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I found this information on the http://www.apricotseeds.org

Does anyone have Morton 's book and has anyone used DMSO and would

share their experience?

~~~~~~~copied & pasted~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

DMSO - Tree Juice

By The Christian Brothers (Ref: DMSO, Nature's Healer by Dr. Morton ,

ISBN 0-89529-548-2)

Put a few drops on your tongue right after ingesting the apricot seeds. DMSO

can be used for a multitude of things and you can get it into your system by

wiping it on your body anywhere. It is suggested to apply it on the tongue

to obtain the maximum benefit from the components of the apricot seeds. DMSO

is used along with the apricot seed extract that is injected into the vein.

You will find many uses for this miracle substance. Please keep a bottle

handy in the medicine cabinet at all times (order 99.5% DMSO at number


On April 3rd 1963, the New York Times called DMSO the closest thing to a

wonder drug - until the FDA got it off the shelves. Mike Wallace had two 60

Minutes programs on DMSO. It is most commonly made from Lignin, the material

that nature uses to cement cells together in trees. By simply dabbing it on

the skin it penetrates directly through to the bloodstream where it reaches

all parts of the body and can be tasted immediately. It is non-toxic and is

also used with other drugs or nutrients as a transporter to bring those

drugs or nutrients deep into the body, permeating every cell. Senator Mark

Hatfield of Oregon testified at a hearing of Senator Kennedy's

(Kennedy was also in charge of the hearing that ultimately banned Laetrile)

and said " After 1,200 scientific publications on the merits of DMSO all of

which conclude that it is safe and effective, after three separate

pharmaceutical firms have submitted four new drug applications to the FDA

(all rejected) DMSO is still mysteriously not available in America, although

it is in other countries.

DMSO and What It Heals

DMSO rapidly penetrates the cells and cleans them of toxins. It dissolves a

virus organism's coating of protein and leaves it unprotected. It is used to

bring the benefits of the apricot seed deep into the body and to tumor and

other undesirable cells. If administered shortly after the occurrence of a

stroke the individual will not suffer paralysis due to the DMSO immediately

dissolving the blood clot. It is best to administer in first few hours

intravenously but topically or internally works, too. DMSO will stop a

stroke as it is happening. The neck and spinal injured receiving DMSO

treatment directly after the injury may never be paralyzed and will

definitely be far less paralyzed, if any. Prompt use of DMSO after a heart

attack prevents much damaging of the heart muscle. Bursitis in the shoulder

will clear up after 30 days of use. Former Governor Tom McCall was struck

with bursitis and after two dabbings on his shoulder the calcification that

caused the problem was ended. Dr. Hill shows that drops with 50% DMSO (and

cold compresses applied afterward), two drops twice per day, is effective

against cataracts, retinosa pigmentosa, and macular degeneration (see pages

68-69 of DMSO - Nature's Healer by Dr. Morton ). DMSO heals burns

quickly. Stops the pain of a burn when dabbed on it. It reduces swelling,

inflammation and pain of hemorrhoids. DMSO stops any type of Cold Sore, dab

it on just as it is surfacing and it will dry up. Cuts in half - or more -

the time it takes to heal from any sprain. Headaches disappear when DMSO is

applied to the head during a headache. Works on the pain and causes of

rheumatoid arthritis and allows the limb to move again. Pat McGrady found

that DMSO benefited 77% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and 84% with

osteoarthritis. DMSO sped healing and offset injurious effects of radiation

therapy. Spraying DMSO up the nose will stop snoring.

Note from Sandy: In my experience, if you have a hidden infection and you

use DMSO your body will be overwhelmed with dead cells, which causes you to

smell like garlic and, if there is a lot of infection, feel nauseous. When

the infection is removed (by bone scraping surgery, eating apricot kernels,

having hydrogen peroxide IVs, vitamin C IVs, shaking on the Chi Machine to

help circulate the blood, and colonics (a must for thoroughly removing the

dead cells) DMSO can be used liberally all over the body causing no smell

and no vomiting!

There is a lot of information about the value of DMSO on this website for

Chrones, Autism, Cancer, Anaemia,


Here is an interesting article on Vit. B12 http://www.krysalis.net/b12.htm




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Hi Kallie,

I've used DSMO for 4-5 years now for lots of stuff. Mostly pain. I add it to

an infusion of St. 's Wort, Lobelia, and whatever essential oil I think is a

good idea at the time and rub it on sore places.

I once painted my hand with it when I had an UGGGly steam burn. I painted

faithfully letting it dry out in-between paint jobs...and by the time the pain

was gone - about 2 hours - I had the most horrid cartoon monster looking skin

you can imagine where I'd painted it. Went back and looked up the treatment

again and noted people with my skin/coloring probably should dilute it. In that

case, the " cure " looked horrid but it did work, didn't hurt and after about a

week and a half all the wrinkly skin was gone... It was like raisin ridges and


As I understand it, much current research on DMSO being done by folks not named

Stan is with patentable substances that may need carriers---for example,

if an antibiotic can penetrate the outer shell of a virus, the virus can be

killed. They're working to see if DMSO does that since it's absorption is it's

star quality.

Be very careful what's on your skin when you use DMSO. Do not mix it with

something you wouldn't eat or take an injection of...since the DMSO will

transport that substance (all the chemicals in your hand lotion or soap!!) into

the bloodstream. it has the toxicity of water. I highly recommend Morton

's DMSO book...and there's another out by the primary DMSO researcher Dr.

Stan , Zacher and Lawrence that's worth looking at too.

Great stuff. A former pastor (so it may be credible ;-) flew his mom from

miami to portland so she could participate in Dr. 's studies as she had

scleroderma--where the skin calcifies, and internal organs. Her fingers were

drawn backwards she couldn't grip anything; her internal organs were shutting

down from the rigidity. They brought back gallons of DMSO on the plane and

received several other shipments ...the end of the matter is that the

scleroderma was " cured. " No sign or symptom internally or externally. An old

guy my brother let fish on his property used to rub horse liniment that had DMSO

in it on his diabetic ulcers. Apparently it didn't prevent them but it did heal


DMSO is approved by the FDA for use with cystitis. It is available in farm

stores as horse liniment. All the health food stores where I live carry it and

it may be purchased via the internet. It runs around $14 for 8 oz or more.

Read the Morton book to figure out how to tell if what you get is pure




I found this information on the http://www.apricotseeds.org

Does anyone have Morton 's book and has anyone used DMSO and would

share their experience?

