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Dear ,

i am very glad to hear your story on being pregnant with and having , your Amazing & Miracle baby, :) & the Emotional Trauma that you have gone through, :( in order to embrace your natural maternal instincts....i know of someone who cried, each time her period comes...so sad, isn't it.

As far as i know, a woman's biological clock starts ticking away, and the chances decline sharply, after the age of 36.

A friend of mine, whose Menstrual Periods comes only either about once or twice a year only...but lucky her, she got pregnant twice, but did not know of it, until like you, much much later.

Since we are at this subject, i would like to share with you, something that i've read in a Health article about the formation of sperms, in answer to a man who was trying to have kids for the past 10 years, and it was said that in the US, The National Health Institute said that male infertility is 40%.

Anyway, just to share on, how difficult it is for a sperm to mature...the Odds of having children, answered by a doctor :-

Sperm development is also called "spermatogenesis (genesis=formation). It takes place in the seminiferous tubules of your testicles. Cells divide to finally produce mature sperm cells (spermatozoa) that contain 23 chromosomes each.

Each spermatogenesis cycle has about 6 stages. The duration of each cycle is about 16 days. Five cycles are need to produce one mature sperm. Therefore, the development of a mature sperm can take up to 74 days. The mature spermatozoa have then to be delivered from the germinal epithelium of the testis through the duct system (requiring an additional 12 days)

Therefore it takes 86 days at the minimum for a complete spermatogenetic cycle from spermatogenetic cycle from spermatogonium to mature spermatozoa or else the male would be shooting blanks!

It goes on to say to wear loose boxer shorts, instead of tight fitting underwear (briefs), b'coz sperms need a cooler temperature to stay alive.....also medication like anti-hypertensive drugs and anti-depressant will affect the sperms.

BTW, is anyone is having problems trying to conceive after 2 years of unprotected copulation, please ask the Man to take the sperm/semen analysis first, as one of my female friend underwent lots of tests to see why she was infertile, but in the end, although she had a prolactin problem which was too high (which was then corrected by a type of medication), and finally when her hubby went for testing and found out that, at first, all of his sperms were not alive, so the doctor thought that there was a mistake, so ordered the second time around, but then found that he had only a few sperms only wriggling about.

According to the AIH (Artificial Insemination by Husband), or IVF, the minimum amount needed by the hospital to try, are 6 million sperms.

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."- lin (\__/) (='.'=) (")_(")

----- Original Message -----


Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 1:55 PM

Subject: [] Re: You Are Amazing!

Sorry guys I misspelled You in the subject line of my original post. That just bugs the heck outta me!!!Alice, you're so right - and it just boggles my mind how much of amiracle conception and birth really is. Add on top of that the factthat I tried to get pregnant for 21 years when I was married to myex-husband, had surgery twice and had been told twice by two differentdoctors that I would never conceive! I never gave up - but it neverhappened. We adopted a son, he is 24 now. We divorced and then I met, fell in love, and I told him for 1 1/2 years that there was noneed for birth control cause I couldn't get pregnant. In 1999, afterbeing sick for months and attributing it to stress and maybe menopausecoming a little early (I was 41 at the time), I finally went to thedoctor only to find out I was FIVE months pregnant. The last 4 monthsof being pregnant were the happiest, most wonderful 4 months I've everexperienced. I wouldn't trade even a moment of it - morning sicknessand all! When I was 8-9 months pregnant I could lay in bed at nightand me and would actually watch turn over and roll fromone side of my stomach to the other. It was so amazing to me. Such amiracle. I don't listen to doctors much anymore. LOLI love telling that story. Every breath is a miracle. We are sogloriously and wondrously created. I am so grateful for the miracleof life!!! And my is without a doubt so absolutely AMAZING!!Love to you all,http://www.myspace.com/rarebreezehttp://www.myspace.com/asundayinjunehttp://www.myspace.com/dnjazzhttp://www.intentionalone.comhttp://intentionalone.com/yabb/YaBB.pl*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~"Breathe deep, walk slow, hold tight to those you love, for the sun issetting and it will be over so fast." -- Ken Pierpont

--- In

Dear ,Just to share, (as i have gone for a seminar on Artificial Insemination), the chances of conception is only 15% per love-making, and out of the 30 million sperms (it had dropped from 60 million, b'coz of pollution), the only one that is the strongest & that swims the fastest, that makes it to fertilize a baby, not to mention that the sperms live for 3 days inside the body, whilst the human egg lives for one day only during ovulation <ahem...you probably learned that in Biology, but i didn't, i took Commercial Studies...:)>...So that really means that You are truly Amazing, One in Millions, and that each Human Being is truly Unique & is indeed a Miracle.i've worked in a Hospital before, & there are so many patients there who are unable to conceive, so they resort to Artificial Insemination, which cost them thousand of dollars, and it subjects them to ingest tablets (subject to contacting Cancer, if they do not conceive on it) or having injections (which causes nausea & a host of emotions like the Pre-Menstrual Tensions...headaches, irritability,etc) for a period of about 5 days to a week, prelude to their ovulation & after that, both spouses have to be "hard-working" at nite...they are indeed very pitiful to be subjected to this, and also most of them are not successful in their attempts...some are lucky and some are not, as the success rate is very low.Just wanted to say, how Lucky all of you are, in having conceived naturally, & for those who have difficulty in conceiving, don't worry, there is help.BTW, if you are having trouble conceiving, one of the reasons is that maybe of you is too Stressed, as one of the doctors once said to me, that he goes on a vacation, to conceive a child...therefore, try relaxation & meditation, or if all fails, seek help for healing, from Humanity Healing.Thanks , for sharing this, and thanks to the Higher Being/Power/God for, " It breathes for you, fights off viruses, circulates your blood, cleanses your blood, swallows, heals, grows hair, nails, and so much more without you even thinking about it. & And don't forget the most amazing thing about you which is your true spiritual nature. You are an eternal energy filled with boundless love and light. Just touch your soul, it feels like sky-like spaciousness, eternal presence, and pure love. Wow!"> > > With Lurve,> > Alice

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