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RE: first tx, what happend

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Try your injection before bedtime next week, Joyceann, I am hoping that you are pleasantly surprised as I was with the second one and find that it is not near as difficult as the first, hang in, you're doing good! joyceann wrote: well i had to do it early in the morning cause the practioner wanted to show me how

to do it etc,,,ok so once i was home i fell right to sleep for a couple of hrs and felt fine i did start to get sore muscles in myarems and kept saying wow, i must be one of the luck ones this is all im feeling . at around 9pm i was on the phone with my niece and telling her so far so gd, and then it hit all of a sudden my whole body ached and my head was hot but the rest of me was cold i was moaning and just yucky,,,,,took 2 tylenol i had no energy to roll over in bed i felt i weighed a ton,so basically it was a bad bad flu if i had to describe it,,,the celexa that ive been taking which puts me to sleep didnt work i couldnt sleep for the life of me so finally 130am i took a ativan that i had, so i might need to up the celexa dose and she was just asking me that yesterday when i seen her. i of course also have the pills to tk 2 times a day ribavirin so thats what heppend and i will write that down in my calendar book as

you of said good to keep track of all these things

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Ouchiee, Yes, dear friend I had a similar reaction my first shot. My poor husband thought he could go back to work after I came home and went to bed. No one at home with me and he thought that was a good thing because the house would be quiet. Ha!! I woke several hours later running a 100+ temp. Aching to high heaven, thought I was dying for sure. Called him, told him get your butt home. I am in a bad way. He rushed home, grabbed the phone and call the drug company's help line. At the time I was taking Peg-Intron and Rebetrol. Through Sherling. The nurse told him, that this often happens on the first shot, and gave him some info to help. She told him to get Theraflu, as it has a fever reducer in it, and other ingredients that would help. He called my son at work, told him to go to the drug store pick up me some theraflu and some other stuff, soup just in case I felt like eating. I didn't. I took the theraflu, and he put on some celtic music to help me sleep. (love celtic music). Then he decided that he was going no where. He laid in the bed with me, and more or less rocked me back to sleep. My son who is much older than his younger sister (18 years), watched her made sure she got to bed and fed. Now here is the good news. Although shot night was not fun, it did get easier with time. And I never had a shot night like that again. I think it was my and yours,others reaction to having the medications introduce into you body. After a while your body will build up your levels to the drugs and will not have that intial Bam. By the end of treatment, I was taking road trips. LOL We traveled to several different states during treatment, including me going all the way out to California. I would pack my injections in a cooler with ice packs, take my pills in my purse. And away we would go. I

went to Alabama,Mississippi and Austin,San Texas. Woo Hoo The second time, I treated with the Pegasy I didn't even have a blip in my radar. LOL Also did a lot of traveling during that treatment. Moved 3 times, and I helped!!!!!!!!! Also went to Sea World in San . So you see there is life while on treatment. Ya just have to not let it get to you. Love Janetjoyceann wrote: well i had to do it early in the morning cause the practioner wanted to

show me how to do it etc,,,ok so once i was home i fell right to sleep for a couple of hrs and felt fine i did start to get sore muscles in myarems and kept saying wow, i must be one of the luck ones this is all im feeling . at around 9pm i was on the phone with my niece and telling her so far so gd, and then it hit all of a sudden my whole body ached and my head was hot but the rest of me was cold i was moaning and just yucky,,,,,took 2 tylenol i had no energy to roll over in bed i felt i weighed a ton,so basically it was a bad bad flu if i had to describe it,,,the celexa that ive been taking which puts me to sleep didnt work i couldnt sleep for the life of me so finally 130am i took a ativan that i had, so i might need to up the celexa dose and she was just asking me that yesterday when i seen her. i of course also have the pills to tk 2 times a day ribavirin so thats what heppend and i will write that down in my

calendar book as you of said good to keep track of all these things "There are souls in this world that have the gift of finding joy everywhere and of leaving it behind them when they go" Frederick Faber

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very encouraging i also like going to maine for aweekend since im in mass thats not to to far away, well thats gd news, the unknown is i guess worst, because you dont know how much of life you need to put on hold or change,,, this morning i couldnt wait to share with you all my first experience becaus you all in one way or anothr have been so helpfull with either information or just sharing and encouraging,,,,,,,forever gratefull joyce,,,,,,Janet wrote: Ouchiee, Yes, dear friend I had a similar reaction my

first shot. My poor husband thought he could go back to work after I came home and went to bed. No one at home with me and he thought that was a good thing because the house would be quiet. Ha!! I woke several hours later running a 100+ temp. Aching to high heaven, thought I was dying for sure. Called him, told him get your butt home. I am in a bad way. He rushed home, grabbed the phone and call the drug company's help line. At the time I was taking Peg-Intron and Rebetrol. Through Sherling. The nurse told him, that this often happens on the first shot, and gave him some info to help. She told him to get Theraflu, as it has a fever reducer in it, and other ingredients that would help. He called my son at work, told him to go to the drug store pick up me some theraflu and some other stuff, soup just in case I felt like eating. I didn't. I took the theraflu, and he put on some celtic music to help me

sleep. (love celtic music). Then he decided that he was going no where. He laid in the bed with me, and more or less rocked me back to sleep. My son who is much older than his younger sister (18 years), watched her made sure she got to bed and fed. Now here is the good news. Although shot night was not fun, it did get easier with time. And I never had a shot night like that again. I think it was my and yours,others reaction to having the medications introduce into you body. After a while your body will build up your levels to the drugs and will not have that intial Bam. By the end of treatment, I was taking road trips. LOL We traveled to several different states during treatment, including me going all the way out to California. I would pack my injections in a cooler with ice packs, take my pills in my purse. And away we would go. I went to Alabama,Mississippi and Austin,San Texas. Woo

