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The World in Which We Live

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A guy is sitting in a restaurant ordering..

and the waiter says,

" Will that be mad cow beef, hormone chicken, or the

mercury fish? "

The customer says,

" ummm.. I think I will go for the vegetarian dish. "

The waiter says, " Pesticides or hepatitis? "

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> A guy is sitting in a restaurant ordering..


> and the waiter says,


> " Will that be mad cow beef, hormone chicken, or the

> mercury fish? "


> The customer says,


> " ummm.. I think I will go for the vegetarian dish. "


> The waiter says, " Pesticides or hepatitis? "





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  • 2 years later...

The World in Which We LiveThe World in Which We Live~thoughts of the day We are living in a world that is in so much need of healing and repair~People, places, conditions and things that are in dire need of healing and repair~The world in which we live is becoming a breeding ground~for fear, brutality, pain, and disease ~there is endless anguish of anxiety, separation, disconnection, confusion, isolation~ alongside the toxic over indulgence of ego, greed, corruption, materialism, addictions, and dangerous ignorance. All of these patterns of misuse and abuse~are keeping us in holding patterns of denial and unworthiness~This is now the time to embrace all that has been dishonored or denied, for it is emerging to be purified and sanctified. Accountability is required on all levels of our existence. The cosmic climate is changing at rapid rates, allowing us to now to shed patterns of fear and limitation~By using the ancient sciences of focused prayer and intention, these toxic matters of invisible influences~that are influencing Global Consciousness~shall be transformed back into the light of creation~More than ever, the polarities and the imbalances within each of us is becoming healed and transformed into a higher vibration~Each of us is becoming clearer as to our mission and intention~to spread the light of healing and love upon our earth walk that we do~We are evolving into illuminated and evolved Beings of Light Energy~and many of us are just coming around to the realization~that we create the reality around us in order for us to explore and experience existence~Thru the process of our exploration~our experiences become deeply interwoven into the fabric of life~and we are setting the events forglobal evolutionary events of profound magnificence~We are living and playing on a staging ground~known as planet earth~And many of us have gathered here~from all over the galaxy~ We have gathered for the purpose of providing the major keys to solving the planetary crisis at this time in history~and one of the first keys to recognize~is that humanity has essentially developed a collective fear of their Powers to create~ This pattern of fear and denial~has become ingrained within the blueprints of consciousness~ The essence of our power is to help in the transformation process~ for the people of this world~We are here to awaken the dynamic energies~ that are stored within the blueprints of consciousness~but these patterns of empowerment lay in stages of dormancy and decay~because there are not enough people who use these abilities~This knowledge lays buried under the surface of limitations~Because something can not be seen with visual awareness~does not mean that it does not exist~The ancestors made sure~that the Powers of the people were buried~so that the eyes of greed~ could never touch it~and our ancestors knew that there would come a day~when we would remember~A day when our memories of power would be uncovered~and the days are coming ~ when it will be time~to uncover the truth~ and reclaim what is rightfully ours~We contribute to energizing the collective experiencethrough the process of visualization, telepathy and dreaming~We exist within an infinite web of information that is constantly being exchanged on a cellular level~This exchange of information is readily transferable thru the unconscious tide of telepathic union of thought ~An exchange with those who share a commonality of the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies~There will be a transference or sparking of energy~ between certain Souls of likeness~that will help to spark the flame of Divine Inheritance~within each of these Divine Soul energies~ Thru unity of Prayers and unity of thought~we will help to release unwanted baggage ~ held within our mental, physical and emotional vehicles~We will release attitudes, beliefs and programming that have held humanity in states of denial, unworthiness and insecurities~We will no longer tolerate misuse, abuse, control or manipulation~We will step strongly into our Powers as co-creative individuals~and our thoughts shall unite in Global Unity~We will not accomplish this thru aggression or violence~We will accomplish our mission and intention~ thru the Powers of the mind~And this will be done thru focus, intention and visualization~United in thoughts and prayers~ we shall become a Powerful force of manifestation~ Love, beauty, passion, exuberance, and compassion~will begin to permeate this world~ Patterns of co-creation, community support, and healing will shine through and around us, illuminating the spirited grace of our true and Divine nature. The time has is becoming ripe~to fertilize our seeds of Empowerment~ The Emergence of our Empowered Potential~is presenting itself to each and every one of us~ready to be acknowledged and claimed~We must activate our hidden potential~by looking to into our own body,our own mental attitude, and our own own heart energy~and begin to feel our unique connection and expression ~of our Divine Potential~We will begin to hear and follow the guidance of intuition~which calls to us in every