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Re: Lye soap

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Healinghope, I found some grandma lye soap on some web sites (ACE sells only 18packs). Is it ok to buy it from them or should I look for some soap specs? Thanks, Dave[The entire original message is not included]

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Dave Here is a good site if wanting the lye soap already shredded. I just slice

some off and put in blender 1/4 full grind then add a little more water blend,

put in gallon container add water.


> >

> > Healinghope, I found some grandma lye soap on some web sites (ACE sells only

18packs). Is it ok to buy it from them or should I look for some soap specs?

Thanks, Dave

> >

> > [The entire original message is not included]

> >


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my dad has ring worm in 5 different places on his body. he's been spraying a 20/100 dose of mms1 everyday, but this is the third day now and it's still there. now he's going for the 3 drops every hour. does anyone know if there is a powerful soap for this problem.

and does anyone know if this could have gotten into his blood?

From: healinghope <mfrreman@...> Sent: Tue, August 31, 2010 3:22:58 PMSubject: [ ] Re: Lye soap

Dave Any lye soap will work, buy the flakes if you want.http://www.soapsgonebuy.com/category_s/2.htm--- In , Fles <corvette111@...> wrote:>> Healinghope, I found some grandma lye soap on some web sites (ACE sells only 18packs). Is it ok to buy it from them or should I look for some soap specs? Thanks, Dave> > [The entire original message is not included]>

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I have had success with mms for ringworm. I have found soaking the area is better than just spraying . Here is some info for ringworm. Also if you have a walnut tree and now is the right time of year. Take walnuts and make a tincture. Ringworm CuresRingworm cures the natural way. If you want to cure ringworm naturally, then here are some suggestions for tinea corporis. This pertains to natural ringworm cures pertaining to the non-hairy body parts as the limbs, trunk or face. The treatment should be successful only if the skin lesion is a fungal infection. First you should determine the correct diagnosis of fungal infection present.The ringworm (body) symptoms usually starts as round, itchy red patch with a raised outside edge that tends to grow outwards, The middle area heals as it expands outwards. There is a red scaly ring where the infection continues to spread unfortunately. This is known as tinea corporis. The symptoms of ringworm on the limbs, trunk and face are: the centre of the ring looks normal: slightly raised border: itchiness in the red area; pink to red patch or ring (maybe slight inflamed); slightly raised border and often redder around the outside with normal skin color in the center.Next is ringworm of the scalp. This ringworm occurs mostly in children between 3 to 7 and almost always under 10 years. It seems to be more common in boys verses girls. Adults can also get ringworm of the scalp. (example Trichophyton tonsurans). The typical symptoms are reddening, crusting and scaling of the scalp with the possibility of intense itching. Hair loss can occur as well. The specific pattern symptoms are dependent on the type of fungi present. The different symptoms are; dry scaling only condition whereby it looks like dandruff; smooth areas of hair loss only.Black dot ringworm whereby the hairs are broken off at the scalp surface. This fungus trichophyton causes the infections within the hair shaft. The hair becomes brittle and breaks off at the scalp surface. The other hairs are left behind. The black dot appearance is now apparent.Also, there is grey patch ringworm fungus called microsporum. The lesions start as small red bumps around the hair shaft that grows outward. This forms a red, scaly and circular rings that are dry. The hairs in the infected area appear grey and dull and tend to break off frequently. There is several hair loss areas and intense itching usually. There are also more severe forms of ringworm scalp, favus and kerion. Untreated, they may result in permanent scarring and bald areas.There are other diseases that look like body ringworm which are: skin lupus, eczema, drug eruptions, psoriasis and pitynasis rosea.The other diseases that look like ringworm of the scalp are: alopecia areata, psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis.There are different natural anti-fungal remedies that can be used for ringworm cures. Garlic is an excellent antiseptic. Use chopped or grated fresh garlic directly onto the ringworm lesion. Place the garlic pieces onto the affected area. Next, cover the area with a clean plastic and hold it in place using a band aid. Yes, it will burn at first, but leave the poultice on for the whole night and do this for 5 to 6 nights in a row. If you can not use garlic poultice, rub garlic tincture on the ringworm area. Chop 3-4 cloves of fresh garlic into a small glass jar and pour alcohol into it covering the garlic completely. Locate the jar in a sunny window for 3 to 5 days. Don't forget to strain and use this tincture for the ringworm patches on your skin. If the skin shows an allergic reaction to the garlic, don't use it.You can also try green walnut hull juice. Unripe walnut is surrounded by a thick green ring that is poisonous to eat. Use it only on your skin ringworm, Crush the rind into a pulp than apply it to the ringworm. Do cover with a plastic foil to leave it on overnight for several nights. Walnut tincture or liquid extract bought from a Health Food Store can also be used for ringworm. Fresh green walnut hull seems to be more effective thou. Just rub some black walnut tincture onto the ringworm lesion area several times a day.You can cure ringworm using lemon or vinegar. Vinegar makes a hostile environment for the fungi. Apple cider vinegar or white vinegar will do the trick. You may use vinegar undiluted as a compress on the ringworm area. Soak a makeup pad or cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and place it on the infection. Placed a bandaid to fix it in place for 30 minutes twice a day for one week. Other possibility is just rub some undiluted vinegar on the ringworm patch several times a day. If the smell of vinegar is unpleasant, use lime juice or fresh lemon the same procedure as the vinegar. Acidic juice of lemons can be used for ringworm cures as well. Other uses for ringworm cures can be with ginger, essential oil, grapefruit seed extract, iodine, gentian violet, tiger balm or vicks vaporub. (all used topically only on the skin surface)Get your freeRingworm Secrets Mini-CourseGet your free mini-course on how to identify and treat ringworm quickly for your healthier, happier lifestyle starting today.Just enter your first name, e-mail address in the form below, and we'll email you your first lesson right now!First Name:Email:**Double-check your email for accuracy to ensure you receive your free mini course.Privacy Assured:Your email address is nevershared with anyoneRecommended ReadingAvailable for Immediate DownloadClick here to download nowInteresting ArticlesRingworm In HumansRingworm RemediesRingworm CreamsRingworm Cat InformationSpotting A Ringworm DogRingworm Cures> >> > Healinghope, I found some grandma lye soap on some web sites (ACE sells only > >18packs). Is it ok to buy it from them or should I look for some soap specs? > >Thanks, Dave> > > > [The entire original message is not included]> >>

