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To Opt In or Out of Medicare

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I have read most of the stuff on Medicare opt out/in on this list serve. My conclusion is that you have to be one or the other, not both and you need to send in a written letter to medicare to opt out. So somethings still don't make sense to me, i called the new Medicare dept in CA today. Took 1 hr and 15 mins, 30 mins was on hold to get thru. Good thing I have nothing else to do. Basically, I have only worked at an HMO since coming to USA. Quit my job in April, not worked since. But since my bills are piling up, decided I would moonlight at my old place. OK sounds easy.

August I decided to opt out of medicare w my private group NPI no, using my TIN. HMO uses my individual number under their group number. I gave medicare both NPI's today, told I am not in their system. They say I am not part of medicare until I file a 8551. I did not need to opt out (clerk said its like filing to say you drop out of Yale but you don't go to Yale, so likely they threw my opt out letter away). he said if i were opted in Medicare w my Individual number and opted out w my group no, they have no way of tracing it or knowing the difference. The 2 data basis don't cross???

He went to ask his colleagues my questions and no one could tell me otherwise. i did mention that this group says I could not be both, he says your info is wrong. Anyway to clarify this more, I need to submit my question in writing or " consult a medicare lawyer " . I said what's a lawyer goign to know when you who works at the company don't even know. So i will submit my question to them in writing. I wish I could find a CA medicare fraud line to call. They would know wouldn't they? Anyone know that no.? I will update you when I hear back.

-- M.D.www.elainemd.comYou only go through this life but once. Go in the directions of your dreams and live the life you've imagined.

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Wow. That is crazy. On behalf of our country, I

apologize. But thanks for coming here as a medical missionary! Unfortunately,

that has been my experience also in trying to call.

I guess I would just keep a copy of the letter where you did opt

out so that you can show good faith if it ever comes up, but it probably won’t.

I had to do my two year repeat letter this month and trying to

find the address to send it to was incredibly confusing.

With a little perspective, maybe you can turn it into a funny



Sharon McCoy , M.D.

Renaissance Family Medicine


Rebirth of Personal Healthcare


Phone Fax (949)


If you received this message in error, please notify me and then

delete. EMail may not be entirely confidential.


[mailto: ] On Behalf Of

Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 9:22 PM

To: practiceimprovement1

Subject: To Opt In or Out of Medicare

I have read most of the stuff on Medicare opt out/in on this

list serve. My conclusion is that you have to be one or the other, not

both and you need to send in a written letter to medicare to opt out. So

somethings still don't make sense to me, i called the new Medicare dept in CA

today. Took 1 hr and 15 mins, 30 mins was on hold to get thru. Good thing I

have nothing else to do. Basically, I have only worked at an HMO since

coming to USA. Quit my job in April, not worked since. But since my bills are

piling up, decided I would moonlight at my old place. OK sounds easy.

August I decided to opt out of medicare w my private group

NPI no, using my TIN. HMO uses my individual number under their group number. I

gave medicare both NPI's today, told I am not in their system. They say I am

not part of medicare until I file a 8551. I did not need to opt out (clerk said

its like filing to say you drop out of Yale but you don't go to Yale, so likely

they threw my opt out letter away). he said if i were opted in Medicare w my

Individual number and opted out w my group no, they have no way of tracing it

or knowing the difference. The 2 data basis don't cross???

He went to ask his colleagues my questions and no one could

tell me otherwise. i did mention that this group says I could not be both, he

says your info is wrong. Anyway to clarify this more, I need to submit my

question in writing or " consult a medicare lawyer " . I said what's a

lawyer goign to know when you who works at the company don't even know. So i

will submit my question to them in writing. I wish I could find a CA medicare

fraud line to call. They would know wouldn't they? Anyone know that no.? I will

update you when I hear back.




You only go through this life but once. Go in the directions of your dreams and

live the life you've imagined.

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sorry to hear it took so long to get the address to opt out. I had the address-

J1mac Palmetto

PO Box 1508

Augusta, Georgia 30903Thanks for the empathy. I do have my regrets practicing medicine here, for all the reasons on this listserve. Not my best career move, but my best social move. Wonderful people in the USA. Not the best policies but the people are wonderful.


Wow. That is crazy. On behalf of our country, I apologize. But thanks for coming here as a medical missionary! Unfortunately, that has been my experience also in trying to call.

I guess I would just keep a copy of the letter where you did opt out so that you can show good faith if it ever comes up, but it probably won't.

I had to do my two year repeat letter this month and trying to find the address to send it to was incredibly confusing.

With a little perspective, maybe you can turn it into a funny story….