~~~~~~~copied & pasted~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

DMSO - Tree Juice

By The Christian Brothers (Ref: DMSO, Nature's Healer by Dr. Morton ,

ISBN 0-89529-548-2)

Put a few drops on your tongue right after ingesting the apricot seeds. DMSO

can be used for a multitude of things and you can get it into your system by

wiping it on your body anywhere. It is suggested to apply it on the tongue

to obtain the maximum benefit from the components of the apricot seeds. DMSO

is used along with the apricot seed extract that is injected into the vein.

You will find many uses for this miracle substance. Please keep a bottle

handy in the medicine cabinet at all times (order 99.5% DMSO at number


On April 3rd 1963, the New York Times called DMSO the closest thing to a

wonder drug - until the FDA got it off the shelves. Mike Wallace had two 60

Minutes programs on DMSO. It is most commonly made from Lignin, the material

that nature uses to cement cells together in trees. By simply dabbing it on

the skin it penetrates directly through to the bloodstream where it reaches

all parts of the body and can be tasted immediately. It is non-toxic and is

also used with other drugs or nutrients as a transporter to bring those

drugs or nutrients deep into the body, permeating every cell. Senator Mark

Hatfield of Oregon testified at a hearing of Senator Kennedy's

(Kennedy was also in charge of the hearing that ultimately banned Laetrile)

and said " After 1,200 scientific publications on the merits of DMSO all of

which conclude that it is safe and effective, after three separate

pharmaceutical firms have submitted four new drug applications to the FDA

(all rejected) DMSO is still mysteriously not available in America, although

it is in other countries.

