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51thru~100~Universal Laws-of 100~PART 2

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51thru~100~Universal Laws-of 100~PART 2


100 Universal Laws- Thanks Dr Jeanine(www.myspace.com/spiritualcoach) 51.

The Law of Magnetic Control. One of the seven laws of our solar system,

under the three major laws. This holds paramountly on the buddhic

plane, and in the development of the control of this law lies hid the

control of the personality by the Monad via the egoic body. A second

description on a very physical/man level, is that every thought we have

creates a match that comes back to us like a boomerang.52.

The Law of Magnetic Impulse. Also known as the first step towards

marriage, or the law of the polar union. It results in an eventual

union between the man or atom and the group which produces harmonious

group relations. It is also known as the law of the polar union, and

the symbol is two fiery balls united by a triangle of fire, thus

picturing the triple interplay between all atomic structures. The ray

energy is radiatory energy of the 2nd ray. Manifesting factor.53.

The Law of Magnetism. This is the law which produces the unifying of a

personality, and though it is an expression of lunar force, is of a

higher order than the law of physical sex. The three aspects are the

stage of high intellectuality, or of artistic attainment. Second is the

stage of discipleship. Third is the stage of treading the Path.54.

The Law of Manifestation. There are actions, sounds, techniques, mental

energy and symbols which when understood, will enable one to manifest

first energy (love, more joy, peace, etc.) into one's aura, then with

practice and increased love held in the heart and emotional body -

physical objects. Thought is a force, even as electricity or

gravitation. The human mind is a spark of the almighty consciousness of

God. Whatever the powerful mind (holding a pure thought - that which

excludes any other thought) believes very intensely will instantly come

to pass.55. The Law of Mantras. Each mantra is a linkage to

a certain aspect of the absolute, a certain manifestation of Divinity.

In true mantra practice, one forgets the fact that the self is

chanting, becomes the mantra itself, and attains the state where

nothing but the mantra exists. One's being then connects with the

higher being the mantra represents if it is the name of a Master Being,

or connects with the ray of light emanating from God if it is a sound

(aum or om, hu, etc.). The practice of chanting mantras is profoundly

beneficial in raising the vibration of self.56.

The Law of Meditation. This law is defined as a current of unified

thought. It is a continuum of mental effort to assimilate the object of

meditation, free from any other effort to assimilate other objects. The

very least that may happen is the calming of self. When meditating on

God, the most profound happening will bring a merging of the two, or

enlightenment, as Buddhists call this occurrence.57. The

Law of Mentalism. "THE ALL is MIND" The All is substantial reality

underlying all the outward manifestations and appearances which we know

as empirical. The material universe, phenomena, matter, energy and all

that is apparent to our material senses. It is spirit undefinable,

unknowable, and thought of as a universal, infinite, living mind. This

Law explains the true nature of energy, power and matter. The Universe

is mental in nature, and mental transmutation is the art of changing

the conditions of the universe, along the lines of matter, force, and

mind. The atom of matter, the unit of force, the mind of man, and the

being of the arch-angel are all but degrees in one scale, and all

fundamentally the same. The difference is solely a matter of degree and

rate of vibration. All are creations of the All, and have their

existence solely within the Infinite Mind of the All.58.

The Law of Miracles. This law is operable by any person who has

realized that the essence of creation is light. A master is able to

employ his/her divine knowledge of light phenomena to project instantly

into perceptible manifestation the ubiquitous light atoms. The actual

form of the projection (whatever it is, water into wine, medicine, a

human body) is determined by the master's wish and by his/her powers of

will and visualization. All events in our precisely adjusted universe

are lawfully wrought and lawfully explicable. The so-called miraculous

powers of a great master are a natural accompaniment to his/her exact

understanding of subtle laws that operate in the inner cosmos of

consciousness. Nothing is a miracle except in the profound sense that

everything is a miracle. Is anything more miraculous than that each of

us is encased in an intricately organized body, and is set upon on

earth whirling through space among the stars?59.

