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Re: Re: Breakfast at Jollibee's

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Dear ~Karma,

Thank you for being so nice, kind & sweet...

Actually, i was praising , for having a Heart of Gold, in feeding the Homeless people, and her kind action (of which, i am kinda proud of) reminded me of this story, so i thought of posting it.

"What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others in this world was and is immortal."

May God Bless yours & 's Heart!

With All Of My Lurve,


----- Original Message -----

From: karmarqu69

Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2007 11:23 AM

Now Alice, YOU Make Karma cry..This was soooooooo sweet and full of love.. I love you.. all of you!! Alice this was beautiful. Thank you for sharing this.. Now I have to collect myself again..in a good way of course..

Love Karma ---

In ,

"Alice" <alichee@...> wrote:Dearest ,Your story about what you did, (as per below) inspired me to post this story...Thanks for being an Angel!With All my Lurve,Alice

---- Original Message -----


Sent: Friday, September 14, 2007 8:11 PM

,It is so good to get up this morning and read the messages on HH from you. You sound so much better, a lot more encouraged. I breathe a sigh of relief. I know how it is to be in so much pain, mental and physical, that you just don't think you can go through another minute, or even want to. I see you're going to make it - and excel in your understanding. Gosh, you seem to catch on so fast!!!Reading this message I saw so much of myself. I too was the one, as a little girl, that cared more for the comfort of the other children. I always stood up for the unlovely, those the other kids didn't treat right, the underdogs. So I was ridiculed myself for it and never did hang with the popular kids. Sometimes I wish that in that respect, I had never grown up. Somewhere along the way it started being important to me that others liked me. And I started "conforming". But now at 50, thank goodness, I really don't care anymore if anyone likes me or not. I'm no longer such a "people pleaser" and have found my way back to loving those that the general population sees as unlovable. I was taught a great lesson one day when I worked in downtown Dallas. There were always lots of homeless people everywhere you looked. I really didn't pay them much attention cause it was just too painful. One day I had gone into a little store during my lunch break and was buying some junk food to munch on. An extremely dirty smelly lady walked up to me and ask me would I buy her a candy bar. I said yeah and she said what about something to drink. By that time we had made it up to the cash register and she kept touching me and getting so close to me that I could hardly breathe. Everyone was looking at her and sneering and being so obvious about taking extra steps to get around us cause she smelled so bad. And I had on a white dress - all I could think about was "don't get my dress dirty." I told her to put what she wanted on the counter and I'd pay for it. So she got a candy bar and a Coke. I got out of the store as quickly as possible cause I had to get back to work. The lady sat down against the building with some other homeless people, shared her junk food with the lady next to her, looked up at me and thanked me for LUNCH. I had just a little while before had a filling wonderful hot meal and I had just bought this little lady a candy bar and coke FOR LUNCH!! I felt so guilty. I looked in my wallet but was out of money, so I ran back up to my office and told everybody to empty out their pockets and give me enough money to run back down to Chick-Fil-A and get this lady at least a hot sandwich and some fries. I told them about her and I just had to get her something better than a candy bar for lunch. After I finally got the money together, got the food and found her again, I gave her the bag and told her she needed something better than junk food for lunch. She politely took the bag and asked me if I minded if she saved it for supper. My eyes filled with tears and as I looked down at her...must have been the sunshine in my eyes, or the tears making everything look fuzzy...but for a few minutes there, she looked just like my mother!! Through the dirt and smell and nasty matted hair - she looked just like my mother. I told her if she wanted to go ahead and eat it I would find her when I got off work and buy her supper. After work I went to the ATM and got some money, but couldn't find her - I looked everywhere but couldn't find her anywhere.Since then I've never looked at a homeless person the same. When I see them, I see my mother, my father, my brothers, aunts, uncles. My grandparents. They could be anybody. And I remember that THEY ARE SOMEBODY. And I don't even care if they get my white dress dirty. I don't care if they smell. There's not a lot of homeless on the streets here where I live now. I see a few every once in a while when I'm at work, but nothing to the extent I saw in Dallas, Texas. I think about that lady a lot these days. And at times, I've even thought, you know...that could have been Jesus, just seeing what i would do and how I would react. In one of 's messages I just read, he talked about this same thing. Jesus could be staring us in the face - but in disguise. And also the Bible talks about "entertaining angels unaware". We never know who that stranger is, or even the person lying next to us in bed! But anyway, I have to get ready for work so have to cut this short. I think I got off track somewhere but originally wanted to tell you , how very proud I am that you are actually taking steps to find love for yourself. And as you find love for yourself and send love to others, you will heal. And things all around you will change. And life will be so good for you.I love you, P.S. I had to laugh when you said that sometimes 's words and thoughts were a bit above you. I'm always telling people that > talks over my head!! But the good stuff always manages to sink in :)>

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