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Re:Is Sex Necessary? Wow D & Ty HH

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Thank you and everyone in this group! I can't tell you how much

my thoughts have calmed down this past week and how diligent I am to

move deeper in love instead of run from it. A big move forward

positive thinking as well. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for

your love and your prayers xoxo


I don't think you could have possibly been more in depth on this. It

touches just about every situation I can think of, bless you for that.

It also helped me to see some of things I have done right and not

blame myself so much and yet it helped me think on the same thing you

keep coming back to, " Love " . No matter the face staring back at us

they still deserve love! I need to remember and never underestimate

how only one person changing and turning their thoughts and actions to

love can change EVERYTHING. If it doesn't then I have done what I

could and other doors may become open for both of us. I am learning to

come to accept that I will release that in love too.

All of us are at different points in our spiritual growth and we can't

force someone to come on the journey with us. Because of all of you my

mind and my heart has been more open to things than it has ever been

in my lifetime and I am more than grateful for this infact I have a

feeling I might owe you all my life. On the marriage note sorry if

this is scattered (happy grin) I am coming to accept that this

marriage is of a karmic nature but not the one I had hoped or wanted.

I had hoped for a twin flame but I can see now that I am not ready for

that yet. Oh, it hurts to admit it and my instant feeling would be

shame again but I am going to give myself credit and love for even

being on this path of love and having the gift to move beyond two

dimensional living.

I have this question. Must a light bearer or a healer be completely

healed or full of light themselves in order to receive or give it? I

hear of stories far too often of one spouce being far weaker than the

other and their lives being transformed because of it. Didn't Christ

purposely seek out weaker vessels to show his love? His strength was

manifested in weakness?

I know a few of you feel like I do, that if we are not completely full

of love, light and more than we don't deserve anyone much less someone

that is walking on a higher spiritual plane (which btw is all I prayed

for in a spouce) Oddly most of my life I have been in relationships

where I was the teacher, the nurturer, the healer as hard as that is

to believe. Funny how in this marriage I am completely knocked off my

feet, returned to an infantile stage and don't like who I become when

I am mirrored back. Wow, I never thought of it like this and when I

try to explain this concept to my spouce it just doesn't register.

Maybe I was tired of playing mom to previous relationships and my soul

said okay we're ready to move on to the next lesson (the child) lmao.

I might not be right....I'm not real good at all of this yet but I am

a sponge ready and willing ;-)

I'd like to learn a good balance between digging deeper, studying,

soul searching, loving myself and yet learning to leave myself alone

and focus on loving others instead of myself.

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First think of this from now on....everyone, including a spouse, is

already walking in that higher spiritual self. It may appear to be far

from the truth, but they are " in disguise " .

Since you mentioned " Christ " ...how would you know him today if he was

right in front of you? By some miracle, some well used words, by some

magic glow he put off? Certainly possible, but I think he could appear

as anything he wanted, so it causes growth and understanding.

He could appear at the end of a rope as a black man in the 50's and

60's. He could appear as a one legged homeless man in the alley. He

could appear, as your husband.

The point is this, look closer and ask yourself " what if " ? How would

you act then? What things would you do if you had been told a secret

that someone you knew took on some role, but was really " Christ " ?

That is what I'm saying, you, and anyone else is but this, in

disguise. We keep looking for the " holy " to come over there, around

the corner, anywhere else but where we are...when it truly is right in

front of us in every moment.

This leaves us with only one thing to do...LOVE.

I don't buy into the Christ commonly taught, savior, and died for our

sins...if there was a man named Jesus, who was a Christ...meaning, a

man who was a teacher, then it is in the expanded and truer stories of

him that were mostly cut from the Bible.

This man traveled a lot and studied man religions and paths, much like

we all do to some extent. He saw the truth in these things, and left

off the garbage that surrounded most teachings.

Remember when I said that information is light[?], and the sum total

of all information [light], points to LOVE.

He spent many years reading, studying and doing, even after his

supposed murder, which some history puts him in South America much later.

The point here is he was learning along the way. His whole teaching

was about putting away the ritual and wrappers to the truth which was

to merely love one another. That LOVE was the only true power. When he

refers to his father in heaven, we know that heaven is within, just as

he said, and what is a father but, pure love. He could just have

easily said mother....or universe, or any other thing, and did, where

it would be understood by those in different areas.

Do you remember when he was supposed to have changed water into wine?

