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The Nature and Function of the Anti Christ

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Many are waiting for the arrival of the Anti-Christ. Anxiously,

keeping vidual and ready to protect themselves from its influence.

But I tell you it has been among us for centuries in spiritual form

and sometimes incarnate in personalities such as Hitler and Stalin.

Remember one thing, if you are to protect yourself from it. It is a

deceiver. It works on and through the mind of man. It has some of

the qualities of the Christ in that it is omnipresent. Therefore I

will reveal to you some of it's qualities and know that it can call

to you even from the pulpit.

It is a divider, convincing men that there is such a thing as

us and them. Having done so it then proceeds to foster hate.

Finally bringing forth war and destruction. For the destruction of

mankind is it's greatest delight. Some of its' tools are false

patriotism, nationalism, racism, and religious divide.

Listen carefully and weigh all that you hear. Be prepared to

resist. But be not in fear for the Christ said " Those who are my

sheep will only heed to my voice, and they will flee from the voice

of the wolf. "

If you should find yourself under attack at anytime, read

Psalms 91. Say it out loud several times a day. This is a sure

banishment for anything evil.

Keep in mind that politics are it's favorite venue. Because

it is through so called leaders that we are lead to destroy one

another. There is no such thing as a Holy War. The term itself is

a oxymoron and a deception. The greatest blasphemy of all is to

teach that one should hate and kill in God's name. I can assure you

the only reward for those who speak and do such things will be hell.

Therefore my dear friends let us not be beguiled by the

beast. But resolve to stand firm together. All of God's children

white, black, red, yellow, brown, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, and

all religions and nationalities. Let us stand together in

brotherhood and love. Let us be true spiritual warriors and evict

the cancer of the Anti-Christ from our minds and our hearts. If we

all resolve together to do this I can assure you a new world will

arise. Resolve to resist everywhere all of the time. Resist those

who preach war and hatred for they are intoxicated with it. There

are those who will say that things are not just black and white.

Another lie. They are Christ-like or they are not. There is no in

between no neutral.

If you ever question whether a thought or an action is of

Christ or the beast. Hold the idea up to the highest in yourself and

it will be plain to see.

Now there is a trick to defeating this thing. We fight not

by what we stand against. But by what we stand for. Remember what

it wants from you. It wants your anger, your hatred, your distrust,

your fear, and if it can get it, even your violence. It wants to use

you in whatever measure it can, to add to the pain and suffering of

humanity. Therefore the best way to stand against it is to refuse

it's influence and fill yourself with God's love, peace and harmony.

When you engage in this struggle you will not be alone.

Every other truly spiritual brother ands sister in the world stand

with you. As does the Christ, the Buddha's, the angels, the Mahatmas

and the Avatars of all the ages. If God be with us what can stand

against us. Through the power of Gods' strength and love, we will,

all together one human family, truly attain Heaven.

Your True Brother,

Red Hawk

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This is very interesting....great post.....and I'd only like to expand

on it if I may....

Christ and Anti Christ......I've already written about this, but this

will be helpful in seeing between the words. It's certainly not meant to

create another path or way, it's merely the words and that's the whole

key...the words.

The words are the thoughts...and we know thoughts create. Words are the

by-product of the thoughts, really just the same thing, or an " image " of

the thought. The words have vibration and resonate. Original words also

had full power within them, but many have been diluted over the years

and languages.

We have seen that Christ, as used in Christianity, was the Light, and he

was Love. We know that Light is merely information, and when you take

the end result of all information, you are left with but one thing,

Love. The answer, is, and always will be simply, Love.

Love has the power to do all things, without fail. When love comes, all

things are made new. You could say, all things are " born again " , the

illusions taken away, washed away...the result is always, Love.

Now, if Christ is Love, what is meant by Anti Christ? Easy to see isn't

it? Anything, or anywhere that is lacking in Love, is, Anti Christ. It

is fear, hunger, hopelessness, greed, attack, worry, frustration, lack,

sickness, and a whole bundle of " everything else " . Everything other than


If Light is information, then it leads the way towards Love. All

information is in support of Love, regardless of it's content. If it is

loving, it shows the way to the " result " . If it is lacking in Love, it

still shows the way, as it is evidence that Love is missing. We simply

see this and change the information. That is what healing is.

What is this information then? It is " thought " . Thought creates, and

it's " soul purpose " is to create Love. Only we can distort it's

meanings...therefore the " creation " .

Good and Evil, as taught, is not Demons and Devils. It is not even

Angels and Gods. It has only been easier to " think " of them as such.

