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Re: A Friendly Reminder From My Mother

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In a message dated 3/28/04 11:17:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,

lonewolfe30@... writes:


Do you still give nada stuff? I'd have to go to Goodwill and get

stuff if she's just gonna return it at this point.


No. not in a very...very long time.

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I learned to lie from nada...even when the truth is too obvious...saved my

ars from her beatings more than once. That was one hard flea to kill...

In a message dated 3/28/04 11:10:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,

lonewolfe30@... writes:

LOL- that's a good one Carol. You were obviously adept and fluent in

nada speak to know how to avoid that landmine though it sucks having

to lie. I see that now w/dh in that sometimes I'll want to tell

little white lies or at least that will be instinctual and he thinks

its weird. Now I know why. I had a nada growing up and had to tell

little white lies all the time to keep from pissing her off. I think

I'm a million times more honest than I use to be, but I still feel

the urge sometimes to lie so as to not hurt someone's feeling (dh

just omits the full truth which is more diplomatic and saves more



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I don't think that you 'let' her fall...she owns that, literally. I spent

the first half of my life feeling guilty if nada didn't have everything that I

had...and everything I ever gave was 'not quite right' anyway. I finally

realized I was trying to MAKE her love me. I quit that...and began to learn to

love ME.

In a message dated 3/29/04 12:09:25 AM Eastern Standard Time,

foundmy@... writes:


I don't give my mother stuff anymore because she gets a wild hair up her butt

& everything goes into a yard sale in no time & she moves once again. The

very last thing I gave her was a picture frame that was encouragement for her to

keep trying. It was a cheap thing, but I thought it would help her mental

state at the time. It was in a big frame with words big enough for a very poor

sighted person to read. Whether she still has it or not is unknown to me & I

really don't care anymore. I use to give her every pretty thing I got, crystal

dishes color television, clothes she wanted. Hell, I even gave her my very first

car within a week after I bought it. She did keep the car for 10 years after I

gave it to her, but everything else I bought her beds, tables, chairs,

dishes, whatever it was went into yardsales & she would have to get everything


over again. She got new furniture a while back. I advised her not to do it at

that present time. When she couldn't meet her payments, she expected me to pay

them. I refused to let my kids do without necessities just so she could keep

her luxuries. Needless to say, I let her fall on her a$$ so to speak. I don't

regret it at all.


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I've not had any reason to talk to my nada; she leaves a message occasionally

now, we never answer. I really needed to do 'my work' on my own, just can't

deal with her at all; she is even more hostile now that she is older, 71.

I understand the honesty need; I couldn't begin to trust anyone else until I

could trust myself.

I have raised 3 boys, only one borrows my earrings, lol. But, there is a lot

more trouble that kids can get into today than funny looking hair, body

piercing, or tattoos. I hear you though...it's hard to give them their space,


put all these warning signs up too. I think they know we just care about

them...even when we perfume the truth. Carol

I still do not tell mine the truth all the time & it really goes against my

grain to lie. I cannot stand a liar & I cannot stand to be one either. So I

detest myself when I lie. A flea? Oh yes, definitely. I do try not to lie to

anyone else, especially my husband & kids. Its so important to those


to never lie if you can help it. Its better to say " I don't know for sure; I

believe this to be the truth, but I am unsure; That is my understanding;

That's all I know " than to ever say something & them find out later that you


lying. Faith & trust in a family is a 2 way street. It must be had by all or it

just won't work. I would rather tell my daughter that purple hair is ugly to

many people or its a tolerable purple in that it isn't so hideous that it

takes away from her prettiness, than to tell her she looks beautiful with it. I

also have been known to tell my children " I can stand pierced ears & long hair

on boys, than tattoos & other types of piercings. I would also rather them to

say, " Mom, That dress makes you look like bozo the clown. " than for them to

let me go out into public looking like that. I let my daughter color her hair

with hair dye that washes out, but not with the permanent stuff. Her dad would

have a fit, so it must be out of her hair on the weekends. By letting her have

a choice, she does it less than if I forbade it. I compromise with them when

I am able (which is almost always) it makes for a better relationship for

those times when I cannot do so. So theres no need to lie to my kids & they have

no need to lie to me, With my mother I have to lie about nearly everything. I

cannot tell her that I ever have any money, l cannot tell her that I am having

marital problems ( when I do have them), I cannot tell her anything personal.

