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Happiness Is Only A Thought Away

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Happiness Is Only A Thought Away

Consciously choosing your thoughts to create happiness

by Sunny Wang, Insightful Spirit

Everyone has a different definition for his/her version of joy. Some

find it in relationships (loving or not-so-loving), money, sex,

alcohol, drugs, movies (comedy, drama, action, horror.), TV programs,

sports (watching or playing), exercise, shopping, food, games, outdoor

activities, animal companions, giving, taking, being praised, getting

validation, being admired, rebelling, speed, reading, writing, music

(listening, playing, or creating), noise, pride, gossiping,

complaining, being right, art (creating or appreciating), loving, to

be loved, ownership of cars, houses, large items, power tools, and


This list can go on and on forever. Some of the things on the list may

seem familiar to you, and some quite foreign. How can there be such

diversity in things people find joy in? That's a billion dollar

question!! Ponder that for a while!

Did you take a few minutes to explore possible answers? One

perspective that is probably most inline with the universal truth is

that " Joy is everywhere " . Of course, in the world of duality, " Joy is

nowhere " may also stand true for some people. Based on the Law of

Attraction, what you believe is what the Universe will bring to you.

The choice is not hard to make. In my world, I chose " Joy is everywhere " !

" If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track

that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that

you ought to be living is the one you are living. Wherever you are --

if you are following your bliss, you are enjoying that refreshment,

that life within you, all the time. "


Many interpret " Follow Your Bliss " as find and follow the things,

events and people that bring you happiness and joy. That is a common

approach and has worked for many people for a long time. Let's look at

an alternative perspective/application for " Follow Your Bliss " . For

the purpose of distinguishing the difference, we will use the term

" Follow Your Joy " .

When we are willing to see the possibility of " Joy is everywhere " ,

then we take a step at a time, to find out what is keeping us from

seeing the joy.

Take crying: When we see someone crying, our first responses may be "

What's wrong? " or " Are you OK? " There is a societal belief that when

someone is crying, something MUST be wrong, not OK, or maybe that it

is BAD to cry.

Some of us may have experiences in that we have " had a GOOD cry " . This

expression is literal. After you get done crying, you feel good. If we

have a belief that " I shouldn't cry " or " Crying is for sissies " , then

the entire time we really needed to let the tears flow, we resisted

it. Then we don't feel good during or after the cry. When we remove

the beliefs that keep us from " enjoying crying " , then crying becomes a


In this situation, the thought and judgment we learned in the past

about crying is what's keeping us from seeing the joy in crying.

Abraham-Hicks, a group of non-physical spiritual teachers channeled by

Esther Hicks, have spoken about our Emotional Guidance System. When we

encounter emotions that feel BAD, it is an opportunity to examine our

thoughts. Our thoughts that we took as truth are the reason that we

feel bad. When we establish a new thought or belief that is inline

with Universal truth, then the BAD feelings dissolve.

Don Ruiz showed tremendous wisdom in his book " The Voice of

Knowledge " . Everything we know and believe, we learned from somewhere.

We learned in our childhood that we needed to behave a certain way to

be loved; that we needed to perform well in school to be accepted or

be successful. We live these principles as truth for a long time until

we struggle through life and wonder why we are not happy. Ah! These

are just stories that we were told. And we continued to tell ourselves

the same old stories.

Byron , author of Loving What Is, www.thework.org, has developed

a very effective self-questioning process to investigate our mind.

When we make a complaint or statement about something or someone,

Byron teaches people the following four questions to investigate

our thoughts.

Is it true?

Can you absolutely know that it's true?

How do you react when you believe that thought?

Who would you be without the thought?

This self-questioning process turns our conclusion of

things/events/people we feel so BAD about into a comical journey of

discovery about what we hang onto as truth that gave ourselves so much

grief. Log on www.thework.org and listen to the audio interviews and

you will see for yourself.

All drama, chaos and struggle in our lives are reflections of our own

accumulated beliefs and stories. So the fastest and easiest way to

find happiness is by removing our old beliefs and stories, and choose

a new perspective. This is where we start to find purpose in

everything and perfection in the Universe's natural order.

Redefining " PERFECTION " is a great place to start. We used to think

perfection is a state of flawlessness. When any one thing has a

purpose of existence that promotes change or benefits another, this

one thing is perfect for what it does. If you choose to adapt this

thought in your life, everything becomes perfect. Every action and

everyone is perfect. Every mistake we ever thought we made, becomes a

perfect step that propels us forward for the higher good. There are no

more failures, and no more judgments on ourselves or anyone else.

Begin to find life's every little perfections. Learn to see each of

these perfections in its own perspective. Appreciate these perfections

the way they are. Now take a leap of faith and find that perfection

within yourself. See exactly how in every step of your life you have

evolved perfectly, and how each decision you have made puts you in a

perfect place. Now look at your thoughts and consciously choose the

ones that bring you Love, Peace and JOY.

© 2007, Sunny Wang. Sunny Wang is an intuitive counselor, channeler

and healer. She helps people find their inner-connection to the Divine

power and wisdom, and assists them, with the Law of Attraction, create

the life of their desire. She can be reached at 919-874-7401, or

Blissfulsunny@.... Her website is www.InsightfulSpirit.com

Much love to you,







" Breathe deep, walk slow, hold tight to those you love, for the sun is

setting and it will be over so fast. "

-- Ken Pierpont

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