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Re: can someone clear something up for me?

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Thanks e!Stacie BAuroraSent via BlackBerry by AT&TDate: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 16:00:49 -0700 (PDT)To: <AutismBehaviorProblems >Subject: Re: can someone clear something up for me? Asperger's children have a vocabulary, hence they are more verbal, but can be and often are socially awkward...They also can display some Autistic symptoms as stimming, impulse control, etc, but usually they are proficient with one subject...like trains, planes, space, etc...very bright...not necessarily savant, but bright....Asperger's is high functioning autism basically, so much so that often times Asperger's is diagnosed later...as it is sometimes easier to overlook...The consensus is that Asperger's is included as a spectrum disorder... PDD - NOS --- Pervasive development disorder --- not otherwise specified means that the child is "a-typical" autism...he/she does NOT have enough of the "isms" to be labeled autistic... is right, as often times it is the beginning "label" and in the end they either have Asperger's and or Autism....Some with early intervention though never go beyond the PDD-NOS. Hope this helps. e can someone clear something up for me?I really am having a hard time grasping something. What is the difference between Aspergers, PDD and Autism? And, if you are considered high functioning, what exactly does that mean? I am really having a hard time with understanding all of this. Thanks,Stacie BAurora IL Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

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Hi, again Stacie...and thank you. I read that your husband thinks you all should? Am I correct? It is at times like these in my own life, that I rely on his wisdom as well. My husband is the one who demanded an EEG...I thought we could wait, and I also didn't want to push the panic button, but also felt like he was involved and was wanting to help --- I'm usually the one making the decisions, yes with support by him of course, but this time was different, he wanted for baby boy to have an EEG...so EEG we did :) As it opened pathways that were not there before...again when in that situation I rely on my DH....

I do think it sounds expensive, but I know that it's wonderful to have the best working on your child...if you all can do it, do it. If it brings more debt there are other ways of getting him tested. Also the label doesn't mean as much as the therapy he is getting...i.e when was younger (I know he's still my baby ;) I kept asking the Ped. What is this? I need to no NOW!!! -- kind of talk. What he encouraged me to do was treat the symptoms...he helped me to see that labels are only to be able to get insurances help....treat him with therapy that helps Autistic children most, and then later you'll have a DX. Again will that label change anything you are doing right now with therapy? Will it change how you feel about your child? Will it help the school understand him more (I think he has a PDD-NOS dx correct) ---- Will it get him more therapy or will the ways in

which you do therapy remain the same....these would be my questions....and then think about the expense...Again just my 2 flippin cents!! :)

God love you Stacie, you work hard.


Re: can someone clear something up for me?

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Yeah, has a seizure disorder too, which is Epilepsy from what the Dr told me, and also scored under the number in IQ that he should be at so he is MR and then has dev delays too. And, he has PDD and SI. So we will see what the findings are once we go through the Autism clinic. I just wish that they did take insurance.

Stacie B

Aurora IL

 Well, if it helps, my dd is labeled PDD-NOS. The thing that keeps her from being diagnosed with just autism is the fact that she is more social. Although sometimes that is a stuggle for her she still didn't meet the criteria for just austism.I do think that if we had her evaluated now for a diagnoses she might be labeled autistic. We did not have any trouble with getting services with the label PDD because she is also labeled with epilepsy and MR. She is developementally delayed too. She is 15 and does preschool work in school. She is just begining to speak sentences...some. But she does have scattered skills up to 15.


Re: can someone clear something up for me?

At this point they don't! Well wait! They did and found him to be borderline but I don't buy it! They do not do as thourough of a job for school testing and I have heard that a lot! My son is no way borderline Autistic at all! There is no way!Stacie BAurora IL Sent via BlackBerry by AT & T

From: "Debra Byrne" <patrickbyrne


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THanks e. See the thing is, my hubby and i were having troubles because I was doing almost everytihng and he was not doing much and was not there emotionally for me or to help me out much. I know he works hard and all at work and with stuff around here, but I was not getting what I needed. Now, he is more on board and he is telling me, if they are the best and we are going to get the best, then we will pay. We could go somewhere I found out that is only 30 minutes away from us and they take our insurance and all and they do this with 3 professionals, but it is a one day deal and I asked my husband about it and he said, well if Little Friends is the best, then we should just pay. So, there you go.