interaction of our lives~We will surrender into the natural flow of life's timing~and follow the universal frequency of divine synchronization~We shall transcend language barriers~as we develop tools of synchronization, unification, and telepathic development and abilities~ We agreed to come forth into a human vehicle~for the purpose of sparking full activation of the human DNA ~There are symbolic geometrical formulation codes~which make up the Sacred Languages of Light ~By using certain sound formulation codes thru the ancient sciences of focused prayer and intentionwe will begin to activate our genetic potential ~that is stored within our human DNA~This process of activation~will allow us to accomplish and manifest Planetary healing and restoration.At the present time many people are totally clueless as to what is happening in the world around them~And then there are others~ who are searching for ways to turn it on~"""`TURN IT ON""""You are powerful and creative Being of Light~It is time to awaken and turn your light on~You are the creator of your reality~It is time to awaken~~~awaken to our true God Reality....Time to turn on~ the creative abilities that lie within you~you, you you and you~Time to turn on co-creative powers that lay in states of dormancy~deep with the the core of our Soul potential~It has been foretold and pre-ordained~ that we will be able to transmute the problems of our 3rd dimensional physical reality~ by utilizing our own stored and internal technology of our Divine Inheritance~This internal technology are codes held withinthe genetics of the human DNA~waiting to be awakenedWaiting to be discovered and turned on~Time is running short and the earth mother calls out~A calling to other children of Light....A calling to come and play within the forces of Light.....There are many many Lightworkers out there~Who have consciously been waiting for the wake up call~~~The time has come my friends......For you to know who you are and to become empoweredwith the special Powers that you were born with~~Special Powers that for many lay in stages of dormancy~deep within the core of Soul Potential~Our goals should revolve around ways to empower each other~Ways to help each another evolve to our highest and greatest potential....This is of utmost importance at this time in human history~A evolution of thought preparedness that we must attain~ My Dear beloved friends~Many of us will play minute parts in helping to save this world~And to you~ who read my words that flow from my heart~And how will you choose to play apart~Will you choose stagnation or procrastination or proactive and alive~We all have the right to choose our destiny~The rights of free will~ is a universal law~Choose your path well~Look inside yourself for truth and guidance~It has been with you always~but many times we forget to listen~to that wee small voice who cries out from within~It pains my heart when I look into some peoples eyes~and see that they have given up hope~To look into their eyes and see that they are dying~from the inside out~They have become lost into a world of denial, confusion and pain~and they refuse to awaken from their illusion of insecurities and unworthiness~ Never let yourself fall into a trap~of control and manipulation~Learn to be the master of your realityLearn to create your reality~ learn to tap into your creative potential~Learn to dance your dance of life~Learn your sacred songs and tap into your memories of creative potential~Stir within your memories~ the ancient ceremonies of your ancestors~Our genetic coding holds all the memories of our ancient traditions~Open and pull upon those memories that give to you~Power~Memories that make you feel whole and alive inside~Memories that will empower you ~to succeed to your greatest and highest potential~We must learn to focus our intentions to save this world from the destructive devastations of war.Focus on ending violence of terrorism and genocide~Focus on ending control and manipulation~ that are held in Power by the eyes of greed~Focus on bringing the Power~ back to the People~Focus on putting our shields of separation aside~and come together~ as one heart, one mind, and one Spirit~Imagine if millions of minds, were to meditate daily on opening up to their Divine spiritual gifts and powers,Millions of Lightworkers activating the Powers of the mind~and becoming attuned to subtle and magical energiesof their creative potential~ People of all colors and nations~activating patterns of Empowermentthat lay in stages of dormancywithin the core of human potential~Imagine People from all across the earth~meditating and praying with the same thoughts and the same intentions~To heal our beloved Mother Earth and all our relations~Imagine the Power of those prayers~As Lightworkers and Spiritual warriors ~ we are obligated to send forth healing~ in whatever capacity that we are able~We all have our own unique roles to play~sometimes our roles may appear to be quite different~We all have our own unique ways of spreading healing to the world~And as long as we hold a pure heart and pure intentions~that is all that matters~No matter which faith, belief, or path we may follow~The world is evolving daily towards global unity of single and like minded consciousness~In order to mend the sacred hoop of our People~ it will take many Spiritual Warriors of Peace~ and we shall come together to change this world~ into a loving, peaceful and magical place.a place called Mother Earth~A place where love flows thru all things~is this a dream~ or is it a possiblity~Just a few thoughts flowed through me this morning~thanks for reading~Blessings be with all of you~Kola Lena Cicu Welo Wiconi waste I gift these words to you my friends-~~Apeya Wowastelaka ~~ with love~ahoLightworker aka redfoxseesThank You & Many Blessings To:LightworkerLove~All~Ways*~Karma*

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