Most miracles were metaphors, as well as the stories. He said to his

mother at the time, that " my time has not yet come " . What he was

saying is, " I don't know if I'm ready yet, I've reached my conclusions

but don't put me on the spot here " . And he was forced to act and put

what he knew to the test.

It's the same thing today when we feel compelled to act, with love, to

heal or change things. We feel like babies in our understanding and

afraid to believe that we have the power within us to do these things.

It is when we feel compelled to act that miracles happen, yet most of

the time we pass it off as not being anything we did. We deny our power.

When if we just did it, in full belief, and in full awareness that we

are powerful...our will is done on earth, as it is in heaven [thought].

When Jesus said, " this you can do and much more than I " , he was saying

you are just like this, that you are powerful beyond comprehension.

And shows he was not be " holier than thou " about it... " sure I can do

it, but you can do it too, and even better " .

Simply send your husband love. Fill him with it by using only thought.

Imagine love filling and surrounding him, and don't fail to wrap

yourself in it. Fill your home with it. Love has been around for a

very long time and it knows what it's doing. It not only changes

things, but it creates possibilities, and whispers to you what to do.

Be content that things are happening just as they should be.

On being a healer or light bearer...we all are already that. We arrive

in lives and places where we are drawn, and in simply being there we

are serving our part in it. Simply put...we are all in need of healing

and understanding and love. It is by looking within we begin to see

everyone else, and there's really not a whole lot of difference, and

the closer you get to the center, there is no difference at all.

The way someone heals themselves is to offer it to others. And we

offer it to others by simply loving...using love...making our complete

being about love.

We let love get turned on it's head and inside out, thinking it was

about two people who might fall in or out of love, sometimes. So only

some people deserved it, many didn't. It became something to buy,

borrow and trade....and it is none of these. For love is all that

exist in the universe...all else is illusion. The miracles are the

seeing this, and changing the illusion back to the truth.

In fact, your here right now because love was called to act...what

incredible power you have.

With Love


--- In , " dovetouched " <hisalone@...>



> Thank you and everyone in this group! I can't tell you how much

> my thoughts have calmed down this past week and how diligent I am to

> move deeper in love instead of run from it. A big move forward

> positive thinking as well. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for

> your love and your prayers xoxo


> ,


> I don't think you could have possibly been more in depth on this. It

> touches just about every situation I can think of, bless you for that.

> It also helped me to see some of things I have done right and not

> blame myself so much and yet it helped me think on the same thing you

> keep coming back to, " Love " . No matter the face staring back at us

> they still deserve love! I need to remember and never underestimate

> how only one person changing and turning their thoughts and actions to

> love can change EVERYTHING. If it doesn't then I have done what I

> could and other doors may become open for both of us. I am learning to

> come to accept that I will release that in love too.

> All of us are at different points in our spiritual growth and we can't

> force someone to come on the journey with us. Because of all of you my

> mind and my heart has been more open to things than it has ever been

> in my lifetime and I am more than grateful for this infact I have a

> feeling I might owe you all my life. On the marriage note sorry if

> this is scattered (happy grin) I am coming to accept that this

> marriage is of a karmic nature but not the one I had hoped or wanted.

> I had hoped for a twin flame but I can see now that I am not ready for

> that yet. Oh, it hurts to admit it and my instant feeling would be

> shame again but I am going to give myself credit and love for even

> being on this path of love and having the gift to move beyond two

> dimensional living.

> I have this question. Must a light bearer or a healer be completely

> healed or full of light themselves in order to receive or give it? I

> hear of stories far too often of one spouce being far weaker than the

> other and their lives being transformed because of it. Didn't Christ

> purposely seek out weaker vessels to show his love? His strength was

> manifested in weakness?

> I know a few of you feel like I do, that if we are not completely full

> of love, light and more than we don't deserve anyone much less someone

> that is walking on a higher spiritual plane (which btw is all I prayed

> for in a spouce) Oddly most of my life I have been in relationships

> where I was the teacher, the nurturer, the healer as hard as that is

> to believe. Funny how in this marriage I am completely knocked off my

> feet, returned to an infantile stage and don't like who I become when

> I am mirrored back. Wow, I never thought of it like this and when I

> try to explain this concept to my spouce it just doesn't register.

> Maybe I was tired of playing mom to previous relationships and my soul

> said okay we're ready to move on to the next lesson (the child) lmao.

> I might not be right....I'm not real good at all of this yet but I am

> a sponge ready and willing ;-)

> I'd like to learn a good balance between digging deeper, studying,

> soul searching, loving myself and yet learning to leave myself alone

> and focus on loving others instead of myself.


