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so I mentioned a while back about something Pam wible posted, and poor Ho and Brady have been bucking me up for weeks while I send them frightened little rabbit emails butgood news God I feel like such a B____h, tough

I wanted to take an insurance really HArvard Pilgrim becasuea .TOG ( the other Gordon) gordon smith lawyer head of maine medical association who has actually met LGM -who said TOG's desk wa s a nightmare to behold --anywhay TOG says take HP as they have taken over the states' attempt to help healthcare a program called Dirigo and

b. well etc skip all the typingSo it has been HELL on wheels to do this Try and call someone ,get some rates ,agree to do it, get referred to a MEdnet organization, sign up with them get sent to caqh also do that, get HP month s later. Rep comes out we talk about stuff(like are you kidding me I refuse to do referrals by filling out two sets of paper work I will do one I said that is what I do for bLue cross and then he said well they do not need it anyway as long as the consultant does the hcfa form in box 17 correctly etcetc more typing, anyway life seem s ok

I do not get many but some HP patietns then I get a welcome to mednet packet which has signed me up with Othe r PayersOther PAyers!! What!! INcluding the Very Evil United I love capitol lettersI pitch a fit , many touchy things go on . I cal l Med net . I get lectured. I get frustratued. i call HP .I call MEd net. Mednet sends me certiifed mail yadda yadda yadda

Finally I am TICKED ,know what I am saying (I email Brady to make sure I am not insane of course and he electronically pats me ont he back) and so I call TOG the other Gordon a nd say umm I know I just complained about something 6 mo ago but I scraped up my dues I am all paid up and can we talk about this? HOW can they MAKE me take other payers ?

HP HArvard PIlgrim says to me we do not contract with docs individually. What?? We have an arrangmetn with t his PPO thing( which costs me no money so you know it is the insurers all in bed with each other) and hp contracts that they w ill only work through mednet.( HP actually sneds to me " we are confident that you were told this " Oh no sweethearts I was not I would have noticed I assure you)

And med net, mednet makes you sign on w ith other payors ARE YOU KIDDING ME??TOG says really how can this be? That is what I said.I get HP to extend me month by month for two months in a row I feel like a complete pill by now and then TOG says I am going to meet with X head of med net " as soon as I can find him " hmm

They meet last thursday .I am a good dog and do not bother TOG. I am itching to know what happened but I do not expect much . I had said ok I will face south--Portland where they met-nand think good thoughts and TOG says " that will do about as much good as anything else will " which is why Il ike him; Today TOG says guess what they a re going to do the right thing You should hear from them soon ,and then he says you-me- caused so much of a ruckus they had no choice and then TOG says it is a wonder this never came up before. No s---t.

So there you have it boys an d girls The squeaky wheel get s the grease(is that right?? MIlk under the dam?? I never knwo) It felt bad but I win. Sometime I willt ell you about the CAT scan policy at the VA that no noone could get changed til I stood up at a public mtg and spoke to some regional offical chick . I got very evil emails from my boss who had already fired my guillian barre'd husdban becasue he worked too slowly- well they tore up his paper to request to work par time, and from the ad of radiology who was nasty but they changed the policy

Just call me troubleI was raised skinny pale and quiet did not speak til i was 16. God what has happened?Oh I know Health care. HAve hope guysUSE your voices.JEan--

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