Hoo The second time, I treated with the Pegasy I didn't even have a blip in my radar. LOL Also did a lot of traveling during that treatment. Moved 3 times, and I helped!!!!!!!!! Also went to Sea World in San . So you see there is life while on treatment. Ya just have to not let it get to you. Love Janetjoyceann <mepurplegee> wrote: well i had to do it early in the morning cause the practioner wanted to show me how to do it etc,,,ok so once i was home i fell right to sleep for a couple of hrs and felt fine i did start to get sore muscles in myarems and kept saying wow, i must be one of the luck ones this is all im feeling . at around 9pm i was on the phone with my niece and telling her so far so gd, and then it hit all of a sudden my whole body

ached and my head was hot but the rest of me was cold i was moaning and just yucky,,,,,took 2 tylenol i had no energy to roll over in bed i felt i weighed a ton,so basically it was a bad bad flu if i had to describe it,,,the celexa that ive been taking which puts me to sleep didnt work i couldnt sleep for the life of me so finally 130am i took a ativan that i had, so i might need to up the celexa dose and she was just asking me that yesterday when i seen her. i of course also have the pills to tk 2 times a day ribavirin so thats what heppend and i will write that down in my calendar book as you of said good to keep track of all these things "There are souls in this world that have the gift of finding joy everywhere and of leaving it behind them when they go" Frederick Faber

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honey,, the celexa is NOT a sleeping pill nor does it make one sleep, its for depression and the lack of seretonin,, so you dont up the dose for lack of sleep,, you might ask your doc for a sleeping pill such as restoril, ambien, or other sleeping pill if this keeps up , which it probably will because the seretonin is being depleted from your brain tissue directly caused by the Interferon shot.. Sounds like everything went pretty well, all in all considering... but once you start your shots, you really should keep them at the same time and not extend it by 12 or more hours especially when you are first beginning because that would give the virus time and incentive to over

replicate in those hours.. so now that you started in the morning,, you really should keep it in the morning,, especially this early in the game.. now if you wanted to move it to the previous night,, say to Thurs night instead of Fri morning, that would be ok because you wouldnt have given the virus that extra time in moving it from Fri am to Fri pm where there is a huge reduction in the Interferon in your system.. does that make sense? So if you want to take your shot at night, perhaps you should talk with your doc about moving it back to Thurs Night so that you dont have that 12 hour period of very very low INF in your system.. keep up the good works tho!!! jax joyceann wrote: well i had to do it early in the morning cause the practioner wanted to show me how to do it etc,,,ok so once i was home i fell right to sleep for a couple of hrs and felt fine i did start to get sore muscles in myarems and kept saying wow, i must be one of the luck ones this is all im feeling . at around 9pm i was on the phone with my niece and telling her so far so gd, and then it hit all of a sudden my whole body ached and my head was hot but the rest of me was cold i was moaning and just yucky,,,,,took 2 tylenol i had no energy to roll over in bed i felt i

weighed a ton,so basically it was a bad bad flu if i had to describe it,,,the celexa that ive been taking which puts me to sleep didnt work i couldnt sleep for the life of me so finally 130am i took a ativan that i had, so i might need to up the celexa dose and she was just asking me that yesterday when i seen her. i of course also have the pills to tk 2 times a day ribavirin so thats what heppend and i will write that down in my calendar book as you of said good to keep track of all these things Jackie

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well thanks for the info really appreciate it,should i call her on monday or can the sleeping pill wait till fri??i mean am i gonna have trouble all week sleeping /??i still feel like blah fell asleep for 2 hrs again todayJackie on wrote: honey,, the celexa is NOT a sleeping pill nor does it make one sleep, its for depression and the lack of seretonin,, so you dont up the dose for lack of sleep,, you might ask your doc for a sleeping pill such as restoril, ambien, or other sleeping pill if this keeps up , which it probably will because the seretonin is being depleted from your brain tissue directly caused by the Interferon shot.. Sounds like everything went pretty well, all in all considering... but once you start your shots, you really should keep them at the same time and not extend it by 12 or more hours especially when you are first beginning because that would give the virus time and incentive to over replicate in those hours.. so now that you started in the morning,, you really should keep it in the morning,, especially this early in the game.. now if you wanted to move it to the previous night,, say to Thurs night instead of Fri morning, that would be ok because you wouldnt

have given the virus that extra time in moving it from Fri am to Fri pm where there is a huge reduction in the Interferon in your system.. does that make sense? So if you want to take your shot at night, perhaps you should talk with your doc about moving it back to Thurs Night so that you dont have that 12 hour period of very very low INF in your system.. keep up the good works tho!!! jax joyceann <mepurplegee> wrote: well i had to do it early in the morning cause the practioner wanted to show me how to do it etc,,,ok so once i was home i fell right to sleep for a couple of hrs and felt fine i did start to get sore

muscles in myarems and kept saying wow, i must be one of the luck ones this is all im feeling . at around 9pm i was on the phone with my niece and telling her so far so gd, and then it hit all of a sudden my whole body ached and my head was hot but the rest of me was cold i was moaning and just yucky,,,,,took 2 tylenol i had no energy to roll over in bed i felt i weighed a ton,so basically it was a bad bad flu if i had to describe it,,,the celexa that ive been taking which puts me to sleep didnt work i couldnt sleep for the life of me so finally 130am i took a ativan that i had, so i might need to up the celexa dose and she was just asking me that yesterday when i seen her. i of course also have the pills to tk 2 times a day ribavirin so thats what heppend and i will write that down in my calendar book as you of said good to keep track of all these things Jackie

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I also suggested Ambien. I have it

and only took it once, but I believe that’s because of the pain meds I

take which help me sleep. My doctor said the riba is notorious for

causing insomnia and it usually starts right away.