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Everything you have said I completely take in and relate too even the

parts of what you say about Jesus which may not be traditional

thoughts of christianity. That must make me not a main stream follower

because I have known from the time I was young there was way way more

than what the bible was teaching me. I believe there are many things

left out of the bible and many things put in there that should not

have been in there. I suppose it will come out in future years in some

attempt to save christianity, that is to dispel the lies and yet left

out parts. I won't go into more detail than that but I have learned

everything you said already but applying it to me is always a

different matter. You know it's the love part I have forgotten

though...When I was a child in kindergarten I was more concerned about

helping everyone else feel comfortable, more concerned about the

little black girl in a total white school not feeling loved because

every parent had banned their children from playing with her. I was

always the one to go against adults and children and protect those who

didn't feel love. I remember this strength inside of me that had to

protect the unloved. I think life can hit us with so many blows we

forget to love when we grow up. We learn to fear it and it helps to go

back and remember the roots of where I came from and who I really was

before the learning processes of the world tainted my belief in love.

I've known all my life that every single human spirit whatever words

you choose have good or love in them and when others turn and spurn

them I always still see good. However, its much harder with those that

are intimately involved with me, who have the power to put a spear in

my heart and the strength I need to still return love for anger. That

might be easy for some but for those of us who have been in abusive

relationships most of our life its a long process of learning when to

keep on loving or get out before both people destroy each other either

emotionally or literally the life itself. I do remember you telling me

about leaving for a break if need be though ;-)

What is love if you return love to the loving that is easy as Jesus

taught! D sometimes your thoughts and words are bit above me but love

is not confusing when we choose to allow it to be what it is in it's

purest form......the way I we were as as a child! I will be putting to

practice sending out love diligently :D

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It is so good to get up this morning and read the messages on HH from

you. You sound so much better, a lot more encouraged. I breathe a

sigh of relief. I know how it is to be in so much pain, mental and

physical, that you just don't think you can go through another minute,

or even want to. I see you're going to make it - and excel in your

understanding. Gosh, you seem to catch on so fast!!!

Reading this message I saw so much of myself. I too was the one, as a

little girl, that cared more for the comfort of the other children. I

always stood up for the unlovely, those the other kids didn't treat

right, the underdogs. So I was ridiculed myself for it and never did

hang with the popular kids. Sometimes I wish that in that respect, I

had never grown up. Somewhere along the way it started being

important to me that others liked me. And I started " conforming " .

But now at 50, thank goodness, I really don't care anymore if anyone

likes me or not. I'm no longer such a " people pleaser " and have found

my way back to loving those that the general population sees as


I was taught a great lesson one day when I worked in downtown Dallas.

There were always lots of homeless people everywhere you looked. I

really didn't pay them much attention cause it was just too painful.

One day I had gone into a little store during my lunch break and was

buying some junk food to munch on. An extremely dirty smelly lady

walked up to me and ask me would I buy her a candy bar. I said yeah

and she said what about something to drink. By that time we had made

it up to the cash register and she kept touching me and getting so

close to me that I could hardly breathe. Everyone was looking at her

and sneering and being so obvious about taking extra steps to get

around us cause she smelled so bad. And I had on a white dress - all

I could think about was " don't get my dress dirty. " I told her to put

what she wanted on the counter and I'd pay for it. So she got a candy

bar and a Coke. I got out of the store as quickly as possible cause I

had to get back to work. The lady sat down against the building with

some other homeless people, shared her junk food with the lady next to

her, looked up at me and thanked me for LUNCH. I had just a little

while before had a filling wonderful hot meal and I had just bought

this little lady a candy bar and coke FOR LUNCH!! I felt so guilty.

I looked in my wallet but was out of money, so I ran back up to my

office and told everybody to empty out their pockets and give me

enough money to run back down to Chick-Fil-A and get this lady at

least a hot sandwich and some fries. I told them about her and I just

had to get her something better than a candy bar for lunch. After I

finally got the money together, got the food and found her again, I

gave her the bag and told her she needed something better than junk

food for lunch. She politely took the bag and asked me if I minded if

she saved it for supper. My eyes filled with tears and as I looked

down at her...must have been the sunshine in my eyes, or the tears

making everything look fuzzy...but for a few minutes there, she looked

just like my mother!! Through the dirt and smell and nasty matted

hair - she looked just like my mother. I told her if she wanted to go

ahead and eat it I would find her when I got off work and buy her

supper. After work I went to the ATM and got some money, but couldn't

find her - I looked everywhere but couldn't find her anywhere.