They are thoughts. On one hand, truly loving thoughts, and

creations...and on the other side, thoughts that are less and less

loving. Like attracts Like. Loving thoughts attract and create more

loving thoughts. Weaker, non loving thoughts create and attract darker

ones. Good and Evil. But they are all still thoughts, and even the

darkest thought still has light within it. Every other thought is being

attracted to one or the other in every moment. If love is given to a

thought that enters your mind, it changes it...it is healing.

If you add to a loving thought or a darker one that " comes in " , more

negative thinking, you drawn more of this too you, and you empower

it...moving more non loving energy to the other side. Don't you see, we

all are effecting " everything " in " every single thought " . We are in

charge of the balance...we are the creators.

You are Christ, and you are the Anti Christ. It is in your thinking, in

holding thoughts, in whether you give love to thoughts that enter or

offer less than loving ones.

As we begin to realize this process, we will begin to pay attention to

what we think about, in what we give our power to. We offer love, and it

changes the thoughts. They come to us for changing, for healing...to be

" born again " . We " bless them " and send them onward. Every thought

attached to them is also changed, and so forth, like a ripple effect.

Do you want to see the " coming of the Lord " , of Christ? What your

implying is the coming of Love. Complete Light, which is Love. Remember

the end of the movie " The Matrix " [the first one], when Neo dives into

, and becomes total light? This is the process, entering the

thought that comes and changing it to Love, regardless of how it shows

up. All thoughts must come back to the " source " and be absorbed...INTO

ONE. The only way for this to happen is for each thought to be changed,

just the ones that come to you, for healing, to be changed. And by their

very connection, they change the thoughts attached to them. With each of

us doing this, knowingly, aware, we bring the " second coming " , the

restoration, of Love.

Love D~





> Many are waiting for the arrival of the Anti-Christ. Anxiously,

> keeping vidual and ready to protect themselves from its influence.

> But I tell you it has been among us for centuries in spiritual form

> and sometimes incarnate in personalities such as Hitler and Stalin.

> Remember one thing, if you are to protect yourself from it. It is a

> deceiver. It works on and through the mind of man. It has some of

> the qualities of the Christ in that it is omnipresent. Therefore I

> will reveal to you some of it's qualities and know that it can call

> to you even from the pulpit.

> It is a divider, convincing men that there is such a thing as

> us and them. Having done so it then proceeds to foster hate.

> Finally bringing forth war and destruction. For the destruction of

> mankind is it's greatest delight. Some of its' tools are false

> patriotism, nationalism, racism, and religious divide.

> Listen carefully and weigh all that you hear. Be prepared to

> resist. But be not in fear for the Christ said " Those who are my

> sheep will only heed to my voice, and they will flee from the voice

> of the wolf. "

> If you should find yourself under attack at anytime, read

> Psalms 91. Say it out loud several times a day. This is a sure

> banishment for anything evil.

> Keep in mind that politics are it's favorite venue. Because

> it is through so called leaders that we are lead to destroy one

> another. There is no such thing as a Holy War. The term itself is

> a oxymoron and a deception. The greatest blasphemy of all is to

> teach that one should hate and kill in God's name. I can assure you

> the only reward for those who speak and do such things will be hell.

> Therefore my dear friends let us not be beguiled by the

> beast. But resolve to stand firm together. All of God's children

> white, black, red, yellow, brown, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, and

> all religions and nationalities. Let us stand together in

> brotherhood and love. Let us be true spiritual warriors and evict

> the cancer of the Anti-Christ from our minds and our hearts. If we

> all resolve together to do this I can assure you a new world will

> arise. Resolve to resist everywhere all of the time. Resist those

> who preach war and hatred for they are intoxicated with it. There

> are those who will say that things are not just black and white.

> Another lie. They are Christ-like or they are not. There is no in

> between no neutral.

> If you ever question whether a thought or an action is of

> Christ or the beast. Hold the idea up to the highest in yourself and

> it will be plain to see.

> Now there is a trick to defeating this thing. We fight not

> by what we stand against. But by what we stand for. Remember what

> it wants from you. It wants your anger, your hatred, your distrust,

> your fear, and if it can get it, even your violence. It wants to use

> you in whatever measure it can, to add to the pain and suffering of

> humanity. Therefore the best way to stand against it is to refuse

> it's influence and fill yourself with God's love, peace and harmony.

> When you engage in this struggle you will not be alone.

> Every other truly spiritual brother ands sister in the world stand

> with you. As does the Christ, the Buddha's, the angels, the Mahatmas

> and the Avatars of all the ages. If God be with us what can stand

> against us. Through the power of Gods' strength and love, we will,

> all together one human family, truly attain Heaven.


> Your True Brother,

> Red Hawk


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