I moved my shots from Sunday to Friday

night over a period of 4 weeks in 12 hour intervals I believe. But that’s

in line with what Jackie is suggesting in moving back. However, I would

think that perhaps a 2 hour advance each week would work and move you to the

evening in a month if the doctor approves.

I specifically refused to do my first shot

with the nurse practitioner since I wanted to do it at bedtime and not at my

appointment during the day. I just had her explain the procedure and I

had already seen the little Pegasys video on-line.

And a small piece of advice……..make

sure that you put the unused meds back in the fridge J




[mailto:Hepatitis_C_Central ] On

Behalf Of Jackie on

Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2008

5:41 PM



Subject: Re:

first tx, what happend

honey,, the celexa is NOT a sleeping pill nor does

it make one sleep, its for depression and the lack of seretonin,, so you dont

up the dose for lack of sleep,, you might ask your doc for a sleeping pill

such as restoril, ambien, or other sleeping pill if this keeps up , which it

probably will because the seretonin is being depleted from your brain tissue

directly caused by the Interferon shot..

Sounds like everything went pretty well, all in all

considering... but once you start your shots, you really should keep

them at the same time and not extend it by 12 or more hours especially when

you are first beginning because that would give the virus time and incentive

to over replicate in those hours.. so now that you started in the morning,,

you really should keep it in the morning,, especially this early in the

game.. now if you wanted to move it to the previous night,, say to Thurs

night instead of Fri morning, that would be ok because you wouldnt have given

the virus that extra time in moving it from Fri am to Fri pm where there is a

huge reduction in the Interferon in your system.. does that make sense?

So if you want to take your shot at night, perhaps you should talk with your

doc about moving it back to Thurs Night so that you dont have that 12 hour

period of very very low INF in your system..

keep up the good works tho!!!


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well actually the Interferon is what causes the insomnia,, the Riba lowers your red blood cells and hemoglobin and that can actually CAUSE fatigue.. but its the Inf that causes the insomnia and depression both related to Seretonin... I have heard of more ppl relapsing when they moved their shots to later than to move it forward.. so if it was me, I'd only move it backwards instead of forwards.. this is one tricky virus and it will use every little option to its advantage... so thats why I recommended her moving her shot from Fri AM to Thurs PM instead of to later on fri... Dorothy wrote: I also suggested Ambien. I have it and only took it once, but I believe that’s because of the pain meds I take which help me sleep. My doctor said the riba is notorious for causing insomnia and it usually starts right away. I moved my shots from Sunday to Friday night over a period of 4 weeks in 12 hour intervals I believe. But that’s in line with what Jackie is suggesting in moving back. However, I would think that perhaps a 2 hour advance each week would work and move you to the evening in a month if the doctor approves. I specifically refused to do my first shot with the nurse practitioner since I wanted to do it at bedtime and not

at my appointment during the day. I just had her explain the procedure and I had already seen the little Pegasys video on-line. And a small piece of advice……..make sure that you put the unused meds back in the fridge J Dorothy From: Hepatitis_C_Central [mailto:Hepatitis_C_Central ] On Behalf Of Jackie onSent: Saturday, January 12, 2008 5:41 PMTo: Hepatitis_C_Central Subject: Re:

first tx, what happend honey,, the celexa is NOT a sleeping pill nor does it make one sleep, its for depression and the lack of seretonin,, so you dont up the dose for lack of sleep,, you might ask your doc for a sleeping pill such as restoril, ambien, or other sleeping pill if this keeps up , which it probably will because the seretonin is being depleted from your brain tissue directly caused by the Interferon shot..

Sounds like everything went pretty well, all in all considering... but once you start your shots, you really should keep them at the same time and not extend it by 12 or more hours especially when you are first beginning because that would give the virus time and incentive to over replicate in those hours.. so now that you started in the morning,, you really should keep it in the morning,, especially this early in the game.. now if you wanted to move it to the previous night,, say to Thurs night instead of Fri morning, that would be ok because you wouldnt have given the virus that extra time in moving it from Fri am to Fri pm where there is a huge reduction in the Interferon in your system.. does that make sense? So if you want to take your shot at night, perhaps you should talk with your doc about moving it back to Thurs Night so that

you dont have that 12 hour period of very very low INF in your system.. keep up the good works tho!!! jax Jackie

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well if you can get ahold of them and your doc is on call for the weekend, you might try calling them today, but if you can't get ahold of them, you can always talk with the pharmacist about possibly taking some Benedryl until you get ahold of your doc next week.. Diphenhydramine is the generic name for Benedryl and you can buy it over the counter without a prescription.. Its very dehydrating tho so it might mess up your fluids and hydration.. this would only be a stop gap thing and only if you are not allergic to it or have any other contrindication to its use.. As I have said before, Im not a doc but do have some medical background.. but IM NOT ADVISING ANYTHING... you have to make the

decision for yourself and YOU have to take the responsibility for your choice. Its hard to say whether or not you will continue having trouble sleeping but its a good 'bet' that you probably will.. and as tx goes along, it will probably, in all likelihood continue.. so a sleeping med typically IS needed.. Perhaps you might 'resign' yourself to just sleeping when you can ,, thats what I did and I was in bed for a year! lol,, and believe it or not, being in bed, I still lost 70 pounds!!! joyceann silva wrote: well thanks for the info really appreciate it,should i call her on monday or can the sleeping pill wait till fri??i mean am i gonna have trouble all week sleeping /??i still feel like blah fell asleep for 2 hrs again todayJackie on <redjaxjm> wrote: honey,, the celexa is NOT a sleeping pill nor does it make one sleep, its for depression and the lack of

seretonin,, so you dont up the dose for lack of sleep,, you might ask your doc for a sleeping pill such as restoril, ambien, or other sleeping pill if this keeps up , which it probably will because the seretonin is being depleted from your brain tissue directly caused by the Interferon shot.. Sounds like everything went pretty well, all in all considering... but once you start your shots, you really should keep them at the same time and not extend it by 12 or more hours especially when you are first beginning because that would give the virus time and incentive to over replicate in those hours.. so now that you started in the morning,, you really should keep it in the morning,, especially this early in the game.. now if you wanted to move it to the previous night,, say to Thurs night instead of Fri morning, that would be ok because you wouldnt have given the virus that extra time in moving it from Fri am to Fri pm where there is a huge reduction in the

