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Personal Hopes & Pleas for Us All (Rather Long - Sorry! *sheepish grin*)

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I walk quietly, reverently into the room; crystals glittering and emitting incredible energies. All is silent save for the electrical hum of the wall unit air conditioner. I pause, turning inward, gathering my thoughts like sweeping up crumbs from the counter. The

intentions, hopes, prayers, and desires I am about to deliver and offer

to Spirit and the Universe are clear within my serene soul and mind

now; as clear as the proverbial counter of which I just spoke having

swept my metaphorical "crumbs" from. One

candle lit at a time with utterances clear sent through to transcend

time and space by drawing upon the Universal Law of Correspondence to

deliver its mark with the sureness of Cupid's Arrow from his bow. I

whisper my acknowledgment of and to the Divine; for Their roles in my

life and their abundant generosity so present in my life - my Beloved

Allies from all their wildly different dimensions and in each of Their

splendidly glorious and cherished various forms. I give my thanks, my love, my heart – the whole of me – to Them. I

reaffirm my commitments to Them, to this life and its known purpose of

helping others help themselves in a myriad of ways, communicating what

I can when it is appropriate and genuine, and to learn as much as I can

while I am here. The

air is thick now with the smoldering smoke of Nag Champa incense

snaking its way towards the ceiling, covering the recently intense

Grandfather White sage used to sanctify and cleanse myself and my

sacred space. I

offer my prayers for All always with the caveats that Freewill remains

and Harm None are wrought by that which I offer so unconditionally,

openly and freely. The

heat of the numerous candles grows, warming the room, even as the light

wraps its golden hue sensuously around my human form as I continue

onward with my intensely focused intentions. I speak in hushed tones to Them, reminding myself, "I know only that I do not know. Yet I know what I believe in my deepest heart and soul to be true and beautiful. I offer these intentions and prayers for All who should like to add to them or who need the energy for the betterment of All." I honor all who exist within the Universe for we are of One and therefore are One. I give my pleas for:*healing for All*wisdom*for each of us to understand and accept our energetic responsibility by realizing the power of a single thought*for hope, clarity, illumination, purpose, joy and enchantment to be present in abundance in our daily lives as we can view miracles (great and small) transpiring everywhere around us constantly - when we care to pay attention*for true, abiding, unconditional Love in all its various pure and natural healthy ways for us all*for peace to be our constant companion within oneself and also in ones world – the Universe*for us to celebrate and honor the true sense of communion that gives its due respect for All that is*for compassion, kindness, gentleness, fearlessness, self-love, forgiveness and respect for All and for self to be common daily occurrences provided without thought*for personal integrity and dignity to be a way of life that is normal rather than exceptional*for an end to casting judgments and aspersions against others without a second thought as to what that really means*for honesty to be immediate and as natural as breathing*for a constant seeking

of what is empiric or Universal truth as compared to that which I

perceive as my own truth while recognizing there is a difference even

if that means we don't disparage another's beliefs*to know intimately true bliss while we are Spirits living well a human existence*for sincerity to ring out more loudly than the rev of a Harley on a clear Summer's day*for a remembering always that we are all equal in the "eyes" of the One*for an embracing of the power and divinity that flow through us all while remaining both sincerely humble and grateful for such magnanimous gifts*for enchantment and joy to be found every day in some fashion or another in each of our lives*for altruistic charity that elevates the soul to be as easy to do or make happen as to brush one's teeth*for faith in something (one) bigger and better than us all*for comfort and solace of the ill and suffering throughout the Universe*for purpose to be found and patterns to reveal themselves and for us to possess the sage art of listening*for the souls of the crossed throughout the Universe and those whom are suffering grief for the loss of the former form of the one who makes their way ever homeward*for living in the present moment with an open heart and with clear enough eyes to see precisely what is truly beautiful and what one does have rather than does not – to be sincerely grateful*for us all

to have the strength, will and courage to embrace our fears and

distractions - to face them, thank them and then truly finally release

them.These are my pleas. They are many. They seldom change but are never provided mindlessly or without thought, feeling or passion. They are, in essence, my own essence's pleas and longings. I remember to breathe the gift of precious air that sings sweet songs of secret passions. I

remember to bow to the grace of the generosity of the flow of abundant

Universe which just waits for us to step into it without further

fighting ourselves or stepping in our own way. I

bow to fire which transmutes all that is negative into positive;

creating passion flowing in veins or transcendent moments of pure

clarity of the Celestial realms. I

give thanks for the clean and sparkling water that comprises the

majority of beloved Gaia, our human bodies, and recognize the great

gift we have to be able to drink or bathe without fear of illness or

lack when so much of the world here cannot. I

pray for healing and protection for Gaia, and respect to be paid to

such a majestic, mysterious, glorious and powerful lady who allows us

to remain living amongst some of the most joyful and sublime places in

the Universe. I remember to be grateful that I can again walk and dance; finding joy. I laugh with depth; wholly because without that a day is not a success to me. I utter my gratitude for a mind that can learn and comprehend and is interminably curious. I

give thanks for the medicines which help me to heal where other forms

of healing have not yet proven successful; but give thanks knowing I am

a good and solid healing channel knowing with absolute faith my own

healing is at hand even as I never forget the days I suffered nor those

I see suffering each moment of each day around the globe – whether in

person, by news, by radio, etc… I

honor those beloved children who shall come to walk next; to take our

places in the ranks we now serve and pray they walk in the Light with

Love and Joy and learn quickly and well. I

honor the animals who are not "owned" but are gifts to our lives and

are like family members, each with unique personalities and treasures

bestowed generously by them to us for no other reason than they love

and trust us. We are fallible, beautiful, amazing, powerful, who fall victim to illness or fear or selfishness at times. We stumble, yet we rise again and again. This, too, I honor. And,

I honor all of you….my family and my friends; some known, others

getting to be known, while still others are simply admired for who they

are and how they do as they do. This is my thank you to all of you. I wish you all the blessings I just relayed to you…Blessed Be in Light & Love, always in all ways. ~Ali~ P.S.

Please understand I merely share this with you; I have no sense of

being sanctimonious, "better" or anything else for that matter. I was

merely guided to share this with you all, and so now I have. :: deep

bow of respect :: Original work: Alison Kain off my Blog on MySpace (Eternally A Seeker) 2007

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