The Law of Monadic Return. This law concerns the 'force of evolution'

and is the sum total of three influences. The strength of vibrations

from the seven stars of the Great Bear depend upon the closeness of the

connection and the accuracy of the alignment between any particular

Heavenly Man and His Prototype. Second is the Seven Sisters, or the

Pleiades. Third is the sun Sirius. It is the appearance or the

disappearance of these waves of life-force which sweeps into

incarnation the divine pilgrims, and which brings about the cyclic

manifestation of such great Lives as the 'Silent Watcher' and the

'Great Sacrifice.' Within limits, man is the controller of his destiny,

wielding forces and energies, manipulating lesser lives and controlling

lesser centres of energy, and as time passes, his radius of control

becomes even more extensive.60. The Law of No Judgements.

The Universal Spirit does not judge us; judgements are human

inventions, a means to compare, contrast and control as we judge

ourselves against artificial, and often idealistic standards of

perfection, morality or truth. Under the law of equalities, our

judgements attract judgement to us in equal measure. The life/karmic

review conducted by yourself after death is a condition of living in

duality/third dimension.61. The Law of Non-Attachment.

Attachment to the self creates karma. Non-attachment to the self

dissolves karma. This non-attachment to the self is made possible

through the realization that the ultimate nature of the self is Empty.

The self does not exist as a separate entity. A full conceptual

understanding needs to occur, but mere conceptual understanding does

not lead to liberation. Many methods have been devised to help human

beings attain this realization, and usually fall into two categories.

The first is 'non-attached behaviour' and the other is called

'spiritual practice.' Through diligent application of these methods, an

individual can free him or herself from the confines of karmically

determined existence. Enlightenment is real and attainable.62.

The Law of Non-Intervention. This law concerns the individual rights of

people and society situations to serve self rather than live in the

vibration of service to others. This law prevents physical beings and

non physical beings from intervening or correcting what they see as

wrong or harmful. If this law is violated, there is great karma

incurring. Another aspect of this law is that spirit is not permitted

to channel material to a recipient that would force a change in the

evolution of the person. There is an exception when the channeller is

willing to undergo a trance, and the consciousness leaves the body for

another consciousness to enter and impart knowledge that was previously

unknown to the individual.63. The Law of One. The Lord is

ONE. All that is, is His - of self, of the universe, of the activities

in the earth. All moves and has its being in Him. So it is in self.

Life itself is the consciousness, the awareness of that Oneness of that

Universal Consciousness in the earth.64.

The Law of Order of Creation. The beginning of law carries all the way

through. And that which comes or begins first is conceived in spirit,

grows in the mental and manifests in the material. First it was the

means and source or manner by which the powers that be made the

centralization for making known to the children of men, and children of

God, the directing forces or powers. Man eventually turned this into

that channel for destructive forces. While man developed in this

direction for many centuries, humans are leaning toward light. We are

reaching toward the critical point of more in the light than in

darkness.65. The Law of Patience. Luke said- "In your

patience possess ye your souls." Patience involves spiritual, mental

and physical thought and action. Through it, we learn to know our self,

to measure and test our ideals, to use faith and to seek understanding

through all the other virtues. Patience allows all other virtues to

manifest more profoundly. Patiently we realize that any fault we see in

another is one we have personal knowledge of from prior experience.

Patiently we seek true understanding, not just knowledge, as we realize

that every soul is totally unique and will come to its enlightenment in

its own time.66. The Law of Patterns. Any habit or pattern,

whether we call it good or bad, tends to reassert itself over time

unless we break that pattern by doing something different. If it is

good, we can reinforce the pattern with small self rewards. We have the

power of spontaneous action, doing old things in new ways, changing and

restructuring our lives and our behaviour. Some of our change ability

is dictated by the ways we learned when we were young. We learned to

make sense of the world by observing patterns, and this has survival

value. We can correct the patterns we see as dysfunctional, negative or

destructive by doing something different that will have sufficient

impact to interrupt the old pattern. 67.

The Law of Perfection. This law concerns the absolute perfection of the

process of our unfolding. From a transcendental perspective, everyone

and everything is unconditionally perfect. From a conventional

viewpoint, perfection doesn't exist. Excellence is the best we can

achieve, and achieving it takes time and practice. When we understand

the larger picture, we understand our role and responsibility in

helping the world we live in to become more loving, giving, kinder and

gentler. When we live up to this responsibility, we expand into the

perfection of our higher selves.68. The Law of Periodicity.

