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Re: Chelation progress

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What a wonderful expierience , going from being non-verbal to speaking is a miracle. I have a question about the metals in the hair test . If you did one , what showed up ? I know you explained alot of this before, but your son sounds like he is really doing very good . Maybe we could learn a thing or two . thanks, kelly

Dear ,

Thank you for your wonderful reports. They give us all such hope!

Could you please share with us (I'm sure you have already but could you please do so again (-:) what your chelation regimen has been thus far? Are you low dosing the DMSA? Are you following the every-4-hour protocol?

Have you begun using the ALA, yet? Do you feel that his supplementation has played a significant role in his improvement and if so, which supplements are you using? Is Kenny on any dietary interventions? Which one(s)? Is he sulfur and/or phenol sensitive? Geez, I certainly have piled on the homework, haven't I? It's just that your story inspires such a desire to give the same gift, the gift of speech, to my own daughter.

I'd be immensely appreciative if you could share your methods.

Thank You Big Time!

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Yea! Happy story! Thanks for sharing!

-----Original Message-----From: s [mailto:persistentC@...]Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 4:46 PM egroups; abmdegroupsSubject: [ ] Chelation progress

Dear Friends,

I wanted to share an experience today that just blew me away.

We have been receiving funding from our county for some of the services Kenny receives since 1998. Because of this, we have had a social worker assigned to our family who regularly checks on his progress and makes periodic visits to our home to see him.

Last October our social worker had a baby, and she just returned to work last week. (So far, baby has not received any vaccines -- does anybody wonder why?!) Today she came out to visit us for the first time since September.

As a reminder, we started chelation the last week of July, so when she went on maternity leave, I believe Kenny had completed three cycles of chelation.

He was still essentially non-verbal. (Of course, I had completely forgotten that.)

Tears of happiness were rolling down her cheeks today when she heard him sing the ABC song, tell her his name is Kenny Lumsden (yeah, that last name IS hard to pronounce!) and watched him count to 10 on his toes. She sat there amazed as I asked him all sorts of questions that he answered.

While I have been telling people that the results we have seen with chelation are truly amazing, seeing her reaction today really hit home with me, because it's not as if she's been gone all that long.

And for those of you who remember me saying that I longed for the day he would say "Mommy" ... This past weekend we had a training workshop with our Verbal Behavior consultant. My husband, Mark, was videotaping the session, and at one point when we were just talking about techniques, Kenny went over to Mark and put his head on him affectionately. I said "Kenny, who do you love?" and he said "Mommy!". (Then he grinned really BIG at me, knowing that he had done something funny!)

It's been a long road, but that was the "mommy paycheck" I've been waiting so many years for!

(Cary, NC)persistentC@...

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Awesome! I'm intoducing the parents of one of the kids I work with to this

list. Inspiring accounts like these will motivate them to look into this

possibilty, I believe. The mother in particular really wants him back home.

His biggest challenge: darting/bolting behavior and disregard for unsafe

areas/situations. How many on the list have darters? Have you seen improvement

in this area with chelation?

Thanks for any responses,



Dear Friends,

I wanted to share an experience today that just blew me away.

We have been receiving funding from our county for some of the services Ken ny

receives since 1998. Because of this, we have had a social worker assig ned to

our family who regularly checks on his progress and makes periodic v isits to

our home to see him.

Last October our social worker had a baby, and she just returned to work la st

week. (So far, baby has not received any vaccines -- does anybody wonde r

why?!) Today she came out to visit us for the first time since September .

As a reminder, we started chelation the last week of July, so when she went

on maternity leave, I believe Kenny had completed three cycles of chelatio n.

He was still essentially non-verbal. (Of course, I had completely forgotte n


Tears of happiness were rolling down her cheeks today when she heard him si ng

the ABC song, tell her his name is Kenny Lumsden (yeah, that last name I S hard

to pronounce!) and watched him count to 10 on his toes. She sat the re amazed

as I asked him all sorts of questions that he answered.

While I have been telling people that the results we have seen with chelati on

are truly amazing, seeing her reaction today really hit home with me, be cause

it's not as if she's been gone all that long.

And for those of you who remember me saying that I longed for the day he wo uld

say " Mommy " ... This past weekend we had a training workshop with our

Verbal Behavior consultant. My husband, Mark, was videotaping the session ,

and at one point when we were just talking about techniques, Kenny went o ver to

Mark and put his head on him affectionately. I said " Kenny, who do you love? "

and he said " Mommy! " . (Then he grinned really BIG at me, knowi ng that he had

done something funny!)

