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I especially hate it when mothers of other autistic parents look at me as if

I have 4 heads becuase I am chelating my son. They avoid me like the plague

for " believing this nonsense and not toxicollogists, neuroligist, etc. I

only hope that they open their minds in time to help their children.


p.s. where can I get the mothering magazine article. Is the issue still out?

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Tell them you refuse to make a human sacrifice of your son at the

Altar of the omniescent physician. Ask them how many progress reports

you should print out from the " love letters " file to get them

convinced to help their kid even if the doctors don't want to.


> I especially hate it when mothers of other autistic parents look at

me as if

> I have 4 heads becuase I am chelating my son. They avoid me like

the plague

> for " believing this nonsense and not toxicollogists, neuroligist,

etc. I

> only hope that they open their minds in time to help their children.


> Holly


> p.s. where can I get the mothering magazine article. Is the issue

still out?






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Yes, the March/April issue is on newsstands now. The article in the

magazine is much different than the one on their website (which is

ironic considering the article's subject matter.)

> I especially hate it when mothers of other autistic parents look at

me as if

> I have 4 heads becuase I am chelating my son. They avoid me like

the plague

> for " believing this nonsense and not toxicollogists, neuroligist,

etc. I

> only hope that they open their minds in time to help their children.


> Holly


> p.s. where can I get the mothering magazine article. Is the issue

still out?

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In a message dated 3/9/2002 3:54:50 AM Eastern Standard Time, inticci@...


> I especially hate it when mothers of other autistic parents look at me as if


> I have 4 heads becuase I am chelating my son. They avoid me like the

> plague

> for " believing this nonsense and not toxicollogists, neuroligist, etc. I

> only hope that they open their minds in time to help their children.

I also hate it when people assume that they are right, and the rest of the

world is wrong. I do have an open mind, and I am not currently chelating my

son. I remain open to the idea and continue to research the option. However,

I am not convinced that chelation will help my son. I think the mindset that

anyone who is parenting an autistic child and is not chelating them is doing

less than you are to help their children is the " pot calling the kettle

black " . I have chosen a different path from you, Holly...and my son is making

great strides. Best of luck to you and everyone on this list...just keep in

mind that we all want the best for our children and we may choose different

ways to achieve that. I'm sorry that you have encountered other parents that

have made you feel the way you do....

A fellow parent,


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> I especially hate it when mothers of other autistic parents look at me as



> I have 4 heads becuase I am chelating my son. They avoid me like the

> plague

> for " believing this nonsense and not toxicollogists, neuroligist, etc. I

> only hope that they open their minds in time to help their children.

I am so sick of " the look " from any and everyone when my 4 year old daughter

Jenna does something that autistic kids do, (eat sand, lick a non-food item,

say " Ah! Ah! Ah! " ). Helpful comments like " She's eating SAND! " No sh*t,

even though I'm standing 5 feet from her I didn't see that. " You should

make her use her WORDS " . Oh, what a great idea! I hadn't thought of that.

I had a woman at the rehab center (where my daughter receives speech

services) tell me that Jenna was " a very rude child " when she pushed by her

to get to the play area. " Hel-lo. The sign says RE-HAB, not center for the

socially gifted " .

All of the different things we have tried (including GFCF diet, supplements,

brushing, Floor Time, ABA, DTT) have had their share of supporters and

detractors. If it works for your child that's all that matters. I try

never to judge other parents because I have no idea what their struggles are

and what their situation is.

When I get " the look " these days I try to ignore it. Maybe I'm getting

thick skinned. It still makes me mad, especially when they make comments

because I think it sends a message to my children (2 of which are NT) that

staring at or drawing attention to other people's differences is acceptable.

When " the look " comes from other parents of special needs children it's

especially harmful. We need to hold each other up rather than tear each

other down. This journey is hard enough without us adding to each other's



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  • 1 year later...
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As far as the plantar fscitis it sure does seem to be a common thing

in implant illness, I think that allot of it has to do with the

inflammation settling into those spots on the body, just my own

theory of course. I never had foot problems till after implants, it

started almost right away too! It sucks. Anyhow I still have it, but

keep it at bay with orthotics that I wear almost all the time. It

sucks sometimes but better than to be in pain. I have gotten so much

better now that I can wear heels for short periods of time. Anyhow I

too have had those shots, they suck but they did get me over the hump.

As for body fat, I am really pretty lean and at 19% and of course if

you look at the charts 19% is considered very athletic esp in the age

group I am, 38 years old. I want to take it to the next level, but my

main issue is with food, I love to eat, not only that but when you

train hard like I do it is tough because you get so damned hungry.

Anyhow I will keep you all posted on how low I can get it, and then

decide if it is even worth it ya know. I don't think I would want to

be 15% I think 16-17 would be ideal for me. I am a size 3 right now

so I don't want to have to shop in childrens clothing ha ha. Anyhow,

we will see what happens. Try to get those implants out then you can

start to worry more about your weight and fitness levels.

good luck

In , " cricket5642000 "

<cricket5642000@y...> wrote:

> It is hard to believe how many systoms we all have the same.