Interferon in your system.. does that make sense? So if you want to take your shot at night, perhaps you should talk with your doc about moving it back to Thurs Night so that you dont have that 12 hour period of very very low INF in your system.. keep up the good works tho!!! jax joyceann <mepurplegee> wrote: well i had to do it early in the morning cause the practioner wanted to show me how to do it etc,,,ok so once i was home i fell right to sleep for a couple of hrs and felt fine i did start to get sore muscles in myarems and kept saying wow, i must be one of the luck ones this is all im feeling . at

around 9pm i was on the phone with my niece and telling her so far so gd, and then it hit all of a sudden my whole body ached and my head was hot but the rest of me was cold i was moaning and just yucky,,,,,took 2 tylenol i had no energy to roll over in bed i felt i weighed a ton,so basically it was a bad bad flu if i had to describe it,,,the celexa that ive been taking which puts me to sleep didnt work i couldnt sleep for the life of me so finally 130am i took a ativan that i had, so i might need to up the celexa dose and she was just asking me that yesterday when i seen her. i of course also have the pills to tk 2 times a day ribavirin so thats what heppend and i will write that down in my calendar book as you of said good to keep track of all these things Jackie Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. Jackie

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well if you can get ahold of them and your doc is on call for the weekend, you might try calling them today, but if you can't get ahold of them, you can always talk with the pharmacist about possibly taking some Benedryl until you get ahold of your doc next week.. Diphenhydramine is the generic name for Benedryl and you can buy it over the counter without a prescription.. Its very dehydrating tho so it might mess up your fluids and hydration.. this would only be a stop gap thing and only if you are not allergic to it or have any other contrindication to its use.. As I have said before, Im not a doc but do have some medical background.. but IM NOT ADVISING ANYTHING... you have to make the

decision for yourself and YOU have to take the responsibility for your choice. Its hard to say whether or not you will continue having trouble sleeping but its a good 'bet' that you probably will.. and as tx goes along, it will probably, in all likelihood continue.. so a sleeping med typically IS needed.. Perhaps you might 'resign' yourself to just sleeping when you can ,, thats what I did and I was in bed for a year! lol,, and believe it or not, being in bed, I still lost 70 pounds!!! joyceann silva wrote: well thanks for the info really appreciate it,should i call her on monday or can the sleeping pill wait till fri??i mean am i gonna have trouble all week sleeping /??i still feel like blah fell asleep for 2 hrs again todayJackie on <redjaxjm> wrote: honey,, the celexa is NOT a sleeping pill nor does it make one sleep, its for depression and the lack of

seretonin,, so you dont up the dose for lack of sleep,, you might ask your doc for a sleeping pill such as restoril, ambien, or other sleeping pill if this keeps up , which it probably will because the seretonin is being depleted from your brain tissue directly caused by the Interferon shot.. Sounds like everything went pretty well, all in all considering... but once you start your shots, you really should keep them at the same time and not extend it by 12 or more hours especially when you are first beginning because that would give the virus time and incentive to over replicate in those hours.. so now that you started in the morning,, you really should keep it in the morning,, especially this early in the game.. now if you wanted to move it to the previous night,, say to Thurs night instead of Fri morning, that would be ok because you wouldnt have given the virus that extra time in moving it from Fri am to Fri pm where there is a huge reduction in the

Interferon in your system.. does that make sense? So if you want to take your shot at night, perhaps you should talk with your doc about moving it back to Thurs Night so that you dont have that 12 hour period of very very low INF in your system.. keep up the good works tho!!! jax joyceann <mepurplegee> wrote: well i had to do it early in the morning cause the practioner wanted to show me how to do it etc,,,ok so once i was home i fell right to sleep for a couple of hrs and felt fine i did start to get sore muscles in myarems and kept saying wow, i must be one of the luck ones this is all im feeling . at

around 9pm i was on the phone with my niece and telling her so far so gd, and then it hit all of a sudden my whole body ached and my head was hot but the rest of me was cold i was moaning and just yucky,,,,,took 2 tylenol i had no energy to roll over in bed i felt i weighed a ton,so basically it was a bad bad flu if i had to describe it,,,the celexa that ive been taking which puts me to sleep didnt work i couldnt sleep for the life of me so finally 130am i took a ativan that i had, so i might need to up the celexa dose and she was just asking me that yesterday when i seen her. i of course also have the pills to tk 2 times a day ribavirin so thats what heppend and i will write that down in my calendar book as you of said good to keep track of all these things Jackie Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. Jackie