Sharon McCoy , M.D.Renaissance Family MedicineThe Rebirth of Personal Healthcare

www.SharonMD.com Phone Fax

If you received this message in error, please notify me and then delete. EMail may not be entirely confidential.

From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of

Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 9:22 PMTo: practiceimprovement1

Subject: To Opt In or Out of Medicare

I have read most of the stuff on Medicare opt out/in on this list serve. My conclusion is that you have to be one or the other, not both and you need to send in a written letter to medicare to opt out. So somethings still don't make sense to me, i called the new Medicare dept in CA today. Took 1 hr and 15 mins, 30 mins was on hold to get thru. Good thing I have nothing else to do. Basically, I have only worked at an HMO since coming to USA. Quit my job in April, not worked since. But since my bills are piling up, decided I would moonlight at my old place. OK sounds easy.

August I decided to opt out of medicare w my private group NPI no, using my TIN. HMO uses my individual number under their group number. I gave medicare both NPI's today, told I am not in their system. They say I am not part of medicare until I file a 8551. I did not need to opt out (clerk said its like filing to say you drop out of Yale but you don't go to Yale, so likely they threw my opt out letter away). he said if i were opted in Medicare w my Individual number and opted out w my group no, they have no way of tracing it or knowing the difference. The 2 data basis don't cross???

He went to ask his colleagues my questions and no one could tell me otherwise. i did mention that this group says I could not be both, he says your info is wrong. Anyway to clarify this more, I need to submit my question in writing or " consult a medicare lawyer " . I said what's a lawyer goign to know when you who works at the company don't even know. So i will submit my question to them in writing. I wish I could find a CA medicare fraud line to call. They would know wouldn't they? Anyone know that no.? I will update you when I hear back.

-- M.D.www.elainemd.comYou only go through this life but once. Go in the directions of your dreams and live the life you've imagined.

-- M.D.www.elainemd.com

You only go through this life but once. Go in the directions of your dreams and live the life you've imagined.

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sorry to hear it took so long to get the address to opt out. I had the address-

J1mac Palmetto

PO Box 1508

Augusta, Georgia 30903Thanks for the empathy. I do have my regrets practicing medicine here, for all the reasons on this listserve. Not my best career move, but my best social move. Wonderful people in the USA. Not the best policies but the people are wonderful.


Wow. That is crazy. On behalf of our country, I apologize. But thanks for coming here as a medical missionary! Unfortunately, that has been my experience also in trying to call.

I guess I would just keep a copy of the letter where you did opt out so that you can show good faith if it ever comes up, but it probably won't.

I had to do my two year repeat letter this month and trying to find the address to send it to was incredibly confusing.

With a little perspective, maybe you can turn it into a funny story….


Sharon McCoy , M.D.Renaissance Family MedicineThe Rebirth of Personal Healthcare

www.SharonMD.com Phone Fax

If you received this message in error, please notify me and then delete. EMail may not be entirely confidential.

From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of

Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 9:22 PMTo: practiceimprovement1

Subject: To Opt In or Out of Medicare

I have read most of the stuff on Medicare opt out/in on this list serve. My conclusion is that you have to be one or the other, not both and you need to send in a written letter to medicare to opt out. So somethings still don't make sense to me, i called the new Medicare dept in CA today. Took 1 hr and 15 mins, 30 mins was on hold to get thru. Good thing I have nothing else to do. Basically, I have only worked at an HMO since coming to USA. Quit my job in April, not worked since. But since my bills are piling up, decided I would moonlight at my old place. OK sounds easy.

August I decided to opt out of medicare w my private group NPI no, using my TIN. HMO uses my individual number under their group number. I gave medicare both NPI's today, told I am not in their system. They say I am not part of medicare until I file a 8551. I did not need to opt out (clerk said its like filing to say you drop out of Yale but you don't go to Yale, so likely they threw my opt out letter away). he said if i were opted in Medicare w my Individual number and opted out w my group no, they have no way of tracing it or knowing the difference. The 2 data basis don't cross???

He went to ask his colleagues my questions and no one could tell me otherwise. i did mention that this group says I could not be both, he says your info is wrong. Anyway to clarify this more, I need to submit my question in writing or " consult a medicare lawyer " . I said what's a lawyer goign to know when you who works at the company don't even know. So i will submit my question to them in writing. I wish I could find a CA medicare fraud line to call. They would know wouldn't they? Anyone know that no.? I will update you when I hear back.

-- M.D.www.elainemd.comYou only go through this life but once. Go in the directions of your dreams and live the life you've imagined.

-- M.D.www.elainemd.com

You only go through this life but once. Go in the directions of your dreams and live the life you've imagined.

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