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Making Your Life Work!

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Making Your Life Work!

by Ken Keyes, Jr.

Making your life work means freeing yourself from your ego and

rational mind that have kept you trapped in playing out the security,

sensation, and power demands that you programmed into your

big-computer during the first few years of your life. You have been

stuck in these ineffective ruts that make you like a yo-yo bouncing

between pain and pleasure. By continually trying to work the

unworkable, you have blindly repeated your mistakes.

It has been pointed out that even a rat does not usually get hung up

in a fruitless repetition of lifetime patterns that are doomed to

failure. Let's suppose there are several tunnels arranged side by side

and you put some cheese at the end of tunnel three. Then you turn a

rat loose at the entrances. It will sniff around, maybe look them

over, and then in a random fashion explore the tunnels until it finds

the one with the cheese. The next time you put the rat near the

tunnels, there may be a certain amount of random behavior, but there

is a much greater probability that it will go after the cheese in

tunnel three. After the rat has done this a few times, it will

immediately run down tunnel three to get the cheese.

Suppose that for a period of 60 days the rat finds the cheese at the

end of the third tunnel. One day in a rat's life corresponds to about

one month in a human life. This would be equivalent to about five

years in a human life.

Then suppose the cheese is moved from tunnel three to tunnel four. Now

we put the rat near the tunnels and he again runs down tunnel three to

get the cheese. But the cheese isn't there any longer. The rat will

come out, look the scene over, and try tunnel three again. He may

repeat this several times. But after a few repeated trials, with no

more cheese, the rat will stop going down tunnel three, and start

exploring the other ones.

A big difference between a rat and a human being is that a rat won't

continue to run down the tunnel that does not provide cheese whereas a

human being may continue to run down the same tunnel for his entire

lifetime trying to find the cheese that isn't there! Sooner or later

the rat will give up on tunnel three, since it doesn't have a rational

mind to continually analyze, compute, and try to prove that the cheese

is down tunnel three because it used to be there. A rat cannot go to a

library to read books about cheese and how one is supposed to be able

to get it. It cannot formulate arguments or make speeches proving that

the cheese should really be down tunnel three; and it cannot try to

convince fellow rats that there really is cheese down tunnel three

even though it is in fact not there. The nervous system of a rat will

quickly adapt to the fact that the cheese just isn't where it used to

be and it will start looking somewhere else.

When you were two years old, you probably learned that the way to get

the cheese (or whatever you wanted) was to scream loudly and try to

power-trip your parents. They seemed to control all the cheese. If you

cried and fussed enough, by using your Third Center of Consciousness,

(power center or third chakra), you could get them to give you candy

or let you stay up late at night, or whatever it was that you wanted.

You were largely unconscious of the overall picture, and your ego kept

your awareness focused on your fears and desires. When you looked at

life, it was as though you were looking through the end of a long

tunnel and saw only a tiny spot of the world at the end of it. The

overall picture of life was blocked out by the sides of the tunnel.

Your immature biocomputer permitted your fears and desires to project

on the screen of your consciousness only a tiny slice of the life

realities around you. You had no real choice in your life, because you

had no wide-range perception of the people and events around you.

By age two, you had deeply programmed yourself by using crying to

force changes in the people and things around you. At that time in

your life, this was one of the few ways you had to get what you wanted

from the world. It may be difficult to explain to a two year old that

the lower three levels of consciousness generate unhappiness, and that

the really big stash of cheese is located at the end of the Love

Tunnel. How do you tell a young child that there is only a little dab

of low grade cheese which will never be enough at the end of the

Security Tunnel (root chakra), Sensation Tunnel (reproduction

chakra),), and Power Tunnel? How do you show a young child that he can

have all the cheese that he could ever want by harmonizing his

energies with the flow of the people and situations around him? How do

you explain to a crying child that loving acceptance of the here and

now is the only way that brings continuous happiness in life?

So you get used to running down the Security, Sensation and Power

Tunnels hunting for the cheese. You know there must be more cheese in

life than you have been getting. Your life is naturally good. It has

always been workable. It's just that your biocomputer kept making the

same perceptual mistakes over and over and over again.

Why isn't your life working as it should? What is pouring sand in the

gears? The problem is simple: your programming continually directs you

to find happiness by trying to change the life energies around you.

You put most of your attention and energy into trying to manipulate

the people and situations in your life. Since you found some cheese at

the end of tunnel three during the immature, early years of your life,

your ego and your rational mind continue to direct most of your energy

into changing the life energies around you to fit your addictive inner


When you apply a heavy enough power trip, you may make certain changes

in the life energies around you. But if you were conscious of the

enormous separation and alienation that your criticism and

manipulation creates with the people around you, you would realize

that you cannot afford the price in lost happiness that you pay for

the precious few changes you may force on the surface. The only

changes that you can make without paying a large penalty, are those

changes that gently and easily happen when you make a loving

communication. When that won't do it, you should work on releasing

yourself from your inner addictions and emotion-backed demands that

are controlling or dominating your consciousness.

When you work on your inner adaptation by reprogramming the

emotion-backed demands you place on people and situations in your

life, you will find that the life situations and energies that used to

create unhappiness will be neutral or positive in their effect on your

happiness. Your energy, perceptiveness and ability to love

unconditionally will make you invulnerable to suffering. Just as your

criticism strongly affects the life energies around you, your positive

feedback can begin to powerfully affect the life energies around you.

Just as you created the experience of unhappiness in your life by your

continual negative feedback into the life energies around you, you

have now, in a god-like manner, created the experience of happiness in

your life. You have created a " miracle " - you are no longer an " effect "

of the world around you - you have become a " cause " - a creative

source. Your higher consciousness has created the beautiful world you

live in.

Now you know why your life is naturally good, how your life really

wants to work and how your programming has been the only roadblock to

your experiencing continuous happiness in life. You know that you have

the capacity to create the experience of happiness or the experience

of unhappiness in your life.

It all depends on the quality and quantity of critical rejecting

energy or accepting loving energy that you feed back into the people

and situations around you. You will clearly see how you have kept your

life from working and how you can now begin to demonstrate the miracle

of creating happiness in your life. And by doing this, you are doing

the most you can for other people - for the most effective way to help

them is to become a happy, loving, conscious being. Your up-leveling

of addictions to preferences enables you to love more and more and the

Wheel of Happiness begins to turn.

About The Author

Ken Keyes is the author of numerous books and the founder of The

Science of Happiness. For over 25 years, Ken lead personal growth

workshops throughout the United States and in other countries. At his

death, Ken was the founding director of the Caring Rapid Healing

Center in Coos Bay, Oregon. He facilitated individual and group

workshops designed to enable individuals to rapidly transcend the

roadblocks in the way of happiness, fulfillment, and inner peace.

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