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well if you can get ahold of them and your doc is on call for the weekend, you might try calling them today, but if you can't get ahold of them, you can always talk with the pharmacist about possibly taking some Benedryl until you get ahold of your doc next week.. Diphenhydramine is the generic name for Benedryl and you can buy it over the counter without a prescription.. Its very dehydrating tho so it might mess up your fluids and hydration.. this would only be a stop gap thing and only if you are not allergic to it or have any other contrindication to its use.. As I have said before, Im not a doc but do have some medical background.. but IM NOT ADVISING ANYTHING... you have to make the

decision for yourself and YOU have to take the responsibility for your choice. Its hard to say whether or not you will continue having trouble sleeping but its a good 'bet' that you probably will.. and as tx goes along, it will probably, in all likelihood continue.. so a sleeping med typically IS needed.. Perhaps you might 'resign' yourself to just sleeping when you can ,, thats what I did and I was in bed for a year! lol,, and believe it or not, being in bed, I still lost 70 pounds!!! joyceann silva wrote: well thanks for the info really appreciate it,should i call her on monday or can the sleeping pill wait till fri??i mean am i gonna have trouble all week sleeping /??i still feel like blah fell asleep for 2 hrs again todayJackie on <redjaxjm> wrote: honey,, the celexa is NOT a sleeping pill nor does it make one sleep, its for depression and the lack of

seretonin,, so you dont up the dose for lack of sleep,, you might ask your doc for a sleeping pill such as restoril, ambien, or other sleeping pill if this keeps up , which it probably will because the seretonin is being depleted from your brain tissue directly caused by the Interferon shot.. Sounds like everything went pretty well, all in all considering... but once you start your shots, you really should keep them at the same time and not extend it by 12 or more hours especially when you are first beginning because that would give the virus time and incentive to over replicate in those hours.. so now that you started in the morning,, you really should keep it in the morning,, especially this early in the game.. now if you wanted to move it to the previous night,, say to Thurs night instead of Fri morning, that would be ok because you wouldnt have given the virus that extra time in moving it from Fri am to Fri pm where there is a huge reduction in the

Interferon in your system.. does that make sense? So if you want to take your shot at night, perhaps you should talk with your doc about moving it back to Thurs Night so that you dont have that 12 hour period of very very low INF in your system.. keep up the good works tho!!! jax joyceann <mepurplegee> wrote: well i had to do it early in the morning cause the practioner wanted to show me how to do it etc,,,ok so once i was home i fell right to sleep for a couple of hrs and felt fine i did start to get sore muscles in myarems and kept saying wow, i must be one of the luck ones this is all im feeling . at

around 9pm i was on the phone with my niece and telling her so far so gd, and then it hit all of a sudden my whole body ached and my head was hot but the rest of me was cold i was moaning and just yucky,,,,,took 2 tylenol i had no energy to roll over in bed i felt i weighed a ton,so basically it was a bad bad flu if i had to describe it,,,the celexa that ive been taking which puts me to sleep didnt work i couldnt sleep for the life of me so finally 130am i took a ativan that i had, so i might need to up the celexa dose and she was just asking me that yesterday when i seen her. i of course also have the pills to tk 2 times a day ribavirin so thats what heppend and i will write that down in my calendar book as you of said good to keep track of all these things Jackie Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. Jackie

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all good info , cause im certainly tired and feeling like blah todayJackie on wrote: well actually the Interferon is what causes the insomnia,, the Riba lowers your red blood cells and hemoglobin and that can actually CAUSE fatigue.. but

its the Inf that causes the insomnia and depression both related to Seretonin... I have heard of more ppl relapsing when they moved their shots to later than to move it forward.. so if it was me, I'd only move it backwards instead of forwards.. this is one tricky virus and it will use every little option to its advantage... so thats why I recommended her moving her shot from Fri AM to Thurs PM instead of to later on fri... Dorothy <dorvoptonline (DOT) net> wrote: I also suggested Ambien. I have

it and only took it once, but I believe that’s because of the pain meds I take which help me sleep. My doctor said the riba is notorious for causing insomnia and it usually starts right away. I moved my shots from Sunday to Friday night over a period of 4 weeks in 12 hour intervals I believe. But that’s in line with what Jackie is suggesting in moving back. However, I would think that perhaps a 2 hour advance each week would work and move you to the evening in a month if the doctor approves. I specifically refused to do my first shot with the nurse practitioner since I wanted to do it at bedtime and not at my appointment during the day. I just had her explain the procedure and I had already seen the little Pegasys video on-line. And a small piece of advice……..make sure that you put the unused meds back in the fridge J Dorothy From: Hepatitis_C_Central [mailto:Hepatitis_C_Central ] On Behalf Of Jackie onSent: Saturday, January 12, 2008 5:41 PMTo: Hepatitis_C_Central Subject: Re: first tx, what happend honey,, the celexa is NOT a sleeping pill nor does it make one sleep, its for depression and the lack of seretonin,, so you dont up the dose for lack of sleep,,

you might ask your doc for a sleeping pill such as restoril, ambien, or other sleeping pill if this keeps up , which it probably will because the seretonin is being depleted from your brain tissue directly caused by the Interferon shot.. Sounds like everything went pretty well, all in all considering... but once you start your shots, you really should keep them at the same time and not extend it by 12 or more hours especially when you are first beginning because that would give the virus time and incentive to over replicate in those hours.. so now that you started in the morning,, you really should keep it in the morning,, especially this early in the game.. now if you wanted to move it to the previous night,, say to Thurs night instead of Fri morning, that would be ok because you wouldnt have given the virus that extra time in moving it

from Fri am to Fri pm where there is a huge reduction in the Interferon in your system.. does that make sense? So if you want to take your shot at night, perhaps you should talk with your doc about moving it back to Thurs Night so that you dont have that 12 hour period of very very low INF in your system.. keep up the good works tho!!! jax Jackie

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I probably misunderstood about the

insomnia. I haven’t had much fatigue, but my low hemoglobin has caused

the shortness of breath and chest pains. Of course, I suppose most people

would rest at that point!!



[mailto:Hepatitis_C_Central ] On

Behalf Of Jackie on

Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2008

6:11 PM



Subject: RE:

first tx, what happend

well actually the Interferon is what causes the

insomnia,, the Riba lowers your red blood cells and hemoglobin and that can

actually CAUSE fatigue.. but its the Inf that causes the insomnia and

depression both related to Seretonin...