Since then I've never looked at a homeless person the same. When I

see them, I see my mother, my father, my brothers, aunts, uncles. My

grandparents. They could be anybody. And I remember that THEY ARE

SOMEBODY. And I don't even care if they get my white dress dirty. I

don't care if they smell. There's not a lot of homeless on the

streets here where I live now. I see a few every once in a while when

I'm at work, but nothing to the extent I saw in Dallas, Texas. I

think about that lady a lot these days. And at times, I've even

thought, you know...that could have been Jesus, just seeing what i

would do and how I would react. In one of 's messages I just

read, he talked about this same thing. Jesus could be staring us in

the face - but in disguise. And also the Bible talks about

" entertaining angels unaware " . We never know who that stranger is, or

even the person lying next to us in bed!

But anyway, I have to get ready for work so have to cut this short. I

think I got off track somewhere but originally wanted to tell you

, how very proud I am that you are actually taking steps to find

love for yourself. And as you find love for yourself and send love to

others, you will heal. And things all around you will change. And

life will be so good for you.

I love you,

P.S. I had to laugh when you said that sometimes 's words and

thoughts were a bit above you. I'm always telling people that

talks over my head!! But the good stuff always manages to sink in :)

--- In , " dovetouched " <hisalone@...>



> Everything you have said I completely take in and relate too even the

> parts of what you say about Jesus which may not be traditional

> thoughts of christianity. That must make me not a main stream follower

> because I have known from the time I was young there was way way more

> than what the bible was teaching me. I believe there are many things

> left out of the bible and many things put in there that should not

> have been in there. I suppose it will come out in future years in some

> attempt to save christianity, that is to dispel the lies and yet left

> out parts. I won't go into more detail than that but I have learned

> everything you said already but applying it to me is always a

> different matter. You know it's the love part I have forgotten

> though...When I was a child in kindergarten I was more concerned about

> helping everyone else feel comfortable, more concerned about the

> little black girl in a total white school not feeling loved because

> every parent had banned their children from playing with her. I was

> always the one to go against adults and children and protect those who

> didn't feel love. I remember this strength inside of me that had to

> protect the unloved. I think life can hit us with so many blows we

> forget to love when we grow up. We learn to fear it and it helps to go

> back and remember the roots of where I came from and who I really was

> before the learning processes of the world tainted my belief in love.

> I've known all my life that every single human spirit whatever words

> you choose have good or love in them and when others turn and spurn

> them I always still see good. However, its much harder with those that

> are intimately involved with me, who have the power to put a spear in

> my heart and the strength I need to still return love for anger. That

> might be easy for some but for those of us who have been in abusive

> relationships most of our life its a long process of learning when to

> keep on loving or get out before both people destroy each other either

> emotionally or literally the life itself. I do remember you telling me

> about leaving for a break if need be though ;-)


> What is love if you return love to the loving that is easy as Jesus

> taught! D sometimes your thoughts and words are bit above me but love

> is not confusing when we choose to allow it to be what it is in it's

> purest form......the way I we were as as a child! I will be putting to

> practice sending out love diligently :D


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Before we moved closer into the city because of gas prices at the

time, and we were way out in the country...we lived on 7 acres deep in

the woods. So deep in fact, no one, not even the neighbors knew it was

there. I loved that. It was peaceful, beautiful and just what I love.

I was so secluded I could walk around naked and really be part of

nature...good thing it was out of the way...I can only imagine the

trauma it would have caused those who stumbled upon me naked in the

woods with only boots and a walking stick. And that's when I had grown

my " Noah " beard that was down to my chest.

It was hidden away below a dam near by, and the little stream that

meandered by was a run off for the dam. It would have been perfect if

not for the fact that if anything ever happened, we'd be under water

instantly...so in one corner of the property, it took on a swamp like

setting, especially with all the beavers that moved in.

It was one of the first places I sort of entertained the idea of

setting up an intentional community, so called it Beaver Creek.

But I'm off the subject here. The thing is, there were plenty of

snakes that abounded around the property, due to the water. Most of

which were of the poisonous types. Snakes have never bothered me

really until recent years, and not really sure why. I've spent a lot

of time in the woods, and while I saw plenty of them, they rarely

wanted anything to do with me either.