Training for the aspirant will by cyclic, and will have its ebb and

flow, as all else in nature. Times of activity succeed times of

pralaya, and periods of registered contact alternate with periods of

apparent silence. If the student develops as desired, each pralayic

period is succeeded by one of greater activity, and of more potent

achievement. Rhythm, ebb and flow, and the measured beat of the

pulsating life are ever the law of the universe. In learning to respond

to the vibration of the high Places, this rhythmic periodicity must be

borne in mind.69. The Law of Planetary Affinity. This law

is concerned with the connection of the interaction of the planets with

each other and their eventual marriage.70. The Law of

Polarity. Everything is Dual. Everything has poles. Everything has its

pair of opposites. Like and unlike are the same. Opposites are

identical in nature, but different in degree. All paradoxes may be

reconciled. The evidence of this principle is observed in the polarity

of planets and the various celestial bodies that includes our earth,

solar system, and galaxy. Everything has polarity. Without the law of

polarity - light, gravity and electricity would not be possible. On the

mental plane, this principle manifests itself in the heart centre of

each person as the enlightened or dark mind. The Principle of Polarity

makes possible the choices we make on the scale of life between good

and evil, right and wrong, generosity and greed, love and fear, truth

and lies. The law of cause and effect is closely connected to polarity

and holds us true to the choices and actions we make by returning to us

what we have measured out to others. Like the swing of the pendulum, it

always returns where it began. In biblical terms it is expressed as,

"Whatsoever a man sows, so shall he reap." "Do unto others, as you

would have them to you." This principle establishes the paradox or the

dual aspects of reality. "Everything that is, has its double." Positive

and negative, light and darkness, hot and cold, Love and fear,

mortality and Immortality.71. The Law of Prayer and

Meditation. Prayer is a conscious concerted effort to commune with the

Consciousness of Life and its Creator and thus we speak to God. Prayer

is also an aligning, cleansing process opening up our inner-selves to

the Source of all life and demonstrating that we are anxious for

enlightenment and guidance. In prayer we speak to God but so often we

do not wait for a reply. Meditation is the freeing and emptying of

ourselves of obstacles that hinder communication and allow us to

channel the God-Force, spiritually, mentally and physically. Meditation

is likened to God speaking to us, and is the attunement of our physical

and mental bodies to their spiritual Source. "Be still and know that I

am God." In meditation, correctly aligned and unobstructed, the

Creative Forces of God can rise along spiritual and physical channels

in our bodies and be disseminated through sensitive spiritual chakras.

Prayer is the precursor of meditation. Meditate regularly as we meet

the Living God within the temple of our own body, cleansed and


The Law of the Present Moment. Time does not exist. What we refer to as

past and future, have no reality except in our own mental constructs.

The idea of time is a convention of thought and language, a social

agreement. In truth, we only have this moment. When we hold regret for

an occurrence in the past we keep the regret alive with pictures and

feelings we conjure up. When we feel anxiety about the future, we keep

the anxiety alive with the pictures we imagine. Time is the abstract

concept. When we practice remembering that the here and now is all we

have, our present moments improve.73. The Law of Process.

This law is an awareness that we have things to accomplish in our life.

If we wish to reach a certain goal, we must set a direction (create

order), prepare well and proceed in small but sure steps. Any

achievement can be managed in increments. Skipping a single step or

taking a shortcut often results in failure. Also included in this law

is the knowing to appreciate the accomplishment of a step toward a goal.74.

The Law of Progress. It is the basis of the phenomenon of sensation,

which is the key to this solar system of love, our system being a 'Son

of Necessity' or desire. This law is the working out into manifestation

of the informing consciousness of a part of the deva kingdom, and of

certain pranic energies.75. The Law of Prophecy. The only

true future that exists is the desire or will of the Source of all

Creation that none shall be lost and that the future is happening,

unfolding in the I AM, now. Sacred geometry is an aspect, a

manifestation of God's love. People who are able to tune into the

Akashic records and into the Universal Consciousness are sometimes

using sacred geometry to draw a line from the supposed past, present

and then to the future. The ability to use sacred geometry comes with

the raising of vibration to such a degree, the personality gains the

right to assess Akasha for the good of another or self. When reading

the energy going to the future of people on earth one must keep in mind

that this energy changes from moment to moment. While those powerful

prophets of old were correct in their time and some of what they said

has held to present day, much of their prophecies have lost relevancy.

