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Re: What To Ask For

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Ty so much hun for posting this! Just today I was thinking on this

subject. I remember in watching the dvd, " The Secret " that they teach

us the more specific we visualize what it is we want the faster and

more likely it will materialize. I was practising today on visualizing

something I wanted and then I got to thinking well what if I get it

and it ends up not being something right for me. It occured to me like

this article does that I need to leave the specifics up to God, he is

the one into details. This really helped confirm what I was thinking

on this subject so now I am going to focus more on the energy and

feeling than the exactness.

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Ah, my sweet ,

Always have those amzing posts of wisdom that I read to the

very end for they are so very, very enlightening. This one had a

great twist of humor with the ostrich, hehehehehe. Yup, don't be too

specific. I have learned in Wicca and Life that you must be very

careful what you wish for, as the old saying goes and you expressed

here so perfectly: Be careful what you wish for, You just may get

it!! Thank you, dear ! Namaste, LUNA

--- In , " " <ASundayInJune@...>



> What To Ask For by Alan Cohen

> [Alan Cohen] A man walks into a restaurant with a large ostrich


> sits down at a table to have breakfast. The man orders a stack of

> pancakes, and the ostrich orders the same. The bill comes to

$15.95. The

> man reaches into his pocket and empties all his bills and change,


> equals exactly $15.95 plus a 15% tip.


> The following week the man returns to the restaurant with the


> and the same waitress comes to his table. This time he orders bacon


> eggs, and so does the ostrich. The bill comes to $19.50. He reaches


> his pocket and takes out exactly $19.50 plus a 15% tip.


> A week later he comes in again with the ostrich. They both have the


> meal. The same waitress presents a check for $18.75. The man

empties his

> pockets and reveals exactly that amount plus the appropriate tip.


> By this time the waitress is quite curious. " I am astounded, sir,


> you take this ostrich to breakfast every week, and that you always


> the exact amount of money, " she explains. " How do you do that? "


> " It's an amazing story, " he answers. " Several years ago I was


> my basement and I found an old bottle. When I opened it, a genie

> emerged. He told me I could have two wishes. My first wish was to


> have enough money to buy anything I wanted. Now, wherever I go, I


> reach into my pocket and the exact amount of money is there. I buy


> my meals this way; I have also bought a car, house, and vacations --


> matter how much anything costs, I have the exact amount in my

wallet or

> checkbook. "


> " That's astonishing! " replies the waitress. " And what was your


> wish? "


> " To marry a chick with long legs. "


> This story teaches a profound truth: Be conscious of what you are


> for. You can pray for something specific and get it. Or you can

pray for

> a quality of life, and get that. Praying for specifics is risky,

for you

> are dictating a form. Praying for essence guarantees reward, for

you are

> seeking an energy. Emerson noted that a wise man in a storm prays


> for the end of the storm, but for the end of fear.


> I know a man who prayed to receive checks in the mail. Then he did.

> Unfortunately, they were social security checks addressed to the

> previous tenants of his apartment. He would have done better to

pray to

> recognize himself as a prosperous being living in an abundant


> that meets all his needs in wondrous ways.


> I also know a woman who intensely wanted a relationship. She found a

> magazine photo of a handsome man and posted it on her refrigerator

as a

> sort of treasure map. Within a short time she met a good-looking guy

> similar to the fellow in the photo and started a relationship with


> After a while she discovered he was an alcoholic, which ultimately

> ruined their relationship. Then she went back and looked at her


> map photo and saw that her dream man had a drink in his hand. She


> have done better to focus on the kind of man she sought and the


> of the relationship that matched her heart's desires.


> Rather than dictating a specific object as your goal, designate a

> quality of experience. Sure, you can pray or strive for a particular

> mate, job, or house, and get it. But you may find something lacking

> about it. You will find far more joy if you set your intention for


> essence of relationship, job, or home you desire, and how you want


> feel about it. If you had a relationship that was deeply fulfilling,

> replete with joy and passion, would the specifics matter that much?


> Get clear on where you want to go, and let God fill in the blanks


> how to get there.


> How long is your " to do " list? The more things you think of that you

> have to do, the more things you find to do. Then you end up feeling

> tired and unfulfilled. Try replacing your " to do " list with a " to

be "

> list. Who do you want to be while you are doing? How do you want to

> feel? What inner experience would you like to enjoy behind your

> activities? You can get everything crossed off your " to do " list,


> unless you have set your intention about who you want to be and how


> want to feel, you will miss your true goal, which is happiness. Set


> intention for soul fulfillment and watch your life take off,


> and materially.


> Before you climb the ladder of success, be sure it is leaning


> the right wall. You can get what you think you want, or you can get


> you really want. All thoughts are prayers, and all prayers are


> You pray more with your thoughts and intentions than with your

words. In

> fact, you are praying at every moment. Every asking that proceeds


> the heart is a prayer. Ask for your soul's dreams, not your mind's.


> the mind and soul come into alignment, you will achieve the mystical

> marriage that gets your head out of the sand and into heaven.