So, after moving to the property I made a deal with the snakes. Didn't

know I could talk snake huh? I mentally offered to them, while

eyeballing a huge black water moccasin that loved to lay out in the

sun, that if they all stayed off the property, they could do pretty

much what they liked, and we'd get along great. After all, at the

time, was about 3 and 4 and loved to play outside.

Except for one which violated this treaty by rushing across a corner

of the yard one day, which was a non-poisonous one, looking like it

had been caught with it's pants down, I never saw any on the property,

but plenty lounging on logs in the swamp and near the stream, all just

across the property line.

I'd talk mentally with animals in such a way, and it seemed to work.

I'd also send them love and let it go at that.

I think this will lend well to how love can be used in and for everything.

I also use it to say that, sometimes, in some situations, we might

better lover from a distance, especially when there is prior or

ongoing harm that could be caused. In other words, too many " live "

issues block and impede the ability to send love properly. Not that

love sees any blockages, as it can go anywhere and do anything.

Such as some prior or ongoing abuse...we may not yet be at a place we

have allowed love to take over and heal something, so we may dislocate

ourselves from the person or event...to a safe distance so that we can

heal and use love in a greater sense.

At the same time, we can offer and send love to the other and allow it

to do it's work in it's own ways...we do not interfere with our own

wounded feelings, that can be sometimes loving and compassionate and

at others, raging anger. It can make it hard to just allow for the

best outcomes to work through, knowing things aways will, and because

we have put so much effort, time, and feelings into avoiding,

protecting, running or fighting, we feel afraid, challenged and as if

we are letting ourselves down, and giving in. That we have suffered


That's ok. Having lived the abuse, or still experiencing it, we find

it hard to feel as if we can just sit back and expect it to change by

simply offering " more " .

If distance is needed in these situations...it should be done, at

whatever the cost. Again, there is not a wrong way to do this.

I still have not spoken with my own mother in over 10 years. It was

her wish to disown and to never speak again. I have honored that

request. I could feel that she is deserving of her bitterness and

whatever life she has now, and blame her for joining what amounted to

a cult, where my brothers and I were abused on many levels...yet, what

I can do is send love to her now, and in to all she does.

I send send love into the past to our growing up, and the decisions

she made, and we've made every since. I can know now she was doing all

she knew how to do raising 3 boys in a time divorced women were

something to look down on. She may have saw the promises of some

religion as being some kind of saving grace, and did what she thought

best for us all. That's not excusing any actions...it's understanding.

And if I truly think about it, there is much to be thankful for. She

could have just up and left, or any number of other things could have

happened. While it seems strange to some, I would have not learned

certain things about love, respect, giving, and that which goes with

it if not for it all.

And I know, as a kid in a family of 14 other kids, she is lucky to

have survived many of the things they did.

The point is, we turn our pain and suffering, our abuses and

shortcomings into gold. We look for what was useful to us, no. How did

it make us who we are now, and what can we do with that.

Look, if everything I do, and the way I handle things appears to be

like I'm creating a dream world to cope in, then, ya know what, I love

it here. The weather's great, it's peaceful, I feel loving and like I

can change the world....I can at least change my part of it. I'd say

join me in mine, but, yours can be all you want it to be, and even

better. If we all work on that, creating our own little dream worlds,

we may soon discover that they have all merged together into one big

one...opps, it was always already that way.

Love D~

--- In , " dovetouched " <hisalone@...>



> Everything you have said I completely take in and relate too even the

> parts of what you say about Jesus which may not be traditional

> thoughts of christianity. That must make me not a main stream follower

> because I have known from the time I was young there was way way more

> than what the bible was teaching me. I believe there are many things

> left out of the bible and many things put in there that should not

> have been in there. I suppose it will come out in future years in some

> attempt to save christianity, that is to dispel the lies and yet left

> out parts. I won't go into more detail than that but I have learned

> everything you said already but applying it to me is always a

> different matter. You know it's the love part I have forgotten

> though...When I was a child in kindergarten I was more concerned about

> helping everyone else feel comfortable, more concerned about the

> little black girl in a total white school not feeling loved because

> every parent had banned their children from playing with her. I was

> always the one to go against adults and children and protect those who

> didn't feel love. I remember this strength inside of me that had to

> protect the unloved. I think life can hit us with so many blows we

> forget to love when we grow up. We learn to fear it and it helps to go

> back and remember the roots of where I came from and who I really was

> before the learning processes of the world tainted my belief in love.

