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The weather by me...

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Wow, you all are really catching it. It was 65 degrees here today after being cold this weekend. Lots of people are getting upper respiratory problems from it.

In a message dated 2/4/2008 6:02:55 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, no_reply writes:

Yesterday we had about eight inches of snow on the ground leftover from the last snowstorn. Maybe ten. It snowed three inches overnight and now the temperature is above freezing and melting the snow into slush. We have a huge amount of fog around here now that is so thick you can barely see. Tuesday night into Wednesday morning, 6 to 10 more inches of snow is expected to fall.TomAdministrator Who's never won? Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.

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A few years ago when we had our last respectable snowfall, it was typical Virginia snow: Snow underneath with a crust of ice on top. Around the way from here there is an open place by the road toward the creek, near where I took a couple of the pictures of the high water. It was night time and I had decided to go out for a walk. The crust of snow was thick enough there that I was able to walk on it, if I was slow and careful, and only dent the surface a little. I had walked out a ways and hadn't broken through and was just on the edge of the streetlight. A car came around and highlighted me standing there. They slowed and then took off. I was sideways to them, sort of. I guess it freaked them out that here was a person standing in the middle of the snow, but with no tracks.

The vampires in Salem's Lot were like that, able to walk on the snow but leave no tracks. I thought about that afterwards and maybe that is what spooked them.

Spooky, like a King novel it is.Who's never won? Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.

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I'd like to see those pics too. I think in the story I mentioned, what didn't help the people was that I was wearing my black officer's trenchcoat from high school. That aloone would have looked strange because I could barely fit in it then, and I had on my black wool knit cap pulled lost and a scarf around my neck and up to just under my nose. It was very cold that night. I wish I had a pic of that actually. Can't even come close to putting that old coat on anymore though.

Just goes to show what may look supernatural isn't always the case. Iused to do that kind of thing too when the chance came around. Ithought it was just neat to leave no trace and leave people wondering orwalk thin ice and have someone come behind me stomp right through.I went out tonight with the kids to the nearby park and practiced takingphotos with my new camera. My hubby is good to indulge my hobby so Inow must learn all new buttons locations etc.. It will take me sometime to get used to it and I thought this fog would be an opportune timeto play with the settings. I'll post our Jack the Ripper like fog walksometime tomorrow.KimWho's never won? Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.

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Yesterday we had about eight inches of snow on the ground leftover from

the last snowstorn. Maybe ten. It snowed three inches overnight and now

the temperature is above freezing and melting the snow into slush. We

have a huge amount of fog around here now that is so thick you can

barely see.

Tuesday night into Wednesday morning, 6 to 10 more inches of snow is

expected to fall.



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> Yesterday we had about eight inches of snow on the ground leftover


> the last snowstorn. Maybe ten.

Shoveled that at my home and two of my older neighbor's homes.

> It snowed three inches overnight

A panic stricken me who absolutely HATES driving on the expressway,

drove my daughter back from her friends and was on the Bishop Ford in

close to white out conditions last night.

> and now the temperature is above freezing and melting the snow into

slush. We

> have a huge amount of fog around here now that is so thick you can

> barely see.

Spooky, like a King novel it is.

> Tuesday night into Wednesday morning, 6 to 10 more inches of snow is

> expected to fall.

My poor hubby was called in yesterday at 4:30pm and worked till 3:30

this afternoon with no relief. They had to call guys in early yesterday

before the majority got drunk watching the Super Bowl. I better send

him to bed now before the next wave hits.


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The last time we got this much snow was the " Blizzard of '79 " when we

got a few feet in a few days. This time we have spread it out over a

longer time period. Before that, there was the " Blizzard of '67 " when

we got hit with the snow all at once. I was not even a figment of my

parents imaination in 1967.



Wow, you all are really catching it. It was 65 degrees here today after

being cold this weekend. Lots of people are getting upper respiratory

problems from it.

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I think you are also thinking of the short story: One for the Road " in

King's anthology Skeleton Crew. That was the story in which a

guy leaves his family parked in the snow (the car is stuck) near

Jerusalem's Lot (for which the novel 'Salems Lot is named, and he goes

off to find help. He comes back and his family are gone, but they soon

return...as vampires, walking on the snow.



The vampires in Salem's Lot were like that, able to walk on the snow

but leave no tracks. I thought about that afterwards and maybe that is

what spooked them.

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I think you are also thinking of the short story: One for the Road " in

King's anthology Skeleton Crew. That was the story in which a

guy leaves his family parked in the snow (the car is stuck) near

Jerusalem's Lot (for which the novel 'Salems Lot is named, and he goes

off to find help. He comes back and his family are gone, but they soon

return...as vampires, walking on the snow.



The vampires in Salem's Lot were like that, able to walk on the snow

but leave no tracks. I thought about that afterwards and maybe that is

what spooked them.

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> The vampires in Salem's Lot were like that, able to walk on the snow


> leave no tracks. I thought about that afterwards and maybe that is

what spooked

> them.



Just goes to show what may look supernatural isn't always the case. I

used to do that kind of thing too when the chance came around. I

thought it was just neat to leave no trace and leave people wondering or

walk thin ice and have someone come behind me stomp right through.

I went out tonight with the kids to the nearby park and practiced taking

photos with my new camera. My hubby is good to indulge my hobby so I

now must learn all new buttons locations etc.. It will take me some

time to get used to it and I thought this fog would be an opportune time

to play with the settings. I'll post our Jack the Ripper like fog walk

sometime tomorrow.


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> Before that, there was the " Blizzard of '67 " when

> we got hit with the snow all at once. I was not even a figment of my

> parents imaination in 1967.

> Tom

> Administrator

My mom was on her way to the hospital with my older twin sibs during

that one. Recently my kids asked me if we ever put chains on our tires.

I have to say I don't remember them but the story was that my dad did

during the 67' storm.


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The story my dad always tells is of a snowplow that got stuck on Lake

Shore Drive. It had to be abandoned until the Drive could get shoveled




My mom was on her way to the hospital with my older twin sibs during

that one. Recently my kids asked me if we ever put chains on our tires.

I have to say I don't remember them but the story was that my dad did

during the 67' storm.


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The story my dad always tells is of a snowplow that got stuck on Lake

Shore Drive. It had to be abandoned until the Drive could get shoveled




My mom was on her way to the hospital with my older twin sibs during

that one. Recently my kids asked me if we ever put chains on our tires.

I have to say I don't remember them but the story was that my dad did

during the 67' storm.


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> I'd like to see those pics too.

Thinking how busy tomorrow will be, my son is serving as a judge and

must be at the polling place at five am so I went ahead and put them up

tonight. I'm disappointed with the shots mainly because I should have

taken them in BW. I would have enhanced them but I am in the process of

ordering a new hard drive and uninstalled my adobe elements. I also

need to finish reading all of the manual but I do so love just to take

my new toy and play.


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> I'd like to see those pics too.

Thinking how busy tomorrow will be, my son is serving as a judge and

must be at the polling place at five am so I went ahead and put them up

tonight. I'm disappointed with the shots mainly because I should have

taken them in BW. I would have enhanced them but I am in the process of

ordering a new hard drive and uninstalled my adobe elements. I also

need to finish reading all of the manual but I do so love just to take

my new toy and play.


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" I'm disappointed with the shots mainly because I should have

taken them in BW. "

The pictures are evocative, but the arc sodium lights do diminish the

impression as you say. We have white lights over here, and so they

compliment the fog whether you take a picture in color or in black and




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