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In the fall, collect the green black walnut hulls recently fallen from trees. Only select hulls that have less than 50% black discoloration. The more green, the better. Do not use cracked hulls. The actual walnut is inside, but only the whole ball is used since the active ingredient is in the green outer hull. Black walnut hulls may look and smell like small limes.Works Great For Ringworm to. Place directly on ringworm. Or rub green hull on ringworm, will stain skin.Assemble:Your largest stainless steel or glass (not aluminum, ceramic, plastic,enamel, or Teflon) pots or bowls.Black walnuts in the hull, each one still at least 50% green, enough tofill the pot to the top.Grain alcohol, about 50% strength, or regular vodka. Enough to cover the walnuts.Vitamin C powder (capsules are fine)Caution: Black Walnut Hulls can stain counter tops, clothing and may causecontact dermatitis. Handle carefully.Directions:Wash the walnut hulls carefully with water that does not have laundrybleach disinfectant. Put them in the pot and cover completely with the alcohol or vodka. Sprinkle on 1 tsp. vitamin C. Cover with lid. Let set for three days. Add another tsp. vitamin C. Use funnel to pour into glass bottles, preferably amber bottles. If amber is not available, store in a dark place. Better yet, store in freezer.Discard walnuts (squirrels love them!). The vitamin C helps to keep the color green, as does the non-chlorinated water if you use grain alcohol. Potency is strong for several years if unopened, even if it darkens slightly.Walnut TipsWhen preparing the walnuts, wash only with cold tap water. Rinse with distilled, unfiltered water to remove all chlorine. You may need to use a brush on areas with dirt. The pot of soaking walnuts should not be refrigerated.Reducing Exposure to Air TipsExposure to air causes the tincture to darken and lose potency very quickly. To reduce air exposure, fill the pot as much as possible while still keeping a snug fitting lid. It is better to put tincture in many small bottles rather than one large one in order to reduce repeated exposure to the air once opened. Store bottles in freezer for maximum potency.Grain Alcohol TipsIf you cannot use vodka, there are several ways to make a 50% grain alcohol solution. Some states in the US sell Everclear, 95% alcohol. Mix this half and half with distilled, unfiltered, water. Other states have Everclear that is 76.5% alcohol. Mix this two parts Everclear, to one part water. Do not use flask-size Everclear; it must be 750 mlor 1-liter. Smaller bottles may have wood alcohol or isopropyl alcohol contamination.Dosage: Only take black walnut tincture under the direction of a licenced healthcare professional. Wormwood (artemisia annua or artemisia absinthe) as well as freshly-ground cloves are often recommended as part of the anti-parasite strategy.Please consult a physician knowledgeable about the documented action of any supplements before starting or changing your current protocol.These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration. The supplements discussed are not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.> >> > Healinghope, I found some grandma lye soap on some web sites (ACE sells only > >18packs). Is it ok to buy it from them or should I look for some soap specs? > >Thanks, Dave> > > > [The entire original message is not included]> >>

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Curious how much water? Is the water distilled? I would use only 2oz water for

20 drops activated, and use distilled. If the area is soak-able I would soak.

