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Vaccine Industry Getting Nervous

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This was posted to another group I belong to.

It looks like they're trying to beat us to the

punch. I'd like to know what their letter to

Congress says, so our people could defuse some of

this when they have their representative meeting.


Dr. Sherri



May 28, 2008

Dear Immunization Coalition Partners:

This summer will bring renewed efforts by

anti-vaccine protestors to bring media and

political attention to their cause. As a way of

defusing the impact of their rallies and press

releases, Voices For Vaccines, a newly formed

immunization advocacy organization, is

coordinating an Open Letter to Congress, to be

distributed to every member of Congress before

the first of these anti-vaccine rallies, stating

the support of a wide range of professional

societies, public health organizations, and

immunization coalitions for immunization in

general and concern for the potential impact of

anti-vaccine activism on public health. The

sign-on letter is attached as a PDF document & 183;

Voices For Vaccines (VFV) has been formed to

represent the enormous majority of individuals

who acknowledge the scientific basis undergirding

vaccination programs and want the public to

better understand vaccines' safety and efficacy.

VFV is beginning a membership campaign and aims

to become a trusted source for media and

policymakers seeking reliable information on

vaccine issues. More information about our group

is available at www.voicesforvaccines.org or see

the second attachment to this message about VFV.

We invite your immunization coalition to sign

onto the Open Letter to Congress. Because VFV

plans to distribute this letter in advance of an

anti-vaccine demonstration planned for June 4,

please contact us with your assent no later than

Sunday, June 1, 6pm ET.

If your immunization coalition wishes to sign

onto the letter, contact Randall, JD,

Interim Executive Director, Voices For Vaccines,

at lrandall@.... You will need

to include your organization's full name, and

mailing address in order to be included.

We hope you'll join us in reminding our elected

officials of the overwhelming scientific

consensus favoring sound vaccine policy.

Deborah L. Wexler, MD

Executive Director

Immunization Action Coalition


Voices For Vaccines Steering Committee Member

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I wrote both of them a nice letter asking for them to hear us out and think about mothers and families who have been affected by vaccines. I asked them to consider cleaning up the vaccines and to help spread the word...lol I doubt they will be doing that. But I tried.Kim wrote: This was posted to another group I belong to.It looks like they're trying to beat us to thepunch. I'd like to know what their letter toCongress says, so our people could

defuse some ofthis when they have their representative meeting.KimDr. Sherri** TIME SENSITIVE ** ACTION NEEDED ** TIMESENSITIVE ** ACTION NEEDED ** May 28, 2008 Dear Immunization Coalition Partners: This summer will bring renewed efforts byanti-vaccine protestors to bring media andpolitical attention to their cause. As a way ofdefusing the impact of their rallies and pressreleases, Voices For Vaccines, a newly formedimmunization advocacy organization, iscoordinating an Open Letter to Congress, to bedistributed to every member of Congress beforethe first of these anti-vaccine rallies, statingthe support of a wide range of professionalsocieties, public health organizations, andimmunization coalitions for immunization ingeneral and concern for the potential impact ofanti-vaccine activism on public health. Thesign-on letter is attached as a PDF

document & 183;Voices For Vaccines (VFV) has been formed torepresent the enormous majority of individualswho acknowledge the scientific basis undergirdingvaccination programs and want the public tobetter understand vaccines' safety and efficacy.VFV is beginning a membership campaign and aimsto become a trusted source for media andpolicymakers seeking reliable information onvaccine issues. More information about our groupis available at www.voicesforvaccines.org or seethe second attachment to this message about VFV. We invite your immunization coalition to signonto the Open Letter to Congress. Because VFVplans to distribute this letter in advance of ananti-vaccine demonstration planned for June 4,please contact us with your assent no later thanSunday, June 1, 6pm ET. If your immunization coalition wishes to signonto the letter, contact Randall, JD,Interim Executive

Director, Voices For Vaccines,at lrandallvoicesforvaccines (DOT) org. You will needto include your organization's full name, andmailing address in order to be included. We hope you'll join us in reminding our electedofficials of the overwhelming scientificconsensus favoring sound vaccine policy. Deborah L. Wexler, MD Executive Director Immunization Action Coalition deborahimmunize (DOT) org Voices For Vaccines Steering Committee Member Deo Productions: Model ManagementContact www.sAngels.com * www.Deo.com APRIL IS AUTISM AWARENESS MONTH.