Yes, as of right now, ERik is dxed with PDD, SI and a seizure disorder. I would not treat him any differently if they said your child has full blown Autism at all. I just want to know. I really do. And he gets services and all, but I think it would also help out in school to know for sure what is up ya know?


Hi, again Stacie...and thank you. I read that your husband thinks you all should? Am I correct? It is at times like these in my own life, that I rely on his wisdom as well. My husband is the one who demanded an EEG...I thought we could wait, and I also didn't want to push the panic button, but also felt like he was involved and was wanting to help --- I'm usually the one making the decisions, yes with support by him of course, but this time was different, he wanted for baby boy to have an EEG...so EEG we did :) As it opened pathways that were not there before...again when in that situation I rely on my DH....

I do think it sounds expensive, but I know that it's wonderful to have the best working on your child...if you all can do it, do it. If it brings more debt there are other ways of getting him tested. Also the label doesn't mean as much as the therapy he is getting...i.e when was younger (I know he's still my baby ;) I kept asking the Ped. What is this? I need to no NOW!!! -- kind of talk. What he encouraged me to do was treat the symptoms...he helped me to see that labels are only to be able to get insurances help....treat him with therapy that helps Autistic children most, and then later you'll have a DX. Again will that label change anything you are doing right now with therapy? Will it change how you feel about your child? Will it help the school understand him more (I think he has a PDD-NOS dx correct) ---- Will it get him more therapy or will the ways in which you do therapy remain the same....these would be my questions....and then think about the expense...Again just my 2 flippin cents!! :)

God love you Stacie, you work hard.


Re: can someone clear something up for me?

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They just dont take any insurance and I am not sure why. I want to ask that for sure just out of curiousity. And SI is sensory integration.

Stacie B

Aurora IL

 Why don't they take insurance? I must have missed that.

I have never heard of two different diagnoses..autism and SI.

SI is part of autism...not?



Yeah, has a seizure disorder too, which is Epilepsy from what the Dr told me, and also scored under the number in IQ that he should be at so he is MR and then has dev delays too. And, he has PDD and SI. So we will see what the findings are once we go through the Autism clinic. I just wish that they did take insurance.

Stacie B

Aurora IL


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Why don't they take insurance? I must have missed that.

I have never heard of two different diagnoses..autism and SI.

SI is part of autism...not?



Yeah, has a seizure disorder too, which is Epilepsy from what the Dr told me, and also scored under the number in IQ that he should be at so he is MR and then has dev delays too. And, he has PDD and SI. So we will see what the findings are once we go through the Autism clinic. I just wish that they did take insurance.

Stacie B

Aurora IL


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I do know Stacie...I'm with you sweet pea. Take good care --- an get the best help avaiable. So glad your hubby is on board and beginning to help out some...it is hard on all family members. I know this from my own experience. My husband is very supportive, but he has different fears regarding than I do and vice versa...it is stressful somedays, but as we've said before it is rewarding too.


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What State are you in?With the diagnoses now that your son has, he should qualify for medicaid.

Do they take that?


Re: can someone clear something up for me?

They just dont take any insurance and I am not sure why. I want to ask that for sure just out of curiousity. And SI is sensory integration.

Stacie B

Aurora IL

In a message dated 7/24/2008 8:33:39 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, forresters2embarqmail writes:

 Why don't they take insurance? I must have missed that.

I have never heard of two different diagnoses..autism and SI.

SI is part of autism...not?



Yeah, has a seizure disorder too, which is Epilepsy from what the Dr told me, and also scored under the number in IQ that he should be at so he is MR and then has dev delays too. And, he has PDD and SI. So we will see what the findings are once we go through the Autism clinic. I just wish that they did take insurance.

Stacie B

Aurora IL


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What State are you in?With the diagnoses now that your son has, he should qualify for medicaid.

Do they take that?


Re: can someone clear something up for me?

They just dont take any insurance and I am not sure why. I want to ask that for sure just out of curiousity. And SI is sensory integration.

Stacie B

Aurora IL

In a message dated 7/24/2008 8:33:39 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, forresters2embarqmail writes:

 Why don't they take insurance? I must have missed that.

I have never heard of two different diagnoses..autism and SI.

SI is part of autism...not?



Yeah, has a seizure disorder too, which is Epilepsy from what the Dr told me, and also scored under the number in IQ that he should be at so he is MR and then has dev delays too. And, he has PDD and SI. So we will see what the findings are once we go through the Autism clinic. I just wish that they did take insurance.

