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RE: How doctors get paid-->lobster--reinderr--->caribou

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I can't resist and and The Modeator will make me twist this into best practic e relevance but when i was in Alaska the first timeI went caribou huntingI am like miss pacifist but I was taken hunting on a little plane with this guy ( ok doctor and ok cute and ok i was single) and we fly out to the bush. We were already in t he darn bush Look up dillingham in SW Alaska So we land on this lake and sleep in a tent no no well behaved puhlease!! and the next day we hunt caribou He finds a herd and says you stay here with the dog & when you hear the shot come to where I am . So I am with this strange dog on the tundra on a sunday morning and after the shot the dog takes off ,a herd of caribou thunder by checking me out with thteir big brown eyes and I go to find him after i have to ford a waist deep river , and we cut up the thing and put it into heavy backpacks. I was like are you kidding me this weighs more than me

then he( god know what his name was) twists his ankle( here is the clincal part so we lighten our load trek back to plane and unload and he heads back to get the rest Becasue it is a once a year trip for food. I said i am not going back- he says oh you ar e just hungry and gives me a granola bar, so we hike back and get the rest of teh caribou and hike back and fly home into this wonderful sunset and the next am he xrays his ankle and he had some fibular fx.

CAribou--reindeer --tastes very good and it is good for you Shall I tell you about the salmon? How I got it home when my plane was delayed and they lost my luggage? That the Xray tech who gave it tome was from maine and lived ON THE CORNER where I now live??

ALsaka is a way cool place.

I had a patient (had because he died a couple years ago, after confiding to me that his " people are from outer space, and they are coming to get me " --and so they did) but while living, he raised reindeer. Every year or so, his wife would sneak some of them off to slaughter, and then she would bring me reindeer meat, all nicely wrapped and frozen. I had to prepare them with a very strong burgundy sauce to fool the kids, so they would think they were eating beef and not Rudolf.

He also raised alpaca and llama and turkeys and rabbits. When he fell ill at the end, and was housebound, I made home visits and was astounded to find the upstairs of the house full of large exotic birds and the basement full of Rottweiler puppies. It was all I could do to NOT come home with something alive after each visit.

Isn't it amazing to see all the things we see about people?!Annie

NopeBut maybe cheaper than in NJOnce I had a patient walk in with some. as a present. A Lobsterman had them in a coolerUGH putting live crawly bug like things to their death-I can eat htem but I couldn't kill them And uhh I actually prefer burgers but noone fortunately has brought me the cow. So on the way home wondering if i would tak e them to my neighbors ,I met a nurse in the grocery store

Could you hlep me I said?(I knew she was thinking oh god what do I have to do now?) and I said would like some lobsters??So she ate them and with the left over s made me some lobster salad.everyone was happy

Except the lobsters KAth.YOu coming to IMP camp in seattle next summer KAth?


If you are really worried about the seasoning, I think everyone

would agree salt and pepper often used and steak sauce.

isn't lobster cheap up there in Maine?

Kathy Saradarian, MD

Branchville, NJ


Solo 4/03, Practicing since 9/90

Practice Partner 5/03

Low staffing


[mailto: ] On Behalf Of

Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2008 1:13 PM


Subject: Re: How doctors get paid

Thanks, everyone. I will continue to work on it.

I appreciate the suggestions, . broccoli is good for you, but

does get old day after day.

I don't eat much steak and, now that I think about it,

I have never actually cooked any. Basil is or is not used in the

cooking of steak? Could it be a " secret ingredient? "

Should I change the basil to garlic? Any steak lovers out there, please

give me your suggestions. I really do want this to appeal to as many lay

people as possible, so making it believable is important to me.


Durango, CO


I agree with the others - it would be a good story to be printed.

However, I would tighten it up some.

All the right points are there, but I would tighten up the story

line and phrasing to add more punch.

Maybe add in something about overhead going up, but payments not

keeping up with overhead.

For it to be a good editorial, it should be tight and punchy and

the analogy should flow naturally from the story.

