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Victory on Medicare physician pay - The AMA was successful in its campaign to avert the 10.6% Medicare physician payment reduction.

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As predicted -- the aversion of the pay cut has been touted as a Victory!

When it actually represents just a delay of the inevitable since the fee schedule doesn't keep pace with the cost to run a practice -- thereby repesenting a relative fee cut every year as inflation eats away at the fee schedule's value.


Victory on Medicare physician pay

The AMA was successful in its campaign to avert the 10.6% Medicare physician payment reduction.

Editorial. Aug. 11, 2008.

Here is an example of the article patting itself on the back...In the end, doctors' and patients' urgent message -- don't jeopardize Medicare by allowing the pay cut to stand -- overwhelmed the opposition, spearheaded by the nation's health plans.The bill would not have become law without the intense efforts of organized medicine, individual doctors and the public. Working through the American Medical Association's Grassroots Action Center and Patients' Action Network, 760,000 doctors and patients contacted their lawmakers on the issue this year.


Everyone has known the system is broken in regards to the formula to adjust the fee schedule.This problem hasn't been fixed -- but the 10% pay cut was averted -- to come back another day - essentially.

Doesn't seem like I would be bragging about what I did in this case.


Locke, MD

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Well said.

I think that we need a law that tights congressional salaries and perks to the Medicare Fee Schedule. I mean if they can not fix it the darn thing properly, then why should they be getting generous increases while others aren't??? Right??? In the same light I think we should have a similar law that all members of congress have the same wages, health and welfare benefits of the average US worker on minimum wage.... Then perhaps we will start to see some sort of a movement on many of these issues....

Victory on Medicare physician pay - The AMA was successful in its campaign to avert the 10.6% Medicare physician payment reduction.

As predicted -- the aversion of the pay cut has been touted as a Victory!

When it actually represents just a delay of the inevitable since the fee schedule doesn't keep pace with the cost to run a practice -- thereby repesenting a relative fee cut every year as inflation eats away at the fee schedule's value.

http://www.ama- assn.org/ amednews/ 2008/08/11/ edsa0811. htm

Victory on Medicare physician pay

The AMA was successful in its campaign to avert the 10.6% Medicare physician payment reduction.

Editorial. Aug. 11, 2008.

Here is an example of the article patting itself on the back...In the end, doctors' and patients' urgent message -- don't jeopardize Medicare by allowing the pay cut to stand -- overwhelmed the opposition, spearheaded by the nation's health plans.The bill would not have become law without the intense efforts of organized medicine, individual doctors and the public. Working through the American Medical Association' s Grassroots Action Center and Patients' Action Network, 760,000 doctors and patients contacted their lawmakers on the issue this year.

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Everyone has known the system is broken in regards to the formula to adjust the fee schedule.This problem hasn't been fixed -- but the 10% pay cut was averted -- to come back another day - essentially.

Doesn't seem like I would be bragging about what I did in this case.


Locke, MD

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