It's been a long road, but that was the " mommy paycheck " I've been waiting so

many years for!

(Cary, NC)



[This message has been truncated.]

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, congratulations!! I can't imagine how happy you mustbe. My

son is non-verbal. He is just starting to break through the

apraxia. I start chelation tommorrow. I hope it is the answer for

my Jack. I am new to this list so I wonder what is your schedule

like. Thanks for the information nne

--- In egroups, " s " <persistentC@b...>


> Dear Friends,


> I wanted to share an experience today that just blew me away.


> We have been receiving funding from our county for some of the

services Kenny receives since 1998. Because of this, we have had a

social worker assigned to our family who regularly checks on his

progress and makes periodic visits to our home to see him.


> Last October our social worker had a baby, and she just returned to

work last week. (So far, baby has not received any vaccines -- does

anybody wonder why?!) Today she came out to visit us for the first

time since September.


> As a reminder, we started chelation the last week of July, so when

she went on maternity leave, I believe Kenny had completed three

cycles of chelation.

> He was still essentially non-verbal. (Of course, I had completely

forgotten that.)


> Tears of happiness were rolling down her cheeks today when she

heard him sing the ABC song, tell her his name is Kenny Lumsden

(yeah, that last name IS hard to pronounce!) and watched him count to

10 on his toes. She sat there amazed as I asked him all sorts of

questions that he answered.


> While I have been telling people that the results we have seen with

chelation are truly amazing, seeing her reaction today really hit

home with me, because it's not as if she's been gone all that long.


> And for those of you who remember me saying that I longed for the

day he would say " Mommy " ... This past weekend we had a training

workshop with our Verbal Behavior consultant. My husband, Mark, was

videotaping the session, and at one point when we were just talking

about techniques, Kenny went over to Mark and put his head on him

affectionately. I said " Kenny, who do you love? " and he said

" Mommy! " . (Then he grinned really BIG at me, knowing that he had

done something funny!)


> It's been a long road, but that was the " mommy paycheck " I've been

waiting so many years for!



> (Cary, NC)

> persistentC@b...

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Dear ,

Thank you for your wonderful reports. They give us all such hope!

Could you please share with us (I'm sure you have already but could you please do so again (-:) what your chelation regimen has been thus far? Are you low dosing the DMSA? Are you following the every-4-hour protocol? Have you begun using the ALA, yet? Do you feel that his supplementation has played a significant role in his improvement and if so, which supplements are you using? Is Kenny on any dietary interventions? Which one(s)? Is he sulfur and/or phenol sensitive? Geez, I certainly have piled on the homework, haven't I? It's just that your story inspires such a desire to give the same gift, the gift of speech, to my own daughter. I'd be immensely appreciative if you could share your methods.

Thank You Big Time!

[ ] Chelation progress

Dear Friends,

I wanted to share an experience today that just blew me away.

We have been receiving funding from our county for some of the services Kenny receives since 1998. Because of this, we have had a social worker assigned to our family who regularly checks on his progress and makes periodic visits to our home to see him.

Last October our social worker had a baby, and she just returned to work last week. (So far, baby has not received any vaccines -- does anybody wonder why?!) Today she came out to visit us for the first time since September.

As a reminder, we started chelation the last week of July, so when she went on maternity leave, I believe Kenny had completed three cycles of chelation.

He was still essentially non-verbal. (Of course, I had completely forgotten that.)

Tears of happiness were rolling down her cheeks today when she heard him sing the ABC song, tell her his name is Kenny Lumsden (yeah, that last name IS hard to pronounce!) and watched him count to 10 on his toes. She sat there amazed as I asked him all sorts of questions that he answered.

While I have been telling people that the results we have seen with chelation are truly amazing, seeing her reaction today really hit home with me, because it's not as if she's been gone all that long.

And for those of you who remember me saying that I longed for the day he would say "Mommy" ... This past weekend we had a training workshop with our Verbal Behavior consultant. My husband, Mark, was videotaping the session, and at one point when we were just talking about techniques, Kenny went over to Mark and put his head on him affectionately. I said "Kenny, who do you love?" and he said "Mommy!". (Then he grinned really BIG at me, knowing that he had done something funny!)