> Book by this author:



> Looking in for Number One: Adventures in Uncommon Sense

> by Alan Cohen.


> Alan Cohen shares this thoughts, dreams, humor, and compassion in

> fifty-two engaging essays. The book, Cohen says, is about " taking


> power back from external authorities and living the life we would

> choose, the life that calls us by virtue of the voice of joy within

us. "


> Info/Order this book

> <http://amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0871592800/innerselfcom>

> [Alan Cohen] About The Author

> Alan Cohen is the author of numerous popular inspirational books,

> including the award-winning A Deep Breath of Life

> <http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1561703370/innerselfcom> .


> request a free catalog of Alan's books, tapes, and seminars, call

> 1-800-462-3013 or visit Alan's web site at www.alancohen.com

> <http://www.alancohen.com/> . For info on upcoming events, contact


> Kukuna Road, Haiku, HI 96708, (800) 568-3079, email:

> admin@... <mailto:admin@...>


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LOL Luna, I love the story about the ostrich too. And I hope it is a

gentle reminder to all the unmarried guys to be real careful about

wishing for a " chick with long legs " ...LOL Too funny!

I am real careful about wishing for things around - she is still

young enough to have not lost her ability to believe in wishes. Every

time I light a candle somewhere, she wants to blow it out so she can

make a wish. Her wishes come true too, ahhhh to be young and innocent

again! And , oh goodness don't get me started. I sometimes tell

people I'm a single Mom with two kids at home, one little girl and one

really tall boy! LOL

Take care my friend!

Much love to you,







" Breathe deep, walk slow, hold tight to those you love, for the sun is

setting and it will be over so fast. "

-- Ken Pierpont

> >

> > What To Ask For by Alan Cohen

> > [Alan Cohen] A man walks into a restaurant with a large ostrich

> and

> > sits down at a table to have breakfast. The man orders a stack of

> > pancakes, and the ostrich orders the same. The bill comes to

> $15.95. The

> > man reaches into his pocket and empties all his bills and change,

> which

> > equals exactly $15.95 plus a 15% tip.

> >

> > The following week the man returns to the restaurant with the

> ostrich

> > and the same waitress comes to his table. This time he orders bacon

> and

> > eggs, and so does the ostrich. The bill comes to $19.50. He reaches

> into

> > his pocket and takes out exactly $19.50 plus a 15% tip.

> >

> > A week later he comes in again with the ostrich. They both have the

> same

> > meal. The same waitress presents a check for $18.75. The man

> empties his

> > pockets and reveals exactly that amount plus the appropriate tip.

> >

> > By this time the waitress is quite curious. " I am astounded, sir,

> that

> > you take this ostrich to breakfast every week, and that you always

> have

> > the exact amount of money, " she explains. " How do you do that? "

> >

> > " It's an amazing story, " he answers. " Several years ago I was

> cleaning

> > my basement and I found an old bottle. When I opened it, a genie

> > emerged. He told me I could have two wishes. My first wish was to

> always

> > have enough money to buy anything I wanted. Now, wherever I go, I

> simply

> > reach into my pocket and the exact amount of money is there. I buy

> all

> > my meals this way; I have also bought a car, house, and vacations --

> no

> > matter how much anything costs, I have the exact amount in my

> wallet or

> > checkbook. "

> >

> > " That's astonishing! " replies the waitress. " And what was your

> second

> > wish? "

> >

> > " To marry a chick with long legs. "

> >

> > This story teaches a profound truth: Be conscious of what you are

> asking

> > for. You can pray for something specific and get it. Or you can

> pray for

> > a quality of life, and get that. Praying for specifics is risky,

> for you

> > are dictating a form. Praying for essence guarantees reward, for

> you are

> > seeking an energy. Emerson noted that a wise man in a storm prays

> not

> > for the end of the storm, but for the end of fear.

> >

> > I know a man who prayed to receive checks in the mail. Then he did.

> > Unfortunately, they were social security checks addressed to the

> > previous tenants of his apartment. He would have done better to

> pray to

> > recognize himself as a prosperous being living in an abundant

> universe

> > that meets all his needs in wondrous ways.

> >

> > I also know a woman who intensely wanted a relationship. She found a

> > magazine photo of a handsome man and posted it on her refrigerator

> as a

> > sort of treasure map. Within a short time she met a good-looking guy

> > similar to the fellow in the photo and started a relationship with

> him.

> > After a while she discovered he was an alcoholic, which ultimately

> > ruined their relationship. Then she went back and looked at her

> treasure

> > map photo and saw that her dream man had a drink in his hand. She

> would

> > have done better to focus on the kind of man she sought and the

> energy

> > of the relationship that matched her heart's desires.

> >

> > Rather than dictating a specific object as your goal, designate a

> > quality of experience. Sure, you can pray or strive for a particular

> > mate, job, or house, and get it. But you may find something lacking

> > about it. You will find far more joy if you set your intention for

> the

> > essence of relationship, job, or home you desire, and how you want

> to

> > feel about it. If you had a relationship that was deeply fulfilling,

> > replete with joy and passion, would the specifics matter that much?