Waiter is the nurse, chef/owner is the doctor, check is the

doctor's bill, etc.

You don't have to point all this out directly, but try to make the

flow and personnel of the restaurant as close to a doctor's office as possible.

Just a thought.

Nice job.

Locke, MD


[mailto: ]

On Behalf Of Myria

Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2008 10:23 AM


Subject: RE: How doctors get paid

you should get this published. I've printed a

copy for my waiting room. Excellent!

Subject: RE: How doctors get paid


Date: Sunday, September 7, 2008, 8:39 AM

I like the story .

You could maybe put it the paper in the editorials.

Kathy Saradarian, MD

Branchville, NJ

www.qualityfamilypr actice.com

Solo 4/03, Practicing since


Practice Partner 5/03

Low staffing

From: Practiceimprovement 1yahoogroups (DOT) com [mailto:Practiceimp rovement1@

yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of

Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2008 1:09 AM

To: Practiceimprovement 1yahoogroups (DOT) com

Subject: [Practiceimprovemen t1] How doctors get paid

I was trying to figure out a way of helping my patients understand the

payment mess caused by insurance in some way that did not require me to

premedicate with blood pressure medication and antianxiety meds. I

wrote this little story. Let me know what you think. Anyone is

welcome to use it if they desire as well.

Durango, CO


Durango, CO

-- If you are a patient please allow up to 12 hours for a reply by email/please note the new email address.Remember that e-mail may not be entirely secure/


ph fax

-- Annie SkaggsLexington, KY

-- If you are a patient please allow up to 12 hours for a reply by email/please note the new email address.Remember that e-mail may not be entirely secure/ MD

ph fax

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Yes……tell about the salmon

T. Ellsworth, MD

9377 E. Bell Road, Suite 175

sdale, Az 85260

From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of

Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008

3:32 PM


Subject: Re:

How doctors get


I can't resist

and and The Modeator will make me twist this into

best practic e relevance but

when i was in Alaska

the first time

I went caribou hunting

I am like miss pacifist but I was taken hunting on a little plane

with this guy ( ok doctor and ok cute and ok i was single)

and we fly out to the bush. We were already in t he darn bush

Look up dillingham in SW Alaska So we land on this

lake and sleep in a tent no no well behaved

puhlease!! and the next day we hunt caribou He finds a herd and

says you stay here with the dog & when you hear the shot come to

where I am . So I am with this strange dog on the tundra on a sunday

morning and after the shot the dog takes off ,a herd of caribou thunder

by checking me out with thteir big brown eyes and I go to find him

after i have to ford a waist deep river , and we cut up the thing

and put it into heavy backpacks. I was like are you kidding me this

weighs more than me

then he( god know what his name was) twists his ankle( here

is the clincal part so we lighten our load trek back to plane and unload

and he heads back to get the rest Becasue it is a once a year trip for

food. I said i am not going back- he says oh you ar e just hungry

and gives me a granola bar, so we hike back and get the rest

of teh caribou and hike back and fly home into this wonderful sunset and the

next am he xrays his ankle and he had some fibular fx.

CAribou--reindeer --tastes very good and it is good for you

Shall I tell you about the salmon? How I got it home when my plane

was delayed and they lost my luggage? That the Xray tech who gave it tome

was from maine

and lived ON THE CORNER where I now live??

ALsaka is a way cool place.

On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 6:15 PM, Skaggs <andrea.skaggsgmail>


I had a patient (had

because he died a couple years ago, after confiding to me that his " people

are from outer space, and they are coming to get me " --and so they

did) but while living, he raised reindeer. Every year or so, his

wife would sneak some of them off to slaughter, and then she would bring me

reindeer meat, all nicely wrapped and frozen. I had to prepare them with

a very strong burgundy sauce to fool the kids, so they would think they were

eating beef and not Rudolf.

