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Re: The Akashic Recordsl

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Thank you Liane,

This gives me an alternative way of reaching my akashic

records. I used the down the stairs, beyond the large red oak door

meditation for years and it works but this one I will definitely give

a try. At times it is difficult for many thoughts like to enter my

mindspace lately and I cannot reach that higher awareness/dimenton to

get to the ancient library. Thank you again! Namaste, LUNA---

In , " lianeqrz_legey "

<butterflygris@...> wrote:










> TheAkashic Records is a theosophical concept referring to the


> ofall world events and personal experiences- of all thoughts and

> deedsthat have ever taken place on the earth. These events are

> transcribedin the form of complex images composed of pictures,


> and othersensory stimuli. These images are indelibly impressed upon

> the " matter " of the astral plane (called Akasha) and may be read only

> whenthe reader is in a special altered state of mind, one is able to

> tapthe akashic records and receive direct information about past


> Certain theosophical descriptions of Atlantis, for example,

> aresupposedly received via this technique. Also, some psychics who

> dopast life readings claim to receive their information from the

> akashicrecords.


> Itis said that it is possible to tap the akashic records during


> Sometimes the information so obtained is remembered consciously

> uponwaking. More often, nocturnal perusals of the akashic records


> notremembered, although the fruits of such " dream research " may

> beretrieved in moments of intuition in daily life. the

> informationreceived in precognitive dreams (clairvoyant dreams


> to anevent or a state not yet experienced) is often said to be

> ultimatelyderived from the akashic records.


> Taken from The Dream Encyclopedia...by R





> Access the Akashic Records Exercise


> by Dr. Bruce Goldberg


> 1. Use any of the previous self-hypnosis or other exercises to relax

> andapply white light protection. Lie down or sit in an easy chair,

> andwhen you are relaxed turn your attention inward and center it on

> thearea of the third eye. See it glow with a golden white radiance

> andfeel it pulsate with energy. As you do this, your realization of

> thesounds, colors, and temperature in the room around you should

> graduallyfade, and as they do so the subtle psychic stirring will


> morenoticeable.


> 2.At first, this may be only an impression of inner light or

> ofbrilliantly illuminated geometrical figures, or of stars shooting


> inordered procession, or some other visual appearance which

> willprobably be meaningless. Or your first impression may be of


> asI have previously described.


> 3.Focus your mind, not on the Akashic records themselves, but on

> aspecific historical event for your initial trails. For example,

> Isuggest you study first the discovery of radium by Marie Curie or

> thesigning of the Declaration of Independence in 1776.


> 4. Your next step is to go to that historical event and ask


> " What happed that afternoon? " If you have properly prepared


> will find yourself drifting into a scenario-like dream.


> In the earlier stages or your development you will not get

> clearlydefined contacts that you can recognize as such, so don't


> them. Accept the dream-like sequence that passes before your

> consciousnessas you sit in reverie. Remember what you observe and


> it down assoon as possible thereafter.


> 5.During these practice sessions your should " feel " this

> connectionbetween your waking consciousness and the Akasha. When


> has beenaccomplished and you can recall and incident from the past


> simplyas you can look up an account in the encyclopedia, you are


> readyto move on to next step.


> 6. The next step is to repeat the previous steps, omitting the

> preparationphase consisting of reading about the historical event.


> 7. Next, check your data with specialty books written about that


> in detail, not merely an encyclopedia summary.


> 8. After successful completion of this step, move on to your own


> Begin with a short range, say one week to a month. Log all of

> yourobservations into a journal and occasionally verify the accuracy

> ofyour prophecies.


> 9. With a proven track record, you are now ready to venture much

> furtherahead in time in your current life. Try five years, ten


> fiftyyears, and so on.


> 10. You may move several hundred years into the future and explore

> futurelives. My book Past Lives--Future Lives (1988) and Soul


> (1996)describe nearly twenty such cases as far forward as the

> thirty-eighthcentury!


> 11. Lastly, tap into the general Akasha and allow your consciousness

> totune into future world events, inventions, lifestyle changes, and

> soon.


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