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Higher Vibrations & Unlimited Possibilities

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Sep 3, 2007 11:43 PM


Higher Vibrations & Unlimited Possibilities

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: ~Nita aka ~eerieDate: Sep 3, 2007 7:03 PM----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- ≈DIANA≈Date: Sep 3, 2007 6:51 PMlove and blessings to~EarthBorneRising.com New paradigmKwan Yin through Vivian Starfire Higher Vibrations & Unlimited PossibilitiesYou are rapidly moving into a new paradigm, a world of higher vibration andunlimited possibilities. The brain needs to be reprogrammed to bealigned with the mind, spirit and the new developing lightbodies. Likea outdated computer program the human brain needs to be given anexpanded program. The mind is in tune with spirit. and must overridethe brain. In the old program there is judgment about the way thingsare,

and the way things should be. This judgment is holding you hostage in

the matrix of the third dimension. You see things in duality: good,bad, right, wrong.It is hard to see from your side of the veil, but we have been explaining for some time that the veils are thinning.In your minds and hearts you know this to be true. All is in place foryour immersion into the oneness of being. You must not let the brainand its partner the ego, run the show. We are at your side, cheeringyou on.You

are creators of the highest magnitude, your are already enlightened.

Step into your divinity. Shift your perception of your reality. Things

don't have to be difficult, you have a choice to create effortlessly.

You have the power to have it all now. Many are thinking that it is in

the future that things will come together, we say that the future is

now, believe it and live it.Everything you were taught from

childhood, the concepts of having to work hard, and the thinking of

lack and not having enough, are fiction. That is a box that you have

been living in for so long it has become part of you.We see you casting the box aside and transforming your beliefs to match your expanded DNA.The

energy flooding the earth at this time is enetrating every molecule of

the energy system of your physical body. It is as if the heavens are

coming to you, but in reality you are the heavens. This God light

raining on your planet is assisting your transcendence process. Your

job is to shift your thought forms.The negative energy is

expanded and magnified in the light as well. This is why it is of

utmost importance for you to transmute all emotional issues. If you are

in relationships, or a parent, sister, brother what ever the situation

may be, make your peace with it all, Take your place as a Master of

light, let it be love that comes first in your life.Love to share with the unlovable as well, especially them.Learn to be both dependent and independent. That is a oxymoron and we laughwith you, but we mean to depend on loving and sharing in the onenessthat you are. We also speak of not needing others as a ego enhancer ora crutch.You

are always in touch with your greatest friend/family, your higher self.

That aspect to you is what you have been yearning for all your life.

What you seek in others often is the longing for your own soul.We

ask you to remember that you are increasing your vibration every day.

Honor your self, get enough rest, and eat the healthiest food you can.

Your bodies will run on a higher frequency more efficiently with whole

fresh foods as compared with foods that have been processed and sitting

on a shelf for long periods of time.Get exercise everyday. It

helps the energy to flow threw you and not get blocked. You also will

sleep better. Walking is a wonderful as well as yoga. Whatever you are

drawn to do it in respect to your well being.Disconnect from

the world dramas of hate and war. Stop seeking information from the

media. You would be better off not watching television. TV is

televising someone else's vision ofreality. Seek your own reality from your heart and soul. Step out ofthe delusion of the matrix, and step into your divinity.The time is indeed now, the tide has come in. Immerse your self in your truth, shine your light to all.************************Love & Thanks to************************ Vivianforwarded w/Love,≈1îghtw¤rkers.R.u§â‰ˆ

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