Stacie B

Aurora IL


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i have spoken to my dr (gp) about insurance, and she says alot of times they don't take certain ones because it is too much paperwork, or from having been burnt before by a company.

it may also be like credit cards, you know shop owners pay i believe 10% in jersey of sale to use the service.


Re: can someone clear something up for me?

They just dont take any insurance and I am not sure why. I want to ask that for sure just out of curiousity. And SI is sensory integration.

Stacie B

Aurora IL

In a message dated 7/24/2008 8:33:39 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, forresters2embarqmail writes:

 Why don't they take insurance? I must have missed that.

I have never heard of two different diagnoses..autism and SI.

SI is part of autism...not?



Yeah, has a seizure disorder too, which is Epilepsy from what the Dr told me, and also scored under the number in IQ that he should be at so he is MR and then has dev delays too. And, he has PDD and SI. So we will see what the findings are once we go through the Autism clinic. I just wish that they did take insurance.

Stacie B

Aurora IL


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Hmmmm! Well thanks for asking! They do not take any insurance at all! They do take credit cards though!Stacie BAurora ILSent via BlackBerry by AT&TDate: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 06:32:29 -0400To: <AutismBehaviorProblems >Subject: Re: can someone clear something up for me?  i have spoken to my dr (gp) about insurance, and she says alot of times they don't take certain ones because it is too much paperwork, or from having been burnt before by a company. it may also be like credit cards, you know shop owners pay i believe 10% in jersey of sale to use the service. debra Re: can someone clear something up for me? They just dont take any insurance and I am not sure why. I want to ask that for sure just out of curiousity. And SI is sensory integration. Stacie B Aurora IL In a message dated 7/24/2008 8:33:39 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, forresters2embarqmail writes:  Why don't they take insurance? I must have missed that. I have never heard of two different diagnoses..autism and SI. SI is part of autism...not? Elaine ----- Yeah, has a seizure disorder too, which is Epilepsy from what the Dr told me, and also scored under the number in IQ that he should be at so he is MR and then has dev delays too. And, he has PDD and SI. So we will see what the findings are once we go through the Autism clinic. I just wish that they did take insurance. Stacie B Aurora IL . Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today. No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.5.5/1570 - Release Date: 7/24/2008 6:59 AM

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Hmmmm! Well thanks for asking! They do not take any insurance at all! They do take credit cards though!Stacie BAurora ILSent via BlackBerry by AT&TDate: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 06:32:29 -0400To: <AutismBehaviorProblems >Subject: Re: can someone clear something up for me?  i have spoken to my dr (gp) about insurance, and she says alot of times they don't take certain ones because it is too much paperwork, or from having been burnt before by a company. it may also be like credit cards, you know shop owners pay i believe 10% in jersey of sale to use the service. debra Re: can someone clear something up for me? They just dont take any insurance and I am not sure why. I want to ask that for sure just out of curiousity. And SI is sensory integration. Stacie B Aurora IL In a message dated 7/24/2008 8:33:39 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, forresters2embarqmail writes:  Why don't they take insurance? I must have missed that. I have never heard of two different diagnoses..autism and SI. SI is part of autism...not? Elaine ----- Yeah, has a seizure disorder too, which is Epilepsy from what the Dr told me, and also scored under the number in IQ that he should be at so he is MR and then has dev delays too. And, he has PDD and SI. So we will see what the findings are once we go through the Autism clinic. I just wish that they did take insurance. Stacie B Aurora IL . Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today. No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.5.5/1570 - Release Date: 7/24/2008 6:59 AM

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Elaine,We are in Illinois and he does have medicaide but no they do not take that or any insurance!StacieSent via BlackBerry by AT&TDate: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 00:18:40 -0400To: <AutismBehaviorProblems >Subject: Re: can someone clear something up for me?  What State are you in?With the diagnoses now that your son has, he should qualify for medicaid.Do they take that?Elaine Re: can someone clear something up for me? They just dont take any insurance and I am not sure why. I want to ask that for sure just out of curiousity. And SI is sensory integration. Stacie B Aurora IL In a message dated 7/24/2008 8:33:39 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, forresters2embarqmail writes:  Why don't they take insurance? I must have missed that. I have never heard of two different diagnoses..autism and SI. SI is part of autism...not? Elaine ----- Yeah, has a seizure disorder too, which is Epilepsy from what the Dr told me, and also scored under the number in IQ that he should be at so he is MR and then has dev delays too. And, he has PDD and SI. So we will see what the findings are once we go through the Autism clinic. I just wish that they did take insurance. Stacie B Aurora IL . Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