It's been a long road, but that was the "mommy paycheck" I've been waiting so many years for!

(Cary, NC)persistentC@...

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do you mind me asking again how old kenny is?



[ ] Chelation progress

Dear Friends,

I wanted to share an experience today that just blew me away.

We have been receiving funding from our county for some of the services Kenny receives since 1998. Because of this, we have had a social worker assigned to our family who regularly checks on his progress and makes periodic visits to our home to see him.

Last October our social worker had a baby, and she just returned to work last week. (So far, baby has not received any vaccines -- does anybody wonder why?!) Today she came out to visit us for the first time since September.

As a reminder, we started chelation the last week of July, so when she went on maternity leave, I believe Kenny had completed three cycles of chelation.

He was still essentially non-verbal. (Of course, I had completely forgotten that.)

Tears of happiness were rolling down her cheeks today when she heard him sing the ABC song, tell her his name is Kenny Lumsden (yeah, that last name IS hard to pronounce!) and watched him count to 10 on his toes. She sat there amazed as I asked him all sorts of questions that he answered.

While I have been telling people that the results we have seen with chelation are truly amazing, seeing her reaction today really hit home with me, because it's not as if she's been gone all that long.

And for those of you who remember me saying that I longed for the day he would say "Mommy" ... This past weekend we had a training workshop with our Verbal Behavior consultant. My husband, Mark, was videotaping the session, and at one point when we were just talking about techniques, Kenny went over to Mark and put his head on him affectionately. I said "Kenny, who do you love?" and he said "Mommy!". (Then he grinned really BIG at me, knowing that he had done something funny!)

It's been a long road, but that was the "mommy paycheck" I've been waiting so many years for!

(Cary, NC)persistentC@...

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Thanks for posting you update......I always enjoy reading them

Yes Dr. Laidler is the same one who posts here.


Baton Rouge

> I wanted to share our son's chelation progress, which we're


> excited about!, and also thank everyone on this list who takes


> time to share info and experiences. In addition to helping us


> a

> lot in a short amount of time, it helps some days to read posts


> other people who're having experiences similar to ours. We

feel less

> like we're living on a different planet then other people:)


> We're on our third round of DMSA only (50mg.for our 40lb son,

every 4

> hours). We're in awe at how much better he seems to feel

(he's SO

> happy, smiling, laughing at people's jokes). We didn't expect

to see

> progress right away the way we have, is it possible to remove


> quickly enough to see major progress this quickly? (Well, we


> verify the progress, just not sure of the exact cause.) I think I

> read

> that Dr. Laidler will be presenting at the DAN conference on


> effects of DMSA, besides removing metals, that might also be


> Is that the same Jim Laidler that posts to this list?


> When we started the first round of chelation Gavin could only

say Hi,

> Bye, Yeah, and some letters of the alphabet. (He can read

words, but

> up til now hasn't been able to say them, apraxia has been a big

> problem) Now it's as if he suddenly has the motivation to learn


> talk, (he's trying to say whole sentences, and while we're


> hearing the vowels yet, if he continues at this rate he will be

> expressing himself in sentences pretty soon!)


> The only side effect we've seen so far was a sort of twitch in


> eye

> during the first round. (we started with 25mg.) He had never


> that

> before, and it hasn't come back. Oh, and he does smell a little

> funny. I think it's a little like roast turkey, it's hard to

> describe. And his eyes are changing color, when he was little


> were very dark brown, closer to black (in retrospect I wonder if


> was actually dilated pupils...), now they're green/brown. I'm


> chelating myself, and my eyes keep changing shade too, it's

kind of

> weird.


> Does anyone else have a child who tends to drool a little


> allergy season? Would Transfer Factor possibly help with



> We haven't ruled out the possibility that we will see some side

> effects yet, in fact expect that to be part of the process, but so

> far

> it's been going great!

> Good luck everyone.

> W.

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Dear nne:

Could you post the perticulars about your son and the chelation schedule

(lbs, mg, how often, days on and off, etc.) Thanks

In Christ's love and mine...Jen : )

On Tue, 08 May 2001 14:17:17 -0000 marib005@... writes:

> Listmates,

> Just wanted to share my son Jack's progress since chelation. There


> are so many ways he seems more connected. What I do find amazing, a


> year ago Jack could only do 1 piece puzzles. After GF/cf he could

> do

> 6-7 piece puzzles, I started chelation in February. Jack after a

> few

> rounds was able to do 12-15 piece puzzles, matching against a

> picture. This past week Jack has done several 24 piece puzzles on

> his own, he wants to do them!!! I think it is amazing. He still is


> not talking but he is finally able to pay attention and is

> interested in more than just TV. He can say more syllables and can


> say some 2 syllable words. When I am out shopping with Jack in the


> cart. I give him a book and people have commented, " What a quiet

> little boy. " I use to get looks, " what is wrong with him " .

