

I'll search for you.


> I was on the FDA's website and I couldnt find anything on the DOC

Band on

> there! I need a letter written saying that the band is FDA

approved. By the

> way do you think I could say anything to BCBS about the law suit


> them in ILL? I wonder if that would change their mind if they

decide not to

> cover Bryce.


> Rhiannon

> Bryce 10.5 mon ~ Almost banded


> _________________________________________________________________

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  • 9 months later...
Guest guest

I wonder what is the procedure to get into CI when my country don't have it?

I'm from Philippines by the way, and the distributor listed on Nucleus'

website told me that they no longer carry it.


RE: telecoil

Does FDA have jurisdiction outside USA?

Wonder if I could complain if something goes wrong when I'm outside uSa and

that company's mother company is in USA...




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Did you try this one?

Manila Hearing Aid Centre

24 Queson Avenue

Quezon City,


Contact: Liza Abano

I could not find a reference to a Clarion Clinic in the ines. Maybe

someone else can find it. I already sent the Med-el information I found online.




Hi Jerome,

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has jurisdiction

ONLY within the United States.

If you have a problem with something manufactured in the United States,

but used outside the area, they should have a local representative. For

instance, Nucleus has centers all over the world although they are

headquartered in Australia.

Hope that answers your question.

Nucleus Volunteer

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  • 3 months later...
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In a message dated 7/22/04 4:24:57 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

SSRI medications writes:

> I thought that the FDA said Prozac was safe?



You can't believe anything they say. They are the handmaidens for Big


" Blind Reason "

a novel of pharmaceutical intrigue

Think your antidepressant is safe? Think again. It's

Unsafe At Any Dose

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  • 1 year later...

Then we should test out LDN in this less expensive and easier plan.

[low dose naltrexone] fda

----- Original Message ----- From: tbayuk@...


Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 10:24 AM

The FDA's Insane New Drug Testing Rules

The FDA has formally issued new guidelines designed to speed the testing of experimental drugs on volunteers.

New rules will allow drugmakers to test "minute doses" of experimental drugs to determine if full-blown clinical tests are warranted.

This "micro-dosing" of small numbers of patients in a clinical environment is intended to replace some early experimentation currently done on animals, and is expected to be more accurate.

Experts claim the amount -- about 1 percent of the final dose -- would allow them to determine if the drug gets to the area of the body intended, and how a patient tolerates it.

However, critics have charged that the new guidelines would increase hazards for volunteers, and facilitate the approval of drugs before their risks were fully understood.

Los Angeles Times January 12, 2006

--Regards, Tom

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

I gave my 2 cents worth too.

Bottom line is that we need a complete overhaul of the FDA. Those crooks need to

resign NOW.

Enough with allowing the drug companies to continue to poison and kill us with

bad drugs and make tons of money doing so.


{Spam?} {Disarmed} Re: {Disarmed} Re: {Disarmed}

April 30th DE

Well I posted.....the government and Big Money will always do what is best

for Big Money and NOT for us!!!!


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


I don't know what you think about the FDA, but since its beginning (not

mentioning the agency that came before it) it has not been an agency that is

protective of the people; more an agency that protects the pharmaceutical

companies and their outrageous profits. Not even going to touch the oil

companies and their outrageous profits. Both are at our expense, but the latter

is at the expense of our health! For years I have been underwhelmed as the FDA

has done a number of things and approved drugs that should have had much more

scrutiny. As far as I am concerned, with what the FDA is doing and also Senator

Kennedy, who is a lying rat for anyone who remembers Chappaquiddick, neither one

are exactly guardians of our health. The FDA isn't too far from a Facist

organization, in my opinion. It amazes me that they would even endorse a study

on iodine, as no money can be made by their drug company compatriots by so

doing. Yes, I have a very jaded view of the FDA, and that is not

likely to change anytime soon.