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If you offered more money to Vaccine Manufactures for keeping vaccines

than they make from selling them, the world wide vaccination program

would end in about 3 hours (the time it would take to determine the

money was in their accounts and that contracts were solid).

maria demartino wrote:

I wrote both of them a nice letter asking for them to hear us

out and think about mothers and families who have been affected by


I asked them to consider cleaning up the vaccines and to help

spread the word...lol

I doubt they will be doing that.

But I tried.

Kim <delicateflower_kk> wrote:

This was posted to another group I belong to.

It looks like they're trying to beat us to the

punch. I'd like to know what their letter to

Congress says, so our people could defuse some of

this when they have their representative meeting.


Dr. Sherri



May 28, 2008

Dear Immunization Coalition Partners:

This summer will bring renewed efforts by

anti-vaccine protestors to bring media and

political attention to their cause. As a way of

defusing the impact of their rallies and press

releases, Voices For Vaccines, a newly formed

immunization advocacy organization, is

coordinating an Open Letter to Congress, to be

distributed to every member of Congress before

the first of these anti-vaccine rallies, stating

the support of a wide range of professional

societies, public health organizations, and

immunization coalitions for immunization in

general and concern for the potential impact of

anti-vaccine activism on public health. The

sign-on letter is attached as a PDF document & 183;

Voices For Vaccines (VFV) has been formed to

represent the enormous majority of individuals

who acknowledge the scientific basis undergirding

vaccination programs and want the public to

better understand vaccines' safety and efficacy.

VFV is beginning a membership campaign and aims

to become a trusted source for media and

policymakers seeking reliable information on

vaccine issues. More information about our group

is available at www.voicesforvaccines.org or see

the second attachment to this message about VFV.

We invite your immunization coalition to sign

onto the Open Letter to Congress. Because VFV

plans to distribute this letter in advance of an

anti-vaccine demonstration planned for June 4,

please contact us with your assent no later than

Sunday, June 1, 6pm ET.

If your immunization coalition wishes to sign

onto the letter, contact Randall, JD,

Interim Executive Director, Voices For Vaccines,

at lrandallvoicesforvaccines (DOT) org.

You will need

to include your organization's full name, and

mailing address in order to be included.

We hope you'll join us in reminding our elected

officials of the overwhelming scientific

consensus favoring sound vaccine policy.

Deborah L. Wexler, MD

Executive Director

Immunization Action Coalition

deborahimmunize (DOT) org

Voices For Vaccines Steering Committee Member

Deo Productions:

Model ManagementContact

www.sAngels.com * www.Deo.com



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OMG "overwhelming evidence of sound vaccine policy?" Did she not read about the vaccine induced autistic rats the other day LOL?

sorry - vent :)

To: mb12 valtrex From: mariademartino@...Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 10:49:03 -0700Subject: Re: Vaccine Industry Getting Nervous

I wrote both of them a nice letter asking for them to hear us out and think about mothers and families who have been affected by vaccines.

I asked them to consider cleaning up the vaccines and to help spread the word...lol

I doubt they will be doing that.

But I tried.Kim <delicateflower_kk> wrote:

This was posted to another group I belong to.It looks like they're trying to beat us to thepunch. I'd like to know what their letter toCongress says, so our people could defuse some ofthis when they have their representative meeting.KimDr. Sherri** TIME SENSITIVE ** ACTION NEEDED ** TIMESENSITIVE ** ACTION NEEDED ** May 28, 2008 Dear Immunization Coalition Partners: This summer will bring renewed efforts byanti-vaccine protestors to bring media andpolitical attention to their cause. As a way ofdefusing the impact of their rallies and pressreleases, Voices For Vaccines, a newly formedimmunization advocacy organization, iscoordinating an Open Letter to Congress, to bedistributed to every member of Congress beforethe first of these anti-vaccine rallies, statingthe support of a wide range of professionalsocieties, public health organizations, andimmunization coalitions for immunization ingeneral and concern for the potential impact ofanti-vaccine activism on public health. Thesign-on letter is attached as a PDF document & 183;Voices For Vaccines (VFV) has been formed torepresent the enormous majority of individualswho acknowledge the scientific basis undergirdingvaccination programs and want the public tobetter understand vaccines' safety and efficacy.VFV is beginning a membership campaign and aimsto become a trusted source for media andpolicymakers seeking reliable information onvaccine issues. More information about our groupis available at www.voicesforvaccines.org or seethe second attachment to this message about VFV. We invite your immunization coalition to signonto the Open Letter to Congress. Because VFVplans to distribute this letter in advance of ananti-vaccine demonstration planned for June 4,please contact us with your assent no later thanSunday, June 1, 6pm ET. If your immunization coalition wishes to signonto the letter, contact Randall, JD,Interim Executive Director, Voices For Vaccines,at lrandallvoicesforvaccines (DOT) org. You will needto include your organization's full name, andmailing address in order to be included. We hope you'll join us in reminding our electedofficials of the overwhelming scientificconsensus favoring sound vaccine policy. Deborah L. Wexler, MD Executive Director Immunization Action Coalition deborahimmunize (DOT) org Voices For Vaccines Steering Committee Member

Deo Productions:

Model ManagementContact

www.sAngels.com * www.Deo.com


Give to a good cause with every e-mail. Join the i’m Initiative from Microsoft.

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Did anyone read the TIME magazine piece on how vaccines are not causing autism?

Re: Vaccine Industry Getting Nervous

I wrote both of them a nice letter asking for them to hear us out and think about mothers and families who have been affected by vaccines.

I asked them to consider cleaning up the vaccines and to help spread the word...lol

I doubt they will be doing that.

But I tried.Kim <delicateflower_kk> wrote:

This was posted to another group I belong to.It looks like they're trying to beat us to thepunch. I'd like to know what their letter toCongress says, so our people could defuse some ofthis when they have their representative meeting.KimDr. Sherri** TIME SENSITIVE ** ACTION NEEDED ** TIMESENSITIVE ** ACTION NEEDED ** May 28, 2008 Dear Immunization Coalition Partners: This summer will bring renewed efforts byanti-vaccine protestors to bring media andpolitical attention to their cause. As a way ofdefusing the impact of their rallies and pressreleases, Voices For Vaccines, a newly formedimmunization advocacy organization, iscoordinating an Open Letter to Congress, to bedistributed to every member of Congress beforethe first of these anti-vaccine rallies, statingthe support of a wide range of professionalsocieties, public health organizations, andimmunization coalitions for immunization ingeneral and concern for the potential impact ofanti-vaccine activism on public health. Thesign-on letter is attached as a PDF document & 183;Voices For Vaccines (VFV) has been formed torepresent the enormous majority of individualswho acknowledge the scientific basis undergirdingvaccination programs and want the public tobetter understand vaccines' safety and efficacy.VFV is beginning a membership campaign and aimsto become a trusted source for media andpolicymakers seeking reliable information onvaccine issues. More information about our groupis available at www.voicesforvaccines.org or seethe second attachment to this message about VFV. We invite your immunization coalition to signonto the Open Letter to Congress. Because VFVplans to distribute this letter in advance of ananti-vaccine demonstration planned for June 4,please contact us with your assent no later thanSunday, June 1, 6pm ET. If your immunization coalition wishes to signonto the letter, contact Randall, JD,Interim Executive Director, Voices For Vaccines,at lrandallvoicesforvaccines (DOT) org. You will needto include your organization's full name, andmailing address in order to be included. We hope you'll join us in reminding our electedofficials of the overwhelming scientificconsensus favoring sound vaccine policy. Deborah L. Wexler, MD Executive Director Immunization Action Coalition deborahimmunize (DOT) org Voices For Vaccines Steering Committee Member

Deo Productions:

Model ManagementContact

www.sAngels.com * www.Deo.com


Give to a good cause with every e-mail. Join the i’m Initiative from Microsoft.

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