> This is so amazing. I feel, I am opening his world instead of

> forcing him to be in mine.

> Thanks to all, because without this group Jack would not be

> chelating!

> nne



> =======================================================


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Jack, 4, 42lbs, chelation schedule, friday at 6-Sunday as late as I

stay up, at least 10pm, ALA 25mg, DMSA 50mg, every 3-4 hrs, I try 3

during the day, definitely 4 at night. I also supplement b-complex

4x's a day, c4x's,e 1x, zinc 4x's (2 x's during chelation), flax oil

1 teaspoon a day, calcium 1x a day, milk thistle 2 x a day and

acidophilos, every day. I am wondering if I should try the N-acetyl

Cysteine. I have it but it does seem contraversial. I started with

ALA alone. I also just started Jack on acyclovir, that seemed to

make Jack communicate more (not with langauge), pulling me around for

things. I only used it for a week but it seemed to bring about

different changes from the chelation. Or it can all be from the

chelation. I'm not sure. But so far, the chelation is a very good



> Dear nne:


> Could you post the perticulars about your son and the chelation


> (lbs, mg, how often, days on and off, etc.) Thanks


> In Christ's love and mine...Jen : )


> On Tue, 08 May 2001 14:17:17 -0000 marib005@h... writes:

> > Listmates,

> > Just wanted to share my son Jack's progress since chelation.


> >

> > are so many ways he seems more connected. What I do find

amazing, a

> >

> > year ago Jack could only do 1 piece puzzles. After GF/cf he


> > do

> > 6-7 piece puzzles, I started chelation in February. Jack after a

> > few

> > rounds was able to do 12-15 piece puzzles, matching against a

> > picture. This past week Jack has done several 24 piece puzzles


> > his own, he wants to do them!!! I think it is amazing. He still


> >

> > not talking but he is finally able to pay attention and is

> > interested in more than just TV. He can say more syllables and


> >

> > say some 2 syllable words. When I am out shopping with Jack in


> >

> > cart. I give him a book and people have commented, " What a quiet

> > little boy. " I use to get looks, " what is wrong with him " .

> > This is so amazing. I feel, I am opening his world instead of

> > forcing him to be in mine.

> > Thanks to all, because without this group Jack would not be

> > chelating!

> > nne

> >

> >

> > =======================================================

> >

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

You may consider boosting your son's liver function to handle the detox process

with more energy and efficiency. While there are many herbal products, the best

one I have seen is a combination of cynarin [from artichoke] and sarsaparilla

combo. Skin conditions usually resolve when hepatic function returns to optimal


Looks like you are over-joyed at the results so far!

Mike Menkes, LMT

mwendt@... wrote: Our son recently completed his 7th round of

chelation with DMSA every

4 hours, and I wanted to share his progress! He's 4 yrs old, and his

dose has been 80 mg..

Here's the positive things we've seen during and (mostly) after the

last 3-4 rounds: Our son started writing! the alphabet, short words,

and numbers 1-10. This floored us as he'd never written anything by

himself before. He writes equally well with both hands. He's started

responding to smiles from us, returning a smile, and his facial

expressions are just more " there " . He's started eating several new

fruits and vegetables (including lettuce!). We thought we'd never


the day, since he's been mostly a (GF) toast and water boy for quite


while. He's working so hard at processing what we say to him, and

mostly succeeding at 2 step requests. And, finally, he's trying to

imitate speech! (Imitating on request and spontaneously) He's had

terrible problems with apraxia, and we're going to have a long road


help him catch up his expressive language, but we think he's going to

be OK. I can't even write those words without getting choked up,

because we really didn't think so until recently. If you're just

starting out with chelation, please don't give up or rule it out, the

results can be so incredibly worth all the work. In fact, it has

stopped seeming like work to us now, we just look forward to


a new cycle because he's progressing so well. Sleep? Who needs it.