DMSO and What It Heals

DMSO rapidly penetrates the cells and cleans them of toxins. It dissolves a

virus organism's coating of protein and leaves it unprotected. It is used to

bring the benefits of the apricot seed deep into the body and to tumor and

other undesirable cells. If administered shortly after the occurrence of a

stroke the individual will not suffer paralysis due to the DMSO immediately

dissolving the blood clot. It is best to administer in first few hours

intravenously but topically or internally works, too. DMSO will stop a

stroke as it is happening. The neck and spinal injured receiving DMSO

treatment directly after the injury may never be paralyzed and will

definitely be far less paralyzed, if any. Prompt use of DMSO after a heart

attack prevents much damaging of the heart muscle. Bursitis in the shoulder

will clear up after 30 days of use. Former Governor Tom McCall was struck

with bursitis and after two dabbings on his shoulder the calcification that

caused the problem was ended. Dr. Hill shows that drops with 50% DMSO (and

cold compresses applied afterward), two drops twice per day, is effective

against cataracts, retinosa pigmentosa, and macular degeneration (see pages

68-69 of DMSO - Nature's Healer by Dr. Morton ). DMSO heals burns

quickly. Stops the pain of a burn when dabbed on it. It reduces swelling,

inflammation and pain of hemorrhoids. DMSO stops any type of Cold Sore, dab

it on just as it is surfacing and it will dry up. Cuts in half - or more -

the time it takes to heal from any sprain. Headaches disappear when DMSO is

applied to the head during a headache. Works on the pain and causes of

rheumatoid arthritis and allows the limb to move again. Pat McGrady found

that DMSO benefited 77% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and 84% with

osteoarthritis. DMSO sped healing and offset injurious effects of radiation

therapy. Spraying DMSO up the nose will stop snoring.

Note from Sandy: In my experience, if you have a hidden infection and you

use DMSO your body will be overwhelmed with dead cells, which causes you to

smell like garlic and, if there is a lot of infection, feel nauseous. When

the infection is removed (by bone scraping surgery, eating apricot kernels,

having hydrogen peroxide IVs, vitamin C IVs, shaking on the Chi Machine to

help circulate the blood, and colonics (a must for thoroughly removing the

dead cells) DMSO can be used liberally all over the body causing no smell

and no vomiting!

There is a lot of information about the value of DMSO on this website for

Chrones, Autism, Cancer, Anaemia,


Here is an interesting article on Vit. B12 http://www.krysalis.net/b12.htm

Blessings Kallie

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Hi Kallie,

I've used DSMO for 4-5 years now for lots of stuff. Mostly pain. I add it to

an infusion of St. 's Wort, Lobelia, and whatever essential oil I think is a

good idea at the time and rub it on sore places.

I once painted my hand with it when I had an UGGGly steam burn. I painted

faithfully letting it dry out in-between paint jobs...and by the time the pain

was gone - about 2 hours - I had the most horrid cartoon monster looking skin

you can imagine where I'd painted it. Went back and looked up the treatment

again and noted people with my skin/coloring probably should dilute it. In that

case, the " cure " looked horrid but it did work, didn't hurt and after about a

week and a half all the wrinkly skin was gone... It was like raisin ridges and


As I understand it, much current research on DMSO being done by folks not named

Stan is with patentable substances that may need carriers---for example,

if an antibiotic can penetrate the outer shell of a virus, the virus can be

killed. They're working to see if DMSO does that since it's absorption is it's

star quality.

Be very careful what's on your skin when you use DMSO. Do not mix it with

something you wouldn't eat or take an injection of...since the DMSO will

transport that substance (all the chemicals in your hand lotion or soap!!) into

the bloodstream. it has the toxicity of water. I highly recommend Morton

's DMSO book...and there's another out by the primary DMSO researcher Dr.

Stan , Zacher and Lawrence that's worth looking at too.

Great stuff. A former pastor (so it may be credible ;-) flew his mom from

miami to portland so she could participate in Dr. 's studies as she had

scleroderma--where the skin calcifies, and internal organs. Her fingers were

drawn backwards she couldn't grip anything; her internal organs were shutting

down from the rigidity. They brought back gallons of DMSO on the plane and

received several other shipments ...the end of the matter is that the

scleroderma was " cured. " No sign or symptom internally or externally. An old

guy my brother let fish on his property used to rub horse liniment that had DMSO

in it on his diabetic ulcers. Apparently it didn't prevent them but it did heal


DMSO is approved by the FDA for use with cystitis. It is available in farm

stores as horse liniment. All the health food stores where I live carry it and

it may be purchased via the internet. It runs around $14 for 8 oz or more.

