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RE: pregnant - HELP!!

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Amalgam fillings alone won't make your child autistic. I believe that

my fillings may have contributed to may daughter's toxicity, but she has a

genetic predisposition which decreases her bodies ability to detoxify

itself. Thousands upon thousands of babies are born to mom's with fillings

and are perfectly fine. I was pregnant with my son with the same fillings

in my mouth and he is not autistic. So please, relax and enjoy your


By the way, congratulations!

[ ] pregnant - HELP!!

> I just found out that I am pregnant. Ironically, I have a dental

> appointment this Monday to consult about removing my 16 amalgam

> fillings. I will not follow through with the removal of the fillings

> while I am pregnant. My question is: Does anyone feel their child

> is autistic soley because of their amalgam fillings? I'm already a

> nervous wreck thinking about this. I will not give this future child

> vaccinations, will not breast-feed, will not eat any fish and will

> not receive the Rhogam injection. But I can't do anything right now

> about my fillings. I need peace of mind but also want your honest

> opinions.

> Anxious for some responses.


> svisintainer@...





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While I can agree with most of what you are saying, I cannot agree with not

breast feeding. You risk giving your child some mercury with breast milk,

that is true. However, your child will not get all the antibodies that

breast milk provides, nor all the other nutrients that are in breast milk

but not in formula, such as DHA, and who knows what else that has not been

discovered. The alternative is giving the baby bovine growth hormone and

antibiotics with milk-based formulas, or thyroid-stomping, genetically

modified soy formula. Given that breast milk is designed by God, and the

other stuff is brought to you by man, the same idiots who bring us

thimerisol, I'll vote for the breast milk any time!!

Is there no RhoGAM without mercury? If you are Rh- and are sensitized, your

baby will very likely die before birth if you do nothing, or end up

otherwise damaged. The alternative, which I had to do because we had Kell

isoimmunization (for which there is no RhoGAM equivalent) is have 4 in-utero

blood transfusions. This means they stick the needle from he** into your

belly (worse than amniocentesis!) and then into the baby's umbilical cord

(specifically the vein) and inject packed red blood cells into the baby. If

this is not done, the baby will die a horrible death, plain and simple,

because the antibodies your body produces will kill every red blood cell in

their bodies. If you are Rh+, or your husband is Rh-, then you do not need

RhoGAM and the whole problem goes away.

Mercury is a serious issue, don't get me wrong. I am in the process of

getting my own amalgams out and will chelate myself after that. When I

understand what is happening in my own body, I will then chelate my son.

But mercury is not the only issue. You need to make balanced choices. Not

eating fish during your pregnancy is a reasonable thing- that is a

significant source of mercury. In fact, I'd avoid canned anything if I were

you. Be sure you eat extra olive oil and take flax oil (or better yet,

grind up flax seeds fresh!) to make up for the oils in the fish. That is

very important for the baby. You might also want to avoid the foods that

are thought to chelate, such as cilantro. Not getting amalgams out is also

a reasonable thing. Do the best you can, make the best choices you can

make, and then chelate the child as soon as it is safe to do so. Reschedule

your own amalgams for after you wean.

But do not destroy your joy in your pregnancy over worry about this one

issue. I am praying for you to deliver a healthy and happy baby, and for

you to have peace during this most important time in your life.


Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

(Whatever is said in Latin sounds lofty.)

[ ] pregnant - HELP!!

I just found out that I am pregnant. Ironically, I have a dental

appointment this Monday to consult about removing my 16 amalgam

fillings. I will not follow through with the removal of the fillings

while I am pregnant. My question is: Does anyone feel their child

is autistic soley because of their amalgam fillings? I'm already a

nervous wreck thinking about this. I will not give this future child

vaccinations, will not breast-feed, will not eat any fish and will

not receive the Rhogam injection. But I can't do anything right now

about my fillings. I need peace of mind but also want your honest


Anxious for some responses.


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But even the DPT which reportedly does not contain mercury triggered my nephews

autism. Consider reading " A Shot in the Dark " for info about reactions to the

DPT. If you feel strongly about having your child vaccinated, ask for copies of

BOTH HALVES of the insert. Generally they don't even give the patient half

unless requested and most really freak out if you ask for the doctor's half

because it lists potential serious side effects, contraindications, etc.