> >

> > Get clear on where you want to go, and let God fill in the blanks

> about

> > how to get there.

> >

> > How long is your " to do " list? The more things you think of that you

> > have to do, the more things you find to do. Then you end up feeling

> > tired and unfulfilled. Try replacing your " to do " list with a " to

> be "

> > list. Who do you want to be while you are doing? How do you want to

> > feel? What inner experience would you like to enjoy behind your

> > activities? You can get everything crossed off your " to do " list,

> but

> > unless you have set your intention about who you want to be and how

> you

> > want to feel, you will miss your true goal, which is happiness. Set

> your

> > intention for soul fulfillment and watch your life take off,

> spiritually

> > and materially.

> >

> > Before you climb the ladder of success, be sure it is leaning

> against

> > the right wall. You can get what you think you want, or you can get

> what

> > you really want. All thoughts are prayers, and all prayers are

> answered.

> > You pray more with your thoughts and intentions than with your

> words. In

> > fact, you are praying at every moment. Every asking that proceeds

> from

> > the heart is a prayer. Ask for your soul's dreams, not your mind's.

> When

> > the mind and soul come into alignment, you will achieve the mystical

> > marriage that gets your head out of the sand and into heaven.

> >

> >

> > Book by this author:

> >

> >

> > Looking in for Number One: Adventures in Uncommon Sense

> > by Alan Cohen.

> >

> > Alan Cohen shares this thoughts, dreams, humor, and compassion in

> > fifty-two engaging essays. The book, Cohen says, is about " taking

> our

> > power back from external authorities and living the life we would

> > choose, the life that calls us by virtue of the voice of joy within

> us. "

> >

> > Info/Order this book

> > <http://amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0871592800/innerselfcom>

> > [Alan Cohen] About The Author

> > Alan Cohen is the author of numerous popular inspirational books,

> > including the award-winning A Deep Breath of Life

> > <http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1561703370/innerselfcom> .

> To

> > request a free catalog of Alan's books, tapes, and seminars, call

> > 1-800-462-3013 or visit Alan's web site at www.alancohen.com

> > <http://www.alancohen.com/> . For info on upcoming events, contact

> 455A

> > Kukuna Road, Haiku, HI 96708, (800) 568-3079, email:

> > admin@ <mailto:admin@>

> >


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  • 2 years later...

Hello sjsj2007 (do you have a name we can call you?)

You need Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), Free Thyroxine (fT4)

Free Triiodothyronine (fT3), thyroid antibodies if possible, especially if you

have members of your family who have a thyroid or autoimmune disease. You need

Ferritin (stored iron), vitamin B12, vitamin D3, magnesium, copper, folate and

zinc. If your doctor wants to know why you are requesting these, tell him that

you know that if any of these are low in the reference range, they will be

stopping your thyroid hormone from being absorbed.

You may wish to get your adrenal hormones testing using the 24

hour salivary adrenal profile (this shows the amount of cortisol and DHEA they

are putting out). However, this would need to be tested privately as the NHS do

not do this test.

Luv - Sheila

I have an appointment next week about another

matter but while Im there Im also due for blood tests for my thryoid so Im

going to ask for the form. Can someone please remind me what I need to ask for

apart from the usual TSH and T4? Is B12 one of them? What other deficiencies

can cause problems with absorbing thyroxine? Thank you.

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found in this incoming message.

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Version: 8.5.426 / Virus Database: 270.14.96/2548 - Release Date: 12/06/09


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Hi Suzanne, Ferritin, zinc, selenium. you can check your self if you are low in zinc, by getting zinc gluconate ( you can also get it 15:1 with copper -it is vital to take both together) and sucking a tablet. chalky- low zinctaste after 30 secs- borderlineYeuch!- you're fine Try again after a months supplementation and you'll see what I mean! > thyroid treatment > From: susanne04107@...> Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2009 13:16:20 +0000> Subject: What to ask for> > I have an appointment next week about another matter but while Im there Im also due for blood tests for my thryoid so Im going to ask for the form. Can someone please remind me what I need to ask for apart from the usual TSH and T4? Is B12 one of them? What other deficiencies can cause problems with absorbing thyroxine? Thank you. > > > > > ------------------------------------> > TPA is not medically qualified. Consult with a qualified medical practitioner before changing medication.> >

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Hi Suzzane

As well as TSH and Free T4, you should also ask for your Free T3 to be tested

and also ask them to check to see whether you have thyroid antibodies. This is

especially important if you have other members of your family with a thyroid or

autoimmune disease as it runs in families. Ask also to have the following blood

tests as these are important. If any one of them are low in the reference range,

your thyroid hormone will probably not be getting properly absorbed into the

cells. These tests are ferritin, B12, vitamin D3, magnesium, zinc, copper and


Good luck

Luv - Sheila

> > I have an appointment next week about another matter but while Im there Im

also due for blood tests for my thryoid so Im going to ask for the form. Can

someone please remind me what I need to ask for apart from the usual TSH and T4?

Is B12 one of them? What other deficiencies can cause problems with absorbing

thyroxine? Thank you.

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