I know that when I do, I am opening a way for her to use me, abuse me, then

cut me all bad, & finally I am giving her a weapon to use in an ugly smear

campaign against me. So I lie in self-defense. Well, I was doing that when we

were comminicating. But we aren't right now, so there is no need to feel as if I

am dishonoring my God by doing so. Telling the truth never gave me any

beatings as I refused to answer if I felt that I would get hurt by speaking. The

rules changed if I were high or drinking. I spoke out very bluntly & plainly & I

didn't care if she liked it or not. Then I'd run out of the house as fast as I

could & stay gone for perhaps a couple of weeks at a time. I didn't give her

the chance to beat the hell out of me once I hit around 16 yrs old. I knew that

she wouldn't call the cops because she didn't care enough to do it.



Re: A Friendly Reminder From My Mother

I learned to lie from nada...even when the truth is too obvious...saved my

ars from her beatings more than once. That was one hard flea to kill...

In a message dated 3/28/04 11:10:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,

lonewolfe30@... writes:

LOL- that's a good one Carol. You were obviously adept and fluent in

nada speak to know how to avoid that landmine though it sucks having

to lie. I see that now w/dh in that sometimes I'll want to tell

little white lies or at least that will be instinctual and he thinks

its weird. Now I know why. I had a nada growing up and had to tell

little white lies all the time to keep from pissing her off. I think

I'm a million times more honest than I use to be, but I still feel

the urge sometimes to lie so as to not hurt someone's feeling (dh

just omits the full truth which is more diplomatic and saves more



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[i have a choice as to how I deal with life.]

Wow, Kerrie, this speaks of how far you've come. It took me 30 years to

realize that...that I could choose. My nada never loved me; and I used to think

that it was because I was not good/smart/blonde/giving enough. I finally

realized that she hasn't/doesn't love anyone. Carol

In a message dated 3/29/04 1:05:04 AM Eastern Standard Time,

foundmy@... writes:

I don't think that you 'let' her fall...she owns that, literally. I spent

the first half of my life feeling guilty if nada didn't have everything

that I

had...and everything I ever gave was 'not quite right' anyway. I finally

realized I was trying to MAKE her love me. I quit that...and began to

learn to

love ME. Carol

*** That is the very reason I gave my mother stuff also. I wanted her to

love me. I have since realized that she has never loved, does not love, will not

ever love anyone including herself. Greed, Jealousy, & " The world owes me for

my suffering & sex " are the only things she survives for. Her whole mentality

is " Poor Little Me. " I am not going to lay down on the floor like that & feel

sorry for the way my life is, was, or will be. I have a choice as to how I

deal with life. I screw up, its my fault & I will suffer for it, but I will

learn from it. I make the right decision I will gain from it & all will be well

for the time being. I am not going to take a kick from the world & just lay down

& die. I am going to make the world work hard to knock me down for the count.


