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Re: Healing Request For My Baby Girl

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I will pray for peace for you, you daughter, and your family. May the doctors have the wisdom to help your child heal, and may you feel the angles hold you in their arms. Lynn <sugermomma2@...> wrote: Dear Family, I am asking for you healing prays for my little one her name is she is 14 years old and has Manic Depression ,She is in a episode and I am very worried about her right now . This morning I had this child holding on to me for dear

life begging me not to go to work . She is on Lithium ,She sees a therapist She was seeing her every 2 weeks but when school started she when to every 4 week , I am going to move it back to every 2week for a while, When she in in a episode she cuts herself . I don't know how fast her therapist can see her untill then I will stay by her side but she need you all also and all the healing power of love this family gives . We live in Mulvane Kansas . Please Help. Pease and Love, Lynn and

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This is my first attempt of doing this in this manner, please bear with me.......with love.I am attempting this from an observing point of reference...as I enter her space, a complete aura of love pulsing waves in every direction, I sit in front of her...beams of love hitting her in the heart...lots of tension...lots of "crackling"....her eyes seem to be rolled up in her head....as if "not present". Lots of shouting, echoes, kind of like a weird horror flick in some strange place...she "herself" seems to be walking along some dark wall, attempting to hold herself up, propped up...sliding along the wall...trying to get back. She keeps looking back, as if something was following her, in fear, but afraid to move ahead, but slowly doing so.I can't seem to latch on to the far off "voices" which seem to come from every direction, far off. The reflection in her eyes, she sees me, yet, looking directly through, she senses me I think, her expression pleading, but she can't seem to trust "here". She's afraid to...she did "before". Before what? Something has happened...It is so cold...the cold of anger. icy, she feels as if she is already "dead"...is she? [she ask herself]...that's it, the cutting is to see if she's alive...she bleeds at the thought of it...looking down at the blood, she stretches out her arms to me [does she see me?] she says nothing but I hear her thought..."see, nothing...I can't feel". [i question my being here...am I?]The tears sting...like they are acid, burning the eyes...difficult to see [a way out?]. (what she has seen, or saw, or experienced she saw as beautiful...and it turned into something horrible...to her). She is afraid to reveal what this is...she feels betrayed, no one to turn to...the "voices" continue....she wants to reach out, I try...but I am not there...her hand misses me and scratches the wall, trying to grab it, trying to hold on...trying to reach, for something...I can feel the pain, it is rising up in me...it, is overbearing...it is like a rock pulling me, sinking me, heavy, so heavy.........She is so afraid, dam the acid in my eyes stings...I must break away from "this"...........it is intense...I'm sorry.[ah, my left hand feels like I punched a wall????]Listen, she MUST be cut back on the meds...too much of it...try no more than half...she needs constant continual contact....holding, and tell her how much you love her, and don't stop...direct it inward, deep, pound it deeper...drive it in...which is just, holding tight and letting yourself flow into her. She is in need of this energy...and from all of us.[she has a headache on the right side right now...rub there].I sense something has happened, and I hesitate to say what, I'm not clear on it...but a very strong trust has been shattered. Don't try to figure that out right now, as it may bring more power to this. keep focus on her, and loving. She needs to be filled with love in a constant flow....there are extreme thoughts "voices", which have become attached here...in religious circles this would seem to be "demons", but rest assured they are thoughts...many of them are from wherever this first occurred...they are not hers, but her anger and fear have attracted more. Remember, we flood negative thoughts with constant love to enter and change them, dilute them.Love is pouring in right now....she is some better but that is just the effects of the flow...she is still wandering down this "inner hallway"....your soothing voice my be heard...she is looking for something she can relate to and follow "out"...you must be this voice...both in voice and in touch. Don't be overcome by this, and don't try to figure out the deeper causes just yet, you need focus, pure intent and love. She's reaching for you...that's her intent in crawling the walls, trying to reach out of this.You have all my love and focus...everyone here is sending their own energies and love as well...be content this will work out just fine...she WILL BE OK. I see the outer bank, and she is smiling and happy...both of you are.With Incredible Love and Compassion..........Articles and Information...Teen Depression - Cutting Your BodyUnfortunately, many teenagers have the tendency to

