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One of the first things I did when we got our SCIO was

to put my partner on it for cataracts and post surgery

floaters. He did notice a big difference in the

floaters. Eye surgeon told him there wasn't anything

he could do about the floaters. He has a cataract in

the other eye that has not gotten worse since. I

haven't done Nirvana's protocol yet and will do that

this next session. But in my opinion the SCIO does

offer help with cataracts.


Quantum Biofeedback Therapy

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I have had 2 different things happen here. 1. the cataracts stayed the same and did not get worse, but they did not get better. Once they hade them removed they did not come back as many do. 2. They ripened fast so they could be removed quickly. Why did one ripen quickly and the other stay stagnant? I've no answer.

Yours in Health,



I am looking for advice and real cases on treating cataracts with scio.When a patient is ready to go to cirgury, should we encorage it, or should we give him hope with scio treatments (I have done 2 so far with one week apart, following Nirvana's protocols, but no visible reuslts)?Also, are there any specific protocol for pos-cirgury recovery? specific for this king of lazer cirgury?Thanks, mo

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  • 2 months later...
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Kay, the surgery to remove cataracts is fairly simple and usually has no

side effects. The problem with the surgery for some of us with inflammation

(iritis/uveitis) can be a little tricky. If you've never had a problem with

iritis, it should be safe to proceed when you feel it is effecting your

sight...sewing, driving and the like. Many start to see the need when night

driving...halos around on coming lights, etc. The surgery, for most, does help



Long term prednisone does increase the growth of cataracts, like you

mentioned. It has some nasty side effects like osteoporosis (bone density) and


fractures, high blood pressure, weight gain, depression or mood swings. Short

term use has less chance of these problems. I've mentioned this because

there has been a lot of talk about prednisone on the list for the last week or

so. It may help some with a really bad flare-up or their initial flare, but

chronic use can pose problems....especially the higher doses. I had a friend

who had uveitis really bad...maybe even worse than mine....she took oral

prednisone over long periods of times. She kept breaking her bones...just


dishes, walking, etc.

Best regards, Connie

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Hi Connie, Yes, I've had iritis many years ago at the onset of Reiters. It was

in the eye that now has the most developed cataract. Most recently inflammation

has come from dryness and a small callous on my eye. At this point I just want

to get some other issues resolved before I deal with the cataract. I've been

having some dental work done and I still tend to have some pain and cramping in

the hand that had surgery in November. It seems I could be going to

appointments all the time and get nothing else done. The eye doctor said that

it was up to me when I would be ready to get it removed. Kay

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Hi Connie, Yes, I've had iritis many years ago at the onset of Reiters. It was

in the eye that now has the most developed cataract. Most recently inflammation

has come from dryness and a small callous on my eye. At this point I just want

to get some other issues resolved before I deal with the cataract. I've been

having some dental work done and I still tend to have some pain and cramping in

the hand that had surgery in November. It seems I could be going to

appointments all the time and get nothing else done. The eye doctor said that

it was up to me when I would be ready to get it removed. Kay


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  • 3 months later...
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What are the products used to make the eye wash?  I do not have cataracts but

do wear glasses with a strong prescription.  It would be nice to be prepared

ahead of time.-lenosan


you can tell if you are beginning to get a cataract by wearing pinhole

glasses and staring at a blank computer screen. you will see the tear

in your eye (don't know how this works but it does - that's how i found

mine, along with one too far advanced to do anything about, except get

surgery). Anyways, I purchased an e-book on the web for an eyewash

formula that would rid people of cataracts and darned if it didn't

work!! It was only $25 and it worked for the one eye where it was not

advanced, compared to the surgery, which, without insurance, will run

around $3,000. Of course, you will also have a small expense for a few

items you will need from the health food store.


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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 year later...
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I haven't heard of VCO for them--but I HAVE heard of using coconut water for





Has anyone tried or heard of using VCO for cataracts?? I read it a long

time ago and can't find how much to use and how long it takes to heal.

Any info would be great Thanks

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I read somewhere about using fresh young coconut water for cateracts but can't

remember too much about it.

I have been using it (VCO) in my eyes to overcome a very serious case of dry

eyes. They would be glued shut when I woke in the morning and impossible to open

until massaged and getting enough tears to soften the glue. In about a month

the condition was almost totally gone and now I only use it 2-3 times a month.

Previously I had flushed with distilled water,saline solution and CS (EIS) with

very limited success. Decided to try VCO and what a surprise. Very soothing

feeling on application (1-3 drops per eye} and next morning virtually no gluing.

Did have to wash away the oil slick to be able to see clearly.

Contact me off group. I would attempt to find anything I have in my files.

Cheers, Doug



Has anyone tried or heard of using VCO for cataracts?? I read it a long time

ago and can't find how much to use and how long it takes to heal.