> I didn't think the plantars fascitis had anything to do with my

> implants until recently. Mine was really bad, could hardly walk in

> the mornings. Both feet were affected. This started appox. a month

> after being inplanted. Went to the foot doctor and he told me what

> I had and than............took a giant needle and stabed my heel

> with coritzone. ouhhhhhhhhhhh. the worst part was knowing I had

> another heel. Didn't do a thing. I suffered for months and than I

> went to the Good feet store and got there supports for my shoes.

> They really did help. But If I didn't wear them all the time my


> would act up again. Since explant I have noticed a big difference

> in my feet. With all my other aches and pains I didn't relize that

> my feet didn't hurt like they did. I think maybe the tendon must

> have been affected by my implants, and now that there

> gone ?????????????

> Or it could just be that the plantars fascitis got better because

> thats just how it works. I have been told that it can go away just

> as fast as it came on. Don't know.


> About my body fat. 11% was to low. Not a good Idea for women. I

> did not stay there very long. I liked my body fat at about 15%.

> This is where I stayed for so many years. God Would hate to know

> what I'm at now.

> Im guessing by my weight 34%.


> Colleen

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  • 4 years later...

The books you have on your profile, is there any way to purchase this

book? I don't have enough ink right now to print it all out and due to

neck pain, sitting time at this computer is very limited. I don't do

well holding papers or books either but I can get further that way.

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The ink cost might be cheaper than buying all 4 books...but up to

you...yes, the author has the books for sale as well.

He made it either way because this was such an important issue and

wanted everyone to have access in whatever way worked for them, just

an example of how giving love works in all things, even in giving out

the information.

Because I'm adding this link, so it will not be considered spam, this

link also goes to the free online versions, a forum, letters, and

audio conversations to listen to on this subject of using and sending


Love D~


--- In , " dovetouched " <hisalone@...>



> The books you have on your profile, is there any way to purchase this

> book? I don't have enough ink right now to print it all out and due to

> neck pain, sitting time at this computer is very limited. I don't do

> well holding papers or books either but I can get further that way.


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here is a back up link to the site


> >

> > The books you have on your profile, is there any way to purchase this

> > book? I don't have enough ink right now to print it all out and due to

> > neck pain, sitting time at this computer is very limited. I don't do

> > well holding papers or books either but I can get further that way.

> >


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  • 6 months later...
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Hi Leonie,

We're just starting low and going slow with the Minocin just to see

how she goes. We did a three week gut detox following a Mediherb

protocol before starting Minocin. We're currently using 2 probiotics,

Metagenics Probex and Ultra Flora Restore taken away from the

antibiotic and will continue with Intestamine from Bioceuticals for

added gut protection also taken away from the antibiotic. We're

trying to get our hands on Wobenzym that might help lessen

inflammation, looks like a good product, but will need to bring it in

from the US. She also takes high dose fish oil 2X2/day to dampen

inflammation, Calcium/Magnesium 2x2/day for osteoporosis, Vitmain E

500IU with Selenium for inflammation and CoQ10 1X2/day for fatigue.

Kind regards,


rheumatic , " leonie cent " <leoniecent@...> wrote:


> Hi ,


> Just wondering, is there any reason why the antibiotics are taken

on Friday and Monday ? I'm about to start on the minocin too.


> What about pro-biotics ? Do you have any advice on the best brand

or course of action in that regard ?


> Best,

> Leonie




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Hi there, Wobenzym is very expensive as it is generally imported from

Germany.You can find digestive enzymes with the exact same elements and

many even better.The enzymes work alone to reduce inflamation but if

taken with a meal help enormously with digestion.I have leaky

gut,systemic yeast on a regular basis,an acidic system,diverticulitis

and celiac which is the reason I got sick with this darned SD.I would

not ever give up the enzymes as with them,severe diet and probiotics I

finally have control of things . Lynne G./SD

> >>>We're trying to get our hands on Wobenzym that might help lessen

> inflammation, looks like a good product, but will need to bring it in

> from the US.<<<


> Hi ,


> I started using a product called, " Neprinol, " during the fall

> (www.neprinol.net). It's pretty expensive, so I changed over to just

> using serrapeptase and nattokinase by " Doctor's Best " . There is some

> good info on the sites about Neprinol, though, and the actions of

> proteolytic enzymes for reducing inflammation...of which you will

> already be aware, I'm sure! Just thought to pass along this info, as

> these enzymes are supposed to be very good for reducing cardio CRP,

> breaking up excess fibrin, reducing inflammation, etc.


> The only downside I found with Wobenzyme is that to garner its

> anti-inflammatory benefits, it's suggested it be taken well away from

> food. In my own case and I found it caused acid reflux. Might you be

> able to find nattokinanse and serrapeptase more locally and cheaply in

> Auz, too?


> Peace, Maz



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