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Elaine,We are in Illinois and he does have medicaide but no they do not take that or any insurance!StacieSent via BlackBerry by AT&TDate: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 00:18:40 -0400To: <AutismBehaviorProblems >Subject: Re: can someone clear something up for me?  What State are you in?With the diagnoses now that your son has, he should qualify for medicaid.Do they take that?Elaine Re: can someone clear something up for me? They just dont take any insurance and I am not sure why. I want to ask that for sure just out of curiousity. And SI is sensory integration. Stacie B Aurora IL In a message dated 7/24/2008 8:33:39 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, forresters2embarqmail writes:  Why don't they take insurance? I must have missed that. I have never heard of two different diagnoses..autism and SI. SI is part of autism...not? Elaine ----- Yeah, has a seizure disorder too, which is Epilepsy from what the Dr told me, and also scored under the number in IQ that he should be at so he is MR and then has dev delays too. And, he has PDD and SI. So we will see what the findings are once we go through the Autism clinic. I just wish that they did take insurance. Stacie B Aurora IL . Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

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Oh and as of right now his dx is PDD, SI and seizure disorderStacieSent via BlackBerry by AT&TDate: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 00:18:40 -0400To: <AutismBehaviorProblems >Subject: Re: can someone clear something up for me?  What State are you in?With the diagnoses now that your son has, he should qualify for medicaid.Do they take that?Elaine Re: can someone clear something up for me? They just dont take any insurance and I am not sure why. I want to ask that for sure just out of curiousity. And SI is sensory integration. Stacie B Aurora IL In a message dated 7/24/2008 8:33:39 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, forresters2embarqmail writes:  Why don't they take insurance? I must have missed that. I have never heard of two different diagnoses..autism and SI. SI is part of autism...not? Elaine ----- Yeah, has a seizure disorder too, which is Epilepsy from what the Dr told me, and also scored under the number in IQ that he should be at so he is MR and then has dev delays too. And, he has PDD and SI. So we will see what the findings are once we go through the Autism clinic. I just wish that they did take insurance. Stacie B Aurora IL . Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

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Oh and as of right now his dx is PDD, SI and seizure disorderStacieSent via BlackBerry by AT&TDate: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 00:18:40 -0400To: <AutismBehaviorProblems >Subject: Re: can someone clear something up for me?  What State are you in?With the diagnoses now that your son has, he should qualify for medicaid.Do they take that?Elaine Re: can someone clear something up for me? They just dont take any insurance and I am not sure why. I want to ask that for sure just out of curiousity. And SI is sensory integration. Stacie B Aurora IL In a message dated 7/24/2008 8:33:39 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, forresters2embarqmail writes:  Why don't they take insurance? I must have missed that. I have never heard of two different diagnoses..autism and SI. SI is part of autism...not? Elaine ----- Yeah, has a seizure disorder too, which is Epilepsy from what the Dr told me, and also scored under the number in IQ that he should be at so he is MR and then has dev delays too. And, he has PDD and SI. So we will see what the findings are once we go through the Autism clinic. I just wish that they did take insurance. Stacie B Aurora IL . Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

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Oh and as of right now his dx is PDD, SI and seizure disorderStacieSent via BlackBerry by AT&TDate: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 00:18:40 -0400To: <AutismBehaviorProblems >Subject: Re: can someone clear something up for me?  What State are you in?With the diagnoses now that your son has, he should qualify for medicaid.Do they take that?Elaine Re: can someone clear something up for me? They just dont take any insurance and I am not sure why. I want to ask that for sure just out of curiousity. And SI is sensory integration. Stacie B Aurora IL In a message dated 7/24/2008 8:33:39 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, forresters2embarqmail writes:  Why don't they take insurance? I must have missed that. I have never heard of two different diagnoses..autism and SI. SI is part of autism...not? Elaine ----- Yeah, has a seizure disorder too, which is Epilepsy from what the Dr told me, and also scored under the number in IQ that he should be at so he is MR and then has dev delays too. And, he has PDD and SI. So we will see what the findings are once we go through the Autism clinic. I just wish that they did take insurance. Stacie B Aurora IL . Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

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