Any info would be great Thanks

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Bruce Fife wrote about coconut water healing cataracts in his book, Coconut

Water for Health and Healing, pages 102-104.

Warm regards,


-- In Coconut Oil , " vanadeux " <vanadeux@...> wrote:


> I have not heard that coconut oil helps cataracts..but this site sells an

eyedrops product


> www.ethos4success.eu


> they sell a drop called Revital Eyes..my mom has used them with good results.


> thanks




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I'm not out to minimize this kind of anecdotal comment, and I respect Bruce's

work, but I'm skeptical that coconut water delivers this kind of miracle healing

very often. How much data was referenced on this point? I would be very pleased

if it was a trend or a point proven by repetition.



> Bruce Fife wrote about coconut water healing cataracts in his book, Coconut

Water for Health and Healing, pages 102-104.



> Warm regards,

> Joan

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Does anyone know if coconut oil helps to stop hair loss or helps to regrow


On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 5:28 PM, Duncan Crow <duncancrow@...> wrote:



> I'm not out to minimize this kind of anecdotal comment, and I respect

> Bruce's work, but I'm skeptical that coconut water delivers this kind of

> miracle healing very often. How much data was referenced on this point? I

> would be very pleased if it was a trend or a point proven by repetition.


> Duncan



> >

> > Bruce Fife wrote about coconut water healing cataracts in his book,

> Coconut Water for Health and Healing, pages 102-104.

> >

> >

> > Warm regards,

> > Joan




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Thanks. I read it in coconut cures, but can't find my book. I'm glad it is

working for your eyes. Thats wonderful. My father inlaw is the one with

cataracts and wants to try anything because they won't opperate until september

because of other problems he has to take care of first. He is only trying it at

night. I hope it helps him.

thanks again.



> I read somewhere about using fresh young coconut water for cateracts but can't

remember too much about it.

> I have been using it (VCO) in my eyes to overcome a very serious case of dry

eyes. They would be glued shut when I woke in the morning and impossible to open

until massaged and getting enough tears to soften the glue. In about a month

the condition was almost totally gone and now I only use it 2-3 times a month.

Previously I had flushed with distilled water,saline solution and CS (EIS) with

very limited success. Decided to try VCO and what a surprise. Very soothing

feeling on application (1-3 drops per eye} and next morning virtually no gluing.

Did have to wash away the oil slick to be able to see clearly.

> Contact me off group. I would attempt to find anything I have in my files.

> Cheers, Doug

> cataracts






> Hello,

> Has anyone tried or heard of using VCO for cataracts?? I read it a long time

ago and can't find how much to use and how long it takes to heal.

> Any info would be great Thanks







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Here are articles from Ray Peat on the subject.



Increasing one's CO2 levels by drinking carbonated drinks, breathing into a bag

or taking a baking soda bath. Living at high altitudes will also do it.

Eat coconut oil and stop eating foods with polyunsaturated oils or transfats.

Ray Peat rocks!



> Here's an interesting study about carbs and cataracts:


> http://www.proteinpower.com/drmike/uncategorized/carbohydrates-and-cataracts/


> " I already know an awful lot of people and until one of them dies I couldn't

possibly meet anyone else. " -  Reggie Lampert






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There has been some research on kinetins in coconut water being trialled to

regenerate hair by Dr V Verallo-Rowell this is mentioned in the book

" Rx-Coconuts the perfect health nut " excert cited

http://www.cocotap.com/nutrition.htm This research is ongoing and the results to

be the subject of a new book.

The concentrations of cytokinetins varies with coconut maturity and are greatest

in mature coconuts prior to sprouting.

FYI there is also a proven breathing technique offered by

http://www.luftek.com/ to restore the scalps' natural structure and regrow hair.

PS coconuts are usually decribed as being hairy!

best wishes,


> Does anyone know if coconut oil helps to stop hair loss or helps to regrow

> hair?

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You are most welcome.

Cheers, Doug







> Hello,

> Has anyone tried or heard of using VCO for cataracts?? I read it a long time

ago and can't find how much to use and how long it takes to heal.

> Any info would be great Thanks







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Does it really matter if we believe it or not if doing it doesn't cause adverse

affects? If I had cataracts I would try it. It can't hurt.


> >

> > Bruce Fife wrote about coconut water healing cataracts in his book, Coconut

Water for Health and Healing, pages 102-104.

> >

> >

> > Warm regards,

> > Joan


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Update. I'm so excited. Talked to my father in-law yesterday and he

has been putting the VCO in his eyes morning and night. He is already

feeling and seeing a difference after one week. This is awesome.

Thanks, I knew it was worth a try.


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That is great news. Keep us informed on this progress.

Cheers, Doug



Update. I'm so excited. Talked to my father in-law yesterday and he

has been putting the VCO in his eyes morning and night. He is already

feeling and seeing a difference after one week. This is awesome.

Thanks, I knew it was worth a try.


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  • 5 months later...