abuse their own bodies when they don't feel well. If they don't act

this way, they may even suffer from panic attacks. However, they don't

believe they are suicidal… They don't want to receive treatment from a

professional, mainly because they hate them, and they simply carry on

in this way until something worse happens. Of course, it can only get

worse since it is a very serious sign of the domination of the wild

conscience in the person's human conscience. This wild conscience is

very violent, so it pushes the person to torture his or her own body.

This behaviour is completely crazy!If you are one of the teens

who do this, I have to tell you that you need treatment no matter what.

You may hate the professionals who you think supposedly want to help

you because you don't trust them, you don't like their style and

methods, but you must not ignore this horrible tendency you have and

let it continue killing you.This is killing you; you know it. So, you must fight against this disease.The

first thing you have to do is to stop doing it no matter what. You must

stop cutting and abusing your body and just stay still without

movement, and wait for the crazy desire to go away until it abandons

you. You may think it will never abandon you, but you are the one who

is going to decide this battle. If you are resistant and never again

abuse your body even though you feel horrible because you feel the need

to do this; in the end, you will stop having the desire to cut your

body. It's going to stop; I guarantee you this because it can beat you

only if you are weak and you succumb to this tendency.Now, you

may have a panic attack because this tendency is already too strong.

The solution is not to cut your body because this abuse is like a drug

for you. It helps to calm you down, but you are calming down with

something that should provoke horror in you! Your nature has been

distorted and now you calm down and even feel pleasure when you torture

yourself and abuse your own body! This is crazy! I hope you agree…What

has happened to you is that you have become a victim of the wild side

of your psychic sphere, which has invaded your human conscience and is

obliging you to do crazy things, supposedly in order to solve your

problems. However, the crazy things you do don't help you solve

anything. They only create worse problems.You must not follow

the strong crazy desires you have; you have to stop believing that this

crazy tendency is making you act. Don't think that this desire to cut

your body comes from your own conscious mind. It comes from the wild

and violent side of your psychic sphere, which only pretends that it is

a part of you. It is not a part of you, but it is the part of an

unknown region of your psychic sphere that has an independent

conscience, thinks by itself, and is independent of your human

conscience. It has invaded your human conscience and is pushing you to

do crazy things in order to control your behaviour. This is how people

start becoming crazy—by the invasion of the violent content of the wild

conscience.Please, be careful! If you continue being a slave to your wild conscience, it will finally lead to suicide.If

