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Wow, it's been too long!

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My membership preferences somehow changed to only being notified of certain

events, not all emails, so I've changed that back to normal, I hope. I haven't

been here for over a year I guess. I had a tp in 9/08 with some problems with

infections afterwards for about a year, in and out of the hospital. All's been

decent until this past November, when I had an abnormal chest x-ray. End result

was type 1A lung cancer, so they removed upper lobe of right lung. No

chemo/radiation needed! Now my chest and stomach areas look like I brought a BIC

pen to a knife fight - and lost big time! My oncologist thinks that my immune

system is being highly effected due to the Prograf treatment, which is necessary

to avoid liver rejection. I'm still on 8 mg Prograf per day and was wondering if

Penny, Butch or anyone else who has had a transplant would respond. I'm

wondering what levels others are on per day. I feel like I could get a terminal

cancer type at any moment, and will be trying to lower the Prograf level slowly,

hopefully increasing my immune system. Just a mess for now, but my Doc doesn't

want me to do another treatment yet. (I've been on 3, all unsuccessful).

My love to everyone here! I see lots of new names, which means that this great

forum is still working and providing support and answers to all of our

questions. At any rate, I'm back, I hope, and look forward to reading all the

new emails and getting back in touch with some dear friends here who have helped

me and my wife a great amount.

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Hi Rick,

I thought you were just busy with life. Kinda like me now. I should be here more since I am a Owner. LOL But been busy working.(Got a new job) I am working for Medco Health Solutions. But I have missed your wonderful,helpful and inspiring emails. We love you too and your wonderful family.

Glad to see you back.



"There are souls in this world that have the gift of finding joy everywhere and of leaving it behind them when they go"

Frederick Faber

To: Hepatitis_C_Central Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 4:42 PMSubject: Wow, it's been too long!

My membership preferences somehow changed to only being notified of certain events, not all emails, so I've changed that back to normal, I hope. I haven't been here for over a year I guess. I had a tp in 9/08 with some problems with infections afterwards for about a year, in and out of the hospital. All's been decent until this past November, when I had an abnormal chest x-ray. End result was type 1A lung cancer, so they removed upper lobe of right lung. No chemo/radiation needed! Now my chest and stomach areas look like I brought a BIC pen to a knife fight - and lost big time! My oncologist thinks that my immune system is being highly effected due to the Prograf treatment, which is necessary to avoid liver rejection. I'm still on 8 mg Prograf per day and was wondering if Penny, Butch or anyone else who has had a transplant would respond. I'm wondering what levels others are on per day. I feel like I could get a terminal cancer type at any moment,

and will be trying to lower the Prograf level slowly, hopefully increasing my immune system. Just a mess for now, but my Doc doesn't want me to do another treatment yet. (I've been on 3, all unsuccessful). My love to everyone here! I see lots of new names, which means that this great forum is still working and providing support and answers to all of our questions. At any rate, I'm back, I hope, and look forward to reading all the new emails and getting back in touch with some dear friends here who have helped me and my wife a great amount.

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Hi Rick,

I'm so sorry to hear you had lung cancer, but am glad they took care of that

without any chemo or radiation.

I take 2mg of Prograf daily. I get checked once a year for different types of

cancer, as you are too, I'm sure. Do you think that taking Prograf caused the

lung cancer? I hope you can get to taking less.

Take care of yourself.



> My membership preferences somehow changed to only being notified of certain

events, not all emails, so I've changed that back to normal, I hope. I haven't

been here for over a year I guess. I had a tp in 9/08 with some problems with

infections afterwards for about a year, in and out of the hospital. All's been

decent until this past November, when I had an abnormal chest x-ray. End result

was type 1A lung cancer, so they removed upper lobe of right lung. No

chemo/radiation needed! Now my chest and stomach areas look like I brought a BIC

pen to a knife fight - and lost big time! My oncologist thinks that my immune

system is being highly effected due to the Prograf treatment, which is necessary

to avoid liver rejection. I'm still on 8 mg Prograf per day and was wondering if

Penny, Butch or anyone else who has had a transplant would respond. I'm

wondering what levels others are on per day. I feel like I could get a terminal

cancer type at any moment, and will be trying to lower the Prograf level slowly,

hopefully increasing my immune system. Just a mess for now, but my Doc doesn't

want me to do another treatment yet. (I've been on 3, all unsuccessful).