This topic has been covered in past messages.

What to do:

1. Under the " Recent Activity " section on the right side of this email

message, click " Visit Your Group. "

2. The coconut_oil group on website will display. To activate the

menu on the left side, log in using your email account.

3. The " Messages " menu will then be clickable. Click it. And then, in the

" Search " box under " Messages " , type: cataracts

4. Click the [search] button. The related messages will then display.


On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 8:12 AM, crgstef <crgstef@...> wrote:



> I have read here that some used coconut water and coconut oil for treatment

> of cataracts. Has anyone tried " Can-C " and what was the result?


> Thanks.


> Craig




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Here's one of the previous posts:

Question for Duncan Re: Re: VCO for cataracts

Alobar to coconut_oil_op.

show details Jul 22

It is really difficult sometimes to tell what is advertising hype and

what are real differences between different brands.

Below quotes and links are from Jonathn .

Personally, I have no idea which formulation might be more effective.

However, if my eyes were at risk, I would choose the formulatio which

was actually used in research. An old coffee commercial used to say

" you get what you pay for. " Not universally true by any means, but if

my eyes were at stake, I'd go with the formulation sold by Ant-Aging



V. , M.D. has degrees from both Harvard University (cum

laude) and the University of Michigan. More than any other doctor, he

practically invented the modern science of applied nutritional

biochemistry and he has advanced nutritional medicine for nearly three

decades. Thousands of doctors respect Dr. as the author of the

best-selling Book of Nutritional Therapy and Guide to Healing with

Nutrition, as well as other classics in the field.

Millions of Americans first learned about natural medicine through Dr.

's regular columns in Prevention (1976-1986) and Let's Live

(1986-1996) magazines.


The version of N-acetylcarnosine eyedrops tested in the studies is

called “Can-C” and is sold through the Tahoma Clinic Dispensary and

on-line by a company called International Anti-aging Systems

(www.anti-agingsystems.com). (Note: N-acetylcarnosine is not the same

as N-acetylcarnitine, another very useful substance with entirely

different actions.) Although I am of course affiliated with the Tahoma

Clinic Dispensary, I am not associated with the researchers,

manufacturers, or other distributors of “Can-C” or other

N-acetylcarnosine products.


On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 11:58 AM, sol<solbun@...> wrote:

> Alobar,

> I have used both the CanC eye drops and the Life Extension Brite Eyes

> III, and could not tell any difference. Both contain 1% NAC, and the

> inactive ingredients are very nearly identical so I see no reason to pay

> twice as much for the CanC. I plan to continue with the Life Extension

> brand.

> sol


> Alobar wrote:

>> Seems to me that using the drops once a day might be good for

>> preventing problems. The brand which I will probably buy is here:

>> http://wisechoicemedicine.net/store/information.php?info_id=11



On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 8:47 AM, B P Y @ Gmail <benny.yadao@...>wrote:

> This topic has been covered in past messages.


> What to do:


> 1. Under the " Recent Activity " section on the right side of this email

> message, click " Visit Your Group. "


> 2. The coconut_oil group on website will display. To activate the

> menu on the left side, log in using your email account.


> 3. The " Messages " menu will then be clickable. Click it. And then, in the

> " Search " box under " Messages " , type: cataracts


> 4. Click the [search] button. The related messages will then display.


> =================================================



> On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 8:12 AM, crgstef <crgstef@...> wrote:




>> I have read here that some used coconut water and coconut oil for

>> treatment of cataracts. Has anyone tried " Can-C " and what was the result?


>> Thanks.


>> Craig






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crgstef wrote:

> I have read here that some used coconut water and coconut oil for treatment of

cataracts. Has anyone tried " Can-C " and what was the result?


I am using the U.S. made version of CanC right now, but will switch

to Can C when it runs out. I have 3 boxes (6 bottles) of Can C waiting.

I also started supplementing vit A 5 days ago, and I can see again. I

have been having extreme blurry vision (extreme and variable)for around

2 years, but my opthalmologist says my early stage cataracts don't cause

the variable vision blurriness. A person on another list I belong to

suggested I look into vit A, and I found deficiency can cause blurry

vision and is also implicated in cataracts. I took 50,000 iu A that day,

and the next day I could see again. I have gone up to 60,000 per day for

the past 4 days, and still can see better than I have in years.

Don't know if this will continue, but it is very encouraging.


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What is Can-C??? I'm assuming Canadian C???? Marsha


> I have read here that some used coconut water and coconut oil for treatment of

cataracts. Has anyone tried " Can-C " and what was the result?


> Thanks.


> Craig


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On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 12:23 PM, aust4freng <werus@...> wrote:


> What is Can-C??? I'm assuming Canadian C????  Marsha





>> I have read here that some used coconut water and coconut oil for treatment

of cataracts. Has anyone tried " Can-C " and what was the result?


>> Thanks.


>> Craig


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