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The Violet Flame

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The Violet Flame The Ascended Masters engender our greatest spiritual growth and evolution through the practice of the Violet Flame.Simply

stated the Violet Flame is the practice of balancing karmas of the past

through transmutation, forgiveness, and mercy. This leads to the

opening of the Spiritual Heart and the development of

bhakti-unconditional love and compassion. The

history of the Violet Flame is unique. According to the Ascended Master

legend, the Violet Flame was first transmitted by the Lords of Venus as

a spiritual consciousness during the end times of Lemuria to clear the

Earth's etheric and psychic realms and the lower atmosphere of negative

forces and energies. This paved the way for its religious use during

the times of Atlantis and is claimed that the great temples existed

where the Violet Flame could be physically seen. Seven Temples of

Purification, located in present-day Cuba before the sinking of the

Atlantean continent featured the visibly manifest Violet Flame, which was centered on their altars. These

temples were presided over by Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and the

Brotherhood established there was known as The Order of Zadkiel. These

Violet Flame Temples still exist today in the etheric realm over Cuba.The

Violet Flame is sometimes identified as a higher energy of the planet

Saturn and the Blue Ray. Since Saturn's energies at this level are

described as detached and free from an emotional nature, the Violet

Flame frees one beyond the cares of the World. Another

pronounced attribute of the Violet Flame is alchemy, and it is a

scientific fact that violet light has the shortest wavelength and

highest frequency in the visible spectrum. Because of this, the Violet

Flame induces a point of transition to the next octave of light. The

Violet Flame is always used in the inner retreats of the Ascended

Masters and Saint Germain is well known for perfecting its use and

sharing its many applications with Chelas and Students. Invocations

of the Violet Flameare applied in many visualizations, meditations,

prayers, decrees, and mantras. While its primary focus is to balance

negative personal and planetary karmas, using the Violet Flame often

produces feelings of peace, tranquility, and inner harmony. It has the

ability to lift lower vibrating energy fields of blame, despair, and

fear into forgiveness and understanding-paving the path for Love. Saint

Germain says, "If you are having trouble in utilizing that law, it is

as simple as taking a few seconds and visualizing that Violet Flame

streaming forth from your feet and extending to the top of your head.

You'll feel it first as an electrical shock throughout your system- as

it stimulates each of the centers of light upon the physical body. This

is the assistance and the gift from the Lords of Venus so you would

someday understand the ONE that is contained within each and everyone

of you. A Violet Flame DecreeA

Violet Flame Decree follows as given by Saint Germain on June 20, 2000

in the lesson, "Path Of Light." It is also important to understand that

when a Master Teacher gives a mantra or a decree in a spiritual lesson

that the words are sacred and contain a mystical vibration when spoken.

Decrees that are translated into written form are also very important

as they can be memorized for oral recitation. Mighty Violet Ray,Stream forth from the Mighty Logos of the Great Central Sun. Anchor the rays of Transmutation,Forgiveness, and Compassion within my heart. May this Violet Rayemanate throughout my being! May this Violet Ray servethe cause, divine! Mighty Violet Ray comeforth in the emanation ofThe Christ. Mighty Violet Ray come forth in the emanation of I AM that I AM! Mighty Violet Ray,Serve those who comeforward to serve a causedivine! Align the Great Heart of Compassion and the GreatWill of the Divine Order tocome forth in cause divine! Mighty Violet Ray,I AM that I AM! Mighty Violet Ray,I AM the beginning, I AMthe end! Mighty Violet Ray,I AM the Alpha, the Omega! Mighty Violet Ray,So Be It,It Is Done!

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> The Violet Flame The Ascended Masters engender our greatest

> spiritual growth and evolution through the practice of the Violet


> Simply stated the Violet Flame is the practice of balancing karmas


> the past through transmutation, forgiveness, and mercy. This leads


> the opening of the Spiritual Heart and the development of

> bhakti-unconditional love and compassion. The history of the


> Flame is unique. According to the Ascended Master legend, the Violet

> Flame was first transmitted by the Lords of Venus as a spiritual

> consciousness during the end times of Lemuria to clear the Earth's

> etheric and psychic realms and the lower atmosphere of negative


> and energies. This paved the way for its religious use during the


> of Atlantis and is claimed that the great temples existed where the

> Violet Flame could be physically seen. Seven Temples of


> located in present-day Cuba before the sinking of the Atlantean

> continent featured the visibly manifest Violet Flame, which was

> centered on their altars.

> These temples were presided over by Archangels Zadkiel and


> and the Brotherhood established there was known as The Order of


> These Violet Flame Temples still exist today in the etheric realm


> Cuba.

> The Violet Flame is sometimes identified as a higher energy of the

> planet Saturn and the Blue Ray. Since Saturn's energies at this


> are described as detached and free from an emotional nature, the


> Flame frees one beyond the cares of the World.

> Another pronounced attribute of the Violet Flame is alchemy, and it

is a

> scientific fact that violet light has the shortest wavelength and

> highest frequency in the visible spectrum. Because of this, the


> Flame induces a point of transition to the next octave of light.

> The Violet Flame is always used in the inner retreats of the


> Masters and Saint Germain is well known for perfecting its use and

> sharing its many applications with Chelas and Students.


> of the Violet Flameare applied in many visualizations, meditations,

> prayers, decrees, and mantras. While its primary focus is to balance

> negative personal and planetary karmas, using the Violet Flame often

> produces feelings of peace, tranquility, and inner harmony. It has


> ability to lift lower vibrating energy fields of blame, despair, and

> fear into forgiveness and understanding-paving the path for Love.

> Saint Germain says, " If you are having trouble in utilizing that

law, it

> is as simple as taking a few seconds and visualizing that Violet


> streaming forth from your feet and extending to the top of your


> You'll feel it first as an electrical shock throughout your system-


> it stimulates each of the centers of light upon the physical body.


> is the assistance and the gift from the Lords of Venus so you would

> someday understand the ONE that is contained within each and

everyone of

> you. A Violet Flame Decree

> A Violet Flame Decree follows as given by Saint Germain on June 20,


> in the lesson, " Path Of Light. " It is also important to understand


> when a Master Teacher gives a mantra or a decree in a spiritual


> that the words are sacred and contain a mystical vibration when


> Decrees that are translated into written form are also very

important as

> they can be memorized for oral recitation. Mighty Violet Ray,

> Stream forth from the

> Mighty Logos of the Great Central Sun. Anchor the rays of

> Transmutation,

> Forgiveness, and Compassion within my heart. May this Violet Ray

> emanate throughout my being! May this Violet Ray serve

> the cause, divine! Mighty Violet Ray come

> forth in the emanation of

> The Christ. Mighty Violet Ray come

> forth in the emanation of

> I AM that I AM! Mighty Violet Ray,

> Serve those who come

> forward to serve a cause

> divine! Align the Great Heart of

> Compassion and the Great

> Will of the Divine Order to

> come forth in cause

> divine! Mighty Violet Ray,

> I AM that I AM! Mighty Violet Ray,

> I AM the beginning, I AM

> the end! Mighty Violet Ray,

> I AM the Alpha,

> the Omega! Mighty Violet Ray,

> So Be It,

> It Is Done!


Thank You Liane!!! When I first called on the Mighty Violet Ray, the

Gift of Calming Love came appone myself and my surroundings in such a

way that it was easy to notice. Keep blessing us with your wisdom

and enlightenment so we all can continue our desire to know the One

Love that is before us now and forever!!!

Sincerely Yours in Love, Light and Happiness

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