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Thanks Starweaver DID WE FIRE THE GRID? / Meg Blackburn Losey Ph.d Online MessagesAugust 2, 2007Greetings to each of you! Much has transpired since our last transmission!First

of all, the most asked question that I have had since July 17th is DID

WE FIRE THE GRID?? The answer, unequivocally is YES!!! So what

happened? What continues to happen? Ok, here goes ~As we all

came together to Fire the Grid on July 17th, the intensity on Universal

levels was amazing. If you could hear it (which I could) our Oneness

sounded like a huge humming that had a pulsing rhythm. We were not only

addressing the earth grid, but the Universal consciousness as well. As

the humming intensified, the fabric of creation slowly rose, like a

huge wave. The wave changed frequencies, changing to higher and higher

vibrations as it rose. At about the 45 minute mark, the wave collapsed

from a convex rise to a concave trench-like form. Next, I watched as

the convex format began to shift and change, the frequencies continuing

to rise. And then it all smoothed out like calm waters. This was one of

the most powerful events that I have ever witnessed.We unified the earth grid with the universal mass consciousness, something that has been lacking for eons. And

as we did, the earth grid had its own reaction. Many described seeing

or feeling blue lights that went on one right after the other. Every sector of the earth grid that wasn't working, that wasn't lit, awoke.The

field of blue energy that occurred (which by the way is a very healing

set of frequencies) expanded and then the entire grid glowed golden.

That's right. We brought the frequencies of our very source to the earth grid. We

are powerful in our being and even more powerful when we unify for the

greater good. We did this with intention, with passion, and with Grace.

So now what???I know that many who participated may

have expected immediate results. In many ways we are seeing those. The

earth has begun to rebalance. If you watch the earthquake patterns

regularly (which I do) you would notice that the pattern has shifted

slightly and that there is movement in areas that we don't normally

see. The intensity of the pacific ring of fire has changed as the ring

has shifted slightly as well. The intensity of lightening has

become greater, with huge lightening storms occurring as the grid

balances. There have been great releases of the electromagnetic

energies from within the earth. This is a sign of shifting and

changing. In fact, these releases have been so prevalent that most of

the people I have shared healing sessions with of late have partial or

full reversal of their chakra systems. This has been consistent across

the board. Before we fired the grid, I was only seeing this in the

earthquake zones.And then thereare the space time

relationships. How many of you are seeing things? They are there, then

they are not? People, animals, indescribables? The dimensional barriers

have thinned even more, and there are communications going on that are

easier to relate. And the elementals have been hugely active. Have

you seen the little squiggly patterns in the air? Little spirals

covering your entire field of vision? Those are the basic elementals

and they are alive, awake and active in the way that they were when our

original root races existed on our planet. And in the news, politicians exposed, injustices being made right or at least challenged. And this is just the beginning.Energetically,

we have experienced many changes. Our overall frequencies have been

amped up considerably. And we have been refined. Many of you might have

noticed how much more sensitive you are to things. That is because you

are more accessible. When we fired the grid, we experienced a major

cleansing. Our particulates have a different mathematic ratio than they

did before the event. The very fabric of our manifested selves in

relation so all creation is now spread farther apart, allowing

information to flow through us more freely, uninterrupted (unless of

course we are kicking and screaming, resistant to the very changes we

intended!). And speaking of energetics, remember that this

kind of work always has a trickle down effect. As the energies of what

we have done reach our earth and therefore our experiences, the effect

will grow and grow, becoming more and more sound and obvious. Don't

think for one moment that you didn't make a difference. That we didn't

make a difference. All I can say is I am honored and privileged to

belong to the One of which all of you are a part.The most important part of this entire event was the unification of peoples across the globe for the intention of love. As

we united, there were no boundaries, no differences, no fear or

defenses, only LOVE. And that is huge. It is the beginning of the

unification of humanity for the greater good of all. And what better

service is there than to intentionally change the experience of every

being in our world and beyond.We are Blessed.As always, I wish you joy in your hearts, laughter in your days and love in everything that you do.Blessings, Grace and Peace, Dr. MegMeg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D.Love~All~Ways*~Karma*

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