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A Great Love - Fitness Workout

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A Great Love - Fitness Workout

by and


What does it mean to practice


We recently joined a gym to stay more

fit physically. We don't actually work up much of a sweat, but we spend 30-45

minutes there several times per week. It feels good. We start on the treadmill

for about 15 minutes and then do what they call the "circuit" – a series of

about 10 machines. Each machine exercises a different portion of the body. It

only takes about 10 minutes to complete the circuit one time and we often repeat


During the "circuit" this week, we

thought, "Um, we're investing a good 45 minutes several times a week to our

physical heath – like millions of other people. What would be the equivalent of

the "circuit" for a great love-fitness workout?" So we came up with our own

"love-fit circuit" of five workout stations, each requiring just about one

little minute.

So let's get love-fit. Here's your

love-fitness workout:

Love-fit Station

#1: Anger/Irritation Relief. Do you have any anger or irritation

challenging your heart right now? Time to visit the "Anger/Irritation Relief"

love fitness station. Begin by recognizing your anger and loving yourself for

addressing it. It's part of healing to feel your feelings. As you take moments

to think through your irritation or anger, you realize how damaging and

immensely wasteful negative energy is in your own life – not to mention those

who experience your negative energy, even if you don't say anything. As you stay

in this #1 love-fitness station, Love moves your heart towards forgiveness –

especially towards yourself. Just residing in this heart space of love

strengthens your well being. Anger and irritation are not part of the real you –

your highest selfhood. As you remember this, peace begins to descend into your

heart. But love wants even more healing. It's time to move to another love

fitness station.

Love-fit Station

#2: Doubt Relief. Who doesn't have thoughts of doubt! At the "Doubt

Relief" love fitness station, your heart opens and surrenders to love. As ego

begins to fade, you remember your essence. You are a valuable, magnificent

treasure in the universe. This is love's message to you and it is a message of

truth. Let love's admiration of you penetrate your doubt. Let love circulate in

your heart. Just reside in love loving you as marvelous and important and

needed. We all need waves of assurance that life will turn out well. At this

love fitness station, love reminds you that the more you are tuned into love

itself, the more easily good answers appear in your life. You soak this in as

love gently moves you to the next love fitness station.

Love-fit Station

#3: Anxiety/Fear Relief. There's so much to worry about. What should

I do? Where will be money come from? Will I succeed? Will this relationship

work? At the love fitness "Anxiety/Fear Relief" station, waves of assurance

start immediately pouring in to your heart. Yes, love has a plan for your life

and it's a good one. You can relax in this very moment and feel peace. That is

the potential in every moment for the rest of your life. As you remember this,

calmness begins to spread through your mind and heart. There's even more love

and healing waiting for you though. It's time to move on.

Love-fit Station

#4: Guilt Relief. This huge love fitness station is waiting for you

with open arms. Guilt ravages our inner peace. You deserve to feel freedom and

innocence. This is the nature of love. We all make mistakes. Forgiveness of

ourselves is a giant part of learning to love ourselves despite mistakes. As you

stop to experience this "Guilt Relief" station, love speaks the words of

innocence, acceptance, and freedom to your soul. This is how love intends you to

feel inside. Your heart opens to this freedom and beings to relax in innocence.

You feel the deep currents of healing energy from all the love fitness stations

you have visited, even briefly. And there's still another love fitness station.

Love wants you completely fit.

Love-fit Station

#5: Hurt Relief. It's hard to move through even a week of life

without feeling hurt by someone or something. What do we do? We visit love's

"Hurt Relief" fitness station of course! Here we are invited to express our hurt

and acknowledge our feelings. It is never fair to be treated unkindly by

another, even yourself. Misunderstandings often lead to hurt. Sometimes it is

even intentional. Hurt lingers and festers in our hearts. But not here at the

"Hurt Relief" station. Here, love gently guides us. We discover a kind way to

express our hurt without causing anger or more hurt. We remember that our hurt

is robbing us of love's joy, so natural to our well being. We move towards

forgiveness, understanding, acceptance. We feel love opening new


This entire "Love workout" can be

finished in less than 10 minutes. Imagine living in a state of love fitness

where you are experiencing waves of relief and happiness because your challenges

and negative emotions are being resolved. That's the power of staying love fit.

Repetition, more than time, builds strength. Keep flowing through the love

workout fitness stations so you can keep things cleared in your life and not get

snagged. Welcome to love fitness and the heart of love.

© 2007 &


Dr. Peck & Peck are

co-founders of TheLoveCenter, a non-profit organization "Calling everyone home

to Love." They are authors of books on love and healing, including "Love Skills

for Personal & Global Transformation: Secrets of a Love Master." Visit www.TheLoveCenter.com. We are holding

the space for you to receive all the love you


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