Just by hearing prediction, we change the outcome to some degree.76.

The Law of Radiation. This expression of Divine Activity is one of the

most practical utility. Understanding radiatory, or emanatory condition

of all substances as a specific point in evolution allows one to

approach Reality. It is the outer effect produced by all forms in all

kingdoms when their internal activity has reached such a stage of

vibratory activity that the confining walls of the form no longer form

a prison, but permit the liberation of the subjective essence.

Liberation means the ability of any conscious atom to pass out of one

sphere of energized influence into another of a higher vibration of a

larger and wider expanse of conscious realization.77. The

Law of Rebirth. Each life is an assuming of ancient obligations, a

recovery of old relations, an opportunity for the paying of old

indebtedness, a chance to make restitution and progress, an awakening

of deep-seated qualities, a recognition of old friends and enemies, the

solution of revolting injustices and the explanation of that which

conditions the man and makes him what he is. This law, when understood,

will do much to solve the problems of sex and marriage. It will create

a person who treads more carefully on the path of life.78.

The Law of Rebound. The law of rebound concerns the right of one to

come out of a negative situation stronger and bolder and with more soul

growth than previously experienced. This has been used as an example in

stories since the beginning of mankind. Traumatic situations create the

need for rebound, and the soul often seeks these negative occurrences

to give self and observers a leap in faith.79.

The Law of Repulse. This is also known as the law of all destroying

angels, and its symbol is an angel with a flaming sword, turning in all

directions. It is the Angel guarding the treasure, driving man forth in

search of another way of entrance, thus forcing him through the cycle

of rebirth until he finds the portal of initiation. The ray energy is

rejecting energy of 1st ray, the dispersing factor.80. The

Law of Responsibility. It was God's idea to separate, to give our soul

existence. It was our idea to go away from God into materiality with

the original purpose of profound and speedy soul growth. There are some

souls who have experienced, to some degree, soul loss. God is

responsible for us through love and we are responsible to become or

reclaim this divine love. Once we establish the limits and boundaries

of our responsibility, we can take full charge of that which is our

duty and let go of that which is not. We find more enjoyment supporting

others as we create more harmonious co-operative relationships by

understanding that which falls within our realm of responsibility.

Under this law we understand a person's need to over co-operate to such

an extent that one becomes co-dependent - the condition which is

obsessive focus on other people's lives. This law reminds us to respect

our internal values and find our own point of balance.81.

The Law of Rhythm. Everything flows, out and in; everything has its'

tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in

everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the

swing to the left; rhythm compensates. This principle, on the Physical

Plane, is the most visible of all principles and its power is observed

within the forces of nature which move the waves and tides of our

oceans and the continuous changes of the seasons. It is observed in the

continuous cycles of life, death, and the rebirth of all things, a rise

and fall of governments and nations, a constant creation and

destruction of suns, worlds, and galaxies. On the plane of energy it is

observed in the behaviour of the alternating current wave of

electricity, light, and heat as it vibrates between the positive and

negative pole. Rhythm on the mental plane is experienced as the wide

mood swings displayed in human nature. It can be experienced as extreme

happiness, and then swing to extreme sadness - from a gentle behaviour

to an extremely violent behaviour at the blink of an eye. Rhythm is the

law of compensation and maintains the equilibrium in all things. It

returns to us what we measure out in life. The return swing of the

pendulum is assured without fail and there is no escape from the

effects of this immutable law. This law holds us true to what we

believe, or not believe, and compensates us accordingly. All of nature

follows this law. Rhythm perpetuates the phenomenon of time. The

pendulum-like swing of rhythm is immutable and we can only counteract

its backward swing by mentally polarizing ourselves in a desirable

position on the scale of life. It requires a dedicated personal

commitment to cultivate the unknown within all of us in order to cause

a quantum leap in the evolutionary process of life with all its aches

and pains. This is a mental art that is known to hierophants, adepts,

and masters of all ages. We will fulfil the law one way or another.

