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~REMOTE HEALING~~ ~Gratuitous Remote Healing Session~

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Greetings: KAREN-KARMA suggested that I come over here.

I know some of you already from MySpace.

www.myspace.com/anotherplaceinspace [My Official Profile Page]

www.myspace.com/dharmacist [My Personal Profile Page]

~REMOTE HEALING~~ ~Gratuitous Remote Healing Session~

is a Dharmacist

[see definition on this MySpace Profile or via Google { " Dharmacist " }].

The Divine Energy that can amplify at will has been perceptible

to him for decades as well as confirmed by various Psychic Mediums.

, himself, in fact conducted Psychic Consultations in the early

1990's via cassette tape with " Readings " sent out around the globe; as

far away as Kyoto, Japan. He was both seen and mentioned in

International Magazines such as: Body Mind and Spirit, Fate Magazine,

Spirit Speaks and The Washingtonian.

's views on Remote Healing:

A person's desire to be healed and their belief that they can be

healed is the first helpful step in allowing a healing to occur.

The methodologies that utilizes while conducting his Remote

Healing Work are not meant to be construed as a replacement of council

by Health Care Professionals.

However, strongly believes that each individual has the power

to awaken or activate their bodies own Healing Energy within

themselves by attuning, thus resonating, to a Higher Frequency of

vibration. Everything within the physical dimension is vibrating on a

certain frequency.

By accepting, coupled with the desire, that a Remote Healing can take

place will play a key role in the Remote Healing process. Then, by

elevating one's level of vibration through a suggested use of imagery,

sound or mere belief in the power of Remote Healing, is when Healing

is allowed to optimize or shine through.

This work is done on a first-come, first-served [FCFS] basis. You will

be informed ahead of time as to when the Remote Healing Process will

take place.

As pointed out earlier 's Practice is not a replacement to

Medical Assistance and is not intended to insinuate otherwise.

Here is your initial

~~Gratuitous Remote Healing Session~~

Feel free to contact me in a week or two for another

~~Gratuitous Remote Healing Session~~


To do this: Message me at my personal MySpace Profile.


<b>~~Feel free to repost this bulletin~~</b>

<center><font face= " tempus sans ITC " ><font size=5><font color=purple>

I have already envisioned LIGHT around you and meditated on this.

Now it is your turn.

I want you to either lie down or find a comfortable chair. While doing

this simple guided meditation I want you to practice taking a

comfortable deep breathes through your nose. Hold it for two seconds

and then gradually exhale through your mouth.

Let me give you an example of what I refer to as the evolutionary

transition or transformation of consciousness to enlightenment when

working with the Light.

First, you must have the desire to see the light…

Secondly; you must use your creative imagination and visualize the


Thirdly, after seeing the light, you must feel the light. You can do

this by becoming sensitive while you imagine the brilliant, pure white

light absorbing you with Love.

Fourthly, after feeling the light, you must merge with the light by

letting it totally envelope you.

Fifthly, you must affirm that you and the light are one.

Last, but not least, you must affirm that the light radiates through

every cell of your body. The Light is Love. The Light is Truth. The

Light emanates from THE SOURCE. The Light is God's `OMNIFIC' – which

means `All-creating' – Love, made manifest in your life, now and forever.

1. I want to see the Light

2. I see the Light

3. I feel the Light

4. I merge with the Light

5. I and the Light are one

6. I am the Light

© 2005 by Namerdy aka Dharmacist™

While you work on these " Working with the Light " visualizations;

affirm strongly in your mind that your TRUE SELF is operating in

DIVINE ORDER, here and now, and empower this wisdom with gratitude and

total acceptance.

Practice this simple LIGHT Visualization technique, or one similar, a

couple of times a day.

The LIGHT and LOVE of your creator, of which you are an intricate part

of, is yours for the asking at any time, anywhere. KNOW THIS.

Know that new thoughts and ideas are coming to you all the time and

all that you need to do is to filter out any negative thoughts and

become aware of the inspirational and loving thoughts that are flowing

to you from within your inner-universe. The Light is within YOU. It

has been with you since before you were born. It is beyond your

birthright. It is YOURS.

It is my utmost desire to be of service to my fellowman and to shed

light and help activate ~The Source~ which is within us all. I am

here to assist you… to veer you in the right direction and to help

enlighten your inner-being now and forevermore.

" Working with the Light " on a regular basis; also serves as a

preventative method to potential imbalances that can manifest due to

inharmonious thoughts or " Spiritual Disconnections. "

Staying in balance and attuned can be likened to tending to a garden.

You must nurture your Spirit the same way you nurture your Mind and Body.

~The True Healing comes from within~

the Dharmacist

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