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Re: response to depression

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thats good brandy,, cuz the interferon depletes the seretonin in your brain so the prozac helps to fix that,, Im glad you feel better and that it is making the difference for you,, there is no reason that tx needs to be so difficult,. especially when there are drugs to help,, not saying that you have to stay on it forever, but at least until you finish tx! good luck and keep us posted! jax raggzcutie@... wrote: Hi, I would like to say that I had severe depression about 3 weeks after starting treatment. I am 32 yrs. and have 2 small children. I found out last July during a follow up for my cancer treatments that I had Hep C too. I went through chemo and radiation and my attitude held up through all of that and I felt bad, but never lost hope. However, when I started hep treatments I started crying often, had thoughts of dying that I couldn't shake, and I was short tempered and got my feelings hurt often. My husband and mother

noticed a huge change in me. I love my Prozac. My dr. started me on Prozac and it took the edge off. Then she increased my dose and I feel so much better. I am not overwhelmed with feelings of hopelessness and my emotions are stable. G. Jackie

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Jax or Liz, I know you two research this stuff so could you tell me how long lexipro stays in your system? When someone is taken off the drug, how long before the feelgood effects wear off? Steve...

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Thanks ya'll. That info on Lexipro really helped. I went to Emory yesterday and my numbers we ALL perfect except my platlet count. I've been on the mild thistle for about three weeks now and my numbers haven't been this good in a long time. In response the the chest pains, the dr says that the ribo causes this by depleting the red blood cells that carry O2 to the heart and other organs. I'm nowhere near anemic but the amount of O2 in my blood is depleated and my heart is having to work harder to supply my body with what it needs. The dr gave me a prescription for an inhailer (albuterol) to use if my breathing becomes too labored. As you know, we on tx suffer from shortness of breath anyway and he is hoping this will help get more O2 into me. I used to walk a lot farther than I can now. Heck, 50 feet and I'm pooped out.... Handshakes and Hugs; Take your pick Steve...

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Thanks again. I've been on Lexipro for over a year now and like I stated before, I have no axiety, no depression, things don't get too me like they did the first time I treated. I have no sides nor unpleasant episodes that can be attributed to the Lexi. I ran out last week and my pharmacy was out of lexi, they had to back order and I was almost a week without it. I was just wondering how long I was gonna be able to keep my head straight... Steve...

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I only have 45% of one lung left that is functional. The auto accident I was in '85 took one of my lungs and half the other one. Breathing has always been a little diffacult but has grown steadily worse on tx. The dr is concerned and has ordered a complete set of chest xrays to make sure there is no other form of distress that could be causing the shortness of breath. Hey, I trust this guy, he really knows his stuff and he and I actually talk about this disease and the new treatments. He told me this should open or dialate the lungs and allow me to breath a little deeper. I'm not anemic, hemo is great (over 15) and my red blood count is still in the possitive area so no treatment for low red blood cells is needed. I'm just tired of being tired all the time. Yes, I ment MILK THISTLE... LOL sometimes my fingers go blind and I can't see what I'm typing. I've become a believer in the benefits of this stuff. It really helps your liver

deal with all this other junk going on... Steve... PS Only 8 more to go...die dragon die....

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I only have 45% of one lung left that is functional. The auto accident I was in '85 took one of my lungs and half the other one. Breathing has always been a little diffacult but has grown steadily worse on tx. The dr is concerned and has ordered a complete set of chest xrays to make sure there is no other form of distress that could be causing the shortness of breath. Hey, I trust this guy, he really knows his stuff and he and I actually talk about this disease and the new treatments. He told me this should open or dialate the lungs and allow me to breath a little deeper. I'm not anemic, hemo is great (over 15) and my red blood count is still in the possitive area so no treatment for low red blood cells is needed. I'm just tired of being tired all the time. Yes, I ment MILK THISTLE... LOL sometimes my fingers go blind and I can't see what I'm typing. I've become a believer in the benefits of this stuff. It really helps your liver

deal with all this other junk going on... Steve... PS Only 8 more to go...die dragon die....

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I only have 45% of one lung left that is functional. The auto accident I was in '85 took one of my lungs and half the other one. Breathing has always been a little diffacult but has grown steadily worse on tx. The dr is concerned and has ordered a complete set of chest xrays to make sure there is no other form of distress that could be causing the shortness of breath. Hey, I trust this guy, he really knows his stuff and he and I actually talk about this disease and the new treatments. He told me this should open or dialate the lungs and allow me to breath a little deeper. I'm not anemic, hemo is great (over 15) and my red blood count is still in the possitive area so no treatment for low red blood cells is needed. I'm just tired of being tired all the time. Yes, I ment MILK THISTLE... LOL sometimes my fingers go blind and I can't see what I'm typing. I've become a believer in the benefits of this stuff. It really helps your liver

deal with all this other junk going on... Steve... PS Only 8 more to go...die dragon die....

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