I have heard of more ppl relapsing when they moved

their shots to later than to move it forward.. so if it was me, I'd only move

it backwards instead of forwards.. this is one tricky virus and it will use

every little option to its advantage... so thats why I recommended her moving

her shot from Fri AM to Thurs PM instead of to later on fri...


<dorvoptonline (DOT) net> wrote:

I also suggested Ambien. I have it

and only took it once, but I believe that’s because of the pain meds I

take which help me sleep. My doctor said the riba is notorious for

causing insomnia and it usually starts right away.

I moved my shots from Sunday to

Friday night over a period of 4 weeks in 12 hour intervals I believe. But

that’s in line with what Jackie is suggesting in moving back.

However, I would think that perhaps a 2 hour advance each week would work and

move you to the evening in a month if the doctor approves.

I specifically refused to do my

first shot with the nurse practitioner since I wanted to do it at bedtime and

not at my appointment during the day. I just had her explain the

procedure and I had already seen the little Pegasys video on-line.

And a small piece of

advice……..make sure that you put the unused meds back in the fridge



From: Hepatitis_C_Central

[mailto:Hepatitis_C_Central ] On Behalf Of Jackie on

Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2008

5:41 PM

To: Hepatitis_C_Central

Subject: Re:

first tx, what happend

honey,, the celexa is NOT a sleeping pill nor does

it make one sleep, its for depression and the lack of seretonin,, so you dont

up the dose for lack of sleep,, you might ask your doc for a sleeping pill

such as restoril, ambien, or other sleeping pill if this keeps up , which it

probably will because the seretonin is being depleted from your brain tissue

directly caused by the Interferon shot..

Sounds like everything went pretty well, all in all

considering... but once you start your shots, you really should keep

them at the same time and not extend it by 12 or more hours especially when

you are first beginning because that would give the virus time and incentive

to over replicate in those hours.. so now that you started in the morning,,

you really should keep it in the morning,, especially this early in the

game.. now if you wanted to move it to the previous night,, say to Thurs

night instead of Fri morning, that would be ok because you wouldnt have given

the virus that extra time in moving it from Fri am to Fri pm where there is a

huge reduction in the Interferon in your system.. does that make sense?

So if you want to take your shot at night, perhaps you should talk with your

doc about moving it back to Thurs Night so that you dont have that 12 hour

period of very very low INF in your system..

keep up the good works tho!!!



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I probably misunderstood about the

insomnia. I haven’t had much fatigue, but my low hemoglobin has caused

the shortness of breath and chest pains. Of course, I suppose most people

would rest at that point!!



[mailto:Hepatitis_C_Central ] On

Behalf Of Jackie on

Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2008

6:11 PM



Subject: RE:

first tx, what happend

well actually the Interferon is what causes the

insomnia,, the Riba lowers your red blood cells and hemoglobin and that can

actually CAUSE fatigue.. but its the Inf that causes the insomnia and

depression both related to Seretonin...

I have heard of more ppl relapsing when they moved

their shots to later than to move it forward.. so if it was me, I'd only move

it backwards instead of forwards.. this is one tricky virus and it will use

every little option to its advantage... so thats why I recommended her moving

her shot from Fri AM to Thurs PM instead of to later on fri...


<dorvoptonline (DOT) net> wrote:

I also suggested Ambien. I have it

and only took it once, but I believe that’s because of the pain meds I

take which help me sleep. My doctor said the riba is notorious for

causing insomnia and it usually starts right away.

I moved my shots from Sunday to

Friday night over a period of 4 weeks in 12 hour intervals I believe. But

that’s in line with what Jackie is suggesting in moving back.

However, I would think that perhaps a 2 hour advance each week would work and

move you to the evening in a month if the doctor approves.

I specifically refused to do my

first shot with the nurse practitioner since I wanted to do it at bedtime and

not at my appointment during the day. I just had her explain the

procedure and I had already seen the little Pegasys video on-line.

And a small piece of

advice……..make sure that you put the unused meds back in the fridge



From: Hepatitis_C_Central

[mailto:Hepatitis_C_Central ] On Behalf Of Jackie on

Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2008

5:41 PM

To: Hepatitis_C_Central

Subject: Re:

first tx, what happend

honey,, the celexa is NOT a sleeping pill nor does

it make one sleep, its for depression and the lack of seretonin,, so you dont

up the dose for lack of sleep,, you might ask your doc for a sleeping pill

such as restoril, ambien, or other sleeping pill if this keeps up , which it

probably will because the seretonin is being depleted from your brain tissue

directly caused by the Interferon shot..

Sounds like everything went pretty well, all in all

considering... but once you start your shots, you really should keep

them at the same time and not extend it by 12 or more hours especially when

you are first beginning because that would give the virus time and incentive

to over replicate in those hours.. so now that you started in the morning,,

you really should keep it in the morning,, especially this early in the

game.. now if you wanted to move it to the previous night,, say to Thurs

night instead of Fri morning, that would be ok because you wouldnt have given

the virus that extra time in moving it from Fri am to Fri pm where there is a

huge reduction in the Interferon in your system.. does that make sense?

So if you want to take your shot at night, perhaps you should talk with your

doc about moving it back to Thurs Night so that you dont have that 12 hour

period of very very low INF in your system..

keep up the good works tho!!!



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I probably misunderstood about the

insomnia. I haven’t had much fatigue, but my low hemoglobin has caused

the shortness of breath and chest pains. Of course, I suppose most people

would rest at that point!!



[mailto:Hepatitis_C_Central ] On

Behalf Of Jackie on

Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2008

6:11 PM



Subject: RE:

first tx, what happend

well actually the Interferon is what causes the

insomnia,, the Riba lowers your red blood cells and hemoglobin and that can

actually CAUSE fatigue.. but its the Inf that causes the insomnia and

depression both related to Seretonin...