> My love to everyone here! I see lots of new names, which means that this great

forum is still working and providing support and answers to all of our

questions. At any rate, I'm back, I hope, and look forward to reading all the

new emails and getting back in touch with some dear friends here who have helped

me and my wife a great amount.


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Glad to see you back. I just assumed you were busy...I don't post

nearly as often as I used to. I have left my webpage up, for

everyone to use. It is updated automatically through Medical News

Today, which I set up the automatic update widget some time ago

(over two years ago).

It's hard to believe it's been over two years since my brother,

died from Hep C and Cirrosis of the Liver. The docs never

did start him on a treatment. I wonder if it was becuase of all the

chemo he had for his Leukemia treatment.

My membership preferences somehow changed to only being notified of certain events, not all emails, so I've changed that back to normal, I hope. I haven't been here for over a year I guess. I had a tp in 9/08 with some problems with infections afterwards for about a year, in and out of the hospital. All's been decent until this past November, when I had an abnormal chest x-ray. End result was type 1A lung cancer, so they removed upper lobe of right lung. No chemo/radiation needed! Now my chest and stomach areas look like I brought a BIC pen to a knife fight - and lost big time! My oncologist thinks that my immune system is being highly effected due to the Prograf treatment, which is necessary to avoid liver rejection. I'm still on 8 mg Prograf per day and was wondering if Penny, Butch or anyone else who has had a transplant would respond. I'm wondering what levels others are on per day. I feel like I could get a terminal cancer type at any moment, and will

be trying to lower the Prograf level slowly, hopefully increasing my immune system. Just a mess for now, but my Doc doesn't want me to do another treatment yet. (I've been on 3, all unsuccessful). My love to everyone here! I see lots of new names, which means that this great forum is still working and providing support and answers to all of our questions. At any rate, I'm back, I hope, and look forward to reading all the new emails and getting back in touch with some dear friends here who have helped me and my wife a great amount.


Bill Eastman


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Wow, I can't believe it's been 2 years since passed either. I wouldn't

be surprised if they wouldn't treat him due to the leukemia treatment. I have

some strange malady called " Sarcoid " , which I still can't figure out, even

though I've Googled it many times. My Doc will absolutely not treat me again, so

my lowered immune system is going to remain a problem. Good to hear from you

again, Bill!

> > My membership preferences somehow changed to only being notified of certain

events, not all emails, so I've changed that back to normal, I hope. I haven't

been here for over a year I guess. I had a tp in 9/08 with some problems with

infections afterwards for about a year, in and out of the hospital. All's been

decent until this past November, when I had an abnormal chest x-ray. End result

was type 1A lung cancer, so they removed upper lobe of right lung. No

chemo/radiation needed! Now my chest and stomach areas look like I brought a BIC

pen to a knife fight - and lost big time! My oncologist thinks that my immune

system is being highly effected due to the Prograf treatment, which is necessary

to avoid liver rejection. I'm still on 8 mg Prograf per day and was wondering if

Penny, Butch or anyone else who has had a transplant would respond. I'm

wondering what levels others are on per day. I feel like I could get a terminal

cancer type at any moment, and will be trying to lower the Prograf level slowly,

hopefully increasing my immune system. Just a mess for now, but my Doc doesn't

want me to do another treatment yet. (I've been on 3, all unsuccessful).

> >

> > My love to everyone here! I see lots of new names, which means that this

great forum is still working and providing support and answers to all of our

questions. At any rate, I'm back, I hope, and look forward to reading all the

new emails and getting back in touch with some dear friends here who have helped

me and my wife a great amount.

> >

> >

> >



> --

> Bill Eastman

> www.ke5asu.com/links.html <http://www.ke5asu.com/links.html>


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got Leukemia in the summer of 1977, and received a blood

transfusion during the treatment. That is how he got Hepatitis C.