Anyway, on the negative side, he's tired during the chelation, and

for a day or so after the cycle ends. During cycle 6 we saw the


of an old enemy, the circular red chest rash (like ringworm, but not

raised or scabby). We hadn't seen this rash since he was an infant.

(at 2 weeks, 4mths, 6mths). We've seen more frustration, but only

what's to be expected because he's trying so hard to talk. He's

learning to speak English " foreign language " style, but without a

first language to compare it to. I'm very proud of him.

That's about it for negatives. Gavin's been taking (extensive)

supplements since he was 2.5, and I feel this has somewhat " prepped "

him for the chelation.

Thanks to everyone who shares information and ideas on this list, it

has helped us out enormously. Good luck everyone!


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It is soooo good to hear about your son's progress. I do have one

question. Are you giving him 80mg of DMSA every four hours? Thanks.


mwendt@... wrote:


> Our son recently completed his 7th round of chelation with DMSA every

> 4 hours, and I wanted to share his progress! He's 4 yrs old, and his

> dose has been 80 mg..

> Here's the positive things we've seen during and (mostly) after the

> last 3-4 rounds: Our son started writing! the alphabet, short words,

> and numbers 1-10. This floored us as he'd never written anything by

> himself before. He writes equally well with both hands. He's started

> responding to smiles from us, returning a smile, and his facial

> expressions are just more " there " . He's started eating several new

> fruits and vegetables (including lettuce!). We thought we'd never

> see

> the day, since he's been mostly a (GF) toast and water boy for quite

> a

> while. He's working so hard at processing what we say to him, and

> mostly succeeding at 2 step requests. And, finally, he's trying to

> imitate speech! (Imitating on request and spontaneously) He's had

> terrible problems with apraxia, and we're going to have a long road

> to

> help him catch up his expressive language, but we think he's going to

> be OK. I can't even write those words without getting choked up,

> because we really didn't think so until recently. If you're just

> starting out with chelation, please don't give up or rule it out, the

> results can be so incredibly worth all the work. In fact, it has

> stopped seeming like work to us now, we just look forward to

> starting

> a new cycle because he's progressing so well. Sleep? Who needs it.

> :)

> Anyway, on the negative side, he's tired during the chelation, and

> for a day or so after the cycle ends. During cycle 6 we saw the

> return

> of an old enemy, the circular red chest rash (like ringworm, but not

> raised or scabby). We hadn't seen this rash since he was an infant.

> (at 2 weeks, 4mths, 6mths). We've seen more frustration, but only

> what's to be expected because he's trying so hard to talk. He's

> learning to speak English " foreign language " style, but without a

> first language to compare it to. I'm very proud of him.

> That's about it for negatives. Gavin's been taking (extensive)

> supplements since he was 2.5, and I feel this has somewhat " prepped "

> him for the chelation.

> Thanks to everyone who shares information and ideas on this list, it

> has helped us out enormously. Good luck everyone!



> =======================================================


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Yes, 80 mg. every 4 hours. We are going to reduce the amount next

cycle 'though; it's probably a little higher than necessary.

We're going to go back to 50 mg., and go one more round before

adding ALA. We plan on starting with 5 mg. (ALA)

> >

> > Our son recently completed his 7th round of chelation with DMSA


> > 4 hours, and I wanted to share his progress!

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I am happy for your progress. What I would like to know is have you done any

urine tests to see what is coming out. This information would be critically

important because I have seen cases in which a child improved dramatically on

DMSA but there were no heavy metals coming out at all. Thus the improvements

were due to some other effect of DMSA (for example on gut flora). On the

other hand in other cases, large amounts of heavy metals are being removed.

In either case if DMSA is not directly affecting the brain, one would suspect

an effect on the gut. I would be interested in any urine results you may have.



Sokolski, M.D.

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Guest guest

> I am happy for your progress. What I would like to know is have you

done any

> urine tests to see what is coming out. This information would be


> important because I have seen cases in which a child improved

dramatically on

> DMSA but there were no heavy metals coming out at all. Thus the


> were due to some other effect of DMSA (for example on gut flora).

On the

> other hand in other cases, large amounts of heavy metals are being


> In either case if DMSA is not directly affecting the brain, one

would suspect

> an effect on the gut. I would be interested in any urine results

you may have.

> Thanks.

> Sincerely,

> Sokolski, M.D.

Dear Dr.