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LOL- that's a good one Carol. You were obviously adept and fluent in

nada speak to know how to avoid that landmine though it sucks having

to lie. I see that now w/dh in that sometimes I'll want to tell

little white lies or at least that will be instinctual and he thinks

its weird. Now I know why. I had a nada growing up and had to tell

little white lies all the time to keep from pissing her off. I think

I'm a million times more honest than I use to be, but I still feel

the urge sometimes to lie so as to not hurt someone's feeling (dh

just omits the full truth which is more diplomatic and saves more



> In a message dated 3/27/04 11:27:58 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> lonewolfe30@y... writes:

> I thought my nada was jealous of our new house

> I KNOW my nada was jealous...hence her projecting it through/to my

sister and

> me. Nada is pretentious; did things like she owned our home...had


> 'driveway' sign made for us that had our last name and 'Estate' on


> I let her hang it (this was 25 years ago - pre no contact), but

after she had

> left I tossed it wayyyyy into the woods. Told her someone

apparently stole

> it...because it was sooo beautiful. another gaggggggggggg...but


> lying to a nada justifies the end. Carol




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Now I think we seriously need to incorporate that one into a

book...an npd splurging and spending so much money that a jealous

bpd splits him as all bad b/c she can no longer keep up. WOW !!!!

That's totally over the edge and yet I can say I see that one even

in my own family-lol,


> > In a message dated 3/27/04 11:27:58 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> > lonewolfe30@y... writes:

> > I thought my nada was jealous of our new house

> > I KNOW my nada was jealous...hence her projecting it through/to


> sister and

> > me. Nada is pretentious; did things like she owned our


> a

> > 'driveway' sign made for us that had our last name and 'Estate'


> it...gagggggggggg.

> > I let her hang it (this was 25 years ago - pre no contact), but

> after she had

> > left I tossed it wayyyyy into the woods. Told her someone

> apparently stole

> > it...because it was sooo beautiful. another gaggggggggggg...but

> sometimes

> > lying to a nada justifies the end. Carol

> >

> >

> >

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Do you still give nada stuff? I'd have to go to Goodwill and get

stuff if she's just gonna return it at this point.


> Hi Sylvia, My nada's taste is 'gawwwwwdy'...pretentious; hoards


> shiny. I've had NO trouble turning down her stuff...not that she

ever gave me

> anything valuable. (my blonde sister got/gets the jewelry & cast

off furniture)



> Another interesting twist; nada has 'returned' every gift I've

ever given her

> in the last ten years-I take it all to Goodwill. Everything from

cloths to a

> fern stand...must Christmas/birthday gifts from years ago.


> This started after I 'took' back my diamond she'd had for 20

years. To make

> a long story brief: 30 years ago during my divorce I needed money

to pay my

> elec. bill (first husband left me penniless with months past due

bills/he had

> been 'stashing' money for months for his getaway)...anyway, nada

gave me the

> money but wanted my diamond as collateral ... stupid/I let her

hold it. When I

> asked for it back/returning the money/she showed me the pendant

she had had

> made for herself WITH MY DIAMOND. I let it go for a while...got

it back once

> when I got mad over something...and let her wear it again when I

got to feeling

> guilty enough over her crying...FOG. When my son by my first

marriage was

> getting married ten years ago/his father gave me the diamond/I

wanted the diamond

> to give to him...he didn't want his wife to wear it, but used it

as down

> payment for her ring. Nada RAGED...AND RAGED...but returned it to

me in the

> end...hence her giving back all my gifts...like the diamond was a

gift. Now, that

> is all or nothing thinking. Carol





> In a message dated 3/28/04 12:02:36 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> smhtrain2@y... writes:

> Wow - this thread is giving me a new perspective on my nada. Nada


> always either trying to give my sister and me something of hers,


> buying us something for our homes. Most of it didn't fit in with


> we already had, and all of it didn't make sense. But thinking


> she thought our homes were an extension of hers does make sense.

> OMG! She was particularly jealous of my sister and her husband.


> was NPD, and spent great amounts of money for appearances. Nada


> a 'run for her money' trying to keep up with them! Finally, when


> just couldn't compete any more, she reverted to splitting him bad


> spending so much money.


> Sylvia




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This is super freaking weird. When I was a kid my nada and fada had

a velvet picture of matadores I can recall (its one of those things

I could remember from when I had a fever and had the feeling I had a

hard life ahead of me- a surreal moment from childhood when I was

about 4). I don't know what happened to it after the age of 6, but I

don't remember having it.