He also raised alpaca and llama and turkeys and rabbits. When he fell ill

at the end, and was housebound, I made home visits and was astounded to find

the upstairs of the house full of large exotic birds and the basement full of

Rottweiler puppies. It was all I could do to NOT come home with something

alive after each visit.

Isn't it amazing to see all the things we see about people?!


On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 8:15 AM, <jnantonuccigmail>



But maybe cheaper than in NJ

Once I had a patient walk in with some. as a present. A Lobsterman had

them in a cooler

UGH putting live crawly bug like things to their death-I can eat htem but I

couldn't kill them And uhh I actually prefer burgers

but noone fortunately has brought me the cow. So on the way home

wondering if i would tak e them to my neighbors ,I met a nurse in the

grocery store

Could you hlep me I said?(I knew she was thinking oh god what do I have

to do now?) and I said would like some lobsters??

So she ate them and with the left over s made me some lobster salad.

everyone was happy

Except the lobsters KAth.

YOu coming to IMP camp in seattle

next summer KAth?

On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 7:50 AM, Kathy Saradarian <qualityfphughes (DOT) net>



If you are really worried about the

seasoning, I think everyone would agree salt and pepper often used and steak


isn't lobster cheap up there in Maine?

Kathy Saradarian, MD

Branchville, NJ


Solo 4/03, Practicing since 9/90

Practice Partner 5/03

Low staffing

From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of

Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2008

1:13 PM


Subject: Re:

How doctors get paid

Thanks, everyone. I will continue to work on

it. I appreciate the suggestions, . broccoli is good for

you, but does get old day after day.

I don't eat much steak and, now that I think about it,

I have never actually cooked any. Basil is or is not used in the

cooking of steak? Could it be a " secret ingredient? "

Should I change the basil to garlic? Any steak lovers out there, please

give me your suggestions. I really do want this to appeal to as many lay

people as possible, so making it believable is important to me.




On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 10:32 AM, Locke's in Colorado <lockekcomcast (DOT) net>



I agree with the others - it would be a

good story to be printed.

However, I would tighten it up some.

All the right points are there, but I would

tighten up the story line and phrasing to add more punch.

Maybe add in something about overhead going

up, but payments not keeping up with overhead.

For it to be a good editorial, it should be

tight and punchy and the analogy should flow naturally from the story.

Waiter is the nurse, chef/owner is the

doctor, check is the doctor's bill, etc.

You don't have to point all this out

directly, but try to make the flow and personnel of the restaurant as close to

a doctor's office as possible.

Just a thought.

Nice job.

Locke, MD

From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of Myria

Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2008

10:23 AM


Subject: RE:

How doctors get paid

you should get this published. I've printed a copy for my waiting

room. Excellent!


Kathy Saradarian <qualityfphughes (DOT) net>

Subject: RE: How doctors get paid


Date: Sunday, September 7, 2008, 8:39 AM

I like the story . You

could maybe put it the paper in the editorials.

Kathy Saradarian, MD

Branchville, NJ

www.qualityfamilypr actice.com

Solo 4/03, Practicing since 9/90

Practice Partner 5/03

Low staffing

From: Practiceimprovement 1yahoogroups (DOT) com [mailto:Practiceimp rovement1@

yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of

Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2008

1:09 AM

To: Practiceimprovement

1yahoogroups (DOT) com

Subject: [Practiceimprovemen t1]

How doctors get paid

I was

trying to figure out a way of helping my patients understand the payment mess

caused by insurance in some way that did not require me to premedicate with

blood pressure medication and antianxiety meds. I wrote this little

story. Let me know what you think. Anyone is welcome to use it if

they desire as well.




Durango, CO


If you are a patient please allow up to 12 hours for a reply by email/

please note the new email address.

Remember that e-mail may not be entirely secure/


ph fax


Annie Skaggs

Lexington, KY


If you are a patient please allow up to 12 hours for a reply by email/

please note the new email address.