The bath with 20 or 30 drops twice daily would help also. In the south they use

green walnut hull, just rub on area. If you have a woods near by sure is the

right time of year to find and even make tincture.

> >

> > Healinghope, I found some grandma lye soap on some web sites (ACE sells only

> >18packs). Is it ok to buy it from them or should I look for some soap specs?

> >Thanks, Dave

> >

> > [The entire original message is not included]

> >


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Hello ,

You may want to have your dad try this...

Put 10 ml of 5% sodium chlorite into a glass and add 10 ml of 10% citric acid.

Let the solution activate for 10 minutes, then add enough water to make a total

of 500 ml. Next add 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda.

Take a paper towel the size of the infected area and saturate it with the

solution. Apply the saturated paper towel and keep it in place for 5 - 10

minutes. The remove the paper towel and spray the area with the solution and

let it air dry.

You want to do this 3 - 4 times a day.

You should also determine where the ringworm came from and get rid if it at the

source to prevent re-infection.



> my dad has ring worm in 5 different places on his body. he's been spraying a

> 20/100 dose of mms1 everyday, but this is the third day now and it's still

> there. now he's going for the 3 drops every hour. does anyone know if there is


> powerful soap for this problem.



> and does anyone know if this could have gotten into his blood? 



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healing hope, thank you. he was using filter kangen water high ph? not sure if this could have been the problem?

From: healinghope <mfrreman@...> Sent: Wed, September 1, 2010 8:47:10 AMSubject: [ ] Re: Lye soap

Curious how much water? Is the water distilled? I would use only 2oz water for 20 drops activated, and use distilled. If the area is soak-able I would soak. The bath with 20 or 30 drops twice daily would help also. In the south they use green walnut hull, just rub on area. If you have a woods near by sure is the right time of year to find and even make tincture. > >> > Healinghope, I found some grandma

lye soap on some web sites (ACE sells only > >18packs). Is it ok to buy it from them or should I look for some soap specs? > >Thanks, Dave> > > > [The entire original message is not included]> >>

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Hi Tom,

This is the first time I've seen adding baking soda to asc. What does that do?


[ ] Re: Lye soap

Hello ,You may want to have your dad try this...Put 10 ml of 5% sodium chlorite into a glass and add 10 ml of 10% citric acid. Let the solution activate for 10 minutes, then add enough water to make a total of 500 ml. Next add 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda.Take a paper towel the size of the infected area and saturate it with the solution. Apply the saturated paper towel and keep it in place for 5 - 10 minutes. The remove the paper towel and spray the area with the solution and let it air dry.You want to do this 3 - 4 times a day.You should also determine where the ringworm came from and get rid if it at the source to prevent re-infection.Tom>> my dad has ring worm in 5 different places on his body. he's been spraying a > 20/100 dose of mms1 everyday, but this is the third day now and it's still > there. now he's going for the 3 drops every hour. does anyone know if there is a > powerful soap for this problem. > > > and does anyone know if this could have gotten into his blood? > >

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Hello Bev,

When you drop the PH of sodium chlorite by adding acid, you for chlorous acid.

It has a PH of around 2.8 - 3. This can irritate the skin. By adding a little

baking soda you buffer the PH closer to neutral and minimize any skin




> Hi Tom,

> This is the first time I've seen adding baking soda to asc. What does that


> Bev

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It is also the way to neutralize the effects of activiated MMS.


There is an antidote if you ever feel " overdosed " with MMS. If disabling nausea

erupts suddenly with no warning, the antidote that stops further production of

ClO2 gas is to quickly drink water with about two tea spoons of baking soda.

That will neutralize the production of ClO2. Since there are toxins in the

stomach already, after you stop ClO2 production it may be 30 to 60 minutes

before nausea ceases. Another antidote is orange juice, or vitamin C which also

diminishes the production of ClO2 gas.


> >

> > Hi Tom,

> > This is the first time I've seen adding baking soda to asc. What does that


> > Bev


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Tim I thought the same thing thanks for posting:) Kinda like activating sodium

chlorite with ascorbic acid, alias Vitamin C. Not a god idea in my IMHO.

> > >

> > > Hi Tom,

> > > This is the first time I've seen adding baking soda to asc. What does

that do?

> > > Bev

> >


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Hello Tim,

That is not entirely correct...

Chlorine dioxide is a gas and has no PH. Chlorous acid is acidic. If you add

enough baking soda to drive the PH of the chlorous acid to a PH of 7 or higher,

the reaction will stop, but it will have no effect on the chlorine dioxide that

is already in the solution.

