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Re: hypochlorous

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Arthritis Trust dot Org has an article for the use of Hypochlorous acid in illness and I thought MM2 was related to it some how. You did confirm it at least in theory and now I have a starting point to start to researching. On Google if you type in Arthritis Trust and hydrochloric acid you will get what I found. There using this by IV and by pill. Seems a chemical change by sun light, interesting! http://www.google.com/search?q=dibetis+and+arthritis+trust & ie=utf-8 & oe=utf-8 & aq=t & rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official & client=firefox-a#sclient=psy & hl=en & client=firefox-a & rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3Aofficial & q=Hydrochloric+Acid+and+arthritis+trust & aq=f & aqi= & aql= & oq=dibetis+and+arthritis+trust & gs_rfai= & pbx=1 & fp=a29c82155c57878eTo: From: chasson321@...Date: Sat, 9 Oct 2010 10:24:35 -0700Subject: [ ] hypochlorous

My understanding is that when calcium hypochlorite, pool shock is put into a pool it produces hypochlorous acid. Hypochlorous acid is very unstable and with the help of the sun converts to hydrochloric acid.

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Hello ,

Hydrochloric acid has been used in dilute forms since the 1930's with rather

incredible results in both humans and animals. Do a search on dilute

hydrochloric acid therapy for a look at this.

While you are studying, note the concentrations used...

Hypochlorous acid is used in water treatment. It is generally referred to as

chlorination. It is formed by adding chlorine to water and holding the PH of

the water near neutral. The body uses hypochlorous acid in a closed system.

The white blood cells surround and engulf the pathogen. After it has been

separated from the blood stream, the white blood cell produces hypochlorous acid

to kill the pathogen.

Note that this is a lot different than drinking hypochlorous acid and flooding

the body with it. We now know that hypochlorous acid " chlorinates " as well as

oxidizes and forms THM by products that over time cause cancer even at the very

small amounts used in water treatment. MMS2 involves concentrations much higher

than those used for water treatment.

Chlorine dioxide and hypochlorous acid work well in closed systems. However,

they quickly break down when exposed to UV light. Some of the chlorine released

from the break down can combine with hydrogen in the air and form hydrochloric

acid which when combined with moisture can fall to the ground as a form of acid



--- In , Stauffer <gsgkill@...>




> Arthritis Trust dot Org has an article for the use of Hypochlorous acid in

illness and I thought MM2 was related to it some how. You did confirm it at

least in theory and now I have a starting point to start to researching. On

Google if you type in Arthritis Trust and hydrochloric acid you will get what

I found. There using this by IV and by pill. Seems a chemical change by sun

light, interesting!




http://www.google.com/search?q=dibetis+and+arthritis+trust & ie=utf-8 & oe=utf-8 & aq=\

t & rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official & client=firefox-a#sclient=psy & hl=en & client=firef\

ox-a & rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3Aofficial & q=Hydrochloric+Acid+and+arthritis+trust & aq\

=f & aqi= & aql= & oq=dibetis+and+arthritis+trust & gs_rfai= & pbx=1 & fp=a29c82155c57878e




> From: chasson321@...

> Date: Sat, 9 Oct 2010 10:24:35 -0700

> Subject: [ ] hypochlorous





























> My understanding is that when calcium hypochlorite, pool shock is put

into a pool it produces hypochlorous acid. Hypochlorous acid is very unstable

and with the help of the sun converts to hydrochloric acid.


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thanks From: poast@...Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2010 15:23:39 +0000Subject: [ ] Re: hypochlorous

Hello ,

Hydrochloric acid has been used in dilute forms since the 1930's with rather incredible results in both humans and animals. Do a search on dilute hydrochloric acid therapy for a look at this.

While you are studying, note the concentrations used...

Hypochlorous acid is used in water treatment. It is generally referred to as chlorination. It is formed by adding chlorine to water and holding the PH of the water near neutral. The body uses hypochlorous acid in a closed system. The white blood cells surround and engulf the pathogen. After it has been separated from the blood stream, the white blood cell produces hypochlorous acid to kill the pathogen.

Note that this is a lot different than drinking hypochlorous acid and flooding the body with it. We now know that hypochlorous acid "chlorinates" as well as oxidizes and forms THM by products that over time cause cancer even at the very small amounts used in water treatment. MMS2 involves concentrations much higher than those used for water treatment.

Chlorine dioxide and hypochlorous acid work well in closed systems. However, they quickly break down when exposed to UV light. Some of the chlorine released from the break down can combine with hydrogen in the air and form hydrochloric acid which when combined with moisture can fall to the ground as a form of acid rain.




> Arthritis Trust dot Org has an article for the use of Hypochlorous acid in illness and I thought MM2 was related to it some how. You did confirm it at least in theory and now I have a starting point to start to researching. On Google if you type in Arthritis Trust and hydrochloric acid you will get what I found. There using this by IV and by pill. Seems a chemical change by sun light, interesting!



> http://www.google.com/search?q=dibetis+and+arthritis+trust & ie=utf-8 & oe=utf-8 & aq=t & rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official & client=firefox-a#sclient=psy & hl=en & client=firefox-a & rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3Aofficial & q=Hydrochloric+Acid+and+arthritis+trust & aq=f & aqi= & aql= & oq=dibetis+and+arthritis+trust & gs_rfai= & pbx=1 & fp=a29c82155c57878e




> From: chasson321@...

> Date: Sat, 9 Oct 2010 10:24:35 -0700

> Subject: [ ] hypochlorous





























> My understanding is that when calcium hypochlorite, pool shock is put into a pool it produces hypochlorous acid. Hypochlorous acid is very unstable and with the help of the sun converts to hydrochloric acid.


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