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my 30 month old has yeast. we have killed it off with nystatin twice

before. i think when he has yeast he toe walks eye roll eye lid

twitching head banding for no reason and seems drugged. my western dr.

contacted infectious dieseas dr. who said not to try and kill the

yeast since it is not effecting him ( i guess its normal to have

diareha, eye rolling headbanging ect.) they are trying to say that

some people are just colonized with it , it takes 20 days to grow a

yeast from stool culture and it took my son 4 days. I don't know what

to do, I think I should give him the nystatin but the dr says that it

could cause other pathogens to take over, like when someone develops

antibiotic resistance. I dont agree, she said well your his mom do

what you lthink is best. ( she is not a dan dr.) please let me know

what you think, and if any of you lhave the yeast problems and have

noticed any behaviors with it.

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