Read the Morton book to figure out how to tell if what you get is pure




I found this information on the http://www.apricotseeds.org

Does anyone have Morton 's book and has anyone used DMSO and would

share their experience?

~~~~~~~copied & pasted~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

DMSO - Tree Juice

By The Christian Brothers (Ref: DMSO, Nature's Healer by Dr. Morton ,

ISBN 0-89529-548-2)

Put a few drops on your tongue right after ingesting the apricot seeds. DMSO

can be used for a multitude of things and you can get it into your system by

wiping it on your body anywhere. It is suggested to apply it on the tongue

to obtain the maximum benefit from the components of the apricot seeds. DMSO

is used along with the apricot seed extract that is injected into the vein.

You will find many uses for this miracle substance. Please keep a bottle

handy in the medicine cabinet at all times (order 99.5% DMSO at number


On April 3rd 1963, the New York Times called DMSO the closest thing to a

wonder drug - until the FDA got it off the shelves. Mike Wallace had two 60

Minutes programs on DMSO. It is most commonly made from Lignin, the material

that nature uses to cement cells together in trees. By simply dabbing it on

the skin it penetrates directly through to the bloodstream where it reaches

all parts of the body and can be tasted immediately. It is non-toxic and is

also used with other drugs or nutrients as a transporter to bring those

drugs or nutrients deep into the body, permeating every cell. Senator Mark

Hatfield of Oregon testified at a hearing of Senator Kennedy's

(Kennedy was also in charge of the hearing that ultimately banned Laetrile)

and said " After 1,200 scientific publications on the merits of DMSO all of

which conclude that it is safe and effective, after three separate

pharmaceutical firms have submitted four new drug applications to the FDA

(all rejected) DMSO is still mysteriously not available in America, although

it is in other countries.

DMSO and What It Heals

DMSO rapidly penetrates the cells and cleans them of toxins. It dissolves a

virus organism's coating of protein and leaves it unprotected. It is used to

bring the benefits of the apricot seed deep into the body and to tumor and

other undesirable cells. If administered shortly after the occurrence of a

stroke the individual will not suffer paralysis due to the DMSO immediately

dissolving the blood clot. It is best to administer in first few hours

intravenously but topically or internally works, too. DMSO will stop a

stroke as it is happening. The neck and spinal injured receiving DMSO

treatment directly after the injury may never be paralyzed and will

definitely be far less paralyzed, if any. Prompt use of DMSO after a heart

attack prevents much damaging of the heart muscle. Bursitis in the shoulder

will clear up after 30 days of use. Former Governor Tom McCall was struck

with bursitis and after two dabbings on his shoulder the calcification that

caused the problem was ended. Dr. Hill shows that drops with 50% DMSO (and

cold compresses applied afterward), two drops twice per day, is effective

against cataracts, retinosa pigmentosa, and macular degeneration (see pages

68-69 of DMSO - Nature's Healer by Dr. Morton ). DMSO heals burns

quickly. Stops the pain of a burn when dabbed on it. It reduces swelling,

inflammation and pain of hemorrhoids. DMSO stops any type of Cold Sore, dab

it on just as it is surfacing and it will dry up. Cuts in half - or more -

the time it takes to heal from any sprain. Headaches disappear when DMSO is

applied to the head during a headache. Works on the pain and causes of

rheumatoid arthritis and allows the limb to move again. Pat McGrady found

that DMSO benefited 77% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and 84% with

osteoarthritis. DMSO sped healing and offset injurious effects of radiation

therapy. Spraying DMSO up the nose will stop snoring.

Note from Sandy: In my experience, if you have a hidden infection and you

use DMSO your body will be overwhelmed with dead cells, which causes you to

smell like garlic and, if there is a lot of infection, feel nauseous. When

the infection is removed (by bone scraping surgery, eating apricot kernels,

having hydrogen peroxide IVs, vitamin C IVs, shaking on the Chi Machine to

help circulate the blood, and colonics (a must for thoroughly removing the

dead cells) DMSO can be used liberally all over the body causing no smell

and no vomiting!

There is a lot of information about the value of DMSO on this website for

Chrones, Autism, Cancer, Anaemia,


Here is an interesting article on Vit. B12 http://www.krysalis.net/b12.htm

Blessings Kallie

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