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Re: Re: Hi from down under!!

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he he he he he he........and here I was thinking you were gunna say something all philosophical and profound!!

ok.......back to work now..... enough monkeying around......play time's over!! Now.....where was I again??? lol

----- Original Message ----From: <knightsintention@...> Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 11:10:40 AMSubject: [] Re: Hi from down under!!

.....a "whole bunch" of words came to mind, but I forgot what they werenow......lolololol j/k :)>> > Hello precious family,> > Just a quick hello to let you all know I haven't fallen off the face of> the planet!..... ... I'm still clinging on to the edge of the southern> hemisphere! (Strong toes!! lol)> > Actually, I'm the one hiding in the study with my head down, bum up,> plugging away at the incessant stream of assignments I now have to> submit on a regular basis! Oh, the humanity!! lol> > I see you, I hear you, my thoughts are with you, I want to respond to> you all regularly... . ..I want to go camping out in the woods with you> Stef.... 3 days away from the

madhouse sounds great to me!! lol. > Unfortunately, someone (probably me) has found some gaff tape and used> it wisely as I am known to be more than a little verbose in my ramblings> and this can end up being quite time consuming... ... (ok, not quite as> verbose as my big brother , nor perhaps as poetic as some of the> members of my wonderful family...Cheryl. ... your poem was> beautiful... .as are yours always Randy....what can I say?)> > I want to let you all know that my prayers are with you and all those> seeking healing..... ....always.> > I want to let you know what I've been up to lately....apart from> assignments that is.......well, my younger brother has just moved> interstate to come & live with the motley crew here.....(heaven help him> lol) We are hopefully all moving to a bigger house in the next couple of> weeks. My Dad &

Stepmum came down with him and took us out whale> watching on Saturday. It was awesome to see these huge humpback whales> up close & personal, although my ex girlfriend, my son & I all went the> year before last...it was still pretty exciting.> > I want to say Happy Birthday to you Luna!!> > I want to say I hope you're feeling better Liane.> > Thank you , Alice, Karma, , Liane, everyone for all the> inspiring posts! You are all truly amazing wonderful people.> > To Sheila & you have my love and support and I feel so encouraged> to read that some things at least are turning around for you both. For> us all no doubt.> > I've wanted to share that I got my first assignment results back the> other week........ ....88% (I was hoping for about 97%....but.. ... well,> you know that thing about

expectations. ....lol!) Gotta be happy with> that hey?> > I'll be happy if I do as well with my second assignment I submitted last> week......should have results tomorrow hopefully.> > The only drawback to all of this is that mum is no longer here in the> physical to share these joyous achievements with..... I have to comfort> myself in knowing that she knows anyway...... .. uuuuhhh, hhaaaaaaa. Deep> breaths. All is perfect in my world.> > I'm still seeing my grief counsellor fortnightly and having my Rosemond> Muscle Neurology Therapy once a fortnight, so I guess things are still> shifting for me and will probably do so for some time yet..... I'm very> blessed.> > The beautiful angel who graced my life in my hour of need has since> moved on, the company she worked for lost a major government contract> and had to close their

doors....... go figure!!.... . otherwise she would> have been part of my life up until October at least...... boo hoo!> Curse confounded politics lol! When I met her, I had the biggest jolt> of recognition I've ever experienced in my life! It threw me so> profoundly that it has taken some energy to let that go, but when it> came time to say goodbye, I gave her a small gift and card that I think> expressed how profoundly she had touched my life........ . I haven't> heard from her since & that's ok.....I have enough to focus on at the> moment to keep me busy. Everything is unfolding as it should and if our> paths are meant to cross again in the future...... well, they will.> Simple as that.> > In the meantime.... ...(I mean in the kindtime.... ..I kind....of> mean....not mean at all.....!!) try again...> > FOR NOW....... I'm very busy on assignment

3 due by the end of this> week......I think I've done my share of rambling.... . thanks for> that..... I've missed you all and needed to drag myself out of the study> to touch base and say hi!> > So Hi!! & Bye!!> > Until I come up for air again....... Love & Light to you all,> > Rhonda>

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Hi Luna,

Thanks for your message!! Thank you to you & Stef for your kind words, you're both amazingly beautiful!

Yes, everything has been very hectic lately.... work, therapies, teens, family, course, music..... ah, but it all pays off.

I got my results back for my second assignment yesterday and I'm very excited to share that I got 90% for this one & I still don't have a text book! (really should do something about that!! lol). Number 3 being submitted this week...... Gotta say, I'm in excitement mode & over the moon! I haven't done any further kind of schooling since I left high school in 1983!! It was all a bit daunting at first!

I hope you are well, must run off to work now......

Hope you have a great day!! err......night!!.......err....whatever!!

Glad you had an awesome time camping Stef!!