you don't like the professionals who can help you, learn how to

interpret your dreams and follow the wise directions of the unconscious

that produces the dreams. The unconscious is the best doctor you could

ever find because it already knows everything about you. You don't have

to explain anything. Further, this unconscious gives you orientation,

showing you how you can overcome your problems.I wish you will

try to interpret your dreams and have this tool in your life because it

will help you forever if you always respect the dreams' messages.However,

I prefer to see you learning to interpret your dreams after a visit to

another doctor, even though you may not like his or her style. I only

wish this because your problem could be very serious and you may need

urgent help… After the first contact with this doctor and his or her

therapy, you can start interpreting your dreams and also allow the

unconscious doctor to help you.Please, do something urgently in

order to stop yourself from abusing your body, and then start learning

how to interpret your dreams, so that you'll never have any problem

like this again.During

my studies, I came across Carl Jung's method of deciphering dreams,

which helped me and urged me to continue his research into the unknown

regions of our psychical sphere. I set my poetry aside and began to

compile my findings. I sought to prove that Jung had discovered the

proper method of interpretation of dreams. This exercise actually

taught me many things, and I continued to pursue Jung's research into

the analysis of dreams. Learn more at http://www.booksirecommend.com/Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=_SponiasAnxiety and Anxiety AttacksAre You Depressed?Suicide Help - Courage to LiveDepression - Cowardice and CourageWhat Monster Would You Let Out if You Let Go Of Your Depression?Recognizing Side Effects Of DepressionFind Out Ways To Overcome DepressionCombat Depression - The Worst Disease in the WorldOvercoming Depression with WelatoninEfficacy of Two Chemically Related Drugs in the Treatment of Depression and General AnxietyEfficacy of Two Common Drugs in the Treatment of DepressionWhat Withdrawal Symptoms Depression Patients may have when Discontinuing the Latest SSRI DrugTreatment of Depression During Pregnancy with the Newest SSRID DrugThe Newest SSRI Drug is Not Free of Side-Effects in Treatment of Depression and Anxiety DisordersChemistry and Pharmacology of the Newest SSRI Anti-Depressant DrugNatural Cures for DepressionTen Tips For Beating DepressionA Simple Cure For Anxiety And DepressionChronic Depression: Disease or Charcter Flaw?Foods That Help Fight DepressionNew Treatment for Chronic DepressionWellbutrin For Depression: When It's More Than Just The BluesAnimal Therapy for Depression5 Tips to Reduce DepressionA Look at the Different Depression and Anxiety MedicationsDepression: More Than Being Down in the DumpsSt s Wort and DepressionMore Than You Can Handle?Depression in Teenagers: Now What Can We Do?ADHD and Depression -- More Common Than ThoughtWhat is Anxiety AnywayFinding a Depression Treatment That Works for YouDepression in Teenagers: Now What Can We Do?The Warning Signs of SuicideRecognizing Depression's Warning SignsSuicide Prevention: 12 Universal LawsPanic Attack- Making a Bad Situation WorseA Look at the Different Depression and Anxiety MedicationsUnderstanding Symptoms of Manic Depression In ChildrenADHD and Depression -- More Common Than ThoughtAre You Dealing With Anxiety and Depression?New Treatment for Chronic Depression5 Tips to Reduce DepressionFoods That Help Fight DepressionSt s Wort and Depression>> > Dear Family,> > I am asking for you healing prays for my little one her name is> she is 14 years old and has Manic Depression ,She is in a > episode and I am very worried about her right now . This morning I had> this child holding on to me for dear life begging me not to go to work .> She is on Lithium ,She sees a therapist She was seeing her every 2> weeks but when school started she when to every 4 week , I am going to> move it back to every 2week for a while, When she in in a episode she> cuts herself . I don't know how fast her therapist can see her untill> then I will stay by her side but she need you all also and all the> healing power of love this family gives . We live in Mulvane Kansas .> Please Help. [:(]> > Pease and Love,> > Lynn and >

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Reflecting.....the place she is seems to be like an older

school...she's in the hallway...it's darkened...the " voices " are like

faint echoes coming from different directions, like you might think of

a movie where ghost from the past are talking, saying things, but you

can barely make them out, as they just bounce off the empty walls.

One halls just seems to lead to other hallways...finding herself lost

in the " running from " [?] something.

The arms she showed me, with the blood [from cutting] which was from

seeing if she was even alive, because she felt nothing, seeing the

blood, she's confused by it, because she still feels nothing, not to

be confused with feeling almost " too much " , which she does.

I could also feel you as well...holding her strongly, feeling like you

were holding a whirlwind in your arms, afraid to let go, no matter

what...you can " sense " the " power " within her. All of your energies

are mounted, and you want to burst out with so much emotion you can

hardly contain it forcing it's way through your eyes and arms.

After breaking away I felt the " residue " of it and shook it

loose....and redirected love in full measure, overwhelming her and the

entire situation...she may even be sleeping now...let her when she

doses off...this sleep will be deep, very deep, so love can take over.

She may almost appear very happy and content after a good sleep, but

keep loving strong...she will be " testing " ...still reaching...still

trying to " trust " .

