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Those Involved in the Sex Trade WAS : Wicked

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Travas wrote: " Have you ever considered the possibility that some of

them actually *like* their jobs and enjoy sex and being sexual? Not

everybody is a prude, you know. "

It's interesting that you should assume that someone who posts about

the 'sex trade' and the females involved in it MUST be a prude.

A prude is a person who is excessively or priggishly attentive to

propriety or decorum (Merriam Webster provided the definition so

don't come after me for making up something just to fit the post).

I don't see where anyone has posted on this topic in a manner that

even closely resembles the comments that might even be attributed to

a prude.

And even IF an individual IS a prude, this would be a bad reason

because ? ? ?

People get " social diseases " from being " social. " These " social

diseases " are communicable infections transmitted by sexual

intercourse or genital contact.

One need not be a prude to want to avoid contracting a communicable


If one is engaged in the 'sex' trade, social diseases have their

highest incidence among the socio-economic groups predisposed to the

behaviour that leads to a given set of specific conditions.

How could someone involved in such a high risk occupation (to use the

term loosely) feel at ease with the increased possibility of

contracting " social diseases " by way of their employment?

There are many ways to enjoy sex and being sexual that does not

involve the 'sex trade.'

Most prostitutes have been victimized, at some point in their

lives, by sexual violence. More than 90% suffered childhood sexual

abuse, often incest. Many others have been sexually assaulted in the

course of working in prostitution [end quote]. (Source: Illinois

Coalition Against Sexual Assault)

Most individuals who entered the 'sex trade' at a young age, began at

age 14. In fact, 78% of adults working in the 'sex trade' began

prostitution as juveniles. (Source: Schetky, Diane H. " Child

Pornography and Prostitution, " Child Sexual Abuse. Brunner/Mazel,


At 14, most individuals have not had enough life experiences to make

appropriate choices regarding their present and their future.

Furthermore, Schetky's research revealed that venereal disease and

suicide attempts are the two greatest health risks for those who are

involved in the 'sex trade.'

So, Travas, it would appear that your assertion that those involved

in the 'sex trade'

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