Either use the law to our advantage, or become its subject. The door of

universal law swings in all directions. The final result depends what

we have chosen to believe and whether or not our belief system allows

us to see the truth as it really is. If we do not want to know or do

not care, then we will evolve through the standard process of

evolution. Nothing can, or is allowed to stand still. All manifestation

is the result of active energy producing certain results, and

expenditure of energy in any one direction will necessitate an equal

expenditure in an opposite direction.82.The Law of Right

Human Relations. This law helps us define limits of behavioural control

with others in third dimension. Let no one assume to forcibly teach,

counsel or guide, for we all have the greatest of these we could hope

for already within us. While each teacher is in a manner a director,

the individual person may only be a means - not - a way of life. A

strong action may promote refusal and achieve rejection, or it may

encourage one to become dependent on another's will. By not searching

for excellence within, one refuses the gifts already there but not

recognized or realized. In our relationships we achieve greater results

with others by our own fine example and also listening. People answer

their own questions if given enough opportunity. The only real control

we ever have and need is with self.83. The Law of Right to

One's Own Space. This is an aspect of free will, but another law of its

own. Everyone is entitled to make career decisions for self, decide the

belief system one feels comfortable with, and generally create the life

that will allow one to fulfil his or her own birth vision. This is the

right to one's own space, the right to live one's own life (allowing

for parental direction in the developing young person). Overprotective

or controlling parents, friends and even dictators have impeded this

law and right since almost the inception of mankind.84. The

Law of Sacrifice (and Death). One of the seven laws of our solar

system, under the three major laws. This is the controlling factor on

the physical plane. The destruction of the form, in order that the

evolving life may progress, is one of the fundamental methods in

evolution. This is crucifixion, the basic law of all group work, the

governing principle which results in each human unit eventually

becoming a Saviour. It is also known as the Law of those who choose to

die. The symbol is a rosy cross with a golden bird hovering above it.

The ray energy is out-pouring 4th ray. At-one-ing factor.85.

The Law of Schools. (The Law of Love and Light.) This is a mysterious

term used to cover the law as it affects the expansions of

consciousness which an initiate undergoes, and his ability to attract

to himself through knowledge, 1 - his own Higher Self, so as to produce

alignment and illumination, 2 - his Guru, 3 - that which he seeks to

know, 4 - that which he can utilize in his work of service, 5 - other

souls with whom he can work. This law applies to the initiate who has

transcended the stage of self-consciousness.86.

The Law of Service. The law or science of service grows naturally out

of the successful application of the sciences of the antahkarana and

meditation, and is the governing law of the future. With the linking of

soul and personality the light of the soul pours into the brain

consciousness, resulting in the subordination of the lower to the

higher. This identification produces a corresponding activity in the

personal life and the activity we call service. Therein lies the growth

through the service of the race, and through a cultivated

self-forgetfulness. Service is the true science of creation and is a

scientific method of establishing continuity. This is also known as the

law of water and of fishes. The symbol is a pitcher on the head of a

man who stands in the form of a cross. This law is the governing factor

of the age of Aquarius. The ray energy is out-going energy of the 6th

ray, vivifying factor. If the evasion of this law is a conscious

action, there are karmic penalties. This work requires so much

sacrifice of time and personal interest, requiring deliberate effort,

conscious wisdom and the ability to work without attachment.87.

The Law of Sex. This is the term applied to the force which brings

about the physical merging of the two poles in connection with the

animal kingdom, and of man, viewing him as responsive to the call of

his/her animal nature. It concerns itself with the due guarding of the

form in this particular cycle and its perpetuation. It is only powerful

during the period of the duality of the sexes and their separation and,

in the case of man, will be offset by a higher expression of the law

when man is again androgynous.88. The Law of Solar Evolution. This law is the sum total of all the lesser activities.89.

The Law of Solar Union. When the interplay of the Suns is being dealt

with from the material aspect and from the consciousness aspect, this

term is occultly used. It is not possible to enlarge upon it.90.

The Law of Sound. Every living thing in existence has a sound. Through

this knowledge changes will be brought about and new forms developed

through its medium. The release of energy in the atom is linked to the

science of sound. Healing with sound is profoundly effective (vocal

sounds - tuning forks - music). Sound has the power to restore people

to their harmonic patterns. Chanting specific sounds and mantrams

brings about great healing and raising of vibration, and produces

virtually unimaginable results when done with group mantric chanting.

