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A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Get Stuck With

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This is just a general rambling....loose thoughts, side remarks, and

just, left over words......[the thing about squeezing a " nut " , is it

results in oil], and it gets into everything....[here we go...we thought

he was asleep over there]

First, whose seen or heard from ? No postings back here, no

replies to email to check up...so what's up? Once here, once " out

there " , we don't just forget...we know when someone's not present. So,

awareness check.

Canada has come up and it reminded me of a few things. I remember

checking out what it would take to move there years ago...having

substantial resources, family, work lined up, or - experience in a

needed field, living arrangements, etc...basically...able to be self

supportive without need of any assistance.

I had thought seriously about what it would be life to live there, more

of a rustic life, you know, nice log home in the wilderness, write my

books...enjoy nature, the fire, serenity. But, unless I've already made

my first million on a book, I'm kind of " not so into " cold and snow. I

grew up with winters of cold, dragging through the woods to cut firewood

for heat...I prefer warmth. I lived in Denver for 5 years, and even went

up into the Rockies several times...beautiful...what can you say. True

beauty if there ever was. But the snow...it's fine when you don't have

to work in it, and most of the work I've ever done was outside. The two

don't go together. So maybe, if your going to live in or near

it...writing would be a good way to go.

As part of the " church " I grew up in, there was the thing about a

wilderness camp they had up in Orr, Minnesota. A lot of us would go up

for the 6 week session as a camper, and twice I was able to pull it off

to stay as staff...so a good 3 months of experiences.

One of those experiences was getting to go with a smaller group the

International Falls, just on the Canadian border. From there we'd take

off in our voyeur canoes across the lake into Canada. We'd go until we

ran out of lake, picking everything up over our heads and trekking miles

of trails to the next lake or river, and continue on. Some of these

rivers and lakes have never, or only very rarely ever had a motorized

boat or plane on them...your talking real wilderness, with only

ourselves to depend on. You learn a lot on trips like that...you learn

you have everything it takes, inside. And you learn to depend on those

with you...and you learn, nature itself will help you, if your


When I lived in Buffalo for a short while, we used to just walk across

the border when ever we pleased and take in the sights. I've been there

at different points, all along the vast border...and always simple

walked or drove straight across...no big deal. Not sure it's still that

way now, it's been awhile...but I generally go where I

pleased...distance, border, or mode was never a reason to not do


When stationed at Ft. Bliss, in El Paso, while in the Army, we'd head

down to Mexico all the time...not just into the city there but into the

countryside. I didn't ever understand much of the language, but did find

the majority of the people very friendly and just " everyday " you and

me's living their lives. And living in Denver later on, I had no

problems that many speak of, I got along great with others for the most


Maybe that has to do with respecting others. I don't think I've ever had

a real problem anywhere I went. If it was about " area " , I could

blend...somehow. If in the south, I was just another " rebel " , so to

speak...I could fit in, and speak the tone and sound like the rest. If I

was up north, I was just another " northerner, and sounded like one. If I

was in L.A., or Denver...wherever. I " fit " , and fairly easily. I think

I've always had just as many Indian, Black, Mexican, and others, as

friends, much as anyone else. I spoke the language, could relate to the

" lifestyle " , and " histories " . Not sure why exactly...but i could be

homeless, and fit...and I could put on a suit and tie, and you wouldn't

know anything otherwise...I suppose I could " appear " in any way required

at the moment...and that made others comfortable. It was not faking it,

for I could only really be me.

But that does lead me to the " faking it " part. I've always had lots of

ideas...and early on it was usually about becoming successful. Growing

up in a family where every penny counted, and every job us kids could

do, from mowing lawns to chicken house, the proceeds went back into the

family. At least till I got older and just like any other kid that age,

I was thinking, " cars " , freedom, more.

Some of my money I held back...just a few dollars but was determined to

make something of it. With my lawn care business, which I started at

8...I had built up a nice client list, of mostly Florida retirees, who

had homes on the mountain. Many had taken me under their wings and

taught me many things...such as playing chess, and the deeper

understanding of the game...others, about business, etc...

I had gotten into finding ways to make money and create businesses, so i

read all I could on it. Then there was the magazines, Salesman's

Opportunities, Income Opportunities, etc... I read lots of the full page

ads about " How To make A Million Dollars Overnight " , and all the related

offers...of course, I was " smart " and only ordered the ones that

" suckered me in " pretty good. [hehe] For ten bucks, I'd have the answers

I needed. What a deal. Well, I don't know, within a few years, a hundred

books later..I was still trying to figure it out. There was lots of

great information, but each one seemed to come up short...something was


I tried writing out the stuff that made some sense, and had a book

actually. I crossed my mind to publish it, so set to work finding out

how these guys went about it. Through a lot of research found out you

could run a full page ad in one of the magazines for just $5,000. [uh

huh]...and have 90 days to pay for it. So a book, advertised, the ad

would appear 60 days later, giving me 30 to sell it and receive $10.00

orders. Yep, had it all figured out. Reworked my book, all hand printed,

including all the forwards, and research information....then I got

chicken... " what if this wasn't good enough " . I re-read my own

book.....and threw it in the garbage...it was garbage...it was the same

thing I'd been buying for years. Some part of me wouldn't go for the

thing of " they did it, who cares, I'll " get rich " ...right?

I sat down and said, " if I'm going to do this, it's going to be

something that works. So I began looking into that. What I ended up with

was mostly what you could call " bootstrap " businesses..not just listing

them, but devoting at least a page each to how it worked and what you'd

need to do...backed by the obvious things such as advertising, business

cards...acting like a business...and hand printed, what became the

books, volumes 1 & 2.

My aunt was visiting at the time, and wanted to see what I was doing,

and read, the entire two books, missing her plane back home to do it.

When she was done, she said the most incredible thing I'd heard from

family.... " you are talented...you are going to be in print one day, and

I can't wait to read everything you write " . That's not ego...that hit me

right through the heart. No one had ever really acknowledged something i

had created...other than with words such as " you'll never amount to

anything, quit wasting your time on that garbage " .

I never did get those books printed, as I soon joined the Army, and they

got moved, lost, stolen...who knows.

But it was a jump off in starting businesses later. I wasn't one, and in

most cases, could not afford to start and run a business, so I had to

create in a whole other way. Be it a painting business, a mobile oil

lube business, a maid service, or any of the others I brought into

being....it was only the idea I could dress up. Business cards or fliers

would be about the best I could do...and a phone number. No tools, no

support...no nothing...but a strong desire to make mine, and others

lives much better.

So, from a marketing standpoint, it came down to the name and the

by-line, and then what I could offer, in a way no one else was. The

things I came up with supported the " illusion " I'd been in business

forever, and that everyone used us. No lies, just the illusion. Out of

the first jobs I receive without a foot to stand on, I'd usually receive

enough of a deposit, I could buy the needed tools, and grow my

resources. I was always successful in these things. Because I gave

careful personal attention, sometimes going beyond normal service, and

it showed...word of mouth was like fire to my businesses...I can't tell

you the times people actually paid me extra at the end of some job.

Most of these jobs did dry up along the way, with other interest, or

some based on seasonal, or non winter jobs and work, so it was hard to

keep them rolling without work coming in during those times.

I think maybe I've used up enough words for a bit....now that your mouth

is dry and your brain scrambled a bit...you can shake it off. See what I

was able to do? Time just rushed by...unseen, devoid of being. A time

distortion to be sure. But be of good cheer, I have to walk around in

this mind all the time...which is exciting in a way...who knows what

I'll find.

Love D~

Another Cracked Nut Production.....So Cracked, Spackle Don't Help! Use

at own risk.

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