Love & Light to everyone,


----- Original Message ----From: ladymoonwhispers <ladymoonwhispers@...> Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 2:07:16 PMSubject: [] Re: Hi from down under!!

Dearest Rhondie!!Hi sweetheart! I am so happy to hear from you. It sounds like your life is one thing after another, whoa! I am so proud of you, an 88% is nothing to sneeze about! That is pretty great in my book! I know you are a very intelligent gal and will get thru these assignments! Thank you for the birthday wishes, hehe..I saw had a lot to write, LOL..Teasing, , hehe Write us when you have time, sweetie. We all know youlove us and same goes for me and I am sure everyone else here!! You rule, SISTA! I am sorry to hear of your sad news, a card and small gift are really the best ways to express, I believe the caring and love you have for special people. I do believe, very much, that if you felt that special jolt as you explained, your angel will come back to you when you least expect it! Alas, it is difficult when you are so used to them being around and having your Mum around

too and then she had to go off home,,,,Sigh. ..But you have your brother, hehe I bet you will have some fun with him, right? I send you many, many blessings my sweet and loving friend and think of you often!! Take care and I know easier said than done, but try not to burn the candles at both ends, you need Rhondie time too! hehe Love and huggles!! LUNA>> > Hello precious family,> > Just a quick hello to let you all know I haven't fallen off the face of> the planet!..... ... I'm still clinging on to the edge of the southern> hemisphere! (Strong toes!! lol)> > Actually, I'm the one hiding in the study with my head down, bum up,> plugging away at the incessant stream of

assignments I now have to> submit on a regular basis! Oh, the humanity!! lol> > I see you, I hear you, my thoughts are with you, I want to respond to> you all regularly... . ..I want to go camping out in the woods with you> Stef.... 3 days away from the madhouse sounds great to me!! lol. > Unfortunately, someone (probably me) has found some gaff tape and used> it wisely as I am known to be more than a little verbose in my ramblings> and this can end up being quite time consuming... ... (ok, not quite as> verbose as my big brother , nor perhaps as poetic as some of the> members of my wonderful family...Cheryl. ... your poem was> beautiful... .as are yours always Randy....what can I say?)> > I want to let you all know that my prayers are with you and all those> seeking healing..... ....always.> > I want to let

you know what I've been up to lately....apart from> assignments that is.......well, my younger brother has just moved> interstate to come & live with the motley crew here.....(heaven help him> lol) We are hopefully all moving to a bigger house in the next couple of> weeks. My Dad & Stepmum came down with him and took us out whale> watching on Saturday. It was awesome to see these huge humpback whales> up close & personal, although my ex girlfriend, my son & I all went the> year before last...it was still pretty exciting.> > I want to say Happy Birthday to you Luna!!> > I want to say I hope you're feeling better Liane.> > Thank you , Alice, Karma, , Liane, everyone for all the> inspiring posts! You are all truly amazing wonderful people.> > To Sheila & you have my love and support

and I feel so encouraged> to read that some things at least are turning around for you both. For> us all no doubt.> > I've wanted to share that I got my first assignment results back the> other week........ ....88% (I was hoping for about 97%....but.. ... well,> you know that thing about expectations. ....lol!) Gotta be happy with> that hey?> > I'll be happy if I do as well with my second assignment I submitted last> week......should have results tomorrow hopefully.> > The only drawback to all of this is that mum is no longer here in the> physical to share these joyous achievements with..... I have to comfort> myself in knowing that she knows anyway...... .. uuuuhhh, hhaaaaaaa. Deep> breaths. All is perfect in my world.> > I'm still seeing my grief counsellor fortnightly and having my Rosemond>

Muscle Neurology Therapy once a fortnight, so I guess things are still> shifting for me and will probably do so for some time yet..... I'm very> blessed.> > The beautiful angel who graced my life in my hour of need has since> moved on, the company she worked for lost a major government contract> and had to close their doors....... go figure!!.... . otherwise she would> have been part of my life up until October at least...... boo hoo!> Curse confounded politics lol! When I met her, I had the biggest jolt> of recognition I've ever experienced in my life! It threw me so> profoundly that it has taken some energy to let that go, but when it> came time to say goodbye, I gave her a small gift and card that I think> expressed how profoundly she had touched my life........ . I haven't> heard from her since & that's ok.....I have enough to focus

on at the> moment to keep me busy. Everything is unfolding as it should and if our> paths are meant to cross again in the future...... well, they will.> Simple as that.> > In the meantime.... ...(I mean in the kindtime.... ..I kind....of> mean....not mean at all.....!!) try again...> > FOR NOW....... I'm very busy on assignment 3 due by the end of this> week......I think I've done my share of rambling.... . thanks for> that..... I've missed you all and needed to drag myself out of the study> to touch base and say hi!> > So Hi!! & Bye!!> > Until I come up for air again....... Love & Light to you all,> > Rhonda>

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