When nada remarried step-fada, he brought a velvet Elvis into the

marriage and hung it over the toilet in their bathroom.

That's kind of strange that both of these would be brought up in the

same conversation.


> In a message dated 3/28/04 12:06:51 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> free_spirit_etc@y... writes:

> -She didn't try to hang one of those velvet paintings of Elvis -


> she?


> Free



> ALMOST as gawdawful...velvet painting of matadors from 'South Of


> Border'...




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I don't give my mother stuff anymore because she gets a wild hair up her butt &

everything goes into a yard sale in no time & she moves once again. The very

last thing I gave her was a picture frame that was encouragement for her to keep

trying. It was a cheap thing, but I thought it would help her mental state at

the time. It was in a big frame with words big enough for a very poor sighted

person to read. Whether she still has it or not is unknown to me & I really

don't care anymore. I use to give her every pretty thing I got, crystal dishes

color television, clothes she wanted. Hell, I even gave her my very first car

within a week after I bought it. She did keep the car for 10 years after I gave

it to her, but everything else I bought her beds, tables, chairs, dishes,

whatever it was went into yardsales & she would have to get everything all over

again. She got new furniture a while back. I advised her not to do it at that

present time. When she couldn't meet her payments, she expected me to pay them.

I refused to let my kids do without necessities just so she could keep her

luxuries. Needless to say, I let her fall on her a$$ so to speak. I don't regret

it at all.


Re: Re: A Friendly Reminder From My Mother

In a message dated 3/28/04 11:17:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,

lonewolfe30@... writes:


Do you still give nada stuff? I'd have to go to Goodwill and get

stuff if she's just gonna return it at this point.


No. not in a very...very long time.

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ROFL- THAT WAS EXCELLENT!!!! Thanks for the laugh!

> > In a message dated 3/28/04 12:06:51 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> > free_spirit_etc@y... writes:

> > -She didn't try to hang one of those velvet paintings of Elvis -

> did

> > she?

> >

> > Free

> >

> >

> > ALMOST as gawdawful...velvet painting of matadors from 'South Of

> The

> > Border'...




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I still do not tell mine the truth all the time & it really goes against my

grain to lie. I cannot stand a liar & I cannot stand to be one either. So I

detest myself when I lie. A flea? Oh yes, definitely. I do try not to lie to

anyone else, especially my husband & kids. Its so important to those

relationships to never lie if you can help it. Its better to say " I don't know

for sure; I believe this to be the truth, but I am unsure; That is my

understanding; That's all I know " than to ever say something & them find out

later that you were lying. Faith & trust in a family is a 2 way street. It must

be had by all or it just won't work. I would rather tell my daughter that purple

hair is ugly to many people or its a tolerable purple in that it isn't so

hideous that it takes away from her prettiness, than to tell her she looks

beautiful with it. I also have been known to tell my children " I can stand

pierced ears & long hair on boys, than tattoos & other types of piercings. I

would also rather them to say, " Mom, That dress makes you look like bozo the

clown. " than for them to let me go out into public looking like that. I let my

daughter color her hair with hair dye that washes out, but not with the

permanent stuff. Her dad would have a fit, so it must be out of her hair on the

weekends. By letting her have a choice, she does it less than if I forbade it. I

compromise with them when I am able (which is almost always) it makes for a

better relationship for those times when I cannot do so. So theres no need to

lie to my kids & they have no need to lie to me, With my mother I have to lie

about nearly everything. I cannot tell her that I ever have any money, l cannot

tell her that I am having marital problems ( when I do have them), I cannot tell

her anything personal. I know that when I do, I am opening a way for her to use

me, abuse me, then cut me all bad, & finally I am giving her a weapon to use in

an ugly smear campaign against me. So I lie in self-defense. Well, I was doing

that when we were comminicating. But we aren't right now, so there is no need to

feel as if I am dishonoring my God by doing so. Telling the truth never gave me

any beatings as I refused to answer if I felt that I would get hurt by speaking.