And remember...it's going to be ok, it really is....even with whatever

may have happened, it will not best her, she will be super strong

because of it...it will even seem to have more of an effect on you

than her....

You will have better effect than any " doc " will have, she doesn't

trust " them " ...I wouldn't force the issue...

Love D`

> >

> >

> > Dear Family,

> >

> > I am asking for you healing prays for my little one her name is

> > she is 14 years old and has Manic Depression ,She is in a

> > episode and I am very worried about her right now . This morning I

> had

> > this child holding on to me for dear life begging me not to go to work

> .

> > She is on Lithium ,She sees a therapist She was seeing her every 2

> > weeks but when school started she when to every 4 week , I am going to

> > move it back to every 2week for a while, When she in in a episode she

> > cuts herself . I don't know how fast her therapist can see her untill

> > then I will stay by her side but she need you all also and all the

> > healing power of love this family gives . We live in Mulvane Kansas .

> > Please Help. [:(]

> >

> > Pease and Love,

> >

> > Lynn and

> >


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Dear ,

Yo have hit this all right on. the Evil that hurt her is her step

sister .My was fine untill she came in to our live a

year and a hafe ago. I know she did some thing to her and i have ask

but keep on saying that nothing Happened. I kicked

out a year ago, but we hare from her from time to time. is

Sleeping right now ,I am not for sure if I should let her read what

you have written,You are so intuned to her right now

Thank You,

Lynn and

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Family,

> > >

> > > I am asking for you healing prays for my little one her name is

> > > she is 14 years old and has Manic Depression ,She is

in a

> > > episode and I am very worried about her right now . This

morning I

> > had

> > > this child holding on to me for dear life begging me not to go

to work

> > .

> > > She is on Lithium ,She sees a therapist She was seeing her

every 2

> > > weeks but when school started she when to every 4 week , I am

going to

> > > move it back to every 2week for a while, When she in in a

episode she

> > > cuts herself . I don't know how fast her therapist can see her


> > > then I will stay by her side but she need you all also and all


> > > healing power of love this family gives . We live in Mulvane

Kansas .

> > > Please Help. [:(]

> > >

> > > Pease and Love,

> > >

> > > Lynn and

> > >

> >


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I'm sending prayers for balance and clarity to clear away the darkness lives in now. And also am praying for strength for you as you watch feeling helpless. You both will pull through this and be stronger ans blazing brighter than ever!Infinite love,Stefanie>> > Dear Family,> > I am asking for you healing prays for my little one her name is> she is 14 years old and has Manic Depression ,She is in a > episode and I am very worried about her right now . This morning I had> this child holding on to me for dear life begging me not to go to work .> She is on Lithium ,She sees a therapist She was seeing her every 2> weeks but when school started she when to every 4 week , I am going to> move it back to every 2week for a while, When she in in a episode she> cuts herself . I don't know how fast her therapist can see her untill> then I will stay by her side but she need you all also and all the> healing power of love this family gives . We live in Mulvane Kansas .> Please Help. [:(]> > Pease and Love,> > Lynn and >

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Dear Lyn (that is a beautiful name!)

Please hold this thought tucked in your heart: " A mother's

unconditional love is all that's required to heal " . I feel

that VERY strongly!

Of course, everybody else's love will only make the path smoother. So

I am sending mine into the heart and soul of this beautiful creation

called . And praying for strength for you!

I know you'll hold her close because she is so precious to you.

I have a son that's 24 and I feel sometimes he's lost to me now. He

is tormented in his soul and most of the time he's like a stranger to

me. So I try to remember him as that sweet precious little boy that I

once knew. Do you remember those little basketball hoops made with

suction cups on them so you could stick them on the tile around the

bathtub and throw a little nerf basketball into it? I have a picture

of my sweet son right after he had jumped out of the bathtub when he

was about 18 months old. He's still wet and butt naked and he stuck

the basketball hoop on his little chest and is throwing the basketball

through it and looking so proud of himself. A human basketball hoop.