Consider requesting individual vaccines rather than the combined ones and spread

them out so the child doesn't get a funch all the same day. Also consider

requesting that they run titers before giving boosters to see if the child

already has immunity.

Might also prove helpful to find some parents who have not had their childrean

vaccinated to talk with them in person and ask about the overall health of their

children...Often you can find such parents through a Waldorf school or perhaps

by putting a note on the bulletin board at a health food store. Be clear with

them that you seek this info in an effort to do what's best for your child and

listen and ask questions with an open mind.

Many have reported problems with the MMR in particular and suggest it messes up

the digestive system. Some reports show in outbreaks more individuals who HAVE

HAD THE VACCINATONS contract the disease than those unvaccinated.

Unfortunately, I don't have that report or the name of it handy but I believe

someone else on this list has referred to it.

I have a niece born last April and a nephew born in August. She has gotten all

her vaccines on schedule, he hasn't had (and won't receive) any. Guess who's

healthier? Of course, his parents lead a significantly helathier lifestyle so

I'm sure that contributes to the difference.

Just my 2 cents...



I think it is also worse to NOT give your child vaccinations when you know you

can request to have the mercury taken out of it! And even if you had the

vaccinations done with or without mercury, you will not do your baby justice by

withholding the pertinent Rubella, Measles, etc. shots which protects them from

these deadly diseases...! Which is worse?? I am a true advocate to get the

mercury out of the vaccines...but I am not an advocate to do away with the

essential vaccinations. Just a thought! ABS


[This message has been truncated.]

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I think it is also worse to NOT give your child vaccinations when you know you can request to have the mercury taken out of it! And even if you had the vaccinations done with or without mercury, you will not do your baby justice by withholding the pertinent Rubella, Measles, etc. shots which protects them from these deadly diseases...! Which is worse?? I am a true advocate to get the mercury out of the vaccines...but I am not an advocate to do away with the essential vaccinations. Just a thought! ABS

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Now I'm confused or just misunderstand this. Everything I've read on this

and other lists since I joined last week says that MMR is the culprit because

it has mercury while the single jabs don't.

Does this mean that MMR is NOT resposible but DPT is?


DPT is one of the worst for high mercury, it is the

MMR which has never had mercury in it.



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Here's how I understand it. The immunizations given before the MMR, such as the DPT, do cause the mercury toxicity. This depresses the immune system, and the pertussis toxin eats up the vitamin A stores in genetically predisposed kids ( Megson's research.) When the MMR comes along, the body is in a weakened condition, and the MMR goes in for the kill. It is known that if you get measles and mumps within a certain timeframe of each other, that it often leads to encephalitis. So, between the setup for encephalitis, and overloading a weakened body with 3 live viruses at once, it is too much. Single doses, given 6 months apart, starting at a later age, is probably much safer. I believe that I read in an article by Fudenberg that he was recommending at least 3 yo for the M, M and R individually. I would also, based on Megson's research, preload the child with (mercury free!) Cod Liver Oil to prepare them for the onslaught of particularly the measles virus

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I'm in the position of needing Rhogam and had quite a few shots during both and

after one pregnancy. I wish I had known about the mercury. There is one that

is mercury free. If you need it (you are RH- and your husband is RH+)and your

doctor can't or won't locate it, I'll help.

I've always wondered about those sealants that help prevent cavities. Do they

stick to metal fillings? Will they temporarily seal mercury in? Are there ones

without estrogen-like plastic compounds?

As a mom, I know this thing about the breast milk is likely to drive you crazy.

Am I nourishing or poisoning my child? Does anyone know of a lab that has

experience testing the various possible toxicities in breast milk? I read about

labs doing this in scientific studies. Breast milk is vastly superior to


I'd look into rearranging dietary fats. I came across a study and passed it

along to a couple who had two extremely premature infants, their third and

fourth children. It recommendid omega 3 oils as way to improve the retinopathy

of prematurity. The actual improvement was beyond their hopes and the scheduled

surgeries were cancelled. The opthalmologist had not seen anything like it. I

got rid of my son's absence seizures by dumping processed fats and oils and

adding a lot of different types of structurally intact fats and oils. Dietary

fats are passed on through breast milk and I don't know about fetal

development. This seems to have a lot to do with the integrity of nerve tissue

and may make a lot of difference.

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