There are thousands upon thousands in the thyroid groups on from all

over the world. I will take their word over any peer reviewed study funded by a

pharmaceutical company with its vested interests. I know from personal

experience the misery of T4 only drugs and doctors that don't listen and don't

care enough to find a root cause. ly, personal experience counts much more

for me these days than any study. I am a scientist, although an amatuer one, to

be sure, an amatuer geologist. I have seen in that field also that studies can

be skewed to suit those who are conducting said studies. So, I have a jaded view

of studies also, so prefer to speak with those who have actual, personal

experience with any medication, including supplements, which the FDA is trying

to kill. I have NO trust that the FDA is looking out for my interests or health;

that is my job, and far too many people have given over the power to their

health to their doctors, when in reality it rests

with each individual. I really liked Roni's post about how insurance should be

operated - I could go with that also. As it stands, and in my experience, and

that of many people I know, insurance is not only a racket, but many are a scam.

Insurance and pharmaceutical companies should not be controlling what doctors do

and say, but they are.



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Embroidery from the Heart


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There is a simple and obvious solution for anyone who thinks Exxon earns

obscene profits. Simply buy Exxon stock... Otherwise you're just

blowing wind.

PS: I don't own any either; and neither do I like gas prices.

> Not even going to touch the oil companies and their outrageous profits.

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  • 6 months later...

If the FDA would keep their damn nose out of our natural supplements

and just do their job, get away from the influence of big pharma and

do what they are supposed to do, they would have plenty of time and

agents to check our food.


At 05:54 AM 1/30/2008, you wrote:

>FDA in Crisis, cant keep America's foods and drugs


>That was just the headline on the news........

>I just dont understand.....

>Why cant they keep us safe ? This is their job.

>If they enforced the laws that were made like truth

>in advertising, and if they didnt allow poisens in our

>foods etc......They are asking for twice as much

>money for their budget, so they can hire more people.

>Like that would change things........






>Start the year off right.


>ways to stay in shape in the new year.


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Go back on your vitamins girl I too felt better on them. Vitamins can build your immune system up when its sick.

LOve ya,

In a message dated 1/30/2008 1:13:49 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, saxony01@... writes:


If you were feeling better with your vitamins, I'd have a serious talk with your doctors.

They do not know your body as well as you do! . . . They are not Gods! . . . Regardless of what they think.

We must take take control of our health back from those who are only "practicing medicine" and don't haven't gotten it right yet.

We wouldn't be in this mess if they knew what they were doing.



Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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Lynda, in my opinion, Health Canada and the FDA are too busy waiting for the next coffee break than to worry about the well-being of the public.

A friend at the UofA has a health food store on campus, and he told me that someone burned down a health food store in the USA. He said that it was targeted because the Pharmaceuticals want to make money with drugs that can kill (see the movie The Constant Gardener, where poor people in Africa are experimented on by the Corporates!)

When I was on Vitamin E and C plus a multi-vitamin, my quality of life was so much better. The doctors took me off everything!

Love you...Us.



If the FDA would keep their damn nose out of our natural supplements and just do their job, get away from the influence of big pharma and do what they are supposed to do, they would have plenty of time and agents to check our food.LyndaAt 05:54 AM 1/30/2008, you wrote:>FDA in Crisis, cant keep America's foods and drugs>safe.>That was just the headline on the news........>I just dont understand.....>Why cant they keep us safe ? This is their job.>If they enforced the laws that were made like truth>in advertising, and if they didnt allow poisens in our>foods etc......They are asking for twice as much>money for their budget, so they can hire more people.>Like that would change things........>>>>>---------->Start the year off right. ><http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?NCID=aolcmp00300000002489>Easy >ways to stay in shape in the new year.>

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If you were feeling better with your vitamins, I'd have a serious talk with your doctors.

They do not know your body as well as you do! . . . They are not Gods! . . . Regardless of what they think.

We must take take control of our health back from those who are only "practicing medicine" and don't haven't gotten it right yet.

We wouldn't be in this mess if they knew what they were doing.



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Rogene, thank you. My doctors took me off all vitamins because of the blood thinners. I started taking 800mg of vit. E after my implants were put into my body. Later, I started with C and a multi-vitamin, and in 2004, after my last PE, I went off everything. They took me off my Estrogen too, because they told me that it was causing my PEs. The only vitamin that I am on is B12 shots.

What thinks thee? Love you.......Lea




If you were feeling better with your vitamins, I'd have a serious talk with your doctors.

They do not know your body as well as you do! . . . They are not Gods! . . . Regardless of what they think.

We must take take control of our health back from those who are only "practicing medicine" and don't haven't gotten it right yet.