The rules changed if I were high or drinking. I spoke out very bluntly & plainly

& I didn't care if she liked it or not. Then I'd run out of the house as fast as

I could & stay gone for perhaps a couple of weeks at a time. I didn't give her

the chance to beat the hell out of me once I hit around 16 yrs old. I knew that

she wouldn't call the cops because she didn't care enough to do it.



Re: A Friendly Reminder From My Mother

I learned to lie from nada...even when the truth is too obvious...saved my

ars from her beatings more than once. That was one hard flea to kill...

In a message dated 3/28/04 11:10:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,

lonewolfe30@... writes:

LOL- that's a good one Carol. You were obviously adept and fluent in

nada speak to know how to avoid that landmine though it sucks having

to lie. I see that now w/dh in that sometimes I'll want to tell

little white lies or at least that will be instinctual and he thinks

its weird. Now I know why. I had a nada growing up and had to tell

little white lies all the time to keep from pissing her off. I think

I'm a million times more honest than I use to be, but I still feel

the urge sometimes to lie so as to not hurt someone's feeling (dh

just omits the full truth which is more diplomatic and saves more



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I don't think that you 'let' her fall...she owns that, literally. I spent

the first half of my life feeling guilty if nada didn't have everything that I

had...and everything I ever gave was 'not quite right' anyway. I finally

realized I was trying to MAKE her love me. I quit that...and began to learn


love ME.

*** That is the very reason I gave my mother stuff also. I wanted her to love

me. I have since realized that she has never loved, does not love, will not ever

love anyone including herself. Greed, Jealousy, & " The world owes me for my

suffering & sex " are the only things she survives for. Her whole mentality is

" Poor Little Me. " I am not going to lay down on the floor like that & feel sorry

for the way my life is, was, or will be. I have a choice as to how I deal with

life. I screw up, its my fault & I will suffer for it, but I will learn from it.

I make the right decision I will gain from it & all will be well for the time

being. I am not going to take a kick from the world & just lay down & die. I am

going to make the world work hard to knock me down for the count.


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I've not had any reason to talk to my nada; she leaves a message occasionally

now, we never answer. I really needed to do 'my work' on my own, just can't

deal with her at all; she is even more hostile now that she is older, 71.

I understand the honesty need; I couldn't begin to trust anyone else until I

could trust myself.

I have raised 3 boys, only one borrows my earrings, lol. But, there is a lot

more trouble that kids can get into today than funny looking hair, body

piercing, or tattoos. I hear you though...it's hard to give them their space,


put all these warning signs up too. I think they know we just care about

them...even when we perfume the truth. Carol

Yes, there definitely is more trouble to get into in the world than piercings,

Tattoos, & colored hair. When my youngest daughter was 6, an 8 or 9 year old

offered her a cigarette. She ran & told me all about it. I ran the boy off. He

was smoking with his parents permission. But my daughter said " No " & meant it.

She just needed help to make him leave her alone.

My oldest two have been offered drugs & told the people they were stupid for

taking them. I never hid my past drug use or drinking from my children. I told

them the bad things that happened to me by choosing that sort of life, then I

just had to trust them to make the right decision when the time came. They

didn't let me down. I am happy for them because they are so much ahead of me as

to maturity level than I was at that age. Their common sense & intelligence

never ceases to amaze me. We have some good kids, you & I. I hope that it is

always that way for us. I had my first one to leave home today. He is now the

property of the U.S. Navy. My best advice to him " Don't ever do anything that

you will be ashamed of when you look back over your life in the future. " If I

had known that tidbit of information, maybe I would have turned out better. As

it is I have come a long ways. I give the credit to my God because I believe

that without his guidance & help I would have been dead about the age of 7.


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I said that, but it is kind of hard sometimes to tell who said what in these



[i have a choice as to how I deal with life.]