I have heard of more ppl relapsing when they moved

their shots to later than to move it forward.. so if it was me, I'd only move

it backwards instead of forwards.. this is one tricky virus and it will use

every little option to its advantage... so thats why I recommended her moving

her shot from Fri AM to Thurs PM instead of to later on fri...


<dorvoptonline (DOT) net> wrote:

I also suggested Ambien. I have it

and only took it once, but I believe that’s because of the pain meds I

take which help me sleep. My doctor said the riba is notorious for

causing insomnia and it usually starts right away.

I moved my shots from Sunday to

Friday night over a period of 4 weeks in 12 hour intervals I believe. But

that’s in line with what Jackie is suggesting in moving back.

However, I would think that perhaps a 2 hour advance each week would work and

move you to the evening in a month if the doctor approves.

I specifically refused to do my

first shot with the nurse practitioner since I wanted to do it at bedtime and

not at my appointment during the day. I just had her explain the

procedure and I had already seen the little Pegasys video on-line.

And a small piece of

advice……..make sure that you put the unused meds back in the fridge



From: Hepatitis_C_Central

[mailto:Hepatitis_C_Central ] On Behalf Of Jackie on

Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2008

5:41 PM

To: Hepatitis_C_Central

Subject: Re:

first tx, what happend

honey,, the celexa is NOT a sleeping pill nor does

it make one sleep, its for depression and the lack of seretonin,, so you dont

up the dose for lack of sleep,, you might ask your doc for a sleeping pill

such as restoril, ambien, or other sleeping pill if this keeps up , which it

probably will because the seretonin is being depleted from your brain tissue

directly caused by the Interferon shot..

Sounds like everything went pretty well, all in all

considering... but once you start your shots, you really should keep

them at the same time and not extend it by 12 or more hours especially when

you are first beginning because that would give the virus time and incentive

to over replicate in those hours.. so now that you started in the morning,,

you really should keep it in the morning,, especially this early in the

game.. now if you wanted to move it to the previous night,, say to Thurs

night instead of Fri morning, that would be ok because you wouldnt have given

the virus that extra time in moving it from Fri am to Fri pm where there is a

huge reduction in the Interferon in your system.. does that make sense?

So if you want to take your shot at night, perhaps you should talk with your

doc about moving it back to Thurs Night so that you dont have that 12 hour

period of very very low INF in your system..

keep up the good works tho!!!



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yep,, so rest when you can hon,, dont let it get ya down! Dorothy wrote: I probably misunderstood about the insomnia. I haven’t had much fatigue, but my low hemoglobin has caused the shortness of breath and chest pains. Of course, I suppose most people would rest at that point!! From:

Hepatitis_C_Central [mailto:Hepatitis_C_Central ] On Behalf Of Jackie onSent: Saturday, January 12, 2008 6:11 PMTo: Hepatitis_C_Central Subject: RE: first tx, what happend well actually the Interferon is what causes the insomnia,, the Riba lowers your red blood cells and hemoglobin and that can actually CAUSE fatigue.. but its the Inf that causes the insomnia and depression both related to Seretonin... I have heard of more ppl relapsing when they moved their shots to later than to move it forward.. so if it was me, I'd only move it backwards instead of forwards.. this is one tricky virus and it will use every little option to its advantage... so thats why I recommended her moving her shot from Fri AM to Thurs PM instead of to later on fri... Dorothy <dorvoptonline (DOT) net> wrote: I also suggested Ambien. I have it and only took it once, but I believe that’s because of the pain meds I take which help me sleep. My doctor said the riba is notorious for causing insomnia and it usually starts right away. I moved my shots from Sunday to Friday night over a period of 4 weeks in 12 hour intervals I believe. But that’s in line with what Jackie is suggesting in moving back. However, I would think that perhaps a 2 hour advance each week would work and move you to the evening in a month if the doctor approves. I specifically refused to do my first shot with the nurse practitioner since I wanted to do it at bedtime and not at my appointment during the day. I just had her explain the procedure and I had already seen the little Pegasys video on-line. And a small piece of advice……..make sure that

you put the unused meds back in the fridge J Dorothy From: Hepatitis_C_Central

[mailto:Hepatitis_C_Central ] On Behalf Of Jackie onSent: Saturday, January 12, 2008 5:41 PMTo: Hepatitis_C_Central Subject: Re: first tx, what happend honey,, the celexa is NOT a sleeping pill nor does it make one sleep, its for depression and the lack of seretonin,, so you dont up the dose for lack of sleep,, you might ask your doc for a sleeping pill

such as restoril, ambien, or other sleeping pill if this keeps up , which it probably will because the seretonin is being depleted from your brain tissue directly caused by the Interferon shot.. Sounds like everything went pretty well, all in all considering... but once you start your shots, you really should keep them at the same time and not extend it by 12 or more hours especially when you are first beginning because that would give the virus time and incentive to over replicate in those hours.. so now that you started in the morning,, you really should keep it in the morning,, especially this early in the game.. now if you wanted to move it to the previous night,, say to Thurs night instead of Fri morning, that would be ok because you wouldnt have given the virus that extra time in moving it from Fri am to Fri pm

where there is a huge reduction in the Interferon in your system.. does that make sense? So if you want to take your shot at night, perhaps you should talk with your doc about moving it back to Thurs Night so that you dont have that 12 hour period of very very low INF in your system.. keep up the good works tho!!! jax Jackie Jackie

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yep,, so rest when you can hon,, dont let it get ya down! Dorothy wrote: I probably misunderstood about the insomnia. I haven’t had much fatigue, but my low hemoglobin has caused the shortness of breath and chest pains. Of course, I suppose most people would rest at that point!! From:

Hepatitis_C_Central [mailto:Hepatitis_C_Central ] On Behalf Of Jackie onSent: Saturday, January 12, 2008 6:11 PMTo: Hepatitis_C_Central Subject: RE: first tx, what happend well actually the Interferon is what causes the insomnia,, the Riba lowers your red blood cells and hemoglobin and that can actually CAUSE fatigue.. but its the Inf that causes the insomnia and depression both related to Seretonin... I have heard of more ppl relapsing when they moved their shots to later than to move it forward.. so if it was me, I'd only move it backwards instead of forwards.. this is one tricky virus and it will use every little option to its advantage... so thats why I recommended her moving her shot from Fri AM to Thurs PM instead of to later on fri... Dorothy <dorvoptonline (DOT) net> wrote: I also suggested Ambien. I have it and only took it once, but I believe that’s because of the pain meds I take which help me sleep. My doctor said the riba is notorious for causing insomnia and it usually starts right away. I moved my shots from Sunday to Friday night over a period of 4 weeks in 12 hour intervals I believe. But that’s in line with what Jackie is suggesting in moving back. However, I would think that perhaps a 2 hour advance each week would work and move you to the evening in a month if the doctor approves. I specifically refused to do my first shot with the nurse practitioner since I wanted to do it at bedtime and not at my appointment during the day. I just had her explain the procedure and I had already seen the little Pegasys video on-line. And a small piece of advice……..make sure that

you put the unused meds back in the fridge J Dorothy From: Hepatitis_C_Central

[mailto:Hepatitis_C_Central ] On Behalf Of Jackie onSent: Saturday, January 12, 2008 5:41 PMTo: Hepatitis_C_Central Subject: Re: first tx, what happend honey,, the celexa is NOT a sleeping pill nor does it make one sleep, its for depression and the lack of seretonin,, so you dont up the dose for lack of sleep,, you might ask your doc for a sleeping pill

such as restoril, ambien, or other sleeping pill if this keeps up , which it probably will because the seretonin is being depleted from your brain tissue directly caused by the Interferon shot.. Sounds like everything went pretty well, all in all considering... but once you start your shots, you really should keep them at the same time and not extend it by 12 or more hours especially when you are first beginning because that would give the virus time and incentive to over replicate in those hours.. so now that you started in the morning,, you really should keep it in the morning,, especially this early in the game.. now if you wanted to move it to the previous night,, say to Thurs night instead of Fri morning, that would be ok because you wouldnt have given the virus that extra time in moving it from Fri am to Fri pm

where there is a huge reduction in the Interferon in your system.. does that make sense? So if you want to take your shot at night, perhaps you should talk with your doc about moving it back to Thurs Night so that you dont have that 12 hour period of very very low INF in your system.. keep up the good works tho!!! jax Jackie Jackie

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yep,, so rest when you can hon,, dont let it get ya down! Dorothy wrote: I probably misunderstood about the insomnia. I haven’t had much fatigue, but my low hemoglobin has caused the shortness of breath and chest pains. Of course, I suppose most people would rest at that point!! From:

Hepatitis_C_Central [mailto:Hepatitis_C_Central ] On Behalf Of Jackie onSent: Saturday, January 12, 2008 6:11 PMTo: Hepatitis_C_Central Subject: RE: first tx, what happend well actually the Interferon is what causes the insomnia,, the Riba lowers your red blood cells and hemoglobin and that can actually CAUSE fatigue.. but its the Inf that causes the insomnia and depression both related to Seretonin... I have heard of more ppl relapsing when they moved their shots to later than to move it forward.. so if it was me, I'd only move it backwards instead of forwards.. this is one tricky virus and it will use every little option to its advantage... so thats why I recommended her moving her shot from Fri AM to Thurs PM instead of to later on fri... Dorothy <dorvoptonline (DOT) net> wrote: I also suggested Ambien. I have it and only took it once, but I believe that’s because of the pain meds I take which help me sleep. My doctor said the riba is notorious for causing insomnia and it usually starts right away. I moved my shots from Sunday to Friday night over a period of 4 weeks in 12 hour intervals I believe. But that’s in line with what Jackie is suggesting in moving back. However, I would think that perhaps a 2 hour advance each week would work and move you to the evening in a month if the doctor approves. I specifically refused to do my first shot with the nurse practitioner since I wanted to do it at bedtime and not at my appointment during the day. I just had her explain the procedure and I had already seen the little Pegasys video on-line. And a small piece of advice……..make sure that

you put the unused meds back in the fridge J Dorothy From: Hepatitis_C_Central

[mailto:Hepatitis_C_Central ] On Behalf Of Jackie onSent: Saturday, January 12, 2008 5:41 PMTo: Hepatitis_C_Central Subject: Re: first tx, what happend honey,, the celexa is NOT a sleeping pill nor does it make one sleep, its for depression and the lack of seretonin,, so you dont up the dose for lack of sleep,, you might ask your doc for a sleeping pill

such as restoril, ambien, or other sleeping pill if this keeps up , which it probably will because the seretonin is being depleted from your brain tissue directly caused by the Interferon shot.. Sounds like everything went pretty well, all in all considering... but once you start your shots, you really should keep them at the same time and not extend it by 12 or more hours especially when you are first beginning because that would give the virus time and incentive to over replicate in those hours.. so now that you started in the morning,, you really should keep it in the morning,, especially this early in the game.. now if you wanted to move it to the previous night,, say to Thurs night instead of Fri morning, that would be ok because you wouldnt have given the virus that extra time in moving it from Fri am to Fri pm

where there is a huge reduction in the Interferon in your system.. does that make sense? So if you want to take your shot at night, perhaps you should talk with your doc about moving it back to Thurs Night so that you dont have that 12 hour period of very very low INF in your system.. keep up the good works tho!!! jax Jackie Jackie

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