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yep! yep! and yep! exactly, completely, absolutely.

What the hell did I do????

I think I've made 5 pots of coffee in 10 years. This coming from

someone who drinks 55 gallon drums of it everyday [ok, just saw all

the eyebrows lift...shhhhhhhh]. There is always a pot on, and

keeps them made, and more times than not, she brings it to me.

Nothing I ever would have expected, and really still don't, but I am

truly amazed, still, every time I finish a cup and look to the kitchen

to see a new fresh pot just finished dripping full. What the hell did

I do?

" Dam that woman is something else " .

It amazes me how she tirelessly and always copies all of my mail and

writings to some special file on her computer. Maybe it's because

after I'm dead and gone she can gather it all up and publish the

" works of a demented mind " , and retire to the south seas. If and when

I do publish, it will be because of her loving support and insights.

It amazes me when she picks a moment to tell me how much she loves me

and it would rival any such scene Hollywood ever imagined to create.

I've often wondered " what the hell did I do " ...to get this lucky, then

I shut up, just in case someone got it wrong and I received the wrong

one by mistake...shhhhhh.

Of course, I'm still truly amazed by some of the mail I get where

something I wrote seemed to have made some real and important

difference for someone. What can you do but set back and just stare at

the screen...it can be overwhelming to say the least.

Of course, I'm amazed when wakes up, comes and pushes the laptop

out of her way and climbs up in my lap, lays her head on my shoulder

and tells me she loves me. " What the hell did I do to deserve this " .

I am truly amazed by all of you.....

Love D~


> Put the Spark Back in Your Relationship

> Posted by Dr. Berman

> on Mon, Sep 10, 2007, 11:46 am PDT

> Post a Comment

> View all 367 Comments »

> Maintaining a healthy and happy relationship is not always an easy

feat. Great relationships take work. Even the most compatible of

lovebirds will encounter cold spells and roadblocks on their journey

to " happily ever after. "

> Fortunately, there are a few simple things you can do to help ensure

the success of your relationship:


> a.. Weekly date night: By now, most couples have heard about the

" weekly date night " rule. But how many of you have actually taken this

advice to heart? Chances are, you tried it once or twice...but then

soon abandoned it in the face of kids, errands, and other priorities.

Recommit to this relationship rule. You and your spouse need this time

to talk, share, and bond. If you are short on time or cash, at least

be sure to spend an hour or two together. Take a walk around the

neighborhood, or share a few glasses of wine in your backyard. Just be

sure to enjoy your spouse without distractions at least once a week.

> b.. Vacation, no kids allowed: While weekly date nights are a

great way to begin increasing intimacy, women often need more than

just a couple of hours a week in order to truly de-stress and focus on

their loved one. Since women are multitaskers, it can be hard for them

to disengage completely from their many responsibilities. This is

where vacations come into play! Recent studies have found that couples

who take just one vacation a year see vast improvement in their

relationships. Use your vacation to break away from your day-to-day

routine. Relax with your partner and revive your relationship.

However, there is one caveat to keep in mind: No kids! You need to

enjoy quality adult time. Hire a babysitter or call in a favor with

the grandparents -- no guilt allowed!

> c.. I love you, times four: For most couples, saying the words " I

love you " can become routine. Rediscover the importance of these three

little words by remembering to say them at least four times a day. And

don't just repeat them ad nauseam! Find new, exciting, or even funny

ways to spout your love for your partner. Try slipping a note in his

lunch bag, tracing it in the bathroom mirror after a hot shower, or

even just whispering it to her first thing in the morning!

> d.. The ten-second kiss: When was the last time you kissed your

spouse? Really, truly, passionately kissed them? Chances are, it's

been awhile! However, kissing is a special and important way for you

to bond with your partner. Make the time to kiss your partner for 10

seconds every single day. It is bound to feel unnatural at first, but

this is just a tool to get you back in the habit of kissing your

partner. Before long, you will find that kissing has become a

spontaneous and fun part of your relationship again!

> e.. Voice three appreciations to each other: What do you

appreciate about your partner? Is he a good father? Is she a great

listener? Does he always remember to empty the dishwasher? Does she

always have a cup of coffee waiting for you in the morning? No matter

what you appreciate about your partner, be it large or small, make

sure to voice it! I challenge all of my readers: Tell your partner 3

things you appreciate about them. Make sure to be specific - instead

of saying, " I appreciate you for being a good father, " say " I

appreciate when you read to the kids before bed. " Your partner will be

blown away by your love and approval!

> Now that I have given you some of my tips for a happy relationship,

discuss with your loved one what's already working in your

relationship and share that with each other...and all the rest of us!

What are your tried-and-true tips for a loving relationship?




> Get Dr. Berman's customized advice for you:

> Free Assessment


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