And he looks absolutely adorable. This is how I remember him....so

innocent. It's a lot easier for me to pray for him when I remember him

like this. It takes away the image of him screaming in my face.

They grow up and we can't keep them from experiencing life. But we

can sure love the stuffing out of 'em! Don't tell the guys but I

believe God gave us bigger hearts for just such emergencies.

I love you,



> Dear Family,


> I am asking for you healing prays for my little one her name is

> she is 14 years old and has Manic Depression ,She is in a

> episode and I am very worried about her right now . This morning I had

> this child holding on to me for dear life begging me not to go to work .

> She is on Lithium ,She sees a therapist She was seeing her every 2

> weeks but when school started she when to every 4 week , I am going to

> move it back to every 2week for a while, When she in in a episode she

> cuts herself . I don't know how fast her therapist can see her untill

> then I will stay by her side but she need you all also and all the

> healing power of love this family gives . We live in Mulvane Kansas .

> Please Help. [:(]


> Pease and Love,


> Lynn and


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and ,

Please know you are not alone, and I Truly mean that! i have

a friend with bi-polar and she used to cut herself for she felt so

sad inside and in pain inside, it felt better to " hurt " herself

outside, it seemed it took the painful thoughts away. She then

discovered through therapy that this was really hurting her and not

helping her. , you are so precious. Anxiety that you are

feeling is something that I have felt myself. What I try to do, and

yes, when it is happening, it is much easier said than done, but you

have a lovely Mom and she is there for you. Just know and say to

yourself, " I am having anxiety, I am more powerful than this

feeling. Try to do something that makes you feel calmer. I try to

sit and slow my breathing or any other thing that may help you, in

your own special and unique way.

To , I feel you are a great Mom and it is difficult I

am sure to see so distressed. It is something that you have

an amazing heart for. Some parents just do not give their children,

unfortunately, the love they need and you are showing your daughter

you love her. I want to let you both know that I care so much for

how you are both feeling. You are in my thoughts and prayers!

Namaste, LUNA

> >

> >

> > Dear Family,

> >

> > I am asking for you healing prays for my little one her name is

> > she is 14 years old and has Manic Depression ,She is in a

> > episode and I am very worried about her right now . This morning


> had

> > this child holding on to me for dear life begging me not to go to


> .

> > She is on Lithium ,She sees a therapist She was seeing her every


> > weeks but when school started she when to every 4 week , I am

going to

> > move it back to every 2week for a while, When she in in a

episode she

> > cuts herself . I don't know how fast her therapist can see her


> > then I will stay by her side but she need you all also and all the

> > healing power of love this family gives . We live in Mulvane

Kansas .

> > Please Help. [:(]

> >

> > Pease and Love,

> >

> > Lynn and

> >


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Beautiful Lynn and your equally beautiful baby girl, ...Forgive the late response in typing, though I assure you you have been added with due promptness to the HH Grid and to my own prayers and healing, I still remain saddened that I did not respond to your sorrow sooner. Forgive me, please?Do know, beloved, you are always in the thoughts and prayers of so many who love you, just as is your amazing daughter. *big warm hug of comfort and solace and love*Please do let us know how you and amazing are doing? I would love to know that all is well and you are at peace again in health and joy. :)Love & Light to you both,~Ali~ Lynn <sugermomma2@...> wrote: Dear Family, I am asking for you healing prays for my little one her name is she is 14 years old and has Manic Depression ,She is in a episode and I am very worried about her right now . This morning I had this child holding on to me for dear life begging me not to go to work . She is on Lithium ,She sees a therapist She was seeing her every 2 weeks but when school started she when to every 4 week , I am going to move it back to every 2week for a while, When she in in a episode she cuts herself . I don't know how fast her therapist can see her untill then I will stay by her side but she need you all also and all the healing power of love this family gives . We live in Mulvane

Kansas . Please Help. Pease and Love, Lynn and

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