After the initial chemo induction treatment, he was in borderline

remission, and his doc did the induction a second time. He was

considered "cured" of Leukemia by the time he ended up getting

diagnosed with Hepatisis C. Maybe the body can only have so much of

those powerful drugs. He already had stage 4 cirohsis when he got

diagnosed, so he would have needed a liver transplant and was

already starting to buy things for when he went in the hospital for

his transplant. His number was not bad enough for a transplant. He

had genotype 1.

Wow, I can't believe it's been 2 years since passed either. I wouldn't be surprised if they wouldn't treat him due to the leukemia treatment. I have some strange malady called "Sarcoid", which I still can't figure out, even though I've Googled it many times. My Doc will absolutely not treat me again, so my lowered immune system is going to remain a problem. Good to hear from you again, Bill!

My membership preferences somehow changed to only being notified of certain events, not all emails, so I've changed that back to normal, I hope. I haven't been here for over a year I guess. I had a tp in 9/08 with some problems with infections afterwards for about a year, in and out of the hospital. All's been decent until this past November, when I had an abnormal chest x-ray. End result was type 1A lung cancer, so they removed upper lobe of right lung. No chemo/radiation needed! Now my chest and stomach areas look like I brought a BIC pen to a knife fight - and lost big time! My oncologist thinks that my immune system is being highly effected due to the Prograf treatment, which is necessary to avoid liver rejection. I'm still on 8 mg Prograf per day and was wondering if Penny, Butch or anyone else who has had a transplant would respond. I'm wondering what levels others are on per day. I feel like I could get a terminal cancer type at any moment, and will be trying to lower the Prograf level slowly, hopefully increasing my immune system. Just a mess for now, but my Doc doesn't want me to do another treatment yet. (I've been on 3, all unsuccessful).

My love to everyone here! I see lots of new names, which means that this great forum is still working and providing support and answers to all of our questions. At any rate, I'm back, I hope, and look forward to reading all the new emails and getting back in touch with some dear friends here who have helped me and my wife a great amount.

-- Bill Eastman

www.ke5asu.com/links.html <http://www.ke5asu.com/links.html>


Bill Eastman


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Hi rick jackie here. I have Sarcoidosis which is what I think youAre speaking about. It can attack any organ but usually attacks theLungs or heart. I have it in my right eye and have had 2 surgeriesTo remove the sarcoid membrane on my eye. I would look upSarcoidosis and see if that makes sense in relationship to whatYour doc says, Im fairly sure that this is what your talking about.Nice to see you posting!HugsJaxSent from my iPhone

Wow, I can't believe it's been 2 years since passed either. I wouldn't be surprised if they wouldn't treat him due to the leukemia treatment. I have some strange malady called "Sarcoid", which I still can't figure out, even though I've Googled it many times. My Doc will absolutely not treat me again, so my lowered immune system is going to remain a problem. Good to hear from you again, Bill!

> > My membership preferences somehow changed to only being notified of certain events, not all emails, so I've changed that back to normal, I hope. I haven't been here for over a year I guess. I had a tp in 9/08 with some problems with infections afterwards for about a year, in and out of the hospital. All's been decent until this past November, when I had an abnormal chest x-ray. End result was type 1A lung cancer, so they removed upper lobe of right lung. No chemo/radiation needed! Now my chest and stomach areas look like I brought a BIC pen to a knife fight - and lost big time! My oncologist thinks that my immune system is being highly effected due to the Prograf treatment, which is necessary to avoid liver rejection. I'm still on 8 mg Prograf per day and was wondering if Penny, Butch or anyone else who has had a transplant would respond. I'm wondering what levels others are on per day. I feel like I could get a terminal cancer type at any moment, and will be trying to lower the Prograf level slowly, hopefully increasing my immune system. Just a mess for now, but my Doc doesn't want me to do another treatment yet. (I've been on 3, all unsuccessful).

> >

> > My love to everyone here! I see lots of new names, which means that this great forum is still working and providing support and answers to all of our questions. At any rate, I'm back, I hope, and look forward to reading all the new emails and getting back in touch with some dear friends here who have helped me and my wife a great amount.

> >

> >

> >



> --

> Bill Eastman

> www.ke5asu.com/links.html <http://www.ke5asu.com/links.html>


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