The problem addressed was ringworm. Activating the sodium chlorite produced

some chlorine dioxide which will aid the destruction of the pathogen, and then

the chlorous acid residual will offer some sort of ongoing benefit. Adjusting

the PH from 2.8 to 5 makes the solution less irritating to the skin, but keeps

the solution acidic.

In this case, the baking soda is used as a buffer and not to neutralize.


--- In , " chasson321 " <chasson321@...>



> It is also the way to neutralize the effects of activiated MMS.


> http://mms-articles.com/mms-nausea-workaround.htm


> There is an antidote if you ever feel " overdosed " with MMS. If disabling

nausea erupts suddenly with no warning, the antidote that stops further

production of ClO2 gas is to quickly drink water with about two tea spoons of

baking soda. That will neutralize the production of ClO2. Since there are toxins

in the stomach already, after you stop ClO2 production it may be 30 to 60

minutes before nausea ceases. Another antidote is orange juice, or vitamin C

which also diminishes the production of ClO2 gas.



> Tim

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Hello Healinghope,

Perhaps we should look at how the body works in the GI tract...

When something enters the stomach, HCl is produced and mixes with the substance.

Once it leaves the stomach, the acid mixture is buffered as it passes down the

colon. By adding a small amount of baking soda to a solution that is intended

to be used topically, you are just following the example of the body.

Also, when you add an acid to sodium chlorite, it becomes activated. Even when

you add ascorbic acid...


--- In , " healinghope " <mfrreman@...>



> Tim I thought the same thing thanks for posting:) Kinda like activating sodium

chlorite with ascorbic acid, alias Vitamin C. Not a god idea in my IMHO.


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Please Tom do not explain to me the basics of the GI tract. I responded to Tim

and my response remains the same. Baking soda, alias sodium bicarbonate will

neutralize, or make ineffective the chlorine dioxide IMHO.



> Hello Healinghope,


> Perhaps we should look at how the body works in the GI tract...


> When something enters the stomach, HCl is produced and mixes with the

substance. Once it leaves the stomach, the acid mixture is buffered as it

passes down the colon. By adding a small amount of baking soda to a solution

that is intended to be used topically, you are just following the example of the



> Also, when you add an acid to sodium chlorite, it becomes activated. Even

when you add ascorbic acid...


> Tom



> --- In , " healinghope " <mfrreman@>


> >

> > Tim I thought the same thing thanks for posting:) Kinda like activating

sodium chlorite with ascorbic acid, alias Vitamin C. Not a god idea in my IMHO.

> >


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Hello Healinghope,

Here is a test you can run to demonstrate this for yourself...

You will need 2 glasses.

In each glass put 0.5 ml MMS and add 0.5 ml of 10% citric acid. After 10

minutes add 10 ml of water to each glass. Now, in one glass put 1/8 teaspoon

baking soda, stir, and view the difference in color between the two.


--- In , " healinghope " <mfrreman@...>



> Please Tom do not explain to me the basics of the GI tract. I responded to Tim

> and my response remains the same. Baking soda, alias sodium bicarbonate will

> neutralize, or make ineffective the chlorine dioxide IMHO.



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What? Who cares about the color. Obviously baking soda and activated MMS will

have different colors?????



> Hello Healinghope,


> Here is a test you can run to demonstrate this for yourself...


> You will need 2 glasses.


> In each glass put 0.5 ml MMS and add 0.5 ml of 10% citric acid. After 10

minutes add 10 ml of water to each glass. Now, in one glass put 1/8 teaspoon

baking soda, stir, and view the difference in color between the two.


> Tom



> --- In , " healinghope " <mfrreman@>


> >

> > Please Tom do not explain to me the basics of the GI tract. I responded to


> > and my response remains the same. Baking soda, alias sodium bicarbonate will

> > neutralize, or make ineffective the chlorine dioxide IMHO.

> >

> >


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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Make Lye Lotion Or Soap Shampoo.Cut off small pieces of soap add with warm water in blender or use hand mixer, use 1/2 to 1 cup of water blend or use hand mixer. Pour in gallon jug, I use old vinegar jugs, fill with water, will thicken overnight. Find the consistency you like. I use empty dish soap bottles for shower. You can also blend in flower of sulfur mix with olive oil first. You can add tea tree oil to if you wish. >> I hate to ask and I tried searching before asking.> Someone gave instructions for cooking down lye soap.> I really like this soap but if I use it for my body I can see specks in the bar and this is even if I just lather with my hands and run over my body.> Some of these specks will be embedded down in the soap.> I have to magnify to see them and this makes me think about how these affect my skin.> I also want to use in the machine.> > This is where I need to start printing such helpful info so that I can make a booklet.> Also can you use on walls without having a film?> If it were diluted down it seems like it would.> > Thanks,> SAndy>

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