Wow, Kerrie, this speaks of how far you've come. It took me 30 years to

realize that...that I could choose. My nada never loved me; and I used to


that it was because I was not good/smart/blonde/giving enough. I finally

realized that she hasn't/doesn't love anyone. Carol

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I agree wholeheartedly, but actually that was Debbie that posted

those words of wisdom. Way to go with that eye-opener Deb! I think I

needed to be reminded of that lately after nada just blew through

again like a hurricane.


> [i have a choice as to how I deal with life.]

> Wow, Kerrie, this speaks of how far you've come. It took me 30

years to

> realize that...that I could choose. My nada never loved me; and I

used to think

> that it was because I was not good/smart/blonde/giving enough. I


> realized that she hasn't/doesn't love anyone. Carol





> In a message dated 3/29/04 1:05:04 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> foundmy@s... writes:

> I don't think that you 'let' her fall...she owns that, literally.

I spent

> the first half of my life feeling guilty if nada didn't have


> that I

> had...and everything I ever gave was 'not quite right' anyway.

I finally

> realized I was trying to MAKE her love me. I quit that...and

began to

> learn to

> love ME. Carol


> *** That is the very reason I gave my mother stuff also. I

wanted her to

> love me. I have since realized that she has never loved, does not

love, will not

> ever love anyone including herself. Greed, Jealousy, & " The world

owes me for

> my suffering & sex " are the only things she survives for. Her

whole mentality

> is " Poor Little Me. " I am not going to lay down on the floor like

that & feel

> sorry for the way my life is, was, or will be. I have a choice as

to how I

> deal with life. I screw up, its my fault & I will suffer for it,

but I will

> learn from it. I make the right decision I will gain from it & all

will be well

> for the time being. I am not going to take a kick from the world &

just lay down

> & die. I am going to make the world work hard to knock me down for

the count.

> Debbie





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Too funny! I guess I just never thought of anyone's picture over a

toilet! I think I gotta do some serious redecorating! ROFL! still



> > In a message dated 3/28/04 12:06:51 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> > free_spirit_etc@y... writes:

> > -She didn't try to hang one of those velvet paintings of Elvis -

> did

> > she?

> >

> > Free

> >

> >

> > ALMOST as gawdawful...velvet painting of matadors from 'South Of

> The

> > Border'...

> >

> >

> >

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> I don't think that you 'let' her fall...she owns that, literally.

I spent the first half of my life feeling guilty if nada didn't have

everything that I had...and everything I ever gave was 'not quite

right' anyway. I finally realized I was trying to MAKE her love

me. I quit that...and began to learn to love ME.

Ahhhhh....That is so beautiful!! (The part about learning to love

yourself) Makes me feel real warm all over.

I found the quote I had mentioned before..

" Bad men are spiritual graces sent in disguise to teach us, through

torment, to love ourselves. " - Ban Breathnach

I also wanted to address the statement " ..she owns that.. "

That is one thing I am just STARTING to understand - of who owns

what. Again..that will be a key to minding my business - is know what

I own and what I don't.

Something interesting happened with that today. I was out doing like

a mini-quest in the woods - which is mostly just going in the woods

and being directed by " Spirit - Your Higher Power - Your Higher Self


The last couple of times I went I picked up trash I found laying

around. But today - I had some feathers and rocks - but as I started

to pick up a few bits of trash - I got a strong feeling not to. I

thought that was odd. I mean - isn't picking up litter a " good

thing? " But - ahh..I didn't own in. The voice within me said to not

carry anything that wasn't mine.

Ahh.. what a lesson. I would not have cleaned up the whole woods by

picking up a few bits of trash. And though there might be times in

the future where that is my contribution to the woods - today I had a

bigger lesson - Do not pick up garbage I do not own. It is not my

garbage. It is someone else's.

So I walked through the woods unencumbered by other people's garbage.

I only carried my own " stuff. "


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