The most powerful mantram known to present man is 'Om mani padme hum'.91.

The Law of Spiritual Approach. This law depicts the conscious act of a

personality to create with its every thought, word and deed the ability

to be the reflection of its god self. Every action is a prayer to the

Creator of All. When this is done with success, the personality becomes

a mirror or reflection of the god self for others to learn from and

emulate. This is a walking, talking example of becoming our higher self.92.

The Law of Spiritual Awakening. A basic level of self-control and

stability is required to maintain the degree of effort required for the

awakening of other states of awareness. Because such awakening brings

with it higher forms of perception and power, self-centred misuse of

the greater perception and power bears proportionally graver karmic

consequence. Spiritual Awakening brings with it the need for moral

impeccability.93. The Law of Summons. Otherwise known as

soul talk, one can learn how to lift the soul from the physical body

and summon another soul, to have a soul to soul talk. This is most

powerful because there is no conscious ego present. The message of love

and or explanation, or plea is received in a most profound manner.94.

The Law of Surrender. Because people so cherish the self, surrendering

is a very frightening experience. A person may experience the surrender

as a leap into an abyss or as death. This may be perceived because s/he

has not yet attained a complete trust and faith in God, the complete

assurance that once the self is abandoned, the being automatically

merges with a higher stage of existence which is necessarily ready and

waiting to accept it. There is no chance for the process not to

function. At the instant of surrender, the entire being of the

individual merges into the specific higher manifestation of reality

that it is in relation to at that point in its development. God streams

into the soul that has managed to negate the self. This is the

surrender of the idea of i.95.

The Law of Synthesis. The Will aspect. One of the three major laws.

Although this law is almost impossible for any but the buddhic faculty

to understand the scope of this law, it demonstrates the fact that all

things - abstract and concrete - exist as one. It is a unit of His

thought, a thought form in its entirety, a concrete whole, and not the

differentiated process that we feel our evolving system to be. It is

the sum total, the centre and the periphery, and the circle of

manifestation regarded as a unit. It is the primary law of a Heavenly

Man. The law of attraction has full sway. The law of economy is

transcended.96. The Law of Teaching. This law concerns the

responsibility people have to pass on that which they learn, for the

continuation of the human race to benefit by this information, if it is

in the higher interest of people to learn the acquired information.97.

The Law of Telepathy. The will, projected from the point between the

eyebrows, is known as the broadcasting apparatus of thought. When the

feeling is calmly concentrated on the heart, it acts as a mental radio,

and can receive the messages of others from far or near. In telepathy

the fine vibrations of thoughts in one person's mind are transmitted

through the subtle vibrations of astral ether and then through the

grosser earthly ether, creating electrical waves which, in turn,

translate themselves into thought waves in the mind of another person.98.

The Law of Three Requests. Whenever we pray or request a higher power

to assist, we bring stronger energy to the effort by repeating our

request/prayer three times.99. The Law of Time. The only

moment we have is now. This is where we create. What we have done is

done and that moment in history exists only as a record or energy trace

in time and space. The consequences of past actions are atoned through

karma, and can be rewritten to a degree. The FUTURE only ever happens

in and from the present tense and is built of today's thoughts, dressed

by emotion and driven by action. Activity is the key. Third dimension

living has more rigid structure of time than fourth dimension

existence. There are those who can slip into 'no time' but these are

people who have raised their personal vibration (demonstrating many

virtues, dispensed a great deal of karma and much killing of the ego)

and accessed the information to create the ability. Third dimension

linear time was created for those living under this veil of

forgetfulness to centre in the moment and perceive a sense of order

without the remembrance of burdens of past lives.100. The

Law of Unconditional Love. This is a condition as well as a law of

third dimension living. Loving ourselves and other people as they are,

is honouring self and another's self and soul path. It is loving

without judgement or reservation, an awareness we are all part of God

or the All. When we love without condition or restraint we connect in a

profound manner with our own higher self. We notice that we say the

right things at the right time in our communication with others while

loving unconditionally. Life and events seem to flow to us in a more

joyous and agreeable manner. Everything seems easy when living in

unconditional love.Love~All~Ways*~Karma*

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