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Reg the Silverfox, Science & Good Results of MMS

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Silverfox Tom, I am sure you know that silverfoxes are good at killing rats. And they are being

used for such in China to kill rats. That is true. Did you have any particular rats in mind on this Group?

You said that "The reason so many people have poor results when using MMS is that they don't have the proper concentration in contact with the pathogen and it doesn't get killed off. "

Then why are there so many people, even on this Group, present or who have left, that have had amazing results from using MMS?

I myself am in excellent health so do not need it internally but I have gotten rid of moles with it and old age spots and reducing now a pesky "mole" or whatever that has returned even after being cut out a few times.

Also silverfox, you may not know it, but science though good in doing research and trying to find answers to the material world, knows very little about why things are the way they are. That is, science can only give answers for less than 1-3 percent, even if that, to all the questions that one can ask about the material world. Now that is the truth also!

We use things everyday that no one or few people can explain why it works. We just know it does.

In China, the traditional Chinese doctors have been using herbs and herb conconctions that they could never explain why it works. They just know from experimentation that it does. And there are 100's of millions of folks down through the ages that have been made well by them. I know this because I have talked to them and have used them myself.

Some things to think about.

Ma Li

From: silverfox_science <poast@...>Subject: [ ] Re: Controlled clinical evaluations of chlorine dioxide, chlorite and chlorate Date: Friday, August 20, 2010, 5:23 AM

Hello Healinghope,Sorry, but all oxidative therapies involve having a concentration of the oxidant in contact with the pathogen for a specific amount of time.You, and Jim, can dream up some magic method of the immune system using chlorine dioxide, but chlorine dioxide is a killer. By killing things off the immune system may be stimulated, but the immune system doesn't use chlorine dioxide.The reason so many people have poor results when using MMS is that they don't have the proper concentration in contact with the pathogen and it doesn't get killed off. Jim has mentioned PPM several times. He ignores the science behind it because he doesn't understand how these chemicals work.Tom>> Actually I should point out this company is probably not using chlorine dioxide at the concentrations recommended by Jim. The big problem with Tom's PPM mentality is that is a description of what happens OUTSIDE the body in a non-living situation. Jim has always ignored PPM because you mix your dose of mms with as much water/juice as you want, the PPM is irrelevant. This is because inside the body is a living, intelligent system. The immune system cells can grab the chlorine dioxide molecules and take them to where they are needed--this is an intelligent system--not a dead, outside the body system. So the body does not need PPM concentrations floating in the blood to kill off pathogens, it only needs to get the chlorine dioxide molecules in the dose into the hands of the intelligent

immune system components. This is what Jim has always said. The chlorine dioxide molecules are super powerful weapons placed right into the hands of the immune system, not just floating around in the blood randomly as in an outside the body situation. If you understand this, then only small amounts of chlorine dioxide are needed to get great effects. It explains why the chemistry outside the body is not very relevant, and yet Tom keeps stressing it.>

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