Remember that e-mail may not be entirely secure/


ph fax

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So I'm 96 emails behind and it appears I missed another Critical phone call today, but I have questions. to keep it practice relevant, what did you do about the fractured ankle?Did you leave any underwear?Did you meet any PTA member/future vice prez candidates?

From: Kathy Saradarian <qualityfphughes (DOT) net>

Subject: RE: [Practiceimprovemen t1] How doctors get paid

To: Practiceimprovement 1yahoogroups (DOT) com

Date: Sunday, September 7, 2008, 8:39 AM

I like the story .

You could maybe put it the paper in the editorials.

Kathy Saradarian, MD

Branchville, NJ

www.qualityfamilypr actice.com

Solo 4/03, Practicing since


Practice Partner 5/03

Low staffing

From: Practiceimprovement 1yahoogroups (DOT) com [mailto:Practiceimp rovement1@

yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of

Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2008 1:09 AM

To: Practiceimprovement 1yahoogroups (DOT) com

Subject: [Practiceimprovemen t1] How doctors get paid

I was trying to figure out a way of helping my patients understand the

payment mess caused by insurance in some way that did not require me to

premedicate with blood pressure medication and antianxiety meds. I

wrote this little story. Let me know what you think. Anyone is

welcome to use it if they desire as well.

Durango, CO


Durango, CO

-- If you are a patient please allow up to 12 hours for a reply by email/please note the new email address.Remember that e-mail may not be entirely secure/


ph fax

-- Annie SkaggsLexington, KY

-- If you are a patient please allow up to 12 hours for a reply by email/please note the new email address.Remember that e-mail may not be entirely secure/ MD

ph fax

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So I'm 96 emails behind and it appears I missed another Critical phone call today, but I have questions. to keep it practice relevant, what did you do about the fractured ankle?Did you leave any underwear?Did you meet any PTA member/future vice prez candidates?

From: Kathy Saradarian <qualityfphughes (DOT) net>

Subject: RE: [Practiceimprovemen t1] How doctors get paid

To: Practiceimprovement 1yahoogroups (DOT) com

Date: Sunday, September 7, 2008, 8:39 AM

I like the story .

You could maybe put it the paper in the editorials.

Kathy Saradarian, MD

Branchville, NJ

www.qualityfamilypr actice.com

Solo 4/03, Practicing since


Practice Partner 5/03

Low staffing

From: Practiceimprovement 1yahoogroups (DOT) com [mailto:Practiceimp rovement1@

yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of

Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2008 1:09 AM

To: Practiceimprovement 1yahoogroups (DOT) com

Subject: [Practiceimprovemen t1] How doctors get paid

I was trying to figure out a way of helping my patients understand the

payment mess caused by insurance in some way that did not require me to

premedicate with blood pressure medication and antianxiety meds. I

wrote this little story. Let me know what you think. Anyone is

welcome to use it if they desire as well.

Durango, CO


Durango, CO

-- If you are a patient please allow up to 12 hours for a reply by email/please note the new email address.Remember that e-mail may not be entirely secure/


ph fax

-- Annie SkaggsLexington, KY

-- If you are a patient please allow up to 12 hours for a reply by email/please note the new email address.Remember that e-mail may not be entirely secure/ MD

ph fax

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So I'm 96 emails behindwhich isprobably becasue you are doing your work and not goofing off like me .Good dog Lonna. and it appears I missed another Critical phone call today, but I have questions. I will remind you before the next Critical call( hint 10-8-08)

to keep it practice relevant, what did you do about the fractured ankle?I can't remember He was a doc-he took care of himslef i thinkit was just a little distal fibula thing and he just splinted it/short casted I dunno.

Did you leave any underwear?I actually left my socks at his house but I swear it was an innocent mistake.(

One of these days I am gonna put this underwear thing to rest....:)

Did you meet any PTA member/future vice prez candidates?Not that I know of.... But I met lots of other very interesting charcters--

-- If you are a patient please allow up to 12 hours for a reply by email/please note the new email address.Remember that e-mail may not be entirely secure/

MD ph fax

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