We wouldn't be in this mess if they knew what they were doing.



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Today he told me I might not have Neulasta at all, that Doxil does

not necessarily lower blood counts.


At 08:06 AM 1/30/2008, you wrote:

>Lynda ~

>AMEN ! !

>I just wanted to let you know that the Neulasta

>shot did make a huge difference in Dad's labs !

>His platelets were up, his white cells were over

>7 thou., and his neuts were way up over 5, so

>it was well worth it.

>How are you doing today? Is your port site

>getting any better? Sending you lots of love

>and healing energy, and prayers !

>Love you ~ Dede






>Start the year off right.


>ways to stay in shape in the new year.


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That would be wonderful Lynda,

We'll be keeping you in our prayers,




Dede,Today he told me I might not have Neulasta at all, that Doxil does not necessarily lower blood counts.LyndaAt 08:06 AM 1/30/2008, you wrote:>Lynda ~>AMEN ! !>I just wanted to let you know that the Neulasta>shot did make a huge difference in Dad's labs !>His platelets were up, his white cells were over>7 thou., and his neuts were way up over 5, so>it was well worth it.>How are you doing today? Is your port site>getting any better? Sending you lots of love>and healing energy, and prayers !>Love you ~ Dede>>>>>---------->Start the year off right. ><http://body. aol.com/fitness/ winter-exercise? NCID=aolcmp00300 000002489>Easy >ways to stay in shape in the new


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We need to do some research to find vitamins we can take with confidence.

My doctor told me that he thinks vitamins are important, but that they must not have K in them. . .

From what I'm reading, virtually all green veggies have vitamin K . . . Garden of Life and Standard process vitamins are made from whole foods, so I suspect that, even if they don't specify Vitamin K, if they're made from green foods, they will have some K in them.

We should be able to eat anything, including vitamins, as long as we do it consistently every day.

Right now, I'm intent on getting my Coumadin dose as low as possible . . Then I'll start adding multi-vitamins and veggies back to my diet and see how it goes. One step at a time!



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Honey, I have just looked up the other supplement that I was on, and it has Silicon in it. I plan on going back on my vitamins too, because I want my life back. Good luck in getting well again.

Sending love to you.........Lea




Go back on your vitamins girl I too felt better on them. Vitamins can build your immune system up when its sick.

LOve ya,

In a message dated 1/30/2008 1:13:49 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, saxony01 writes:


If you were feeling better with your vitamins, I'd have a serious talk with your doctors.

They do not know your body as well as you do! . . . They are not Gods! . . . Regardless of what they think.

We must take take control of our health back from those who are only "practicing medicine" and don't haven't gotten it right yet.

We wouldn't be in this mess if they knew what they were doing.



Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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Rogene, I am trying to find the correct vitamins, but I will continue to do research. Taking blood thinners has really messed up my life, but I do not want another PE.

Honey, my rheumatologist has just called with the results of my bone scan. He told me that I have a hairline fracture in my right leg; however, he wants to do an MRI soon. He told me that I would have to start taking the Didrocal again because of bone loss. We must get a brace for my leg, because he told me that this is a must. He promised to send me a priscription for the brace because it is expensive...how sweet. My leg is still very painful, and it is keeping me from doing many things. He told me that walking is very important, and that the brace will help....wonders me!

Love you...always...........Lea




We need to do some research to find vitamins we can take with confidence.

My doctor told me that he thinks vitamins are important, but that they must not have K in them. . .

From what I'm reading, virtually all green veggies have vitamin K . . . Garden of Life and Standard process vitamins are made from whole foods, so I suspect that, even if they don't specify Vitamin K, if they're made from green foods, they will have some K in them.

We should be able to eat anything, including vitamins, as long as we do it consistently every day.

Right now, I'm intent on getting my Coumadin dose as low as possible . . Then I'll start adding multi-vitamins and veggies back to my diet and see how it goes. One step at a time!



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Please ask your doctors if they can recommend some vitamins for you they consider safe with blood thinners. . . I'm thinking you need to be taking a good Calcium/Magnesium/Vitamin D supplement, if nothing else . . . Calcium provides bone density, Magnesium provides bone strength . . . Vitamin D make them work.



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