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Gifting & Receiving Absolute Love

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Odyssey Spirit ~~tina~~


Sep 19, 2007 4:21 PM


Gifting & Receiving Absoulute Love

Gifting & Receiving Absoulute Love For

some of the souls here on this earth dimension, we are able to gift

Absoulute Love what we perceive as easily to other souls. Spirit says

that there are moments in which we perceive we are gifting Absoulute

Love but it is in the form of the disguise of conditions, or

expectations of how we think other souls should be.

This form of

gifting is that of conditional love, whereby if the soul acts or is

being within how we think they should be within our perception, then we

gift that soul love. If they are being something other than what we

deem in our perception that they are "supposed to" be, then we attempt

to provide the illusion of "withholding" our love.For the souls

whom have remembered, embraced, and treasured this Soul Remembering

Through Life Experience in Absoulute Love, then this Absoulute Love is

an constant flowing resonance that they choose to BE in, a way of

BEing, a way of LIFE.

Receiving and giving are One in the co~creative

forces of the Universe and of LIFE. It is from this sense of 6ratitude

that we are in Ah! Or Awe! with, for, and of LIFE when we are

resonating in a resonance of Absoulute Love. When we are within this

ambiance of Absoulute Love that it is seamlessly, effortlessly flowing

from within our soul to other souls to the Universe and then comes

again to us in a continuous circle or cycle of Absoulute Love. For

the souls whom live in the perception of an axiom that Absoulute Love

was free from ever being shown to them in their lives here on this

earth dimension, these souls choose The Ego Self of the Soul "Rabbit

Hole" of choosing the illusion of "withholding" their Absoulute Love. I

should know this phenomenon quite well, as I once chose to BE this


The illusionary reason that I chose to reside within the illusion

of "withholding" gifting Absoulute Love was because I felt that I was

unworthy of receiving it, and if I was unworthy of receiving it, then

why should anyone else receive it, especially from me. This was what I

believed within The Ego Self of the Soul "Rabbit Hole" when I chose to

live in the illusion that I was separate, disconnected from every soul,

from everything.


Spirit writes of within the Soul Remembering Through Life Experience in

Choice, there was a moment in my Life Experience here where I `decided'

or cut off all possibility of Absoulute Love in my LIFE. As a part of

the game of LIFE, I `decided' while resonating within The Ego Self of

the Soul "Rabbit Hole", that I was `not good enough or worthy enough'

to receive Absoulute Love.

For me, this occurred when I was six earth

dimensional years old. When I was six earth dimensional years old, I

was a great speller of the earth dimension's English language and had

won the spelling bee at school. I came home with a certificate saying I

won and my mother was very proud of me and happy and she said "You

should show this to your father when he gets home". Now as an

adult, spiritually speaking, I recognize in this moment that my father

is the type of person that when he comes home, his form of meditation

to wind down from what he considers to be a `long day at work' is to

sit down in front of the T.V. in his favorite chair, read the mail, and

just veg out, as his form of meditation.

But as a six year old, whom

had been on this earth dimension for such as short amount of what we

call as earth dimension time, I was free from knowing and understanding

this wisdom, as coming from The Pure Consciousness of the Cosmic

Infinite Circle of the Universal Source of All That Is that we are and

emanate from, we are free from this concept as all is inclusively One

sense of inner wisdom and this is who I was choosing to BE as a six

year old having been free from discovering and embracing completely the

earth dimensional duality Ego Self of the Soul.

So when I came running

into the room just after dad had come home that earth dimensional night

and was in his chair looking at the mail with his meditative focus on

that, and me waving my certificate around, he was free from even ever

acknowledging me.

It was then and there in that moment that I realized

the earth dimensional duality Ego Self of the Soul perceiving itself as

separate, that said I was `not good enough' ~ not good enough to

receive his Absoulute Love, and therefore, I must not be worthy of

receiving any Absoulute Love. From that moment on I set out in my life

to "prove" that I was `not good enough'.


when events would occur to bring forth a Soul Remembering, such as the

Soul Remembering Through Life Experience in Absoulute Love through

events such as kids picking on me at school or this soul would not play

with me or be my friend, rather than choose to remember, embrace, and

treasure the Soul Rememberings Through Life Experience, I would

experience the thoughtenergy to myself of (and some moments in an Ego

Fit Rabbit Hole tantrum out loud) "SEE!

Look at what THEY did, SEE I am

not good enough, see they will not be my friend or they pick on me

etc..." Later in life it was with who was then my boyfriend, when

we were physically separated when I became pregnant with our son Chris

and he was in the illusion of believing that he was free from being

ready to be a father, again rather than remember, embrace, and

treasure, this Soul Remembering Through Life Experience in Absoulute

Love, it was "See I am not good enough, he left me".


from the moment of being that six year old, I began to prove over and

over again within The Ego Self of The Soul perceiving myself as

separate from in Absoulute Love and from All That Is, that I was `not

good enough'.

For many earth dimensional years I became quite skilled

at playing the role of the illusionary victim and seeking out other

souls to bring with me into The Ego Self of the Soul Rabbit Hole that I

was choosing to create.

In fact, I became so good at it that I had a

friendship with a soul at one moment in my LIFE in which, our sole or

Soul Purpose for being friends, our Soul Purpose for being brought

together was for us to spend money and to sit while our children played

together and have Ego Self of the Soul Rabbit Hole fits about our

perception of how horrible our husbands were and how horrible life is

and so on! In essence, for many earth dimension years I was living my

life as a six year old!

The Illusion That We Are Separate From Absoulute LoveSpirit

shares with us that we somehow fear and believe that we are "unworthy

enough" to receive Absoulute Love and it is this axiom within the soul

that we seem to choose to call our own, as we hold onto this axiom as

if it is ours that we are unconscious to that keeps us from knowing,

experiencing, gifting, and receiving Absoulute Love which is why events

occur in our LIFE, to awaken and re~awaken us to remember the Soul

Rememberings that we have chosen to forget as a part of playing this

game of LIFE (Living Infinitely From Experience). It is within

the believing in this axiom of "I am unworthy of Absoulute Love" Spirit

imparts, that has us create a perceptional illusion of proving over and

over again that we are unworthy.

So just as who I once was choosing

unconsciously to BE, we seek out relationships and events to prove that

illusion of The Ego Self of the Soul that says that we are indeed

separate from every soul, separate from All That Is, and unworthy of

Absoulute Love.

It is that we somehow believe that we are something

other than always, in All Ways connected that causes us to experience

the illusionary perceived e~motional disconnection, which is what then

causes the illusional e~motional discontent or dis~ease, a being free

from BEing at ease within, to occur. The Infinitely Spiritual

Light BEing shares with us that the reason that we experience the

e~motion at moments like we are encased in a shell in our LIFE is

because we feel that somehow we are disconnected from other souls and

disconnected from All That Is, from the Universal Source that we came

from and emanate from, which creates an illusion that we have a

disconnection within us, with our soul.

It is just that mere illusion

that we are somehow other than The Pure Consciousness of the Cosmic

Infinite Circle of the Universal Source of All That Is that we are and

emanate from and that we are disconnected and unloved, that keeps us

experiencing the e~motion that we are something other than connected.

And it is our choice to stay in the illusion of disconnection that

keeps us from being connected, from being All That Is or to step into

and BE what we already and always, In All Ways, are ~ Spiritual Oneness

and Absoulute Love.posted by odyssey spirit~christina~love and hugs always

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