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Glossary of Ascended Master Terminology

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Glossary of Ascended Master Terminology Archangels Archangels

are Angels that have passed certain Initiations and gained the

Attainment of this rank in the Hierarchy of the Angelic Hosts. The

Attributes of the Solar Consciousness and God Consciousness of each of

the Seven Rays to the Earth's evolutions are represented by an

Archangel and His Divine Complement, an Archeia. The First Ray (Blue

Flame of Power, Will, Protection, and Faith) is represented by

Archangel and Faith in the "Temple of Faith and Protection", in

the etheric realm over the Canadian Rockies, near Banff and Lake

Louise, Canada, and extending over the border of the United States. The Second Ray (Yellow

Flame of Illumination, Wisdom, and Understanding) is represented by

Archangel Jophiel and in the Retreat in the etheric realm

south of the Great Wall near Lanchow, north central China. The Third Ray (Pink

Flame of Love, Adoration, Creativity and Compassion) is represented by

Archangel Chamuel and Charity in the Retreat in the etheric realm over

St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A.. The Fourth Ray (White

Flame of Purity, Discipline, and Harmony) is represented by Archangel

and Hope in the Retreat in the etheric realm between Sacramento

and Mount Shasta, California, U.S.A. The Fifth Ray (Green

Flame of Truth, Healing, Abundance, and Science) is represented by

Archangel Raphael and Mother in the Retreat in the Temple of the

Sacred Heart in the etheric realm over Fatima, Portugal. The Sixth Ray (Ruby,

Purple, and Gold Flame of Peace, Ministration, and Service) is

represented by Archangel Uriel and Aurora in the etheric realm over the

Tatra Mountains, south of Krakow, Poland. The Seventh Ray (Violet

Flame of Freedom, Ceremony, Mercy, and Transmutation) is represented by

Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst in the "Temple of Purification" in

the etheric realm over Cuba. Ascended Masters The

Ascended Masters are Individuals were once embodied on Earth (or

another planet) and learned the lessons of Life in Their embodiments.

They gained Mastery over the limitations of the matter planes, balanced

at least 51% of negative karma, and fulfilled Their Dharma (Divine

Plan). An Ascended Being has become God-like and a Source of

unconditional Love to all Life, and through the Ascension has united

with His or Her Own God Self, the I AM Presence. Ascended Master Octave Also

known as the Ascended Masters' Octave, this refers to God's Realms of

Light - the Immortal, Eternal Realms of the Spirit Universes and the

Highest Heavens, Octaves or Planes of Spirit. These are the habitation

of the Ascended Masters, Angels, Cosmic Beings, and Elohim. Saint

Germain explained that in the Octave of the Ascended Masters there is "

.. . . Perfect Life which is the Divine Light and Eternal Inheritance of

every one of God's children. Many have chosen to take a long time to

come to This Point, but all must make a beginning sometime, and all

must do It eventually. Ascension The Goal of Life is the Ascension in the Light - into Immortality through reunion with the Individualized God Presence. Bodies of Men and Women We

have "seven bodies". There are four lower bodies: physical, emotional,

mental, and memory. These bodies are four sheaths composed of four

distinct vibrations of matter that surround the lifestream and provide

the vehicles for the personal identity's journey through time and

space. There are three Higher Bodies: the Holy Christ Self, the Causal

Body, and the Electronic Body of the Mighty I AM Presence, [the "Holy

Trinity" for each lifestream]. These Bodies are three Immortal Bodies

composed of three distinct Vibrations of Spirit. There is also the

"White Fire Body" [the Individualized God Flame] - out of which the I

AM Presence of each Twin Flame is Individualized. The "White Fire Body"

continues Active and Immortal - before the embodiment of Twin Flames,

during embodiment, and after the Ascension of the Twin Flames. Chohan A

Chohan is an Ascended Master that focuses the Christ Consciousness of

one of the Seven Rays of God's Manifestation, becoming the Law of the

Ray and governing Its use in man. A Lord or Master; a high Adept; an

Initiate who has taken more Initiations than the five major Initiations

which make man a "Master of the Wisdom". One

of "Seven Mighty Beings who, having passed the Sixth Initiation, have

the Power to focus within Themselves the Ray-Streams or Attributes of

Logoic Consciousness. The Seven Chohans of the Rays are Ascended

Masters representing the Attributes of the Solar Logos and Christ

Consciousness of each Ray to Earth's evolutions. The

First Ray (Blue Flame of Power, Will, Protection, and Faith) is

represented by El Morya in the Retreat of God's Will, Darjeeling,

India. The Second Ray (Yellow Flame of Illumination, Wisdom, and

Understanding) is represented by Lord Lanto in the Royal Teton Retreat,

Grand Teton Mountains, near Hole, Wyoming, USA. The Third

Ray (Pink Flame of Love, Adoration, Creativity and Compassion) is

represented by the Venetian in the Château de Liberté in southern

France. The Fourth Ray (White Flame of Purity, Discipline, and

Harmony) is represented by Serapis Bey in the Retreat and Temple of the

Ascension at Luxor, Egypt. The Fifth Ray (Green Flame of Truth,

Healing, Abundance, and Science) is represented by Hilarion in the

Temple of Truth at the Island of Crete. The Sixth Ray (Ruby,

Purple, and Gold Flame of Peace, Ministration, and Service) is

represented by Nada in the Arabian Retreat in Saudi Arabia. The

Seventh Ray (Violet Flame of Freedom, Ceremony, Mercy, and

Transmutation) is represented by Saint Germain in the Cave of Symbols

at Table Mountain in the Teton Mountain Range, Wyoming; and at the

Great Divine Director's Focuses of the Cave of Light in India and the

Rakoczy Mansion in Transylvania, Romania. Christ Self The

Holy Christ Self â€" also known as the Higher Mental Body, the Higher

Self, or the Guardian Angel â€" is the "Only Begotten One of God."

Beloved Kuthumi described this Body as "the only part of you created

solely by God, in contrast to your human consciousness." (Pearls of

Wisdom, December 2, 1960 - Volume 3 Number 49) It is the Christ Mind

that is aware of the Perfection of the God Presence, but is also aware

of the imperfections and requirements of the outer self. It does not

accept any imperfection of the outer human self, but remains Pure and

Perfect. The Holy Christ Self is endowed with the Discriminating

Intelligence to act in the outer self. It has been described as a

"Step-down Transformer" with the ability to act in the lower human

realms. It is an Intelligent Being with a Body of Light that is of a

lower vibratory rate than the God Presence. Electronic Body The

Electronic Body is the Immortal Body which the I AM Presence â€" a Divine

Spirit â€" uses as one of Its Vehicles of Expression. This Electronic

Body has Divine Purity and Structure, and forever remains "Eternally

Youthful, Beautiful, Strong, Perfect, and Free from every conceivable

limitation. In this Body, Individuals can and do function wherever they

choose in the universe, for in It there are no barriers of time, place,

space, nor condition." Beloved Jesus referred to this Body when He

spoke of the Seamless Robe or the Bridal Garment of the Spirit. No

imperfection can ever be recorded in or upon It, for It is composed of

Pure Electronic Light. Saint Germain has stated that: "Every human

being sometime, somewhere must raise the outer or atomic structure into

the Imperishable, Electronic Body, where no imperfection exists.

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