We are chelating our three year old son, (PDDNOS)- 9 heavy metals

present. Mercury the highest. We have only doone four rounds at half

dose of DMSA. So far. And are awaiting test results....

We are seeing GOOD progress. We are also using different

supplements...Including Probiotics for gut bugs....

I would be more than happy to share with you the results of our

testing when it comes back....

We just started chelating in April this year... and our son is Has

better eye contact, playing with books and toys again, Happier, and

much healthier than four in a half months ago....

We see progress with each round. Currently, Bladder control seems to

be the thing that is improving. Defiantly from round four. We finish

round five tommorrow.


mother to Spencer 3 yrs. PDDNOS, NOrth Dakota

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This is also an ad, although in this case, note that Mike tries

to " hide " the ad and appear objective by talking about the INGREDIENTS

that are in his product without ever mentioning the product, the product

name, etc.

Another clue is that his post has very little connection to the post he

is responding to--- there are just a few words MENTIONING a skin rash.

No request for help, no complaint about it, just reporting it. The

overall purpose of the prior post seems to be to encourage parents

to look into chelation. Mike uses it as an opportunity to advertise

(somewhat covertly).


At 06:44 AM 7/3/2001 -0700, you wrote:


> You may consider boosting your son's liver function to handle the detox

process with more energy and efficiency. While there are many herbal

products, the best one I have seen is a combination of cynarin [from

artichoke] and sarsaparilla combo. Skin conditions usually resolve when

hepatic function returns to optimal capacity.

>Looks like you are over-joyed at the results so far!

>Mike Menkes, LMT


> mwendt@... wrote: Our son recently completed his 7th round of

chelation with DMSA every

>4 hours, and I wanted to share his progress! He's 4 yrs old, and his

>dose has been 80 mg..

>Here's the positive things we've seen during and (mostly) after the

>last 3-4 rounds: Our son started writing! the alphabet, short words,

>and numbers 1-10. This floored us as he'd never written anything by

>himself before. He writes equally well with both hands. He's started

>responding to smiles from us, returning a smile, and his facial

>expressions are just more " there " . He's started eating several new

>fruits and vegetables (including lettuce!). We thought we'd never


>the day, since he's been mostly a (GF) toast and water boy for quite


>while. He's working so hard at processing what we say to him, and

>mostly succeeding at 2 step requests. And, finally, he's trying to

>imitate speech! (Imitating on request and spontaneously) He's had

>terrible problems with apraxia, and we're going to have a long road


>help him catch up his expressive language, but we think he's going to

>be OK. I can't even write those words without getting choked up,

>because we really didn't think so until recently. If you're just

>starting out with chelation, please don't give up or rule it out, the

>results can be so incredibly worth all the work. In fact, it has

>stopped seeming like work to us now, we just look forward to


>a new cycle because he's progressing so well. Sleep? Who needs it.


>Anyway, on the negative side, he's tired during the chelation, and

>for a day or so after the cycle ends. During cycle 6 we saw the


>of an old enemy, the circular red chest rash (like ringworm, but not

>raised or scabby). We hadn't seen this rash since he was an infant.

>(at 2 weeks, 4mths, 6mths). We've seen more frustration, but only

>what's to be expected because he's trying so hard to talk. He's

>learning to speak English " foreign language " style, but without a

>first language to compare it to. I'm very proud of him.

>That's about it for negatives. Gavin's been taking (extensive)

>supplements since he was 2.5, and I feel this has somewhat " prepped "

>him for the chelation.

>Thanks to everyone who shares information and ideas on this list, it

>has helped us out enormously. Good luck everyone!







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  • 6 months later...

, That is such wonderful and encouraging news about the progress of

your son. My six year old son has finished 6 rounds of chelation and

we're becoming so discouraged! We have not really seen any huge gains.

Maybe some little ones. We're doing the DMSA and ALA on an 8 hr. dosing

schedule. The first 4-5 rounds we'd see bad behavior and hyperactivity

for a few days and then he became really calm for awhile. This last round

he's been terrible all week! (five days) We did stop the NAC and

Melatonin as I felt it may be contributing to his hyperactivity. Sorry to

ramble I just need some encouragement to continue. He had tin and lead

coming out after round five. His arsenic level also went down from 776 to

35! I'd think we'd see some progress by now. Could you just briefly tell

me what schedule you used and how long it took before you saw real

results? Thank you. l



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