> I've known all my life that every single human spirit whatever words

> you choose have good or love in them and when others turn and spurn

> them I always still see good. However, its much harder with those that

> are intimately involved with me, who have the power to put a spear in

> my heart and the strength I need to still return love for anger. That

> might be easy for some but for those of us who have been in abusive

> relationships most of our life its a long process of learning when to

> keep on loving or get out before both people destroy each other either

> emotionally or literally the life itself. I do remember you telling me

> about leaving for a break if need be though ;-)


> What is love if you return love to the loving that is easy as Jesus

> taught! D sometimes your thoughts and words are bit above me but love

> is not confusing when we choose to allow it to be what it is in it's

> purest form......the way I we were as as a child! I will be putting to

> practice sending out love diligently :D


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[Ok, here he goes again responding to his own postings...get a

straight jacket quick.]

I see where I wrote about:

" Do you remember when he was supposed to have changed water into wine?

Most miracles were metaphors, as well as the stories. He said to his

mother at the time, that " my time has not yet come " . What he was

saying is, " I don't know if I'm ready yet, I've reached my conclusions

but don't put me on the spot here " . And he was forced to act and put

what he knew to the test. "

A deeper meaning here must be drawn out. Remember that " water " is

referred to as " spirit " . And " wine " is but the essence of the vine. In

fact, it is the " maturing " grape which wine comes from. So we have

really said that " the spirit " " has matured " , or, has become matured in


The maturing in understanding is but the realizing that we have the

same power as Jesus was said to have. Our spirit has matured. When

Jesus questioned this maturing, his mother [that is to say: LOVE]

said, by the action, YES, with love, you have matured in

understanding. And in this maturity, your will is done.

Love D~

pat 598274 in a series of 989978937273684

> >

> > Thank you and everyone in this group! I can't tell you how much

> > my thoughts have calmed down this past week and how diligent I am to

> > move deeper in love instead of run from it. A big move forward

> > positive thinking as well. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for

> > your love and your prayers xoxo

> >

> > ,

> >

> > I don't think you could have possibly been more in depth on this. It

> > touches just about every situation I can think of, bless you for that.

> > It also helped me to see some of things I have done right and not

> > blame myself so much and yet it helped me think on the same thing you

> > keep coming back to, " Love " . No matter the face staring back at us

> > they still deserve love! I need to remember and never underestimate

> > how only one person changing and turning their thoughts and actions to

> > love can change EVERYTHING. If it doesn't then I have done what I

> > could and other doors may become open for both of us. I am learning to

> > come to accept that I will release that in love too.

> > All of us are at different points in our spiritual growth and we can't

> > force someone to come on the journey with us. Because of all of you my

> > mind and my heart has been more open to things than it has ever been

> > in my lifetime and I am more than grateful for this infact I have a

> > feeling I might owe you all my life. On the marriage note sorry if

> > this is scattered (happy grin) I am coming to accept that this

> > marriage is of a karmic nature but not the one I had hoped or wanted.

> > I had hoped for a twin flame but I can see now that I am not ready for

> > that yet. Oh, it hurts to admit it and my instant feeling would be

> > shame again but I am going to give myself credit and love for even

> > being on this path of love and having the gift to move beyond two

> > dimensional living.

> > I have this question. Must a light bearer or a healer be completely

> > healed or full of light themselves in order to receive or give it? I

> > hear of stories far too often of one spouce being far weaker than the

> > other and their lives being transformed because of it. Didn't Christ

> > purposely seek out weaker vessels to show his love? His strength was

> > manifested in weakness?

> > I know a few of you feel like I do, that if we are not completely full

> > of love, light and more than we don't deserve anyone much less someone

> > that is walking on a higher spiritual plane (which btw is all I prayed

> > for in a spouce) Oddly most of my life I have been in relationships

> > where I was the teacher, the nurturer, the healer as hard as that is

> > to believe. Funny how in this marriage I am completely knocked off my

> > feet, returned to an infantile stage and don't like who I become when

> > I am mirrored back. Wow, I never thought of it like this and when I

> > try to explain this concept to my spouce it just doesn't register.

> > Maybe I was tired of playing mom to previous relationships and my soul

> > said okay we're ready to move on to the next lesson (the child) lmao.

> > I might not be right....I'm not real good at all of this yet but I am

> > a sponge ready and willing ;-)

> > I'd like to learn a good balance between digging deeper, studying,

> > soul searching, loving myself and yet learning to leave myself alone

> > and focus on loving others instead of myself.

> >


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